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88.88% Reincarnated as Superman in the world of the Boys / Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Kapitel 16: Chapter 16

***Clark/Superman pov***

I was with Ryan and CW on Mars with Kanjdoor and his folk settling in, in biodomes, the planet's atmosphere had thickened much thanks to the world engine we brought, but it was still not enough for the environment to become habitable, we were now entering phase two, which was introducing helpful bacteria to the planet in order to promote plant growth and eventually animal life, we were creating an entirely new ecosystem from scratch, which was a challenge on it's own.

Just then CW was holding the special container that held the bacteria we were about to release, it very much resembled the Tesseract's container from the Captain America movie in design, but was very different.

CW twisted the top, and a dark green swarm was released and went out, starting to spread around the planet slowly, he then turned towards Kanjdoor and explained, "Right now we are starting with a small colony of these bacteria, but they are designed to multiply quickly enough to cover the entire planet once through the process of photosynthesis they will eat the harmful gases that are in the air and turn most of them to oxygen."

The Marith'rai leader nodded his head, but then added, "That is all well and good, but Van-El, according to our instruments, this planet didn't have much in terms of gasses when we first arrived."

He was about to answer, but just then our instruments peaked up an alarm, I looked and it showed a geyser in the planet's polar ice cap. One more side effect that thickening the atmosphere brought on, the planet was beginning to warm up, of course, we initially brought ice meteors to the planet to start jump-start the process, and with the planet warming up, trapped water was starting to burst out, slowly returning to the surface, but also in the process…

"Another geyser burst, releasing with it a massive pocket of CO2 gas, now at first the gas was not in the atmosphere but rather at the ground, but when the planet warms up even further, more gasses will be released into the atmosphere, this is our way of getting ahead of the issue and making it work for us."

Kanjdoor's eyes' widened and he looked at us and said, "Once again Kal-El, I am amazed at the level of technology and ingenuity your people have achieved, we are forever in your debt."

I nodded my head and then I had received a call from Kelex saying, "sir, Mr. Butcher is trying to contact you, he says there has been a development with the soldier boy assignment and that it's important that you get back to earth and deal with it."

Now I knew it wasn't like Butcher to dump everything on me, so I nodded and said, "Understood, let him know that I will be there in a few hours."

"understood sir, and another thing, I had set up the fortress with a canine-friendlier environment, as per Butcher's request."

Now I was confused about that but opted not to ask, I then turned to CW and called out to him, "Van El!" he turned towards me, and I said to him, "There has been a development back on earth, I need to head back with Ry-el, are you ok staying here by yourself?"

He gave me a thumbs-up, and said, "Not a problem, you can go on ahead, I'll keep an eye on things on this front."

I nodded to him, and then called out, "Ry-El!" the boy was busy playing with some of the Marith'rai's younglings, but turned his head towards me, and I said, "We need to head back to earth, make sure you have everything back with you."

He nodded his head, and then said, "Yes Uncle Kal!" and he super sped off to get his things, this was definitely a good experience for him, as he never had friends closer to his age, not to mention aliens, myself not included.

He soon came back and had his bag with him, I noticed that he wasn't even touching the ground, opting to levitate instead, I smirked at that, his control was definitely improving, he still had lots to practice but he wasn't at the same level as before.

We were now boarding my ship, and I turned towards the new inhabitants of the planet and said, "Until we meet again, may Rao forever keep you in his Favor!" I said as I placed one hand on my left chest, and bowed my head a little at that.

I was reaching the pilot seat, and Ryan was sitting next to me, and now that we were alone I asked him, "So Ryan... how was this experience for you?"

He looked at me and was practically beaming as he spoke, "It was great uncle Kal! I never In a million years thought I would actually get to go out to space and meet actual aliens!"

I looked at him and arched a brow at that, and he quickly corrected himself by saying, "You're not included of course, I meant aliens that look like aliens as well."

I nodded my head and smiled and said, "When you were playing with their younglings, did they happen to mention anything about their past? Like how they happened to be in this situation in the first place?"

He nodded his head and said, "A little, it was hard to understand because certain words were not translated well, but it seemed there was this galactic beast that came to their world from the stars, and at first they approached it in peaceful intentions, but it was soon evident that it wanted to just kill them all, or so the kids understood it."

