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3.07% The Emperor of Darkness (DxD) / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Tears of blood...

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2: Tears of blood...

Thirty minutes earlier...

After running out of the mansion issei took flight into the skies with his balance breaker activated.

He didn't fly for too long and hid in a small cave in the forest of Kouh town.

He sat down and tried to calm down.

"Partner... how.... how are you?" Spoke Ddraig slowly.

"I feel like shit! and the moment I wanted to surprise them they do that!? I ain't some toy that can be just thrown away like that! who do they think they are!?" Echoed issei's shout of pure fury through the cave.

"Calm down partner.... we have even worse problems right now regarding your pawn pieces and a curse that dragons get after their mates betray them or the mates die, you have very little time to-" Spoke the wise dragon but it fell on deaf ears as issei stood up with his glowing eyes.

"Those whores dare to mess with me... those wannabe friends turn their back on me and have fun with MY women... I'll kill them... I'll kill them all!! No one shall stand in my way!" Shouted issei as his aura started to leak violently.

The curse of the juggernaut drive slowly started to influence issei's thinking and mental state.

"Partner calm down! I can't keep the past hosts at bay for too long! you are already dying! stop this!" Roared Ddraig but Issei didn't hear him again and his balance breaker once again appeared without even calling out to it and several green orbs appeared and floated around issei.

"It's starting, yes, it's starting once again..." Spoke one of the green orbs.

"I'll kill them" Repeated issei.

"Finally, this time you will surely fall to the curse of the juggernaut drive.." Spoke another.

I'll kill them all!" Roared issei as the images of his now ex-girls making love with his brothers kept flashing in his mind.

(I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God! )

" Partner stop!" Roared Ddraig for the last time but it didn't work as issei continued the chant.

Issei was getting bigger and his aura swirled around him violently, destroying the cave entirely in the process with the explosive power.

(I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"

I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination

And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!)

[JUGGERNAUT DRIVE!] Roared Ddraig as soon as issei finished the chant and with a powerful roar that shook the ground woke up the whole town but right after that all of the humans were knocked unconscious by his overwhelmingly dominating aura.

There he stood, in a very similar to the Scale Mail armour with a much more Dragon-like gigantic form. The armour possessed claw-like growths on the hands and feet, as well as horns and a fanged mouth on the helmet.

The whole ground shook and cracked from his aura alone, but he did not release only his aura but some kind of crimson mist that oozed from his body and covered the whole town with it.

Issei was tall enough to see the whole town of Kouh and as soon as he noticed the mansion he roared once again before moving towards it.

He didn't get too far as a bunch of magic circles appeared in front of him in the sky about fifty meters away from him.

Out of the magic circles came out Sirzechs, Grayfia, Kiba, Sona and her peerage except for Saji, Azazel and Michael.

"What in the world is happening here!?" Shouted Azazel as he looked at issei who activated the juggernaut drive for the second time.

"I would like to know that too, he was praying earlier some weird things" Said Michael.

"No time for explaining! right now we need to get him out of his armour!" Shouted Kiba who was behind them.

"What is this mist?" Asked Tsubaki, Sona's queen.

"I don't know but it is bone-chilling, it keeps sending chills down my spine" Said Sona with a neutral expression.

The beast got annoyed as the people ignored him so to gather their attention he started to boost.


Everyone was on guard and prepared to fight this beast even if they knew that it was impossible to defeat him without stronger forces.

Yes, even Sirzechs was not enough to defeat Issei in his juggernaut drive.

"Ddraig cannot contact issei nor anyone else once the curse is activated so we can't know issei's condition at the moment" Explained Azazel.

"Azazel, send the White Dragon Empress here, even if she is in the chaos brigade we can't stop issei without her help, we will stall for time in the meantime" Said Sirzechs.

Azazel modded and called the White Dragon Empress via a magic circle that appeared next to his right ear.

"Sona! you and your peerage create a barrier so Issei won't be able to destroy the town, Kiba you will help her while I, Grayfia, Azazel, and Michael will hold him back" Ordered Sirzechs.

"Yes, my lord!" Replied everyone before they landed on the ground and started to create a dome-like barrier around issei Sirzechs and Grayfia.

"You ready dear?" Asked Grayfia.

"Yes" Replied Sirzechs as he powered up followed by Grayfia and Michael.

They unleashed their auras but it was no match for issei's dominating one.

Sirzechs and Grayfia unleashed a barrage of demonic attacks as well as the power of destruction spheres and beams while Michael used holy magic and light spears, but if it damaged the armour even slightly it repaired itself instantly.

While they were holding issei in place Azazel finally contacted the White Dragon Empress.

"Azazel what do you want? I'm training right now" Asked a beautiful voice.

"Valerica we have a problem here and I bet you already know what it is" Said Azazel hastily.

