[Use another!] the answer came from no one but Sith, [and another, keep using those thick black things until it's done!]
"Ok," I didn't get what was the point actually but I wouldn't lose anything by trying. So the next half an hour I kept bringing those thick pillars, dropping my blood upon, and using these as brushes.
Each pillar experienced the same result. They all got attached to the word, seemingly acting like they wouldn't budge from there.
But when the thirteenth pillar was used, a new change occured.
The shocking surface of all of these vibrated and got suddenly extended. It was like mighty explosions occurred at these pillars, and in no time they turned into a mesh of black liquid that got fused together.
One huge droplet of black liquid formed in front of my eyes. It started fist as a gigantic black carpet, then started to bend its edges to form a big circular shaped droplet.
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