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Kapitel 118: [Spiritual Cases Arc] Part 118: The Ones Who Hunt Souls

A heavy silence enveloped the group after Soi Fon's decisive strike against Baishin. Rukia and Kon remained on edge, their eyes darting nervously, anticipating a possible retaliation from the formidable foe. Yato and Ichigo exchanged a glance, their expressions a mix of relief and tension, unsure of what might happen next.

As Baishin's face lit up with a brilliant glow, his grin widened, radiating an eerie sense of satisfaction. It was as though he had come to terms with his fate, embracing the inevitable outcome.

Slowly, the mark on Baishin's face expanded, stretching to an otherworldly size, dwarfing even the shinigami himself. With a mysterious aura surrounding him, Baishin vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the lingering image of the colossal butterfly mark etched across the sky.

Kon: "He's dead?" - The mod-soul asked, bewildered, as he struggled to grasp the unfolding events.

A faint glimmer of light emanated from the dissipating mark, revealing the solitary, serrated blade of the zanpakutō as it descended gracefully to the ground.

Ichigo's chest rose and fell with a heavy breath as he released the tension in his muscles, letting Zangetsu rest casually on his shoulder. His brow furrowed in thought, eyes fixed on the spot where Baishin once stood. Beside him, Yato mirrored Ichigo's contemplative demeanor, a mix of emotions swirling behind his gaze.

Rukia watched the scene unfold, her brows knitting together in concern.

Rukia: "What's wrong with those two...?" - She murmured quietly to herself, her gaze flitting between Ichigo and Yato, sensing a shared weight in their expressions.

After a few moments of silence, they all approached the fallen zanpakutō, its presence fleeting as it began to disintegrate, carried away by the gentle breeze.

Yoruichi, with a furrowed brow, broke the silence, her arms folding across her chest.

Yoruichi: "What's going on with you two?" - She asked, her gaze shifting between Yato and Ichigo.

Yato glanced away, avoiding direct eye contact with the others, a hint of discomfort evident in his expression.

Yato: "Nothing." - He muttered, his tone clipped, clearly not eager to delve into the topic.

Ichigo: "Baishin kept saying 'I am a blade' all the time. And as we fought, I understood better what he meant... even the fact that he didn't carry a zanpakutō." - His brow furrowed, conveying deep thought as he gazed briefly at Yato. - "You caught onto that too, didn't you?"

Yato: "Unfortunately." - He replied with a hint of resignation, his eyes reflecting a mix of understanding and concern.

Rukia: "What do you mean by that...?"

Ichigo: "Baishin somehow merged with his own zanpakutō." - He explained, his tone tinged with realization. - "He consumed his own zanpakutō in an attempt to become stronger."

Kon scratched his head in confusion, struggling to grasp the gravity of the situation, while Rukia, Yoruichi, and Soi Fon exchanged surprised glances, absorbing Ichigo's revelation with varying degrees of shock and concern.

Yato: "And because of that, he couldn't separate from his zanpakutō. That's why he started absorbing so much spiritual power from others to use as a sort of explosive in hopes of separating from the zanpakutō even if it meant dying in the process." - He remarked, his gaze fixed on the spot where Baishin had vanished.

Rukia: "Consuming one's own zanpakutō..." - She murmured, incredulous.

Yato: 'I don't remember the details of how Baishin merged, but him having consumed his own zanpakutō already explains his meltdown. The idiot literally consumed himself... but at least it gives me an idea that after Shikai and Bankai... some kind of fusion with the zanpakutō is indeed possible... maybe something beyond Bankai...?' - He pondered, lost in thought.

Soi Fon: "Well, with Baishin out of the way, that's one less headache to deal with. Since the Bounts aren't aggressively pursuing direct conflict, it should pave the way for Soul Society to reestablish communication with the world of the living and keep the Senkaimons open."

Rukia: "Are you planning on heading back to Soul Society, captain Soi Fon?"

Soi Fon: "My objective was to uncover who was causing the disturbances and eliminate the threat posed by Baishin. Now that he's no longer a danger, and the Bounts are not directly engaging, there's little reason for me to remain here. I will report back to the Soul Society and assess the situation further."

Her gaze swept over the group, lingering on each member for a moment before settling on Yato. Soi Fon's eyes narrowed as she locked onto Yato. She remembered his earlier provocations and found herself unable to shake off the annoyance they had stirred within her. Yato, in turn, regarded her with a disdainful expression, a subtle smirk playing on his lips.

Yoruichi, sensing the tension escalating, swiftly positioned herself between Soi Fon and Yato, her presence serving as a barrier to prevent any impulsive actions.