My eyes widened at that if they were forced out of their homeworld because of this entity, I needed to find out everything I could about it, if not to make sure it wouldn't happen again.

I then looked at Ryan and asked, "They didn't happen to mention how long ago it was?"

He nodded his head and said, "They did, they said it was ten thousand years ago, I also caught a glimpse of their ships from the inside, they had these tablets that were engraved with the whole story..."

I was in shock, displaced people who still remembered what had happened to it for no less than ten thousand years, my respect for them just grew.

And then I turned towards Ryan and said, "Good work Ryan, you did well, next time we come and visit there I want you to see if you can gather more information about this entity, the more we know about it, the more we could help them in the long run."

Ryan nodded his head and said, "understood Uncle Kal."

***Several hours later- fortress of solitude***

I was landing my ship at the entrance of the fortress, Ryan was the first to run out of it, his mom was waiting outside the fortress, she was wearing a snow coat with gloves on.

He was running towards her calling out to her all the while, "Mom! Mom! You wouldn't believe where Uncle Kal took me! And the people we met!"

He was hugging her, and now he was significantly holding back his strength, but I could still see that it was a massive hug for Becca, there was still work to be done, but again, this is progress.

"I am sure you have plenty of stories to share Hunny, but first how about you get inside to take a shower, I have your favorite meal being cooked in the oven for dinner."

His eyes lit up at that, not literally of course since he had control over his heat vision, and he asked, "Really? And can I have ice cream after?"

"Only if you do everything your mother tells you." I interjected, he looked at me and then at his mother with pleading eyes, but then she said, "And after dinner, you still have a lot of school work to catch up to, remember our agreement? You go to Mars, you need to catch up with your schoolwork…"

"ugh… but mom…" he started to groan, but then I interjected again, "Well too bad, the Marith'rai's youngling sure took a liking to you, it will be a shame if you were to stop coming to Mars because of school work failure..."

At that, his eyes widened, and he super sped out of there, Becca called to him, "Where are you going, young man?"

"can't talk! Got to catch up with school and shower after!"

Becca just shook her because of his antics, and then she turned towards me and said, "Thank you for having my back over there, I know it's not your responsibility to educate him, but I still appreciate your help."

I shook my head and said, "I may have taken the part of uncle to the boy, but I am not just the cool uncle, I also make sure he does everything right, and that includes making sure he listens to his mother."

She nodded her head in thanks, and then said, "Now come on, Billy is inside waiting for you, and he's got a little surprise."

I remembered what Kelex told me earlier on Mars and I was curious as to what it might be.

I soon entered the fortress and made my way after Becca to the med wing, and when I arrived there, I was in shock, and so happy.

Butcher was there, holding the cutest Pitbull puppy I had ever seen, my voice immediately changed to the sweet baby voice I said to him, "Well hello there, and who might you be?" the puppy wagged its tale, and was raising its paw up, and then dropping it in the cutest my possible.

I approached it, picked him up, and asked Butcher, "Where did you find this little guy?" just then he started to squirm a little in my hands, but I ignored it for the moment and he said, "Well that's the thing, he was there when we went to look for soldier-boy, and I think the Russians experimented on him, with Homelander's D.N.A."

My brows rose at that and I asked, "What makes you think that?"

Just then I noticed the pup was growling and his eyes were glowing red, I was shocked and froze momentarily at that, and when two red beams of laser shot out of its eyes, I moved my head quickly, more out of surprise than anything else, shouting, "Wow!"

The beams hit some equipment, but repair drones quickly came to take care of it, and then Butcher answered, "That's why."

I slowly and gently placed the puppy back on the medical bed, and then asked allowed, "Kelex?!"

It quickly answered, "Yes sir?"

"Did you start performing D.N.A analysis of this puppy's D.N.A's structure?"

"yes sir, as per Mr. Butcher's request, I have the finished result if you'd like me to read it aloud?"

"Yes, please!"

Just then a holographic screen appeared before me, and it showed something interesting, just then Kelex spoke up, "From what I could gather, it seemed that the Russians had gotten a hold of Homelander's blood after you had beaten him, and grafted that to this Canine's D.N.A structure, while right now much like Ry-El it seems to only display the ability of heat vision, it has the potential of developing other abilities."

