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96.99% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 609: Martial Artist in the Grand Line by king carlos (One Piece)

Kapitel 609: Martial Artist in the Grand Line by king carlos (One Piece)

Latest update:April 26, 2024

Summary:Making a build in a Interactive CYOA for fun, I did not expect to actually wake up in One Piece as the oldest son of the Monkey Family. Now, what should I do? Join the navy of course!


Word count:31k


Chapter 1

"We have arrived, captain." Ben Beckman, the first mate of the Red Hair Pirates said as he and the rest of the crew approached the territory of the Goa Kingdom.

Namely, they were on the coast of the village where the Marine Hero Garp was born. Beckman still felt that his captain was being quite absurd in wanting to visit this place, but Shanks was the captain so that was that.

Besides, who would believe the infamous Four Emperors Red Haired Shanks, the second strongest swordsman in the world and one of its top powerhouses, would hide in a place like this after he had just escaped from the crazy encirclement by the World Government. Not only was this in the East Blue, this island was even one of the kingdoms under the jurisdiction of the world government AND the hometown of Garp. No way would they believe Shanks was ballsy enough to come hide here of all places.

"Good. Get ready to dock and send the others to find me some good bars. I need a drink." Shanks said with a laugh as he went to see his daughter.

Young Uta was, as usual, scribing down some lyrics for the new song she thought of. She was really excited about it too, happy to sing and dance. Shanks smiled seeing this, patting her head and shocking the girl who did not sense his approach.

"KYAAH!" Uta shots, shocked that her dad has shown up out of nowhere like that.

"What are you doing, princess?"

"Shanks! Don't scare me like that again." Uta complains with a hand on her chest. Breathing a bit she mentions. "I was writing down my newest song! Wanna hear?"

"Not now, you can sing it to us when we get to land."

"OH! We finally are gonna dock?" Uta said excitedly. She likes sailing as much as the next pirate, but she would rather not be in the ship all the time like this.

"Sure, we have arrived. Welcome to Foosha Village." Shanks said with a big smile on his face.

Uta smiled, hoping to find someone to play with around who was her own age. No one else in the ship was a kid like her and she would like to have someone to play with.

In the forest near Fusha Village two monkeys were fighting. One was a mountain monkey, the other was Monkey D. Luffy, future captain of the Strawhat Pirates and grandchild of the Marine Hero, Monkey D. Garp.

The child at five has been exchanging blows with the monkey for the last few minutes, the two beating each other over and over for the 'treasure' Luffy has found.

"I WON!" Luffy said in excitement as he saw the monkey finally giving up and leaving. It was a tough fight, but he had won now and could claim his prize.

Turning to the pile of delicious fruits he spent two hours searching the forest for, Luffy's mouth opened wide in shock as he screamed.

"Mike! Why did you steal my food?!" Luffy said as he saw an older boy with brown hair and eyes calmly eating the fruits Luffy had found.

"I was hungry." Monkey D. Mike, the older brother of Luffy, said with a shrug.

Luffy tried to jump and hit him, but Mike just let Luffy's attack hit him.

"OUCH!" Luffy said as he felt like he just hit a piece of iron, not a person.

Mike just looked at his brother with a smirk before getting up and saying.

"Thanks for the meal, gotta go train. Need to get strong for grandpa to take me to join the navy." Mike said before dashing away. Luffy once might have tried to follow, but that would just mean becoming Mike's sparring partner, and Luffy did not want to do that at all.

Instead, Luffy went out to go find something else to eat while grumbling about how evil his brother was for stealing his food like that.

Mike, in the distance, sighed as he saw his brother and muttered.

"Sorry Luffy, but that drawback really, really sucks."

As it turns out, Mike was what one could call a reincarnator. He vaguely remembers some details of his previous life, most of the memories were gone by now, but some still were clear as day for him. Namely, the memories regarding the anime and media he watched as well as him doing an Interactive CYOA with some friends help before going to sleep.

Next thing he knows, he was two years old and being carried in the arms of his grandfather, Monkey D. Garp, together with his little brother Monkey D. Luffy. The old man leaves them in Fusha village back in Goa Kingdom secretly so as to not let others find out about them.

