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50% Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel / Chapter 38: The World Reacts

Kapitel 38: The World Reacts

Disclaimer: I own nothing. This history has no interest in offending any party. Having the sole objective of only entertaining the readers. Enjoy~


"[...] you chose the way of the hero. And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?"

- Green Goblin,


Shego P.O.V.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

Eating my Pringles, lying on my side on the couch, I watch Hector's most difficult battle thus far.

"Grandma, relax. Everything is fine now... Yeah... Not even a hair of mine has been harmed... I mean, a little of my hair was pulled out And I bumped my chin lightly... And I had a scratch on my arm ... But otherwise? Everything is fine." Hector talks on the phone as he walks back and forth through the house.

Hehe. It's funny seeing the man who can punch clouds out of the sky and make skyscrapers float acting all meek to his grandma.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

This talk has happened every single day since the Battle of New York.

Hector's grandparents began to insist that he live with them.

"I'm sure that something like that won't happen again..." Hector says while keeping a strange expression on his face like he is lying shamelessly.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

Helena approaches and forces me to make room for her to sit. She ignores my glare and still take some of my Pringles. The cheeky of this woman...

"Grandma... Relax, the Avengers will protect me."

Pfft... Hearing that I spit potato chips crumbles in Helena's face who was nearby, also watching Hector's conversation.

She glares at me.

"C'mon… it was just a little bit." I tell her.

"Look... I'm not gonna move now. It's too soon to be sure of anything. We talk later. Bye…" Hector speaks a little more rashly before hanging up.

He stops for a moment, puts his hands on his hips, and takes a deep breath...

After a few seconds, he picks up his smartphone and dials again.

"...Grandma? I'm sorry. Yes... I shouldn't have talked like that with you..." He says softly "But you have to understand grandma. An alien invasion invaded the whole world... There's not much difference in changing countries. And maybe the next invasion will be in Brazil. Maybe it's safer here, closer to the heroes..." Hector tries to argue more calmly now.

After that, he just keeps nodding his head and saying "Yes". Probably agreeing with whatever conditions your grandparents are imposing. Like calling them every day or whatever...

"You're Italian, right? Do all Latin families have this hierarchy? You know... Obey old people's orders..." I ask Helena

She looks at me a little. "I think most people would respect their elders... But Latins and Asians are the most culturally invested in this, I think." She responds as if it were obvious.

Well, I didn't know that. I never met my grandparents. My parents and brothers are annoying people, I never got along with them. And I think Hector should put his foot down already, too much drama.

"Don't look at me like that..." I say to Helena "It's just that the discrepancy between seeing him fighting gods and acting so badass and being so dutiful to his grandparents is weird... And a little funny. Haha." I say and notice Hector already sitting up too, showing a mentally tired expression.

" 'There are no heroes in their hometowns...' Or something like that, Shego. How can you act tough to the people who changed your diapers and saw you at your most embarrassing moments?" Hector speaks with a sigh.

"Fair enough." I say and see Helena nod.

Isabella enters the living room carrying a trail with drinks.

"You're an adult, right? The final say is still yours. They can't force you to do anything." Isabella speaks her mind as she puts the trail on the Middle table

"By the law, yes I am an adult. But to them I am their 16-year-old grandkid, their last living relative, recently orphaned." Hector says "I can't say: 'I know what I'm doing' because they will see me as a petulant teenager. Any form of argument will sound like any other teenager who thinks he 'knows better than the adults'." Hector speaks slightly frustrated.

And he continues. "Heads up: Yes, I know better than most adults. But I can't say that."

"You could tell the truth." Helena shrugged her shoulders "Tell that you're strong, have powers."

Hector frowns a little "That would cause another kind of concern. Well, I could lie and say I'm not Eidolon. Just have powers and I'm not that fragile..." Hector looks thoughtful and starts rubbing his eyes "But I want to keep them very far from this whole 'super' business.

"Hear me out... Will sound bad at first, but wait for me to finish." I say calling his attention "You could just... 'Mind-inffluence' them, you know?" I say pointing my index finger at my head.

Seeing Hector pause and glare at me between the space of his fingers, I elaborate further.

"Wait, don't be angry so fast... I'm not saying to brainwash them or anything." I hasten "Just make them a little more 'suggestive' to your ideas and stance on this matter. It will save you having to lie, it will save you stress, and it will make them sleep soundly at night." I speak, seeing him adopt a thoughtful expression.

Hector has said in the past that he would accept any opinion or suggestion from us. I'm the most "villainous" here. So I'm the one that can give him the "evil" option.

"It's not like you're doing something bad. This is to their own good too." I finish.

Hector sighs. "The worst part is that I'm half considering this, but... No." Hector closes his eyes before replying, "It would be the easiest way out, it would save the 'drama'. But it's not right…" Hector says.

"Can be an option, if everything fails. But I just don't want to... This is how it starts, you know? With small things like that. In a little while, I'm brainwashing everyone just because it's more convenient." Hector says.

I think he is too hard on himself. Is not like one morally dark act will make him go into a spiral of evil deeds turning him into a psychopath or something.

"Is just a suggestion.." I shrug my shoulders "You can go live with them. With your powers, you can go to any place very fast, right? It doesn't make much difference whether you live here or in another country. The world is small to you." I give another suggestion.

"Yes... But New York is better. I need to be here for now, faster to react in the event of a disaster. At least until my surveillance satellites are operational. You saw that the rest of the world only knew about the invasion when they were already halfway through everything." Hector counters.

I can only accept his word. For some reason, Hector insists that New York is the center of the big events that will happen in the future. I mean, makes sense... I haven't looked closely, but I think almost all the "supers" are here in New York. At least the known ones.

"Well... While you think about how to handle your family relationships let's watch the world talk about you." I say as I unmute the TV, to see someone talking about recent events.

Everything in the last few days was about the invasion, the people that fight in the invasion, the people that died in the invasion, and other things like that.


"... There are still hundreds of people missing. I'm saying they were abducted by the aliens while the invasion was taking place."

Too much idiotic...


"...The Avengers, Eidolon, and Thor need to be held accountable..."