"The red one activated the juggernaut drive again? yes, I felt it" Replied The empress known as Valerica.

"Still referring to your crush as red one?" Asked Azazel.

"Who told you that!?" Shouted Valerica.

"That doesn't matter, now, you wanna save your crush or not?" Asked Azazel.

He got no reply so Azazel tried to pressure her.

"Remember it's his second time activating the curse and his life force is still not replenished" Said Azazel.

"Fine, I will come" Said Valerica before she ended the call.

"Hm hm hm from rivals to lovers how sweet" Chukled Azazel before he entered the barrier to help hold Issei in one place.

...Lane break...

"Where are you going Valerica?" Asked Arthur as he saw Valerica leave the training ground.

"You keep training here I have some business to take care of" Replied Valerica as she left the room.

"So Albion.... mind telling me how Azazel found out about me having a crush?" Asked Valerica as she put on her combat clothes.

"Well... you speak about the red one's host so much while you sleep I may have or have not told about it to Fafnir to vent my frustrations" Replied Albion.

"You'll pay for this" Said Valerica with a sadistic grin that sent shivers down Albion's spine.

"Balance breaker!" Shouted Valerica.

[Vanishing Dragon Balance breaker!] Roared Albion and in a bright white and blue flash, Valerica was in her armour.

She created a magic circle and vanished in a flash.

Valerica arrived at the scene and the first things she noticed were that the whole town was covered in a dark crimson mist and a knocked out Sona and her peerage.

Sirzechs Grayfia Michael and Azazel were badly damaged.

Even Azazel's Downfall armour didn't help.

And the last thing she noticed was... Issei in his juggernaut drive destroying the surroundings and the annoying bugs that were in front of him.

But once she saw his eyes and felt the mist she felt a deep sadness.

His eyes had flowing tears but the tears were that of blood.

He let out a roar but it didn't seem that of rage but rather.... sorrow.

"Albion?" Asked Valerica.

"It can't be..... Valerica your crush here has very little time left, he is sick by one of the most powerful dragon sicknesses called Dragon's fall.

Once a dragon's mate dies or betrays, the dragon gets sick and dies in a week.

Hosts of draconic sacred gears have a slim chance of getting sick but if that happens many times or the host's heart is weak and can't handle something like that the chances are bigger.

There are three stages of this sickness.

The first one is rage, the dragon can't control its emotions, second, a mist is spread from Dragon's body and the third is blood tears, but I feel a strong demonic and draconic energy clash that is happening inside the boy's body, his pawn pieces are corrupted and are quickening the process of the Dragon's fall not speaking about his life force being depleted right this moment, luckily this time the form is incomplete too otherwise we wouldn't be able to save him" Explained Albion to Valerica.

"Then there's no time to waste" Said Valerica and as she was ready to take action, issei launched a Longinus smasher at the faction leaders and Grayfia who were stalling for time.

They were luckily knocked out unconscious and not killed as the attack didn't hit them directly, just blown away from the force.

They were too exhausted fighting a beast like that anyway.

Valerica landed on the ground and started to chant.

(I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God

I envy the "infinite" and I pursue the "dream"

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy

And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise!)

[JUGGERNAUT DRIVE!] Roared Albion as soon as Valerica finished the chant.

Her juggernaut drive was similar but white instead of red and the gems were blue, not green like

Issei's and some details were different but the same draconic appearance.

[Longinus smasher!] Roared Ddraig's voice as Issei unleashed another beam this time at Valerics, but once it got close it disappeared without reaching its target as Albion roared.


Valerica didn't waste any time as she charged a blue sphere in her mouth using the energy she stored up from issei's last attack combined with her demonic magic.

Once she released the attack it hit Issei and he roared out of pure pain as bits of Issei's armour flew in every direction before Ddraig's voice rang out again.


And issei cancelled the attack but was obviously damaged and the armour was repairing slowly now.

Valerica was glad when she saw issei get weaker but it wasn't because of the attack.


LAST MOVE!" Roared Albion shocking Valerica in the process.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Asked Valerica hastily.

"Yes, but you won't like it, not one bit" Answered Albion.

"Just tell me already!" Shouted Valerica.

"You have to run..." Said Albion.

"Are you crazy!? I am not running away! Shouted Valerica.

" Then you'll die here! you don't have the time nor the power to stop him anymore, it's too late!" Roared Albion back.

Valerica became silent and had very complex emotions about this until she had one last idea.

"Ophis! I need your help!" Roared Valerica but nothing happened.

"Please Ophis! I beg of you!" Roared Valerica one last time and much to her relief a magic circle with an infinity symbol appeared next to her and a loli with black hair, black eyes and pointy ears like an elf's emerged from it.

"So noisy" Said Ophis quietly with an emotionless expression.

"Ophis! help me remove him from that armour quickly before it's too late!" Shouted Valerica as she pointed at the red draconic armour that was out of control.