I then say, "No way… they actually made it, a Superdog in this universe."

Butcher seemed to be confused at that, but I say, "Never mind that, tell me Butcher, what did they name him?"

He looked at me for a moment, and then said, "They didn't, actually, I was hoping you'd take care of him, S.T.R.I.K.E doesn't really have the facilities to handle him right now."

I nodded my head, but then a smile came onto my face as I looked at the wagging pup, and I said, "Krypto, his name is Krypto."

The pup barked in approval at hearing his new name, and then I looked at Butcher and said, "I don't believe you came all this way just because of a cute pup, no matter how powerful it may be, so what is the real reason you came here?"

He sighed and said, "in our last mission, we managed to find Soldier-boy, but the Russians interfered, and in the ensuing chaos, he managed to escape."

I exhaled through my nose, and said, "shit." Butcher just nodded his head and said, "There is more, it seemed he was experimented on, and he now is able to shoot out this nuclear blast out of his chest, literally vaporizing some of the Russians in the process."

I was shocked at that, and just said, "fuck, and now you need me to go find him?"

He nodded his head and said, "Yeah, that, and we believe he had made his way back stateside."

That was a lead, I then turned towards a drone and said, "Kelex! Make sure you find any reference online about Soldier Boy or nuclear blast, any one of these could be a lead to help us find him."

"Understood sir." it answered in its mechanical voice, I then turned towards Billy and said, "If anything pops up, I'll be sure to let you know, provided of course there's enough time." I stretched my hand out, and he took it, saying, "Thank you, I don't know what I would've done without you mate."

"let's not dwell on this question, now I still need to take care of things."

He nodded his head and said, "I'll show myself out." He then turned around and made his way to the ship I gave him. When I first learned of Darkseid's involvement, I gave him one of my ships, that way if he needed to go to the fortress for any reason, he would have unrestricted access.

I then tell Kelex, "Kelex, get ahold of Bruce, it's urgent."

"contacting him now sir." It answered, and then Bruce's face appeared on the screen.

I quickly let him know about the soldier-boy situation, and he let me know that he would keep an eye out for anything he might hear.

And now I look at that puppy I have resting in my arms and say, "well this day is full of surprises."

***Dark Hyperion pov – Apokolips***

He steps through the portal back to Apokolips, right to the throne room of his god and ruler, lord Darkseid, his stony face looks at him as he asks, "Well? Did you do it?"

He just held his hand up, showing the head of the one he defeated, the one calling himself "Super-Lopez", and then he says, "It was a little tougher than I expected, but in the end, he was no match for the power you bestowed upon me, lord Darkseid."

His lord seemed content at that, at least as far as he could tell, since his lord was not of the habit of showing his emotions outwardly, at least he didn't shoot out his omega beams, that was a good sign for him.

"well then, you should rest, your next opponent will be waiting for you soon." He said that, as he displayed another one, and this time his jaw almost dropped, he looked almost the same as Super Lopez, only on this one's chest it actually said, "Super-Duper".

"this one is slightly tougher than your last opponent, though you should be able to take him down."

He then looked at his lord and said, "lord Darkseid, if I may be so bold as to ask?"

"you may."

He took a deep breath to compose himself, and then he spoke, " why are you sending me after these… jokes, weakling-looking versions of Superman? Don't you have faith in my abilities?"

He just looked at him and said, "Simply put, no, I do not, you are not ready for A real one-on-one against a real Superman, these are to prepare you, to help you gain control of your abilities, without control, and without you growing in strength, you are useless to me, so until I say otherwise, you are to fight them, did I make myself clear?"

He greeted his teeth, but then answered, "Crystal, sir." And then he threw the head he was holding to the ground and stormed off of the throne room.

On his way to his room, he saw a servant girl who was doubling as a sex slave, so he grabbed her by the arm and said, "I require your services In my chambers, now." and they walked off, the wench barely able to keep up with his pace.

***lemon scene***

He opened up the door to his chambers and quickly kissed her lips, they were luscious, but she was tense at first, but quickly she gave in and moaned in pleasure, he put his hand down her pussy, and started to rub the lips, it achieved the desired effect of making her a bit wet.