Yoruichi: "Enough of this. We've just faced a powerful adversary, and now is not the time for internal conflicts."

Soi Fon shot a final glare at Yato before reluctantly tearing her gaze away, her frustration evident. Her lips tightened into a thin line, and with a swift motion, she disappeared from sight, utilizing Shunpō to leave the scene. Yoruichi sighed, her shoulders slumping momentarily before she turned her attention to Yato, Ichigo, Rukia and Kon.

Yoruichi: "I'll head back to Kisuke's shop and fill him in on what happened here. It's crucial that he's aware of the events. You three should regroup and keep an eye on the Bounts. We don't know what they might be planning."

With those words, Yoruichi's form blurred, and she too vanished, utilizing Shunpō to leave the battlefield.

Yato, Rukia, Ichigo, and Kon stood amidst the fading echoes of the battle, their expressions a mixture of relief and weariness.

For a moment, no one spoke, the gravity of their recent victory hanging heavily in the air. Then, Rukia broke the silence.

Rukia: "Now that Baishin's been taken care of, we should probably check in on everyone else."

Ichigo nodded in agreement, his gaze distant, still processing the intensity of the conflict they had just emerged from.

Ichigo: "Yeah... we should go see how everyone's doing."

Yato, his shoulders slumped with exhaustion, merely sighed in assent, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down on him.

As Ichigo took the lead, charging ahead with determined strides with Kon trailing behind him, Rukia's gaze drift back to Yato. She watched him closely, a flicker of concern flashing in her eyes as she observed the weariness etched into his features.

With a subtle movement, Rukia reached out as if to place a comforting hand on Yato's arm, but she hesitated, her hand hovering in the air for a fleeting moment. Her brow furrowed, conflicted emotions swirling within her.

Yato, sensing Rukia's gaze upon him, turned to meet her eyes, his expression guarded yet vulnerable. For a moment, their gazes locked, a silent exchange passing between them, laden with unspoken words and shared experiences.

In that fleeting moment, Rukia saw a side of Yato she hadn't witnessed before—the hesitation, the fatigue, the weight of battle weighing heavily upon him. It was a stark contrast to the confident facade he often wore, revealing a vulnerability that tugged at her heartstrings.

But before Rukia could act on her impulse, Yato offered her a faint, reassuring smile, his eyes softening with gratitude. With a silent nod, he indicated that he was alright, despite the exhaustion evident in his demeanor.

Reluctantly, Rukia withdrew her hand, her heart heavy with unspoken concern for Yato's well-being. As he turned to follow Ichigo, she followed suit, falling into step beside him, a silent guardian by his side.


Tatsuki, Orihime, Chad, Kurōdo, and Noba arrived at the location where the mod-souls had sensed the Bount's presence and cautiously entered the dilapidated warehouse. The air was thick with tension as they navigated through the dimly lit corridors, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the walls.

Noba dashed ahead, his movements fluid yet cautious. As the group caught up to him, they found him standing before a fallen man, his features obscured by the shadows cast by the flickering lights above.

Tatsuki's voice broke the silence, her concern evident as she addressed Orihime, who was trailing behind.

Tatsuki: "Orihime, try to do something–"

But her words trailed off as they watched in horror as the man before them began to disintegrate, starting from the crown of his head and gradually descending downward. His clothes slumped into a heap as he crumbled to dust, leaving behind only a small mound of particles where he once lay.

Kurōdo: "Damn it, we arrived too late..."

Tatsuki's frustration boiled inside her, evident in the tightening of her fists. She felt a surge of regret for not being able to offer aid to the fallen man. As her emotions intensified, her latent powers stirred, causing her eyes to flicker with a faint glow. With a quick glance around, she noticed an unusual energy signature emanating from the upper levels of the warehouse.

Before Tatsuki could voice her frustration or inquire about the mysterious presence, a shadowy figure materialized in front of one of the warehouse windows, silhouetted against the moonlit sky. It was unmistakably a man, but his features were obscured by the moon's glare, leaving his identity shrouded in mystery.

Man: "I reckon it's a bit late for formalities... but it's a pleasure to meet you all nonetheless." - He spoke courteously, his voice carrying a hint of amusement.

Tatsuki: "So it was you who did this!?" - She practically roared, her fists clenched tightly at her sides, her muscles tensed with anger.

Man: "What are you talking about? Are you referring to that?" - He remarked seriously, his gaze shifting briefly to where the man had been before turning into dust. - "Ah, yes, I just had a little snack." - He commented with a smirk, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Tatsuki: "A snack!? You bastard!! Don't mess with me!!" - Tatsuki's teeth became more pronounced as her anger intensified, her eyes narrowing into slits as she glared at the man before her.