Approaching a large boulder a distance away from where Luffy was, I began my training.




Punch after punch Mike hit the rock face. His fists hurt quite a bit, but it was worth it.

He had in total eight abilities, seven perks, and four drawbacks. Of those, one of his abilities was Basic Ability.

Basic Ability: This basic package is designed to enhance your suitability for martial arts. It includes features such as improved musculature that is easier to train, enhanced reaction time for faster reflexes, improved balance and body awareness, and the ability to quickly memorize patterns. These enhancements are precisely what a novice protagonist would need to excel in their martial arts journey.

That ability was quite nice. With this being the One Piece world, this was the sort of thing that should allow him to train well, and he did it constantly.


The boulder showed some small cracks forming, making the boy frown a bit.

"This boulder may not be quite as tough as I need." He mutters before shrugging and continuing with what he was doing.

It was not like he had proper equipment right now and this training was doing wonders for him. Not only was him getting stronger at an accelerated rate, his body's toughness was improving at relatively high speeds too. That, again, was thanks to one of his abilities, Iron Body.

Iron Body: Your skin and bones start off as durable as bronze and become even more resilient as you progress on your path. Typical training methods include: enduring damage, striking objects more durable than yourself, reflecting on the nature of resilience, testing yourself against environmental hazards, and more.

By now Mike was sure his body was as tough as regular iron, impressive but nothing compared to the strongest beings in this world. He could only keep pushing until he felt he had truly reached the apex of what he could be.

"Brother! Brother! There is a problem!" Luffy's shout disturbed Mike during training, making him stop and turn in his younger brother's direction.

"What is happening, Luffy?"

"Pirates have docked. We need to go and make them go away before they do anything bad to big sis Makino." Luffy said he was still a kid and far from bright, but after a long time of Mike preaching to him about how evil pirates could be made the younger sibling develop a healthy wariness of them.

"... Fine, let's go check it out." Mike said as he stopped punching the stone and proceeded to run forward towards the ship. In his mind he imagined it ought to be the ship of the Red Hair Pirates that had docked in the village.

That was partially troublesome since Mike did not fancy the idea of his little brother changing from a feisty little idiot, into a feisty idiot who shouts about being a pirate all the time. That would surely be quite an annoying change.

Besides, there were other interesting things on that ship.

Getting to the coast after a little bit both brothers saw the ship up close with the pirates jumping out. Luffy, as expected, yelled out as he saw a red and pink haired girl walking on the ship.

"Are you guys pirates?"

Uta, looking down while all decked up in all sorts of jewels and fancy things, looked down to see Luffy and Mike there. A playful smile appeared in her face before she frowned and challengingly spoke up.

"Yeah we are. Do you have a problem with that?" She then sat down and said with a confident expression. ""If so, you can tell me. I'm Captain Shanks's daughter, Uta."

Luffy just clenched his fist tighter and said.

"If you are pirates, go away!"

Uta frowns upon hearing this and answers back.

"Or what? Are you going to fight us?"

"He won't." Mike said, stepping in front of his brother while looking at the man approaching with a serious expression. "But I will. You are strong, fight me!"

Shanks, who had just walked up to stop the fight, froze when he heard this and pointed at himself in doubt. His crewmates began snickering upon hearing this as they did not expect some random brat to be ballsy enough to do or say such a thing.

As for the red haired pirate, he just raised his head and laughed loudly.

"Would you look at that, there is a protector here in this village."

"You bet there is, my name is Monkey D. Mike and I will become a marine Marshal!"

Shanks did not take this to heart, just snickering at this before saying.

"Oh, scarry scarry. How about this, me and the others need some food and drink, help us find a bar and I can accept your challenge."

The red haired pirate thought the kid was kinda funny, deciding to test out this kid and see what he would do. Besides, with someone like that Shanks felt like this could make sure the kid did not go babbling to that Marine Hero about their presence here, his desire for a fight was strong so if he impresses him then the kid would not say anything.

These types, if they find a strong enemy they do not wish to see them go away any time soon.