Too much retarded...


"... we are talking about an event that's changed everything. We need to reassess our priorities as a species... For our own survival..."



" When we accept that we live in a new reality. With these powerful individuals, we can work together with them to make a better society."



" can't say that Thor's appearance confirms the existence of all pagan gods. Eidolon and Hulk themselves are god-like beings that would receive human worship in the past. Put them in the same spot as Thor in the past and we would have a religion of them too." An old guy with a weird haircut in glasses talks. The on-screen caption says he is a P.h.D. in anthropology.

"Thor is not a 'guy from the past', he is alive to this day. He is IMMORTAL. Eidolon and Hulk are humans with powers. Strong powers, as matter of fact, but is not like a divinity or Thor dominion over Thunder." A guy who looks like a nutjob argues. I think he's one of those crazy guys who believe in mysticism and esoteric stuff.

Wait... They're still crazy when these things are real? Maybe we are the crazy ones...

"'Divinity' or 'Dominion of gods' or whatever is only your supposition. We don't know about that. Till is proven the contrary, Thor is no different from someone with power and he should not be worshiped like a god."

These discussions are the most fun. People who have no idea what they are talking about, are guessing and talking with such certainty and propriety.

"Are you a god?" I turn to casually ask Hector

"Not yet..." he replies nonchalantly while watching TV. This pique my interest.

"You can become a god?"

He looks at me. "Are you interested in becoming one?" he asks

"It's possible??"

"Yep. I'm not sure when... You guys know about the basics of my power..." He says

Oh~ I almost forgot. He can reach through the Omniverse and bring or absorb things, or something like that...

Apparently, he doesn't have too much control over it. Is random, like he is putting his hand in a hole in a box full of toys, not knowing what toy he is going to take out. But he decides what to do next with his "toy".

(A.N.: I remember someone commenting something like, "Why is he telling them?" Bro... Really? They literally came from Gacha. And new summons will appear. How are you going to keep that a secret? He is not gonna tell that is a "Gacha", or how it works, or the rules. Chill down with the "No one can know the cheats of the MC")

"By the way, this is a difficult subject..." Hector continues "In the Omniverse the term 'God' is very ample. In some universes, they're absolute existences, all-knowing, all-powerful. In others, they lowly existences... Parasites that depends on worship and faith from humans. Some follow a rigid set of rules that prevent them from interfering with the world, some are like A.I., some are only powerful in their 'dominions'... Very abstract concept..."

He continues. "Here in this universe, I would say a god would need: A long life and control about a certain aspect of our reality. The bare minimum would be this... And maybe some sort of 'Divine core' or some bullshit like that. After all, there are beings that meet these requirements and are not considered 'gods'."

Hector starts talking and talking. He becomes like this when he analyzes something. He is talking more to himself than to us... Is one of his habits.

"Okay, okay… Forget about that. But if you have some godhood left, I accept." I say as I change the channel again.

He just laughs and says he'll think if I do a good job. Hmpf. I Always do good jobs~.


"It is estimated that Eidolon saved at least thousands of lives with his rescue efforts. Many people who received his kindness that day have things to say..." A female reporter speaks before putting the microphone in front of people close to her.

After that several accounts of how Hector saved their child, mothers, fathers and themselves are shown.

Hmpf. This is just natural. Hector is obviously the MVP of the entire Battle of New York. I don't even agree with him being lumped together with Thor and the Hulk. "The Big Three"... Is what the world is calling Eidolon, Thor and Hulk.

Obviously, because the three of them are the strongest, but also because they were the ones who defeated Loki together.

Despite that, Hector said any one of the three could have defeated Loki individually.

Hmpf. Unexpectedly, or may expectantly, the Big Three are the ones receiving the most shit from the people too.

The Hulk because of his history of the destruction of Harlem and his fame of being an uncontrollable beast.

Thor because he comes from the same place as the invaders and because of the first impression of him as an Enemy. Even with Hector carefully selecting and uploading footage that proves that Thor was being mind-controlled, people are still not trusting him so much.

And Eidolon because... he is a mutant. Just this. Simple and stupid.

(A.N.: Well, the three as the strongest are also the ones that cause the most destruction with their battles. But the damage caused by them is almost negligible when compared to the invading force. But people Always look for someone to blame. And it falls on The Big Three head in this case.)

Sincerely it is unnatural all this hate against mutants when the Fantastic Four are also people with power. There is something fishy going here.

Looking at Hector to see his reaction, I notice that his face is impassive even when he is being praised.

"Aren't you happy to be recognized and accepted by the people? I thought that was your goal..." I ask

Without taking his eyes off the TV he says "Are you familiar with Brazilian literature?" He asks something totally unrelated

", obviously.Duh..."

"Heh. Sorry, it's just a rhetoric question. Not even Brazilians are familiar with Brazilian literature." He says with a little smile before getting serious "What I'm getting at with this is, I want to tell you a tale of a Brazilian author. I heard it from my grandfather, at the time I didn't pay attention so I'll tell you an abridged version. I think is from Machado de Assis..." Hector introduces before starting to tell the story.

"Years ago, a moderately wealthy, refined, and literate man was traveling alone on horseback. He carried with him 3 gold coins, 16 silver, and some copper coins."

"At some point, as he was walking through the woods, something startled the horse that made him take off very fast, uncontrollably." Hector speaks while moving his hands to illustrate the story.

"His feet got caught in the stirrup, and the horse started to pick up more and more speed. He couldn't leave even if he wanted to."

"With the speed he was at, his arms starting to ache, it wouldn't take long for him to lose his grip and be dragged by the horse by the foot for who knows how many miles. He would suffer a lot if he didn't die." Hector speaks gravely.

"At that moment, a man came out of the trees and got in front of the horse. Making loud noises and raising his hands in the air to stop the horse." Hector says as he also raises his hands in the air to illustrate.

He knows how to tell a story. Everyone is paying attention.

"The horse stopped abruptly, rearing up on its hind legs. The new man quickly grabs the horse's muzzle to control the horse, then starts talking and stroking the horse to calm him down."