Now he was impatient and unbuckled his pants, and the girl quickly understood the message, as she went on her knees and opened up her mouth, and started to put his cock in her mouth, it was nice, but then she started to bob her head back and forward faster, and made a gagging sound that was satisfying.

When he had enough, he grabbed her, and threw her on the bed, and then he spoke, "Spread your ass chicks apart." She looked at him with trepidation but complied, and then he grabbed his erect member and pressed it at the entrance of her anus, he pressed several times, until eventually it gave in and he was inside.

The girl made a sound of pain and at first, she cringed, but at that he said, "if you know what's good for ya, you would not cringe." And his eyes were glowing a dark glow, signaling he was ready to vaporize her at a moment's notice.

She complied at that, and he started to thrust back and forth, she still moaned in pain, and that made him even hornier, he grabbed her by the head, and plowed her several times, before eventually, he climaxed inside of the girl's anus.

As he exited, he barely noticed that the girl had blood coming out of her asshole.

***end of lemon scene***

as the girl was leaving, he undressed himself fully and made his way to the showers, he needed to wash himself from that girl, and this whole day.

 ***Batman pov- that night***

Bruce was now on patrol in his new tumbler, he made extra precautions to have it radiation-proof since he did not know what he might come across, he didn't want to take any chances.

He was coming up to an alleyway when he spotted a suspicious-looking character, he was wearing a sweatsuit that was grey with red lines on the arms and legs, he seemed to have a big brown beard, all in all he mostly matched Soldier-Boy's description of the man, but then something unexpected happened, he hears a song he had recognized long ago playing in the background, it was Побег , By : Mikhail Shufutinskiy.

But more importantly, it made Soldier-boy start to breathe heavily, and then he noticed that his chest started to glow brighter and brighter.

Now normally, his tumbler alone would be able to shield him from this blast, but it was a heavily populated area, and Bruce was not going to let them get hurt. Luckily for them, he came prepared.

He pressed a button and two massive metallic-looking parts were shot out towards Soldier-Boy, they enveloped him, and when they finished enveloping him tightly, he let out his pent-up energy, only it didn't destroy the area, because the metallic things were made to absorb the nuclear radiation.

It's a good Clark told him about Soldier-boy and his condition beforehand, otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to take care of it on time.

Just when things had started to calm down, he heard banging on the inside, and then Soldier-boy screaming, "Hey you Faggot! You better let me out of this fucking thing!"

It's a good thing that he also accommodated his superstrength, otherwise, he would be able to bust out easily.

Then Batman noticed something, his energy signature had something other than radioactive to it.

"interesting." He said to himself as he shot two lines out to bring the container with him.

Soldier-boy yelped as he was yanked, and was placed neatly on top of the boatmobile's roof to be taken with him.

He would conduct his own research and report the results back to Clark, If he was right, this is something he should definitely know about.


***Clark/Superman pov***

I was going on Krypto's information when Ryan stepped inside the med wing.

"Uncle kal! Mom said to call you for dinne-" he stopped as he saw the puppy Was holding.

"OH MY GOD! Is that a Puppy?!" he exclaimed in excitement as he entered the med wing, now dressed in his usual civilian attire, though I noticed it started to look a bit tight on him.

I smiled and nodded my head while saying, "Ah ha, his name is Krypto, and he's going to stay with us from now on."

At this point, Ryan is at the bed where Krypto is and he says, "Well hello Krypto, would you be my best friend?"

Krypto of course wags his tail nonstop, and jumps on Ryan's face, and starts licking it, as Ryan starts laughing in joy.

I smile at that and say, "I think he likes you, would you like to help me take care of him?"

He looks at me, eyes wide as saucers, and he says, "Really? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I'm going to tell my mom."

I stop him as I hear that, "well… about that… there is something you should know about this dog, he is not a regular dog, he is a supe dog."

His brows shoot up at that and he asks, "What do you mean Uncle Kal?"

I sigh as I say, "Well you see? Before he came here, he was experimented by very bad people, who after gaining a D.N.A sample of your father after the battle I had with him, they managed to graft it onto his D.N.A, right now he only seems to display the ability of heat vision, but it seems he would develop other abilities later on."

