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73.28% Fanfiction Recommendations / Chapter 464: Pokemon XY The Game by AkaiTennyo (Pokémon)

Kapitel 464: Pokemon XY The Game by AkaiTennyo (Pokémon)

*Female MC*

Latest Update:June 15, 2023

Summary: A shameless self insert Gamer fanfic. Welcome to Pokemon XY! Are You a Boy or a Girl? A deeper exploration of the Kalos region while trying to avoid the Plot (and only finding more of it)


Word Count:186k


Chapter 1: Start?

A dark shadow darted into the path of my high beams. I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt the chill of complete terror spread like fire through my chest. I barely felt the impact, but the cacophony of shattered glass rattled in my skull. I spun my steering wheel, trying desperately to regain control of my tires. A giant, wet THUNK reverberated through my car, through my arms, through my teeth. Electronic whining rang through my head and something copper slid across my tongue.

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

'Did I just hit a damn deer?'

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

'Or was it a moose? Damn it, my car...'

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

'The absolute fuck is this?'

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

The icy calm was gone, and hot stinging trembles overtook my body. I sat there, still buckled in my seat, shaking. It felt like hours. I didn't even notice when the world had gone grey, but in the end that's all I was left with: a car seat … an endless haze devoid of color … and a floating blue box that looked like it was ripped from the Final Fantasy franchise …

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

'Oh, no,' I thought, shaking my head. 'No, no, and hell no!'

'Because honestly? This is some next level bullshit. This is like some stupid Gamer crossover fanfic that will only be interesting for three chapters before it all goes south.'

My fingers gouged into the cushion as I pressed back with all my might. Anything to get away from the haunting text.

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

It just … stayed there. The box didn't move and neither did I. I didn't know what to do, so I did nothing … An odd stalemate languished, and I could practically taste the apathy lingering in the misty surround.

Eventually, the calm faded to monotony and the boredom became oppressive. I stood from my seat. I gave the captain's chair a longing expression as it faded beneath me into the grey before I turned to the screen.

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

[Start game] [Continue]

My hand trembled as I reached out to touch the only real option I had left.

[Start game]

As soon as I pressed the screen the grey landscape I was in lit up in an eerie grid pattern. I think this was what the beginning of the video games looked like, but it was much creepier when you were in it yourself. The grid lines remained consistent and disregarded any sense of distance, lacking a vanishing point or horizon. I was both floating and falling at the same time; the sensation churned my stomach.

Welcome to the Kalos region! The world of Pokea is widely inhabited by creatures known as Pokémon. These mysterious creatures can be found in every corner of the world … Some run across the plains, others fly through the skies, and others yet swim deep in the ocean. Humans live together with these pokémon, lending their strength to each other to live and prosper.

That sounded … as corny as the opening to the actual games. It probably was, now that I thought about it, only there was no pokémon professor to give the presentation. It had been years since I played XY. And while it was definitely one of my favorite regions, I had to wonder why I was going to a region from an older generation. Not that it wasn't weird to be anywhere in Pokea at all. But with the Gen 8 games already out and Gen 9 already being teased…

I noticed the text box had remained static. Annoyed, I tapped it to continue. I hated game intros. The blue text box dissolved to a pair of mirrors.

Are you a boy or a girl?

I nearly laughed because it was that damned ridiculous. But in the mirrors appeared two figures, roughly aged 14. The female character, thankfully, was basically a younger version of myself. Dark chestnut hair, tanned skin, and huge pale blue-grey eyes with a dark outer rim. But my nose was straighter, my face was longer, and my hair fell in unbelievably well-behaved waves.

'Basically I look like an anime character,' I snarked to myself before waving the errant thought away.

I almost choked when I looked at the second mirror. The male figure reflected back could have been my cousin. We used to get in so much trouble together. I hadn't seen him since … I took a shuddering breath as the enormity of what was happening started to unfurl. I would never see him again.

Tears obscured my vision as I slammed my hand onto the mirror with the female character. I gazed longingly at the male face as it faded. I missed my cousin … Something twisted in my chest, in the air…

Would you tell us your name?

Us? Us, who? Was I dealing with human gods, the legendary pokémon, or was it just using neutral grammar? Deciding it didn't matter, because I couldn't do anything about it anyway, I typed in the name I had used consistently during my decades of pokémon obsession.

Gryffin, then?

Did we get that right?

[yes] [no]

I tapped [yes] with a frown.

Tres bien! What a fantastic name! Your adventure begins now! You are about to enter the beautiful Kalos region! Go and meet many pokémon and people, and fill your life with rich experiences! Now let's go visit the world of pokémon!

White light tore through the grey lines around me, and I felt cold seep through my chest again as the 'floor' disappeared beneath my feet. I lingered, weightless for a few moments before I finally did something I hadn't had time for before.