Ophis waited a moment in silence before giving her an answer.

"I'll help if this noise stops" Answered Ophis as she sent her snakes at Issei.

The black snakes wrapped all around Issei and kept him at bay while Ophis opened a tear to the dimensional gap beneath Issei's feet.

Issei fell into the dimensional gap followed by Ophis and Valiana who was still in her juggernaut drive. The tear closed and Issei's eyes and all of the gems started to glow more intensely by the second.

"Hurry up! you have at least half a minute left!" Warned Albion.

Ophis snakes moved to issei's limbs and tied his legs, arms and wings.

Issei was resisting with everything he had but he couldn't fight against the dragon god at the moment.

Valerica didn't waste time and started tearing his armour down slowly using her sharp armour claws while dividing Issei's energy.


Roared Albion but Ddraig's voice wasn't silent either as issei kept boosting his power.

Luckily for them, Issei couldn't repair the armour anymore and his defences dropped significantly.

But it was painful for issei as the armour was forcefully removed from his body.

It felt the same if not worse as peeling someone's skin.

Issei struggled and resisted in every way he could but nothing worked as Valerica continued to tear his armour.

The blood tears and the mist never stopped gushing out as well as the sorrowful roars.

"C'mon you, idiot!" Roared Valerica desperately as the time was running short.

Inside Issei's mindscape...

It was darkness all around a body of a seventeen-year-old boy who was on his knees and clenching his chest above his heart crying and weeping as the memories of the scene kept flashing in his memory and the moans of pleasure echoed through the mindscape.

It was torture for Issei.

Just a few hours ago or so he came up with a great plan to propose to the girls but now he was seconds away from death as the juggernaut drive consumed his remaining life force and sanity.

"Shut up! just shut up for hell's sake! just shut your damn mouth!" Shouted issei as he couldn't listen to those moans anymore.

But suddenly he heard a voice that made him stop weeping.

A voice, that he thought he would never hear again...

"What are you crying for darling?" Asked the mysterious yet beautiful voice.

Issei slowly looked behind and saw her...


Issei thought that was it, she would finish him off but instead of that she just smiled not cruel or sadistic but a genuine and kind smile before speaking again.

"Why are you crying here?" Asked Raynare again.

"If you are feeling sad or are in pain just share with your closest people and forget the ones that brought you that pain, start with me, I'll take all of your anger and sorrow so you can start over again" Said Raynare as she crouched down and hugged him.

"W-why?" He stutered out of pure confusion.

He thought that she came here to mock him and completely destroy him once and for all but...

"Why you ask? because I truly love you... I know my actions say otherwise but I had a reason... I truly regret killing you that beautiful day... I hope you can forgive me" Said Raynare.

Issei couldn't believe what he was hearing, he thought that she was lying but her eyes told him everything.

Her beautiful pink eyes held so much regret and sorrow for what she has done.

"I... " Issei didn't know what to say, he was lost for words.

"No need to say anything, now wake up and don't you dare to close up that beautiful heart of yours with those cold and disgusting walls of ice, I for a fact know that someone will make sure to keep you from hiding your heart, but I want to hear you promise me yourself" Said Raynare.

Issei just stared at her before her expression turned a little angry.

"I said promise!" Said Raynare angrily.

"I-I p-promise" Stuttered issei.

Issei wanted to say something but before that could happen he was kissed by Raynare on the lips with passion and love that she truly felt.

She removed herself from issei and spoke her final words.

"Now wake up my cute dragon, don't ever give up and I promise I won't give up here either" Said Raynare as she slowly faded away.

It was darkness for a moment before issei's eyes shot open.

The first thing he saw was what he thought was the night sky as he looked at a bunch of small glowing dots in the sky but once he sat up he realised that he was somewhere familiar.

"The dimensional gap?" Asked issei out loud.

He noticed that he was on a small boulder that was big enough for three people to sleep on and a black barrier that surrounded the boulder.

Suddenly he heard a grunt.

He looked down and near his feet, he saw a sleeping Valerica.

"What did I miss?" Asked a dumbfounded Issei.

"A lot partner" Replied Ddraig.

"Oh hey there..... so what exactly happened? I can't remember anything only...." Said issei but silenced after he remembered what happened but the memory ends at the cave.

"Ddraig what happened in the cave and why are we in the dimensional gap?" Asked issei.

" 'Sigh' After you hid in the cave you activated the juggernaut drive and got an illness called Dragon's fall" Said Ddraig.

"I... activated it again?.... but what is dragon's fall?" Asked issei.

"Once a dragon or a host that has dragon-type sacred gear gets betrayed by its mate or the mate dies, the dragon gets sick with the Dragon's fall illness and has a week until death.

The only cure is to either forget the mate which is practically impossible or find another mate.