"Meanwhile, the literate man is calming his heart, which was beating fast from the whole situation." Hector says as he brings a hand to his chest.

"The literate man is full of gratitude to his hero. Who knows what would happen to him if he wasn't saved... The new man put himself in front of an uncontrolled horse to save him!"

"The literate man then decides to reward his savior with all his money. After all, what is a few gold and silver coins compared to his life, right?"

"Then he looks at his savior, thanks him profusely, calls him 'my good man'."

"He then notices the man's condition... Worn-out clothes, tanned skin from hard work under the sun, calloused hands. See the man caressing and kissing the horse. Talking with the horse like an old friend. You know, a thing that the people who live in the countryside do."

"The literate man then thinks 'All my Money is too much, he must not even know what to do with it. I'll give you one gold coin. Should be enough' " Hector talks pompously.

"Talk goes and talk comes. The new man still talking with the horse makes the literate man rethink. The man is talking to a horse, WITH A HORSE. This man is a brute, an illiterate. Maybe his help was unnecessary. The man then decides to reward the bumpkin with only one silver coin."

"He then turns to the man, catches his eye, and hands him the silver coin, because he is not ungrateful, even if the man has crossed his boundaries. The tone of his voice now talking to the man is now much more haughty."

"After handing over the silver coin, he notices the bumpkin's eyes light up. Unaware of the literate man's thoughts the bumpkin thanks him profusely, he smiles, and bows to the literate man. After walking away, the literate man notes the bumpkin jumping happily with his reward and even kissing the silver coin."

"Turning around again to continue his journey, the literate man thinks: 'The silver coin maybe was too much. Copper coin should be enough.'" Hector ends his story.

"Did you guys understand?" Hector asks turning to us. I nod.

Hector then turns back to the TV which is showing people thanking Eidolon and giving a humorless chuckle. "Human gratitude is fragile. In a few months, they will forget. They will start remembering the recent events differently. From 'Eidolon saves the day' to 'Eidolon battle destroys the city'. They may even start to blame me. Some are doing already that." He says and it's true.

"I'm not doing all this to rely on and a fickle thing like people's gratitude and goodwill. This is just the first step to a greater plan, there's nothing to be happy about. Funny enough, people remember grudges very well."

Hector then uses his index finger to point at the ground "Is a little similar with the Morlocks. I can help them easily. Removing their powers, making them 'normal' again. I bet many would jump at the chance. And at the first moment, they would thank me profusely, talking about how grateful they will be for the rest of their life. Saying that I could ask for their help in the future for anything..." Hector says while rolling his eyes.

"Pfft. What a joke." He scoffs "People don't value things that come easily. When I help them, they will be already loyal, they will see my 'great sacrifice'. It will be on my terms. I'm not that naive to give things for free."

"This is only the beginning. Being a hero is not enough to change the world. All these hero things are the means to an end. Only power can change anything. But if I am forceful, people will resist. So I will worm my way into their hearts first... Eidolon will make people easily accept my actions in the future. And then, political and monetary power will do the rest. Heroes have to play by some rules, even Eidolon is no exception... So, I will make the rules too." Hector speaks clenching his first.

Oh, yeah. The "Five Years Plan". The plan that will make Hector the most influential person on the planet in five years. He shared a little with us. Eidolon will win the general public and "Hector" will gain the powerful and influential people.

It's almost scary how easy this will be. Hector with another identity will buy presidents, ministers, and CEOs with things that money can't buy.

Youth, health, appearance. What person who is rich and powerful doesn't want to live for a few more decades? Have your pain, or that of your family members healed?

Hector can easily give them these things with his powers. Heck, he can even give them minor powers. And this will turn them into metas too... Bring them to our side.

Save the dying wife of a President, awakening the Meta Power from the Prime Minister's Child, and make a Queen more beautiful. Gain favors and tie important people to him. Making them addicted to the benefits that only he can provide.

And then... Slowly, replacing these important persons with their own people.

*Huff* I think I'm a little wet.

Hector is scary.

The only reason he gave himself five years to this plan is that he's still young and plans on going to college, gaining recognition for his intellect, or whatever. Having his name attached with various P.h.D.s and Nobel prizes will help. And five years are more than enough to slowly make a multi-billionaire company without raising some suspicious eyebrows.

He also hasn't decided whether to make "Hector" someone important.

Maybe he wants a laidback life as a rich child. And having another persona to do all these things.

He's worried about his grandparents too. Who knows if some rival business would use his grandparents against him? Well, it would be a big surprise to anyone that kidnaps an old couple and then a very pissed Eidolon goes after their asses.

"Me showing up didn't really get in the way of your plans?" I ask, a little unsure. I should be the person who would put forward Hector's dark plans. Now, there's no one to do this.

Hector without even looking at me responds "Nah, I'll get a new person for this. In fact, it's a good thing you made your debut as a hero too."

"How come?" I ask curiously

"Well, your skin tone is unusual. This will prepare people to accept physical changes more easily. Mainly because you beautiful, people are more receptive to beautiful people. A different skin tone isn't such a drastic change, so you're the ideal poster girl for it. Machia doesn't have a friendly appearance, but it is possible to sell the 'gentle giant' image of him." Hector lists several PR reasons and strategies, but I focus on one thing...

"...I'm beautiful?" I ask smiling a little.

Once again, he doesn't even look at me. "Obviously, you're drop-dead gorgeous." He says this ticks me off a little. Obviously, I'm the bombshell, but can you speak a little more flirtatiously?

He talks with the same tone of voice as if he were saying "Your hair is black". On the one hand, it is flattering, on the other it makes me mad. Tch. (Author: Women. HAHA. *sips coffee*)

"Did you see what they are talking about you on the net?" Hector says handing me his smartphone.

"What?" I take it and look. There's one poll where people vote between me and Black Widow and the results are...

"HAHAHAHA. 62% GREEEEN!!! SUCK THAT, OCTAGENARIAN!!" I scream at the ceiling. "Oh~ I never cared about the internet, I always thought it was a stronghold of horny and stupid people. But it seems that I was too harsh, they have good taste too."

