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61.11% Overlord: Reborn as an NPC / Chapter 20: If You're Happy & You Know It (Say Happy Farm)

Kapitel 20: If You're Happy & You Know It (Say Happy Farm)

[Timeskip - 2 Days]

[Narrators POV]

"I must… kill you…don't dare touch me there! This shitty tentacle demon! N-Not there too! I'm… sensitive there! N-N-No, NO! I'm b-begging you… kill me, please! Please kill me! I-I'll do anything j-just STOP doing this!"

Demiurge sat on a chair made of bones, watching the rather beautiful elf in front of him suffer a fate worse than death. Funnily enough, just a few days ago when the arch-devil abducted the female from her home, she was threatening to use divine punishment in the name of the Great One. But now? The elf could only lie motionless in her filthy enclosure.

"Let me go! At least… a-at… AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Far too many times, the elf would experience peak stimulation and reach a certain state before an intense feeling made her body tighten. And after that happened, she would fall back to the ground in a weakened state.

Despite her current feebleness, the elves hatred-filled gaze at Demiurge never stopped burning. Similar to a candle, kindled by an eternal flame. "My, my, my… you know it's rude to stare at me like that. You know what happens when you do…" Demiurge taunted, making the elf groan from the floor.

"Bastard… you bastard…" Demiurge only sighed as he adjusted his glasses. "What is it with elves using the same language over and over? Repeating the same word constantly is rather boring and doesn't make me excited…" Demiurge clicked his tongue as the elf gritted her teeth.

"Damn bastard…" She mumbled under her breath. The endless days of torture in her cell eroded the will of the elf. However, her pride as an elven soldier remained. Even after exceeding the limits of her stamina, the blonde-haired elf continued to mutter curses.

"Hmph, you have rested enough. Dave, my trusted tentacle demon, continue with the next round!" With the snap of his fingers, countless black tentacles started to move once more. Dave couldn't resist the allure of the female elf anymore.

"No! I'm b-begging you! Let me… g-go!"

It was quite the pity for her that Demiurge's summon didn't listen to her pleas for help. The demon's lengthy, slimy tentacles wrapped around her bare body. Some tentacles restricted her hands while others widened her legs. The elven soldier did her best to resist. Alas, it was futile. "N-No… please!"

"I can't stand the tickling!"

Yes, it's just tickling. What else could it have possibly been? Demiurge, despite his evil tendencies, is a good person! As the saying goes: "Never judge a book by its cover." For example, the arch-devil is an avid cat lover and owns a litter of kittens on the 7th Floor! What good person doesn't love cats? Another example of his good heart would be… well… uhm… that's about how good he gets.

'Torture by overstimulation is certainly different compared to typically slowly breaking every bone in a person's body, self-mutilation, or psychological torture. In this case, it would be tickling. Surprisingly, it does the job of making the victim suffer. Perhaps Aura was right. Still, I prefer the benchmark way of torture. Inflicting physical pain.' The arch-devil thought to himself as he watched the elf plead for the tickling to stop.

"Dave, I've had enough of this. You could start violating this specimen like the others. Make sure to get her pregnant. Be as rough as you want, I don't care." "Certainly, Lord Demiurge." The arch-devil slowly got up from his chair before revealing a sinister smile. The elves laughs quickly turned into those of wretched screams as Demiurge closed the doors to the cell, leaving the two on their own.

The Happy Farm could be divided into three sectors. The sector Demiurge was currently in was the breeding sector, located underneath the Happy Farm. Unlike the other two sectors that resembled an actual farm, the breeding sector was more like a prison with typical medieval prison features.

The second sector, located above ground, was referred to as the parchment zone. This was where 'Abelion Sheep' as Demiurge liked to call them, were farmed for their skin. In actuality, Abelion Sheep were surprise surprise, humans and not chimaeras.

Finally, the smallest sector was Demiurge's personal torture enclosure. As the name suggests, it's where Demiurge commits human rights violations for simple entertainment. The blood eagle, judas cradle and the brazen bull torture methods would seem heaven-sent compared to what Demiurge does.