Jumping to the dock, Shanks smiled and said.

"Careful now, a dangerous pirate is here and-"

That was as far as the kid jumped at him at honestly surprising speeds for someone so young and delivered a strong punch to Shanks' chest. The red hair pirate actually barely felt it, but even that was surprising for Shanks who actually had to begin exchanging blows with Mike. Well, not so much exchange blows as much as dodging the attacks all and playing around with him easily, his observation haki far too trained to be hit by these attacks after that first one.

This continued as Mike's blows grew progressively faster and Shanks's eyes turned into shock, his mind remembering that crazy old man from the Navy and that crazy bastard's son. The Monkey family really produces a monster after the other, Shanks had to admit as much.

This, however, was as far as it went since Makino arrived at the scene running when she heard that Mika had started to fight the pirates.

"Mike! Stop it this instant or there will be no dinner mister!" Makino shouted loudly to the boy who froze upon hearing this.

"... Tch. Next time you won't be so lucky."

Shanks just snorted hearing this and waved him off mockingly. He may be impressed by the kid's clear talent, but he still was a bit stressed out from the voyage and felt that this would be a good distraction.

His men watched this with amused faces, especially when the brat who just came to challenge them was chased away due to food. Up above though, Uta was frowning as she saw the kid walk away.

Shanks just watched with an amused expression as Uta jumped down from the ship and ran after the kid. The pirate captain knew his adopted daughter well and could well imagine what she was going to do next.

Mike's P.O.V.

Clenching my fists I remember how what happened went. It is weird, haki is really, really weird. He really moved before my movements even started and he clearly was not taking that seriously.

"So, this is what a great pirate is like." I mutter. Sure, I had some notion of this sort of thing from the anime and manga, but experience is different.

I can't even begin to imagine what I would need to do to get to that level. And yet, I must do it. Even in my previous life I always wanted to become as strong as I could, practicing all sorts of martial arts and more, but here?

This is a world where someone can become much, much stronger by simply training. Sitting down, I close my eyes and activate another of my abilities, Shadow Training.

Shadow Training: You can train any techniques you know of in your imagination and even try to develop new ones, any experience you will get will be smoothly transferred into a real life.

I begin to see the fight again. It is honestly quite interesting, I try again and again to hit him but even in my mind I can't seem to hit. Still, it just means I gotta keep practicing until I can manage and-

"Hey, you." Someone spoke up, breaking my concentration.

Turning in the direction of the voice, a cute girl I am 99% sure is Uta was standing there with an irritated expression.

"You lost to dad, so pay up?"


"When a pirate wins a fight he takes something from the loser, that is common sense. But you lost nothing, so pay up." Uta said and I decided to play a bit with her.

"Oh well, guess that makes sense. But the one who should come over is Shanks since he was the one who won. You did not, because you are a weakling."

Uta's eyes grew wide as she then gnashed her teeth and spoke up.

"I am not! I am the musician of the Red Hair Pirates, one of the strongest crews out there!"

"Good for you, you are part of a crew that can beat up others. Does not change the fact you are weak."

"Am not! I am super, super strong." Uta said childishly before she pointed at my face and said. "I challenge you!"

I just shrug, but inside I gotta admit I was glad about it. One of my perks should act up if I win in a competition against her, and besides I am a bit bored so playing around for a bit would be nice.

"Fine, want to fight?"

Uta was about to say yes, but stopped to think a bit about it.

"What is wrong princess? I can even promise to not throw a single punch against you if it makes you feel better."

"You! Fine, I want to punch you anyway for saying I am weak. I am the daughter of Shanks, I can beat you up." Uta said and I just stood there with my arms crossed in front of me.

She moved in and punched me as hard as she could right in the face. It was rather strong for a punch, but-

"OUCH! Why is your face so hard?"

The girl complained while crouching the hand that just punched me.

"I am born different. So? Want to give up?"

"No way! I am Uta, and I will win against you!" The girl said and I spent the next while enjoying the light massage from the girl who was crying out in pain from all the attacks she landed on me.