Picking up my cell phone, I start looking at sites where people discuss hero stuff, let's catch up a bit. While using Hector's smartphone as a reference to get the links I notice something.

"5-star spa and resort?" I ask

"Oh, this is for you girls. As a parting gift... Is already booked. This weekend, Germany." Hector speaks

"Parting gift?" Isabella, who has been quietly watching the News asks.

"Yeah, it's time for Shego and Helena to move out. This period of chaos in New York is good for this, this weekend I will use my powers, and it will be good to bring new helpers. Ah~ and you with them to the spa, Isabella. Not moving out. You will continue taking care of me." Hector smiles at her.

"Wait, 'new helpers'? Already?" Nonono. I didn't even have time to steal his mind, heart, and body. He is a tough nut to crack.

Sitting in his lap, straddling him, and hugging his neck I throw a tantrum. "You're throwing us away. Look at this! Used and discarded. Helena, say something!" I make drama. The infuriating thing is that the bastard continues with his impassive face.

C'mon, get a hard-on already!!

"Heartless bastard. Worst boss ever. Fuck me. Emotionless villain..." I start to call him out firing rapidly.

"Don't exaggerate, Drama queen. Wait... You said something weird in the middle of it all... Well, I just want you guys out of the house to I to use my powers more comfortably." He says rolling his eyes and then turns to me getting his face very close and pinching my cheeks (unfortunately the ones on my face) "And I'm a great boss! What are you talking about?? Your living conditions are excellent. And here... You guys can have this back." It says showing me a credit card with my name.

Oh~ The credit card that was made when I was transported here. There are some millions there on my bank account, right?

"You can use this weekend to have fun. Just be aware that you guys still don't have a stable source of income. The bar and restaurant will take a while to open... And with the crisis that will befall New York, I doubt fancy places like this will be on demand." He advises.

Hehe. Taking my card as fast as lightning, I put the thing between my breasts. "Best boss ever!" I say lightly kissing him on his cheek.

Hmm? Is he blushing a little?

Oh~~So the soft approach can work too? I see, he is more resistant to my hard and direct approach because of prolonged exposure, soooo... If I vary a little I can catch him off guard.

Smiling smugly at him, I notice his expression. He noticed that I noticed that he was affected.

And then, I hugged the air. Because he just disappeared from my grip.

Ohoho~ You escaping only prove the effectiveness, my dear~.

This is fun.

"I will take care of Cathulhu, and I made false documents for you to use at the spa. Because the three of you don't know each other in your civilian identities. Then I will hack their systems and cameras to erase of existence you guys trip." He says, now standing and starting to walk away.

He is paranoid as ever, huh?

"I'm gonna see my 'guest'..." Hector speaks suddenly with a cold tone of voice.

I decide to follow him.

Standing up I follow him silently as he passes through several rooms of Isabella Infinity Castle.

Hector pauses for a second at a door before opening it. The door reveals a dimly lit, almost empty room.

There are a few things there. Basically a torture device that made a drop of water constantly fall on a person's head. Some type of maddening Chinese type of torture.

Strapped at the device, was a person.

Blonde, fat, soft, and small. If Hector didn't tell me I would never believe that is his uncle.

Alexander is missing his right arm, personally ripped out by Hector.

One of Hector's clones discreetly captured him during his cleanup.

"Fishing in muddy Waters" is what Hector said.

After capturing his uncle, Hector then strapped him to this chair with the drop of water constantly falling in his head. And he just asked one question, which after getting the answer he started to ignore his captive completely...

"Please... help me... why are you doing this...?" Alexander talks weakly after hearing the door opening. He is blindfolded.

I give Hector's profile a side-glance and notice his eyes. Dead and cold eyes ominously stare at the man in the room.

I felt a shiver through my spine.

Even I know now that Hector needs to be left alone.

To be frank, with Hector's actions I thought that he is the hero type... How wrong I was. Hero or villain? Hector is Hector.

Watching him enter the torture room and close the door behind him, I resolve to stay out of it.

I came here with the intention of spending more time with him, as he will have more people around him soon. A little bonding time torturing someone... But he is in no mood for our little game tight now.

Well, I know when to leave a man alone.

Looking at my smartphone, there's already a message from Hector.

"Don't Interact with anyone on the internet for now. People can trace you easily." Paranoid...

Let's see what these people are talking about me.

I wonder if I have that thing that Hector called Balder off... "Simps"...


Asgard, Third Person P.O.V.

Grunting and flesh-hitting-flesh sounds can be heard by anyone nearby.

In the big courtyard of the palace in Asgard, Thor and Volstagg are Fighting each other bare-handed and bare chest.

"Your time and Midgard left you soft, Thor!" Volstagg bellows while being punched in the stomach by Thor.

"But I see that you haven't improved either, Volstagg!" Thor exclaims while also receiving an attack from Volstagg in the chest.

A little further away from where the two then fighting Lady Sif and the rest of the Warriors' Three watches the fight. And a little further away from them, Odin, Frigga, and Balder also watch as they talk to each other.

"This was supposed to be a fight between two warriors, right? So why does it feel like I'm watching two bilgesnipes clashing against each other??" Lady Sif screams, mocking the "fight" which is really just Thor and Volstagg hitting each other. No techniques, no dodging just them playing around...

"You guys don't have any finesse at all..." Fandral comments mocking too.

Odin observes Thor with his one eye.

It's good that he can spend time with his friends like that, Odin knows that things can change when Thor becomes the King. There's an invisible wall that rises when someone's status exceeds his friend's.

He is secretly happy that Thor has comrades to fight in Midgard too, some of them are even praiseworthy. He knows that these friendships will not last forever, but having good memories is good when one becomes old.

But he doesn't approve of his relationship with Jane. That Odin doesn't bulge.

Focusing, Odin looks at Thor's soul. He notices that it is almost healed. And he will become even stronger after the recovery.

Seeing Thor giving a shoulder throw on Volstagg, ending the fight, the Warriors Three and Sif approach.

"I'm still the best." Thor says smugly to them.