One thing to note about the Happy Farm is that the name itself is ironic. If you haven't already noticed, the Happy Farm wasn't happy (at least for its victims, to a certain extent) nor was it a farm. Well technically, it was a farm as Demiurge was breeding creatures and reaping their skin. But it certainly wasn't a conventional farm.

The arch-devil walked around the breeding sector of the farm, smiling as he saw his victims being brutally ravaged. "N-N-No… anything but THAT!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!" Beseeched a human girl in horror as three demons thrice her height cornered her to the edge of her cell.

Demiurge let out a wicked smile as he saw their penises, the size of a human leg, wrapped in razor wire. "NO, NO, NO, NO!!! PLEASE HAVE MERC- KHACH!!!" The demons didn't listen to her cries for mercy as they grabbed her, shoving their razor-wrapped sabers in all three of her holes.

Such a sight was quite common in the breeding sector. At least for newcomers. They would beg and pray for someone to save them or to be granted mercy. Eventually, they would either turn into unresponsive husks of flesh. Or, they'd become pleasure starved and beg for more despite the pain.

'Breeding experiments haven't produced any results between humanoid and heteromorphic/ demi-human species. Such a thing is possible, I know it is. Demons and humans result in cambions while angels result in nephilims. In theory, reproduction should work. Am I missing something?'

Temporarily putting his thoughts in the back of his head, Demiurge exited his underground breeding prison. Looking up at the blue sky, he took a deep whiff of fresh air. "What a grandiose day to be on my Happy Farm!" He said to himself, smiling as people could be heard begging for their lives to end.

The arch-devil was going to continue with his work elsewhere when he heard the sound of a portal opening a couple of metres behind him. Curiously turning around, Demiurge was met with a plague doctor covered in an all-grey robe and a white bird mask. This was none other than Citrinitas.

"If it isn't Citrinitas. What a pleasure it is to meet you after such a long time!" Demiurge greeted the alchemist with warm welcomes, walking towards his colleague to shake his hand as a sign of formalities. Though on the outside Demiurge appeared to be calm, it was a different story inside.

'I can't mess this up. I need to show Citrinitas my gratitude after he gave me a copy of his immensely useful report. Here I was, believing that I had an idea as to what the Supreme One's plan was. Oh, how I couldn't be further from the truth. That report single-handedly made me realize how brilliant the 10,000-Year Grand Plan really is. Without it… I may have well failed our Lord…'

"A pleasure to meet you too, Demiurge," Citrinitas said in his typical well-mannered tone as his voice gave out a slight echo from his mask. 'Typical with Citrinitas. He's… so delphic. Just like the Supreme Beings, I could only assume what is occurring in his mind. His unreadable body language, his cryptic intellect, and his constant, yet unnerving behaviour… I only hope to live up to your expectations…'

"Mere words can't truly express my gratitude for receiving your report filled with valuable knowledge, Citrinitas. You have provided me with a… unique perspective on the Supreme One's 10,000-Year Grand Plan. And because of that, I am one step closer to grasping Lord Ainz's true plan of world domination!" Demiurge exclaimed, doing his best to suck up to the plague doctor like a university student to a professor.

Citrinitas only gave a slow nod to the arch-devil's statement, making Demiurge slightly uneasy. 'Did I come off as too appreciative? Dammit, that may very well have been the case. Citrinitas must be thinking of so lowly of me! You can save this, Demiurge!' The arch-devil said to himself.

"Seeing as this open area isn't the best place to share ideas about the 10,000-Year Grand Plan and to just catch up with one another, let's go somewhere more… appropriate." Demiurge formed a sly grin as he gestured to one of the tall tents near him. Roughly 10 metres in length and made of white fabric, with blue trimmings as detailings.

"Very well." The alchemist simply replied as Demiurge started to walk to the tent he gestured to. Citrinitas followed closely behind the arch-devil as wails of agony became louder and louder.

'This better not be what I think it is. Though considering this is Demiurge, I'm not surprised he wants to discuss plans as people get tortured beside us. I'll just… do my best to ignore it and hope [Cold Blooded] does its job.' The plague doctor thought, internally preparing himself.