Man: "Mess with you? Goodness... don't act so revolting... after all, food shouldn't talk."

Orihime, Chad, and the mod-souls Kurōdo and Noba braced themselves for a possible confrontation, but none were as quick as Tatsuki. With a fierce determination etched across her face, Tatsuki's muscles tensed as she darted behind the Bount in the blink of an eye. With a swift and forceful kick, she propelled the Bount into the warehouse, his body slamming violently against the wall with a resounding thud. The impact echoed through the empty space, reverberating with the intensity of Tatsuki's anger.

After the crash, the man emerged from the wreckage of the warehouse, brushing off the dust with a nonchalant air despite the small cut on his forehead.

Man: "Kids these days..." - His voice carried a hint of exasperation as he surveyed the scene.

He stood tall and lean, his wavy brown-red hair framing his face in a disheveled yet stylish manner. His maroon eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and annoyance, and his thin, flat eyebrows furrowed slightly in response to the chaos around him. With pronounced cheekbones and a thick goatee tracing the contours of his jawline, he exuded an aura of confidence and mystery.

Chad and Orihime had already activated their powers, their expressions focused and determined. Tatsuki, fueled by righteous anger, swiftly joined their ranks, her movements reflecting her determination to confront the Bount head-on. Meanwhile, the mod-souls watched with unwavering attention, ready to support their allies in whatever way they could.

Man: "Honestly, I didn't plan on indulging again, seeing as I'm already stuffed... but your souls seem to be quite the delicacy... much to my dismay, I'll have to make an exception..." - He spoke with a sinister smirk, his maroon eyes gleaming with hunger as he licked his lips with a strangely large and pointed tongue.

Tatsuki: "I'll tear you apart!!" - She snarled, her fists clenched tightly as her eyes blazed with fury.

Orihime looked worriedly at Tatsuki, as her friend seemed to be acting like a wild beast.

Meanwhile, the man calmly retrieved a golden pocket watch with a chain from his vest pocket, his movements deliberate and controlled. With a swift motion of his hand, he flared the chain outward, his demeanor unwavering.

Man: "Zeig Dich, Fried!" - He commanded, and the pocket watch, along with the chain, transformed into a medium-sized golden snake with black horizontal stripes along its back and two inward-curving vertical stripes on the top of its head. Its green eyes glinted with malice as it coiled and hissed.


Nemu, Uryū, and Ririn pressed on, tracking down one of the Bounts. This time, their encounter was different; instead of stumbling upon an unconscious victim, they found a woman in the midst of attempting to absorb the soul of another person.

As the trio closed in, the Bount became aware of their presence and attempted to flee. However, Ririn's illusions disoriented her, causing her to struggle to find an escape route. Before long, she found herself surrounded.

Woman: "Damn..." - The woman muttered, her frustration evident.

Nemu: "You have nowhere to run." - Her voice was calm, but firm, as she addressed the Bount.

Woman: "Is that so...?" - There was a hint of defiance in her tone, indicating that she wasn't easily intimidated.

In response, Nemu adjusted her stance, readying herself for a confrontation. Behind her, Ririn and Uryū stood ready to support her.

Woman: "I wish I didn't have to fight..." - Her words carried a sense of reluctance, spoken more to herself than to her adversaries. However, Nemu caught the remark, and her expression hardened slightly, betraying her resolve.

The woman extended her hands gracefully, revealing the silver bracelet adorning her right wrist and a thimble-like object covering her left middle finger. Intricate symbols etched into these items began to shimmer with an intense orange glow.

Woman: "Zeig Dich, Goethe!"

With those words, a surge of energy erupted around her, coalescing into fierce flames that twisted and danced, forming the imposing figure of a golem. Its muscular form seemed to pulse with raw power, intricate lines tracing the contours of its body, resembling the human musculature.

The woman's expression remained steely, her eyes fixed on Nemu and her companions, but there was a hint of apprehension beneath her facade.

Woman: "I didn't want it to come to this..."

Despite her words, there was determination in her voice as she prepared to face off against Nemu. Meanwhile, Nemu tightened her grip on her zanpakutō, her stoic demeanor betraying no hint of fear, while Ririn and Uryū watched cautiously from behind her, ready to assist if needed.

Moongetsu Moongetsu

For those following my story, I just wanted to let you know that the reason I haven't been posting chapters lately is because I got a job that takes up a lot of my time. I come home very tired and go straight to sleep. Sometimes I need to work on weekends, so the time I have to write is very limited. I haven't dropped the story, but now with the little free time I have, the next chapters may take longer to be posted and probably, I'll only post on weekends.

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