"Well, aren't you beaten by that Eidolon?" Lady Sif asks with a raised eyebrow.

"*Cough* I was not at my best at that time..." Thor says averting his eyes.

"Tsk Tsk. The Great Thor loses his touch and is beaten by a Midgardian..." Fandral says with a fake disappointment.

Despite being just a friendly banter between friends, Odin decides to speak a few words.

"Don't look down on them too much..." he says attracting the attention of everyone "Although in general, the midgardians are weaker than we are, sometimes exceptional individuals appear among them. Like Agamotto and that one with Celestial technology." Odin advises.

Odin is referring to the first Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto, who despite not being a human, he was born a mortal in Midgard and is the greatest sorcerer of the Nine Realms to this day.

And the one with Celestial technology is obviously Em Sabah Nur, the Apocalypse.

"And the first host of the Phoenix Force too..." Frigga sides eye Odin.

If it were possible, Odin would be blushing right now.

Thor's birth is... complicated.

(A.N.: Seriously, it's really complicated even for the readers to know this. Fuck, some comics say Gaea, others Firehair. Thor has connections with the Earth, AND with the Phoenix.

In this story, I decided that the two are the mother in some sort of cosmic conception of Gaea like donating the equivalent of her uterus to make Thor's body, because Odin and Firehair smashed as an astral body or some bullshit like that.

This will explain why Thor is conceived a fucking million years ago, but he is only a little more than a millennium old.

Fuck Jason Aaron)

Few know the true origin of Thor. Let's say that Gaea and Firehair(the first host of the Phoenix on Earth) have done some contributions to Thor's birth.

The people around didn't understand the situation because they are not aware of Thor's true parentage, even Thor at the moment doesn't know it.

"You're almost healed. Tomorrow you will start your travel through the realms. You can take with you who you want." Odin says before starting to walk away. Balder and Frigga follow him after saying goodbye to Thor and his friends.

"So, that Eidolon guy... Strong, huh? I want to try to fight with him." Volstagg says.

"If he visits here, maybe it's possible. I'm sure he can humor you." Thor starts before smiling "And us when he kicks your ass." He says to laughs.

"If he can move me, I will abstain from drinking for a month." Volstagg proudly declares. His saying is not without basis, with the exception of Thor and Odin he is probably the most durable man in all Nine Realms.

It's not because they're Asgardian, that all of them are monsters like Thor. An average Aesir must be as strong as Spider-man. Some will have things they will excel in like magic, strength, durability, or swordsmanship. But Hector would classify them as "High Street Level".

Obviously, they have powerful weapons too.

But again, weapons like Mjolnir and Gungnir are still rare.

Thor is really a special case. And because of this that Odin is preparing Thor for the role that will shoulder the fate of Asgard.

"But how good is this Eidolon guy? And that huge green beast... He looks strong too." Hogun asks

"The Hulk! Ah, he has the brute strength that puts Volstagg here on the ground." Thor excitedly exclaims "And Eidolon... Well, I don't know." Thor says a little unsure.


"How you don't know?" Sif asks

"... You guys know that I'm not at my best at that time. The whole fusion with my human identity." Thor says.

He doesn't know at this time, but living as a human is what makes it possible for Thor to fight the true enemies of Asgard, all according with Odin's plan. But this is better left to the future.

Thor continues. "But at the same time, I feel like he wasn't giving it his all either... He's strong, annoyingly fast, many abilities... But the thing is... his eyes." Thor talks to his friends.

"Throughout the whole fight, his eyes didn't change. Like everything I do is under his prediction, He is analyzing me... Like he knew he will win. And he never doubted that even for a moment. And he just took his time because he couldn't make up his mind how to end the fight." Thor says gravely.

"It sincerely creeps me out a little... But he did this for my own good. Haha." Thor laughs. "But now I'm confident that I can win!" He says closing and opening his fist.

"I have no idea of waht you are talking about, Thor. You don't know how to explain things properly..." Lady Sif says


"Let's go to y brother, Heimdall, and ask him to show his memories of the fight" Sif suggests.

"Excellent idea!"

"Watch a good fight let's anyone thirst, I will take some barrels." Volstagg declares.

Deciding what they're going to do, they start moving.

But Thor hears Lady Sif mutter "Heh. I will see Amora being punched like a training dummy."

Thor wisely chooses to not comment.


With Odin

"Father..." Balder starts as he walks beside his father.

"If you are gonna plead for Amora again, don't even start." Odin cuts

Balder stops momentarily before resuming talking.

"I'm not saying to forgive her entirely, father. But there are other means... To her and Loki. Make them work to the Nine Realms. Using their abilities to bring peace in these turbulent times..."

"Turbulent times caused by who?" Odin interrupts again, a little more harshly this time.

This shuts Balder off.

Odin stops and looks at his son.

"Balder… Of all my children you are the one I am most proud of." Odin speaks surprising Balder. "You're serious, diligent, have a good heart and soul... Never bring me problems like your brothers. But…" Odin begins softly before speaking in a deeper tone.

" obsession for Amora is the only thing that I always never approve of."

Balder flinches a little.

"She is using you, my son. That Midgardian words may have been harsh and stinging, but there's truth on them. She is not worth of your efforts and not worth of you." Odin finishes before starting to walk again. Alone this time.

Balder just stay rooted in his spot for a long time.

Balder is, by no means, as bad as Hector painted it. As Odin said, he is a good child and a better man. But it is easy for a good man to be taken advantage of.

There's a little problem with these long-lived races. Asgardians can live for a long time, but they reach maturity roughly at the same time as humans.

Thor and Loki coincidentally are only two years apart. Balder is a century younger than the two. That means that Balder is a kid when Thor and Loki are already adults fighting and having their different kinds of fun.

This creates a little wall between the brothers. But it was a good thing too. Balder grew up watching his older brotehrs making problems and giving headaches to Odin, so he grew up much more mature and serious than his brothers

To not give problems to his relatives and to make them proud.

But... There is a bad side effect.

As Balder is younger... He is more impressionable.

A younger Balder, barely an adult meets an already adult Amora. She is decades older. More experient and cunning. He has no chance.