If any regular person entered the tent, they would have immediately fallen to the floor from shock. And that wasn't an exaggeration in the slightest. 'Is that… Clementine?' Citrinitas thought to himself, almost doubting his eyes. The plague doctor needed a double-take just to confirm his suspicions.

Most of the female warrior's skin was gone, peeled away with frightening precision. It was only her head that hadn't had any skin flayed off her. The rest of her body? Just exposed muscle that tightened and loosened from unbearable agony. That wasn't even the worst of it.

All four of her limbs were contorted and bending in ways the human body shouldn't. The ends of her toes and fingers were discoloured in shades of grey and black. Withering and rotting away as seconds passed. A mysterious, and sticky white liquid trickled down from her genitalia that appeared to have been mutilated. Almost as if a powered chainsaw was jammed into her and let loose.

"I must say, this Abelion Sheep you've kindly donated to the Happy Farm has provided excellent results so far. Her skin is one of the best for scroll production up to 3rd Tier. However, her fornicating with demons still hasn't resulted in the birth of cambions to my displeasure…" Demiurge spoke with enthusiasm. However, his voice slightly trailed off in disappointment from his last statement.

Citrinitas was silent, observing the suffering warrior with keen eyes. "Well, the aim is to find sustainable and alternative resources used to create magical scrolls for the Alchemy Lab. You're bound to make mistakes and hit dead ends along the way. With time, I'm sure you can do it."

The arch-fiend smiled at the plague doctors encouraging words. 'Citrinitas is truly a wise being indeed. Almost comparable to Lord Ainz himself. I wonder where he finds his wisdom for I will never truly know…'

'Heh, stole a few of those lines from a shitty Instagram post.'

"H-h-hel… help… m-meee…" Clementine's voice called out weakly, garnering the duo's attention. "Help you?" The alchemist repeated her last words as if almost mocking her. "Why should I do that, Clementine?" He rhetorically asked.

"I consider myself a lover of… poetic justice, so to speak. I saw what you did to Ninya, the innocent adventurer girl through a magic mirror. You, my hug-loving fellow, don't deserve help. As the saying goes: "What comes around, goes around." Enjoy the suffering. [Paralysis], [Diluted Corrosion]."

The plague doctor, under his mask, let out an ever so slight smirk as Clementine's eyes widened. She could do nothing, not even thrash in resistance, as her body felt like it was being eaten away by acid.

'[Diluted Corrosion]. A weaker, and adulterate version of its 8th Tier equivalent, [Corrosion]. Seeing Clementine suffer does bring me some joy, especially after what she's done. But that's the full gist of things. I wouldn't do this if Clementine was replaced with an innocent child or adult. That's for sure.'

The arch-devil adjusted his glasses before speaking. "There's always something about giving someone a taste of their own medicine that fills me with great joy. Ikaria should come here soon to heal this Abelion Sheep to full health before we can use her again. While we wait, I'll let you in on my presumptions of the 10,000-Year Grand Plan." Citrinitas only nodded in agreement.

"Before I received your report, I speculated that the Dragon Kingdom didn't play too much of a role in the 10,000-Year Grand Plan compared to other nations. When Lord Ainz eventually establishes his empire, just provide the failing country with some simple aid and have the Queen feel indebted to us."

"That, or just forcing the Dragon Kingdom to submit to our will. However, the information you've provided me about the general region has made me rethink and alter future actions going forward. For now, I'll talk about short-term plans."

"With the introduction of a powerful adventurer team in the area, the King of the Beastmen Nation, Claughuth, would want said team killed off as their existence stop him from invading further."

"Previously, the King could simply take over a city with minimal resistance and wait for the population to grow again so his people could feed on the humans of said captured city."

"But now? Each time he sends a squad to seize a city, Hope would simply slaughter off his soldiers. Thus, foiling his expansion plans. This leaves Claughuth between a rock and a hard place. Either wage a full-scale war against the country or suffer a counter-attack with Hope leading the charge."

"Now, whether the Beastmen Nation decides to do this invasion tomorrow or in two years is unknown to me. And to put it simply, I prefer knowing rather than not knowing. So, this is where Operation Imperium come to fruition." Now that made Citrinitas raise an eyebrow from curiosity.