The problem was that you had activated the juggernaut drive which consumed your life force further, your pawn pieces got corrupted and your demonic and draconic energies clashed together inside your body and quickened the process of Dragon's fall and slowly destroyed you from the inside.

Luckily for you, the town wasn't destroyed as Sirzechs his queen Azazel, and Michael kept you away from the town and stalled for time as they waited for their saviour.

Valerica with the help of Ophis deactivated your juggernaut form but you were still at a huge risk as you had only ten minutes left to live because of the Dragon's fall sickness.

We had to eject your corrupted pawn pieces and turn you into a ninety-five percent dragon because otherwise you would've died once the pieces were removed without turning you into one.

Then you had to get cured from the dragon's fall and the only way to do that was for you to mark someone as your mate or be marked as one.

And the candidate was Valerica your now ex-rival and your current mate" Explained Ddraig.

There was a lot of information for issei to process as he stayed silent for five minutes straight.

"Are.... are you okay with this?" Asked issei.

"I don't care about the rivalry anymore if that means saving your damn life" Replied Ddraig.

Issei stayed silent for a while again.

He has never expected Ddraig to throw out his rivalry with the white one just like that.

"How long was I out?" Asked issei after a while.

"For a month partner but this barrier that you are in right now is created by Ophis and it not only protects you from the dimensional gap as it is a time barrier.

What I mean to say is that here you spent one month while outside of the barrier only an hour or so passed by" Explained Ddraig.

"Do you recall anything while you were in the juggernaut drive this time or did you forget again like last time?" Asked Ddraig.

"I...I forgot..." Replied issei but felt that something really important happened but couldn't recall it.

"... what now?" Asked issei.

"Now you wait until Valerica awakes and..... thank her for saving your life you damn idiot" Said Ddraig before going to sleep.

Issei inspected his body and saw that he still wore the same clothes that were all torn apart and bloodied.

He didn't smell nice that's for sure.

Issei then looked back at the sleeping Valiana.

He reached out his hand and softly rubbed her silver-white hair and then her soft and warm cheek.

He didn't realise what he was doing.

"What are you doing?" Asked Valerica as she opened her eyes.

"N-nothing!" Replied Issei as he hastily removed his hand from her.

Valerica sat up and stretched her arms with a cute yawn.

issei got to see her in full beauty.

She wore simple jeans that hugged her soft butt and thick thighs, a white shirt with red spots from issei's blood that beautifully displayed her bosom and a leather jacket.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Valerica.

"Fine? sore mostly.... is it true? did you mark me as your mate?" Asked issei.

This question caught Valerica off guard.

A small blush formed on her beautiful face.

"Yes, I did so what?" Asked Valerica as she turned to look away from the embarrassment.

"You did this only because you wanted to save me right? Thank you for this" Thanked Issei.

"Do you really think I did all of this just to save your sorry ass and get a simple thank you in return?" Asked Valerica with a glare.

Issei didn't know how to respond.

"I did this because I like you, for quite some time now and when Albion explained about dragon's fall curse, your corrupted pawn pieces, and the life span consumption of the drive..... made me sad because I thought you were slipping out of my grasp as I literally watched your life slowly slip away and reach its end. It hurt me so much for some reason..." Explained Valerica with tears that rolled down her cheeks slowly.

This was a side of Valerica that only a few people have ever seen.

Issei just looked straight into her eyes and saw how beautiful they were, the blue orbs shined beautifully until for a moment he saw that horrid scene in his mind again.

He flinched and Vali noticed that.

"I... I don't know if... if I can after what happened..." Said issei as he looked away.

Valiana felt a little hurt but she did expect something like this.

She got closer to him grabbed him by his collar pulled him closer, their faces were almost in contact.

"Listen here, you are the Red Dragon Emperor and a dragon who are known to be fearless! will you really let those whores stop you here!? or will you make them regret their choices!? you are my mate now and I will love you until I die and no one will stop me not even you so you either forget them or be a wimpy kid who dropped his ice cream on the ground.

I don't need a weak mate understood!?" Shouted Valerica with a glare.

As Issei heard her describe him as weak and a wimpy kid made him furious as his pride took a hit.

His new dragon instincts didn't like that at all and made issei dominate her rather than let her insult him.

He kissed her full force with passion.

Valerica was shocked but reciprocated the short kiss.

As they finished they both blushed and didn't make eye contact as they weren't used to this yet, they were rivals not too long ago after all.

Valerica stood up and offered issei her hand.

"Let us go?" Asked Vali.

"Sure but ill need a shower and new clothes," Said issei as he stood up with the help of Valerica.

She helped Issei walk because he didn't walk for a month now.

She took a sword out of her pocket dimension that was Caliburn that she took without Arthur's knowledge and slashed the air with it.

A tear in the air was made.

They walked through that tear and left the dimensional gab.

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