Amora is one of the most beautiful women of the Nine Realms. So much so that even Thor fell for her charms for a while, before he knew her better.

A childhood crush is a difficult thing to let go, mainly to someone as pure as Balder. And even more to a long-lived race.

Well, even though Hector called him out the fault is not n him. But in the woman he fell for.

In any other situation, his pure pursuit of love would be a tale worth songs and praises. But like Hector says, the difference between you being a respectable gentleman and a simp is... The woman you have fallen for.

Amora is a bitch, personality-wise. So Balder is a simp.

If she was a better woman and being honest with Balder telling him that she has no interest in him. Balder's pursuit would be of a young man trying to conquer his loved one.

But now he is a simp, that humiliates himself for the love of a woman that only sees him as a tool.

He still believes in her, and although Odin is aware of this unhealthy relationship and that Balder will one day get hurt when he wakes up to reality, he is still let it be.

(A.N.: The worst-case scenario for Balder here would be a older Amora, not even beautiful anymore sees that has no chance of getting anything better, and settles for Balder. And Balder accepting. Ugh. I have seen a thing like that in real life. Don't accept being the last option, Kings!!)

Despite what MCU makes of Odin's bad parentage skill (for plot purposes), he is not a bad father. He can be harsh and distant, but he is doing this for his children's own good.

He is not the God of Wisdom for nothing.

If you asked Hector, he would say that he has a much better impression of Odin than the All-Father of other pantheons. Like the Greece one... At least he doesn't go around sleeping with mortal married women. As an animal or some sick shit like that.

Odin rarely says directly what his children should do. He let them do whatever they want most of the time. They make mistakes and can grow from that. They are long-lived, so they will have a long time to think and become better.

Works well with most of his sous. Even Loki, "The failure" can one day repent. Maybe in one year, ten, a hundred... Matter not. But Odin believes that Loki can be great if he let go of his obsession for the throne of Asgard.

He thinks the same about Balder. He will let Balder realize on his own that Amora is a mistake. The children grow much more when they obtain the answer for themselves.

Thor is a good example.

Although Odin believed in his children, he hopes that they will grow a little faster. Normally he wouldn't be worried because Thor, Loki, and Balder still have a long time ahead.

But Odin doesn't have...


Xavier Institute, Kitty Pryde P.O.V.

"Oh God, he's hot." Jubilee exclaims as we watch the events of the Invasion.

Well, I have to agree with her no matter who she's talking about. Thor, Captain America, Human Torch... All of them are hot.

But she is talking about Eidolon this time.

"So this is what he is hiding under the mantle." I comment by pausing to take a good look at it for research purposes.

"Oh! He has that thing on the waist..." Jubilee says as she points. "That V cut of his abs..."

"I want to bite that..." Paige, a.k.a theHusk is a mutant (or meta) that can shed her skin to adapt to different situations.

"Girls..." Dr. Hank sighs "Let's be serious for a moment, please."

At the moment all of the X-men and other students are together with the teachers to watch everything related to the Battle of New York.

We are in the living room, using the Big Tv.

Seriously, what happened in New York is crazy enough to make us pay attention. But the fact that Eidolon, a declared Mutant... Meta-human participated makes us give a new degree of importance.

"Yeah, let's focus on the important matter..." Spyke starts by attracting everyone's attention. Knowing him nothing important will come from his mouth. He looks at the men in the room gravely and asks; "Red or Green?" Called it.

Some answers instantly, others hesitate because there girls here.

"So Scott…Red or Green?" Spyke asks Scott

"I don't want to participate in this." Scott answers

"Red. Got it..." Spyke ignores him and takes his own conclusions.

"What? That is, not my answer!"

"Oooh…Green? I see. Space to only one red, huh? Got it. Green, that's it." Spyke continues making all of us laugh and Scott blushes a little.

I look at Jean to see her reaction, but she appears to not be listening. She has a thoughtful expression.

Oh, I see. When Eidolon talked to her, he said things about disasters, aliens, gods, magic... Honestly, I didn't take it too seriously when Jean told me.

But, if this invasion is not a slap on my face, I don't know what is.

If he is telling the truth about this, that means that whatever important thing he talked about with Jean is true too.

"You guys are gross..." Ellie talks disgusted.

"Hey! You guys are talking about the men early! Why we don't talk about the women too, huh? Double standards at the finest... " Spyke says full of righteousness.

"Hypocrites..." Warren supports Spyke.

"Is it like that? We have an important question to ask too..." I start, and Jubille catches my intentions.

"Yeah~ There's a thing that we girls need to decide ASAP." She says

"Eidolon or Captain America... Who has the best ass?" I said seriously with my fingers interlocked beneath my chin while I lean forward.

Seeing the scrunched face of the boys makes it worth it.

"I will start voting for Eidolon." I declare proudly.

Jubille then speaks. "Sorry, but Captain America is Thiccer."

"Not by much, and we are focusing in the ass. Get your priorities straight, Jubilation Lee." I retort using the name that she hates.

After a while, only Rogue and Jean did not declare their stances.

"Rogue?" I ask. I'm confident in who she will choose.

"Eidolon..." She says a little bashful

"Haha. Yes."

"Don't celebrate ahead of time, Katherine Pryde!" Jubille interrupts me also using my full name. "Jean..." she urges.

"Did I really need to?" jean asks a little hesitant.

" " YES! " "

Averting her eyes Jean says. "...Eidolon, I think."

"Hahaha. In your face!!"

"Wait a moment. Teacher Ororo has not yet voted." Jubilee interrupts me by raising her hand. "As an adult, her vote will count for two." She says shameless

"Bullshit! Don't go creating rules only to your win."

"I'm not inventing... I mean, I am. But makes sense. She has more experience than us. Her vote must have more weight." Jubille speaks

"Hmpf. This will only make your defeat more miserable." I glare at her. "Teacher, say your thoughts!" I turn dramatically to Ororo.

She smiles and raises an amused eyebrow. "You girls are dragging me into this?"

"Eh. All is Jubilee's fault." I don't hesitate in throwing my friend under the bus.