"Operation Imperium? Please, enlighten me on the subject, Demiurge." Citrinitas asked as the arch-devil complied. "Operation Imperium is pretty much making Claughuth submit to the will of Nazarick in secret. While everything seems normal from the outside, we control from the shadows. This allows us to gain another pawn for lord Ainz to play with."

"In the grand scheme of things, this mission is rather insignificant compared to the eventual capitulation of Re-Estize or enacting Lord Ainz's plans in Roble. However, this ensures that the Beastmen Nation doesn't do anything rash and forces us to play different cards." The arch-devil completed talking about what he presumed to be the Supreme One's 'Grand Plan.'

'Ok, that sounds easy enough to do. Nazarick secretly controls the Beastmen Nation and the plot stays pretty much intact for as long as needed. Preferably up to Season 3.' The alchemist said to himself.

"That seems easy enough for me to personally accomplish. I would gladly help you in this endeavour." Citrinitas' simple reply made the arch-devil's heart skip a beat out of anxiety.

'Goodness gracious, I truly fucked up. Citrinitas probably knew about Operation Imperium from the moment I started talking! It was a test by him! I should have stopped, but I kept with the lengthy explanation. He most definitely thinks ill of me as I doubted his intelligence! Dammit, Demiurge!' The demon scolded himself harshly in his mind.

"A-Anyways, what are your thoughts on the plan, Citrinitas?" Demiurge questioned, slightly stuttering at the beginning but recollecting his emotions right after. "Just to clarify, do you want this small mission completed before or after Operation Gehenna?"

'Citrinitas already knows about Operation Gehenna? Of course he would, I'd expect nothing less from the mysterious plague doctor. He's always one step ahead of the competition…' Demiurge couldn't help but compliment his colleague as usual.

"Either is fine, Citrinitas. Whatever works best for your schedule is fine with me." The devil stated as Citrinitas thought for a brief moment. The room fell to near silence with only the muffled screams of Clementine filling the air. "Hmmmmmm," Citrinitas hummed as he pondered profoundly. "The plan seems solid." The alchemist said, making Demiurge's mind move like gears on a clock.

'Solid? What does solid mean? It could imply that the plan is reliable. However, that suggests there's room for improvement. There goes Citrinitas yet again. Findling flaws in my plan through a lens I can't see! Do better, Demiurge! Stop making these obvious mistakes!'

"The secret takeover of the Beastmen allows us to boost the reputation of Hope by staging planned skirmishes for them to solve. Also, via the King, we can get information regarding nations further east like the Troll Kingdom." Demiurge nodded at every point Citrinitas made as he stroked his chin.

"Putting that aside, I'm curious as to what you believe are the long-term plans regarding the Dragon Kingdom," Citrinitas questioned, making Demiurge deeply think about what he just said.

'Is this another one of Citrinitas' tests?' The arch-fiend internally asked himself. 'His words are truly indecipherable as always. He phrased what he just said like a teacher asking a student about a certain topic he's teaching about. With that in mind, it implies that Citrinitas already knows the answer to the question and IS testing me! In that case, I must live up to his expectations! If I don't, how could I call him a colleague if we're not even on the same level of intelligence?'

"When the Supreme One creates his magnificent country, that is when Nazarick can commence further with the plans regarding the Dragon Kingdom. While things are bound to change in the future, the general plan is a slightly altered plan of Roble. Just replace Jaldabaoth with a beastman onslaught. However, I believe that you already knew this, am I right?" The demon questioned, making Citrinitas internally facepalm.

'Bitch, I have no clue! Well, I had a general idea as to what would happen with the area. But I need specifics! Is the Sorcerer Kingdom going to swoop in and help? What about Ordan Karris and Hope? Will they just defend and defeat the Beastmen? This is why I was asking you, Demiurge! You're so smart you're actually dumb!'

"Yes, I guess you're right, Demiurge," Citrinitas replied, making Demiurge doubt his reply once again. It didn't help that he said it in his usual, well-mannered tone. 'Dammit! I missed something once again! I wonder in what way he thinks that gives him this unique perspective?'

"Furthermore, I theori-" The arch-fiend was interrupted from talking when he noticed someone entered the tent they were in. That someone was none other than Ikaria. The acolyte that was sent to aid Demiurge in the Happy Farm for a while.