By the time she finally gave up her body was full of bruises and her eyes were watery, she turned around and ran away crying loudly.

… Better go after her to make sure she doesn't say something that leads to some bad results. Moving along, it takes me a few moments but with my acute senses I hear in the distance a somewhat mechanical voice.

"Hello little girl, could you help me? I need some help."

My eyes widen in shock as I recognize the person who just accosted Uta. My legs started moving as fast as I possibly could and when the perso… bein… Piece of trash catches her hands, I proceeded to do the one thing I always wanted to do to this thing!

Drop kick it in the face.

Uta just stares in shock as the being was flung back with several audible snaps that should kill it, but I did not stop. This thing is the type of cockroach that should not be allowed to stay alive for a moment longer than it should. Especially since his will and wish for survival is just too strong. If he somehow unlocks Haki in this new world, who knows how many people will be screwed?


"This is for Matpat!" I shout, pummeled Willian Afton's chest caving in as I continue to smash it over and over again until I feel it's chest completely cave in.

There. Now I just need to make a big enough fire to burn him the hell up and things should work out well enough. Fucking child killers, hate those fuckers.

As I stand back up I look at the bleeding out form of Willian Afton, rusty and old before I spit at it for good measure. Piece of shit.

I turn around and see Uta just staring at me in shock before she dashes away in terror towards her dad. Oh well, guess I should accompany her… and go get the materials for a big bonfire. Can't risk someone like Willian Afton roam around in a world like One Piece or who knows what he would be able to do with a power system based on conviction and will and where technology can reach several centuries ahead of what he is used to.

… Should really get more careful, who knows who else may start showing up sooner or later. Gods, imagine if someone like Freeza, Madara, or Aizen shows up, that would truly make things way, way, WAY worse.

Just a shame I still can't seem to even materialize my spirit weapon, much less train with it. I guess I am still not quite strong enough for it right now.


Here is the list of perks, abilities, and the drawbacks so you as readers can remember them:

Initial points: 40 points


One Piece

Gain: +40 points

One Piece is a fantasy world where pirates, marines, and other factions compete for the ultimate treasure, the One Piece. The world is divided into four seas and a vast ocean called the Grand Line, where the most powerful and adventurous people sail. One of the main features of this world is the martial arts, which are enhanced by special fruits called Devil Fruits. These fruits grant the user supernatural abilities, such as turning into rubber, fire, or animals. However, they also make the user unable to swim, which is a huge disadvantage in a world of water. Some martial artists also use a mysterious power called Haki, which allows them to sense, intimidate, or harden their bodies.


Cost: -5 points

Change the chosen world into it more perverted version, while maintain the strange gap of perfectly working society with debauchery happening behind the closed doors, include such famous things as Porn Logic, Hentai Physics and Comic Beauty.

Abilities -

Basic Ability

Cost: -5 points

This basic package is designed to enhance your suitability for martial arts. It includes features such as improved musculature that is easier to train, enhanced reaction time for faster reflexes, improved balance and body awareness, and the ability to quickly memorize patterns. These enhancements are precisely what a novice protagonist would need to excel in their martial arts journey.

Iron Body

Cost: -12 points

Your skin and bones start off as durable as bronze and become even more resilient as you progress on your path. Typical training methods include: enduring damage, striking objects more durable than yourself, reflecting on the nature of resilience, testing yourself against environmental hazards, and more.


Cost: -18 points

You have a basic mastery of runecraft, you can inscribe runes on various objects and materials to enhance their properties or create special effects. Runes are symbols of the natural laws and forces that govern the world, and by understanding and manipulating them, you can unleash their power. Runecraft is a versatile and creative art that requires both knowledge and imagination. You can use runecraft to improve your weapons, armor, tools, or even your own body. Runecraft is limited only by your skill and resources.


Cost: -20 points

You possess the ability to regenerate; any injury you sustain will heal over time, including lost limbs. While this regenerative power starts off weak, as more injuries are healed, it becomes faster and faster, eventually reaching a theoretical maximum of instant regeneration. However, it's important to note that in order for regeneration to activate, you need to be considered alive.