But she is not angry and continues "Alright... Let me think." She makes a serious expression.

"Captain America's butt is indeed a little bigger. But Eidolon's is perkier... I think Eidolon can still grow, he looks Young... 18 or 19 years old." Ororo analyzes.

Yeah, I have the impression that he is young too. A Young adult at least.

"So... I will bring this to the mutants and go with Eidolon." Ororo says finally.

"THERE IS! Take this, traitor scum!" I tell everyone who votes for Captain America.

"Shut up, Captain America is the hero of our country." jubille retorts

"But Eidolon is the hero of our race!" I argue.

And is not an exaggeration. A group of powered individuals saves the world. And as a Mutant ... Meta-human, he is one of the great, if not the greatest, contributor to their victory.

My thought are interrupted by the Professor. "Girls, now that you have your fun. We can talk about more pressing matters."

""Okay, professor"" Me and Jubilee both respond.

"The disaster in New York is an event that changes the world. And Eidolon's participation will change the world view on mutants forever. To better or worst..." The Professor starts.

Honestly, I don't think it will change to the worst. How bad can the view of mutants can get anyway? There are towns that lynch mutants on sight and relatives who abandon their children.

"I think we shold be a little more optimistic..." Teacher Ororo begins. "Magneto is already doing bad things. Eidolon emergence can counterbalance the things. Now people can see the two sides." She says.

True. There are good and bad mutants, but the world only knows the bad.

"Not to mention that his actions led people to look up more about mutants and come to their own conclusions, rather than just accepting what the media and government says." Dr. Hank says while cleaning his glasses.

Yeah, I was surprised at how little the world knows about us. People don't know the classification like Omega, Alpha, and others. Don't know that we too have bad powers. And many other things that I thought that are obvious.

The world is really ignorant. We never have a spokesperson.

Normal people don't care about the Professor and Hank's papers and studies. There's no visibility about mutant-kind in general.

"He is strong..." I hear someone commenting.

Looking at TV, we can see flashes of him and Thor fighting. Damn, it looks like the end of the world.

Dark sky, explosions, pillars of flame, lightning...

It's incredible that New York doesn't become a wasteland.

The special moment we see him and Thor being pushed back and him going to crash into a building. But the build becomes like it's made of rubber and bounce him back.

"What monster..." Rogue mutters, drawing my attention.

She continues. "I know that power, that made things, even the air, having elastic properties. I used it in our training session." She says. Oh, I remember. "It needs contact, and I only managed to affect a few meters of volume. But him..." Rogue points.

"He instantly turns a whole building into an elastic while beintossed. I had his powers for a while, and I know... That guy is not only a super strong Omega-level. He control and decision-making... *Huff* What a beast." Rogue concludes

What she says is true. Having that level of control, even with so many powers! Damn, how does he trains?

A fun fact is that there are reports of people in New York who were saved by an "Invisible Force" during the invasion. Debris pausing in the Middle of the air, people being pulled out of the way of attacks...

Some people on internet theorizes that Eidolon is saving people with telekinesis while fighting Thor! The god of Thunder! How crazy is that??

We all see him moving tones and tones of debris with telekinesis, but having this control in a difficult battle? I still mess up a little if I have many things on my mind.

And gods are real! Fuck, he fought a god! A mind-controlled god!

I sigh. No wonder Eidolon despises powers that do things with the mind. I mean, it's not the power's fault, it's the person. But he is cautious of this for a reason.

After this, we watch some more moments.

Seeing him use a power similar to mine to phase and save people makes me think... I should be there.

I could use my powers for good too. And make mutants be recognized while we do this.

Is not like I'm envious of the fame... Maybe a little. But that is not the point.

We are doing good secretly for more than a year. Helping, saving... But no one knows this.

When we learned of the invasion, the thing was almost over. The Professor didn't let us help, because it could bring attention to us, to the institute and put us in danger. And put the children here in danger too...

Yeah, I know. We are minors. The Professor is not wrong and putting our lives as a priority since he is responsible. But is still frustrating...

We adopt a wait-and-see approach to the whole situation.

The TV attracts my attention again. It shows an interview with Captain America in the streets of New York. He is still helping with the rescue and cleaning, in the background, it is possible to see workers moving things.

The interview is going ok. The Captain answered how he could, but he appears a little uncomfortable. But the moment that attracts my attention is really interesting...

"...about the people who helped in that tragic day. Among them, there's a mutant: Eidolon. Do you know him beforehand?" The Woman reporter asks

"No, sincerely I hardly know any of them beforehand..." Captain America answers

"So are you sure that we can trust a mutant on the same level as the others?" The interviewer asks. And even I can say that she messed up. The Captain looks a little angry.

I'm angry too.

"Ma'am..." He starts gravely "I've been away for a while. So I don't know much about the world now. But Eidolon fought and bleed together with us... To protect the world. In the past... And I want to believe that so far in the present too... This means that he is an ally and a friend until proven otherwise." Damn, burned by Captain America. Bye, bye career.

"Now if you excuse me... Have a nice day." The Captain says before walk away.

"Nicely said, Cap!" Jubilee exclaims from the side.

"Heh. It's good to see the man alive and kicking." Logan speaks with a rare genuine smile.

"Do you really know him?" Bob asks.

"Yeah. You guys didn't believe me. I meet him during the war. A rare good man he is... I meet the Black Widow some times too. She tried to kill me. Good times, good times." Logan speaks.

His life is weird if he can think about World War II and assassination attempts with nostalgia.

"He is smart... Eidolon, I mean." Dr. Hank comments. After seeing that people are paying attention Dr. Hank continues. "I remember that Jean commented that Eidolon already help secretly, but he is waiting for the right time for his 'debut' ."

Jean nods.

"He goes and talks with Jean about some disaster, so maybe him or someone close to him has a power that can predict these things." Dr. Hank talks

"If he revealed himself earlier to stop muggers or bank robbers, you know, minor things, maybe he would receive the same treatment of Spider-man, maybe worse because he is a mutant. So he waited for a big disaster to be truly needed. And to truly fight along other heroes, thus associating himself with mutates and other types of heroes like Stark." Hank pauses and points to the TV.