Similar to her coworkers, except for Elaina and Rimuru, she had a plague doctor mask. However, she never wore it. Instead, opting to have the mask rest on her forehead. While you'd believe that such an action would have her face exposed, that wasn't the case.

Ikaria's porcelain face was mostly hidden by her white, shoulder-length hair with only one of her blood-red eyes showing. Her attire was also different compared to her acolyte colleagues. Instead of wearing maid attire, Ikaria wore more of a professional suit. That akin to a mixologist or butler.

"Ikaria, it's nice to see you," Citrinitas called out. "Did I come at a bad time? I'm sorry if I interrupted your discussion. I shall come ba-" The acolyte was cut off from speaking by Demiurge. "There is no need to do that, Ikaria. Just provide the Abelion Sheep with the healing potions per usual."

Clementine's eyes widened with fear, realizing what will happen next. "Certainly, Lord Demiurge," Ikaria replied calmly. "Oh, welcome back from the Dragon Kingdom, Citrinitas. I apologize for not saying it earlier." The alchemist raised a hand. "No worries, Ikaria. Just continue with your work in helping Demiurge with distributing healing potions."

Walking towards the broken warrior, Ikaria took out a red potion from her inventory, pouring its contents into Clementine's mouth. The warrior's body quickly glowed a light green before ceasing, revealing a perfect, nude body, as if she was never damaged in the first place. 'I can see why those types of healing potions were needed for the Happy Farm now…' The alchemist concluded.

"HMMMMMGHHHGHMMMM!!!" Clementine tried to scream as she knew what horrid atrocities were about to happen next, but [Paralysis] prevented her mouth from making proper words. "Thank you, Ikaria. You can tend to the others in the Happy Farm or take a break. I don't mind which." The demon said as Ikaria nodded in understanding, before leaving.

"Where was I, again? Ahhh, that's right, the plan! However, seeing as the Abelion Sheep is healed up, do you want to torture her while we continue to talk?" Demiurge offered nonchalantly, the same way you'd offer to go out for lunch with a friend.

"Sadly, I would have to decline the offer. As of late, I'm on a bit of a time crunch. There is a backlog of powerful magical consumables only I could make due to my absence from visiting the Dragon kingdom. Furthermore, my sister Albedo 'requested' that I make her a 'love potion' as it was a 'dire emergency.' I hope you understand." Citrinitas did his best to lightly turn down the demon's offer.

'How disrespectful of myself yet again! I should have known that Citrinitas would have been busy. Despite that, he made time to discuss our Lord's plan and personally complete Operation Imperium! I truly admire you, Citrinitas. I hope we can do this again sometime…'

"I completely understand, Citrinitas. Considering your busy schedule, I'll give you a written report on what we didn't have time to talk about." The alchemist only nodded in agreement. "In that case, I'll be going now. [Gate]." Like how he entered the Happy Farm, Citrinitas exited by walking through the portal that led back to the Alchemy Lab. Thus, leaving the arch-devil with the helpless Clementine.

The demon, seeing his colleague leave, turned around to face the frightened Clementine. "Now, now, now… what should I do? Mutilate your genitalia, or feed you your organs?" Demiurge kindly asked. "N-N-N-N-Noooooo… P-P-Pllll… Please n-no… more!" The warrior begged, who got her voice back due to [Paralysis] losing its effect just moments ago. "No more of what, to be exact?" Demiurge asked. "T-T-Torture… no more t-torture, please…"

The demon clicked his tongue. "Well, I can't say no to that as you asked nicely." He sarcastically remarked. "How about I bring in Evil Lord Wrath? It's been quite some time since he's had way with any women in the Happy Farm. I'm sure he'll be delighted to… give you pleasure." Demiurge gave a cruel smile filled with ruthlessness. Clementine never wanted to kill herself now more than ever…


(A/N: I had to rewrite this plenty of times as writing Demiurge monologues is quite tough. Putting that aside, how was the chapter? Good? Bad? Please, let me know! Comment what you'll think will happen with Operation Imperium and the Dragon Kingdom as a whole!)

Delusion10 Delusion10

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