Ryan was silent at that, but then I asked him, "Are you ok buddy?"

He nodded his head and said, "Yeah, it's just that I was able to forget about him, I was happy, but then you reminded me of him you brought him here…" he said the last part looking at the puppy in his hands, but then I say to him, "same could be said about you."

"huh?" he looks at me, confused, and then I say, "You are also a reminder of your father, whether you want to or not, you didn't ask for it, same as this poor puppy, but here you are, and you are what you make of yourself."

He took a moment to think about it, and then he smiled and said, "I get it now Uncle Kal, thank you."

I nod, my head, and then say, "No problem." Then I get a call in my earpiece, and It's Batman saying, "I have Soldier-boy in custody, we are at Justice Tower, waiting on you over there."

I quickly tap my earpiece and say, "This is Superman, copy that, be there in 10," then I look at the puppy and I decide on something and say, "Scratch that, be there in twenty."

And then I go and grab little Krypto, whatever results the investigation might bring could be related to the little guy, and having him there might help out

"Sorry buddy," I say to Ryan as I grab the little pup, and say, "Something came up that I might need him for it."

He looks at me and asks, "well then, can I come with?"

I was quickly thinking and saying, "not yet buddy, this is league's business, maybe later." He nods in understanding and I walk off to the exit with the Pitbull pup in my hands.

As I'm at the entrance, I crouch down and jump in the air, one arm fisted forward, and the other holding onto the pup.

I looked at the pup and saw that he enjoyed it, he opened his mouth and his tongue was hanging out, much like how dogs stick their heads out the windows in a car ride.

We fly slower because I don't know if he still hasn't developed its aerial resistance, I wouldn't want the air to fillet him.

Now we arrived at the Justice Tower, I quickly made my way inside, I was quickly greeted by the sight of Annie, she was alone, and as she saw me she greeted me saying, "Hey Superman, how are you doing today?"

That was weird, usually when we were alone, she called me by my civilian name, but now?

Just then Krypto did something he hadn't done to anyone before, he growled at Annie, now normally it wasn't even in the realm of possibility of Krypto, the pup who up until now excepted everyone it encountered, to growl at my girlfriend, but then something clicked in my head.

I quickly super sped and grabbed this "Annie" by the throat, lifting her up in the air, "UGHU! Superman! What are you doing?"

I angrily said, "WHO ARE YOU?! And where is the real Starlight?!"

Through coughing noises, she said, "What are you talking about? I am the real starlight-"

Just then Annie walked right in on the scene, she was shocked, and so was the other Annie, then I flared my heat vision up and said, "You have until the count of three to show your real face, one, two," with each number I increased the pressure on the throat, and it worked as she said, "Alright! Alright! Give me a sec!" as now I was bearing witness to a very strange sight, her skin started to move in waves, bones started to shift, hair started to recede, in several moments, I held in my hand a baled fat middle-aged man, and I knew exactly who it was, "doppelganger." I said.

Then I looked at him and asked, "Who sent you here?! And you better remember what I can do before you try to lie your way out of this…"

It was a bluff, but given that he probably was used to dealing with Homelander, it worked, "STAN EDGAR!" he yelled out, "he sent me here to gather information on you guys, he plans on taking you out of the picture, and take out Atlantis in the process!"

I looked at him and blinked and then said, "Well he already tried with Shark Prince and failed."

He shook his head and said, "Oh no, Shark Prince was only meant for the deep, he has something else planned for Atlantis, I don't know what but it's big."

Then Annie punched him out, I couldn't blame her.

All the while I looked down at the pup in my hand and said to him, "Good boy." As Ideas on how to use doppelganger came to my head.

(A/N hey there everyone, I am back!!

Now, the reason I was absent for this long, first of all life, but second of all, as some of you may know, I am an Israeli, and if you have been watching the news, my country has been at war, now I'm not saying that to gain sympathy, I just want you to understand why it took me this long to update, and why it might take longer.

Now, I have a question for you The boys fans out there, do any of you know about any aquatic supes other than the deep? If you do please let me know in the comments,

Until next time, you guys are awesome!

Bookwormjohnny2 out!

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