Cost: -18 points

You have understanding in alchemy, you can refine various materials and substances to create pills, elixirs, talismans and weapons. Alchemy is a profound art that requires a keen mind, a steady hand and a strong will. At the start you will receive a basic tools and regents to start off with and novice level techniques in your mind, with practice more and more secret will open up. Alchemy is not only a skill, but also a way of life

Soul Weapon

Cost: -6 points

You possess the extraordinary capability to materialize a weapon crafted from a fragment of your soul. The type of weapon is determined by your personality and holds minor unique powers. Over time and with use, the weapon evolves and grows in strength. It exhibits exceptional durability, but should it be shattered, it will inflict severe injuries upon you and require approximately six months to reform.

Perks -


Cost: -5 points

As long as your opponent is higher in mastery than you, you will improve faster. The speed boost is proportional to how close your techniques to your opponent with the same receiving the max boost, while completely unrelated only 1/5 of that.

Memory Bank

Cost: -6 points

Gain a one year of memory of using a single power from Foundation Ability section. You can pick this perk even without having said ability in that case you will gain only memories without the ability to use them, unless you unlock it by other means.

Natural Leader

Cost: -5 points

Most people will naturally listen to you, and as long as you say something reasonable, they will readily agree with you. Additionally, you will possess a minor sense for the crowd and their needs, allowing you to better understand and cater to their preferences.

Increased Luck

Cost: -7 points

Fortune smiles on you more often than other people, you have a much higher chances of stumbling on hidden realms, finding ancient artifacts, witness unique and potentially profitable events. It doesn't work on such things like dices, games of chance, coin tosses - or any other easily prove able methods of determining and quantifying luck.

Good Fight

Cost: -4 points

The people you fought will experience the period of positive emotions afterwards even if they are unaware of it, smoothing out any hostile feelings they have for you before, enemies become friends, rivals lovers, and partners can be overcome in lust. Doesn't work on people you hate.

Shadow Training

Cost: -9 points

You can train any techniques you know of in your imagination and even try to develop a new ones, any experience you will get will be smoothly transferred into a real life.

Perfect Body

Cost: -3 points

Gain a perfected version of your body: have a smooth skin, no unpleasant body odor, no hairs that you deem unnecessary and a heightened sense of balance.


Cost: -4 points

You are quite talented at sneaking, you know how to blend in shadows, disappear in a crowd or step silently. You also have a heightened six sense when in comes to feeling other people gaze upon you.

Pleasant Dreams

Cost: -5 points

When you are asleep not only you see good dreams, your body will continue to grow stronger with an effect comparable to a effect from a light exercise. This effect will spread out to all people sleeping in the same bed as you.

Enhanced Senses

Cost: -6 points

Your sight enhaces to the 20/20 vision and the ability to see in the dark. Your hearing is capable of differentiating between a far wider variety of sounds, as well you can hear people heartbeats from 20 paces. Your sense of smell will allow you to pick a single person from the crowd with your eyes closed.

Strong Willpower

Cost: -5 points

You will never give up and can power trough any obstacle standing in your way. Ignoring negative status effects such as pain, disorientation, any mind affecting techniques become easier for you.


Dastardly Bastards

Gain: +10 points

Villains from other fictional worlds will start to appear on chosen world, for variety of reasons be it dimensional incidents in their original worlds, magical ritual gone wrong or it can be just their already existing alternative self's will unlock their potential and fate will guide them to became what they ought to be.

Slow Start

Gain: +15 points

Required at least 2 Foundation abilities

You start off with zero usable skills from chosen Foundation Abilities and gradually unlock them and as you become more proficient and powerful as time goes on, reaching the full extent of your starting abilities in the span of a month.

High Metabolism

Gain: +8 points

Martial Arts require a lot of fuel, so to maintain your body you require a lot more energy. You would need to consume 3 times more calories than normal to stay healthy and use any martial arts.

Attention Magnet

Gain: +20 points

You will receive increased attention from various factions in the world. Not all of it will be bad, but certainly not all of it will be welcome either. Some factions will want to recruit you, while others will aim to expose your secrets or dispose of you.


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