"If someone speaks ill of Eidolon is the same as speaking ill of Captain America, Stark and the Fantastic Four. And his 'meta-human' term... Which encompass all people with powers and not just mutants."

"This man is truly set on bringing a Revolution. He has planned very far ahead." Dr. Hank speaks with admiration in his voice.

Ororo comments then. "And he is the spearhead... He is going first, showing the world what he can do. Because he is Strong he doesn't mind what people will talk about him or try to do against him."

"He is taking the brunt of all hate now and trying to change in positive things. And showing mutants around the world, that they have allies too." Ororo finishes.

"Whether like it or not, if anyone agrees or not, he is now the face o mutant-kind." The Professor speaks.

"..." Wow. This looks very manipulative but is not wrong.

"But can we really trust him to carry the weight of our race?" Scott asks

"Well, no one never stepped forward. So he is taking matters into his own hands." Is Jean defending Eidolon, making Scott frown.

Jean continues. "I understand the Teacher's concern to protect us and protect the other children, because this is really the right decision for now. Is better that we don't reveal ourselves to the world. The Professor has to consider many things. Let's Eidolon go ahead and see how the world will treat someone that is trying to help."

"I remember Eidolon commenting that he couldn't just be a hero... that is not a step that can be taken lightly. Now I understand the why. We are not ready to do this, but he is at least trying... We can't fault him on this." Jean says.

True. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

"Jean, does he really has said to you that he plans to visit in the future?" The Professor asks

"Yeah, he said something about checking out and talking with us properly."

"I see... So let's wait and see. I can't risk you all. Sorry, I know that some of you are unhappy, but this is my final decision." The Professor says before rolling out.

Looking at the TV, I remember the conversation about the future I had with the girls and I wonder what the future has in store for us.


Unknown place.

In a vast and empty room, a man is meditating.

His head was full of white hair but he looks like someone in his early 40s. He has a good physique, full of muscles, and is floating in a mediative stance.

This man is Erik Lehnsherr, birth name Max Eisenhart, also known as Magneto. The leader of The Brotherhood of Mutants and one of the most famous criminals of the world.

Two people enter the large gray, metal-lined room.

Fabian Cortez known as "The Power" is a mutant follower of Magneto that can enhance other mutant's powers. He is a white man with brown hair tied in a low ponytail.

The other person is Raven Darkholme, the Mystique. She is in her true blue appearance, with red hair and yellow eyes.

"News?" Magneto asks without opening his eyes.

"Only about the invasion. We got some alien technology in the black market. We are just waiting for your permission to bring it to Asteroid M." Mystique responds.

"This matter is of utter importance. I will bring these things personally." Erik speaks.

"Very good."

"I'm curious, boss. What do you think of this mutant hero: Eidolon? Should we do something about him?" Fabian asks.

"A kid..." Magneto answers simply. "He is still naive and believe in the world. He will be disappointed. It's just a matter of time..." He says, his voice grave

"Just let him be... When he attempts fail, he will wake up of his delusions." Magneto continued.

"If Xavier tries to recruit him?" Fabian asks again.

"A man that can face gods is not easily impressed by Charles's idealistic talk." Magneto says "But you saw him in person, right Raven? What did you think?" Magneto asks opening his eyes.

"No chance of him becoming one of Xavier's kids. He is someone that do things in his own way. That's my impression of him. His personality will clash with Charles." Mystique answers.

"I see. Good." Magneto speaks before closing his eyes. "Anyway, don't make trouble for him. Even if he is going a different way, he is Fighting for mutant-kind all the same." Magneto declares.

After Fabio and Raven leave Magneto opens his eyes again.

"A Middleground, huh? Between my and Charles's ideas. Let's see how far can you go. Are you gonna surprise me?" Magneto mutters to himself before returning to his meditation.



Doom is sitting in his throne with many holo screens in front of him. Drinking wine he analyzes the events that are shown.

The Avengers, the enemies. But more importantly Thor, The Hulk, and Eidolon.

Zooming in he focus on the Mjolnir and the Sword of Actuation.

He reclined himself on his throne. There's a limit to what he can analyze and study with only video footage.

He shifts his focus to the moves and battles that have been recorded.

For an instant, his eyes shift to the image of a blonde woman in a blue tight suit. But quickly he refocuses and begins to study the powers and moves of the fighters.

Doom will prepare.



In a luxurious office, a blonde Woman with blue eyes is watching the footage of Eidolon fighting on her tablet with interested eyes. This Woman is beautiful, with a perfectly symmetrical face and high cheekbones. She is using a white corset and a tight equally White pants.

Emma Frost also starts planning.

Eidolon is a possibility and a chance to her put many of her plans forward.

And she doesn't believe that she can't gain him to help her.


Hidden place.

Another women is also watching Eidolon and Thor fight.

She is dressed exactly like Emma Frost but in black. And she isn't using pants, only a black thong. She is pale with black long and straight hair.

She pauses the video after watching an Exchange between Thor and Eidolon.

"Such vitality..." She exclaims in ecstasy.

"The two are good... But you're more accessible."

She smiles as she traces her fingers on Eidolon's image.


A.N.: Sup, you guys expected to see me this weekend?

An extra is an extra my friends.

I was very happy that people liked the extra chap.

Someone asks to translate my story to Russian, I was like. "Okay... This is a fanfic. Feel free to do that."

In other words, if anyone wants to translate this to any different alphabet, go for it.

But please put the link to this story, because the readers can interact here.

I read a review about how bad the cover of this story is. And the synopsis too. Damn, is really that bad? Is simple because I never cared. Maybe I should commission some artist to make a drawing of Eidolon. Does anyone know an artist who makes OCs?

Anyway, that's all.

Next is the GACHA.

Till next time.

Stay good.

EvansKannon EvansKannon

Nothing to add here.

Thanks for reading. Any feedback is appreciated.

Give ideas and suggestions. Anything to make the story better for everyone. Stay good you all.

Till next time.

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