I screamed.

And the world fell out from beneath me.


Black was wonderful change of pace. The shadows wrapped around me, cool and peaceful. This was so much nicer than before. It had been such a bizarre dream, and I was so relieved it was over with. I sighed happily and snuggled back into the darkness.


I wailed as something smashed into my chest and bolted upright, flailing my arms. The comforter twisted around me and I fell in a tangled heap onto the floor.

You have slept in your bed! HP, MP, and ED are fully restored!

"Oh no." The words escaped my lips in near breathless horror. A blue box with white text floated mercilessly above my head.


My head snapped to the side at the warbled sound and I couldn't help but stare.

There was a fletchling on the windowsill. An actual goddess given pokémon. Was sitting less than three feet away from me. It was larger than the robins I was used to, closer to the size of a raven, with feathers than could put a cardinal to shame. It trilled again and fluffed its feathers before flying out the window. I scrambled after it, leaning half out of the window to watch the vivid bird dance in the wind.

"Gryffin!" called a muffled voice behind me. "I heard a loud noise, ma chouchouette, was that you?"

I blinked, and turned toward the opposite side of the room.

"Um yeah, hold on!" I kicked the covers off as I stood back up, hopping as a corner wrapped around my foot to trip me, and opened the door carefully. The woman on the other side looked … nothing like my mother. She had a vague resemblance to me, obviously a little older, but with dark brown eyes and short, straight, light brown hair. I patted my braid self-consciously; still long. I was never cutting it.

"You are still in your pajamas, ma chouchouette," the woman laughed. "The sun won't wait for you, you know."

"Uh, yeah," I stammered. My face burned. "I'll get dressed and be down in a minute?"

I hadn't meant to make it sound so insecure, but the woman seemed pleased and I stared as she walked back down the stairs. A new text box appeared over her head as she left.

Grace Gabena lvl. ?

I quickly shut the door and leaned against it, heaving. A new text box appeared in front of me.

Congratulations! Due to a special action, a new skill has been created! You can now use [Observe]! Level 1- 1% to next level.

I slid to the floor in disbelief. It wasn't a dream. This wasn't a dream. Why wasn't this a dream? I wanted so badly for it to all go away…

But the heavy oak door behind me was real, the sounds of my new … mother clanging in the kitchen were real, the pokémon twittering on the tree outside my window were impossibly real. This was real. And there was no getting out of it now. I sat, emotions draining to numb, and looked up at the box.

Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

You have been chosen to go on a Pokémon Journey! A mysterious power has granted you the powers of The Gamer (tm)!

Would you like to begin the [Tutorial]? [Y/N]

Resigned, I hit yes to continue. As much as I hated the introductions in the pokémon games, that was because I had been playing them for so long. This … this was completely different, and I couldn't afford to skip anything.

Congratulations Gamer! Welcome to Pokémon XY The Game

You have been given the wonderful opportunity to explore the Kalos region! You'll be able to train pokémon, gain friends, and improve yourself as a Gamer of this world! To get started, let's explore the [Menu].

I stared at the text box for several minutes waiting for it to continue. When even tapping the screen box did nothing, I realized I was in for it.

"Menu," I sighed. Maybe I could change the settings later so I wouldn't sound like an idiot saying game commands out loud.

Welcome to the [Menu]! Please choose from the sections below to explore the various game functions. Choosing these sections after the [Tutorial] will allow you to access the information and abilities with ease!











Aaaaaand This was definitely looking more like Final Fantasy than Pokémon. I tapped the first box.

[Status] This is where your personal information, titles, and statistics are displayed.

I glanced over the basic information like name, birthday, address, etc. Useful to know if I needed to fill out forms but it was laid out like the Trainer Information in the game. Mother was from Kalos, and retired. Father was police officer in Alola. Apparently, they were recently divorced, which is what prompted the move from Kanto. I guess 'mom' got custody. Note to self, call 'dad' so I could visit.

The status box also listed the date and time, currently 7:12 AM 1 March 642 League Era (LE), as well as … my phone number? I tapped that to show both a home phone number and cell. A quick look around the room showed a shiny red cased phone was on my desk plugged into a computer.

I snagged it and it looked very much like my Iphone 8 from back home, just with a pokéball logo instead of an apple. I smashed in my security code to unlock it and nearly wept in relief. My music files were all still intact. I flipped through my playlists, going still as I realized my familiar mix of idie pop, rock, and metal bands wasn't so familiar anymore. Some bands looked the same. Others now had album covers with distinctive pokémon on them. Rihanna had changed slightly to Rihanne, and several of the song titles now included French. Roxie, the poison gym leader from Black and White, had replaced the lead singer of In This Moment. And the dark type gym leader from Galar, whose name escaped me, featured prominently on one of the albums for Disturbed.

I didn't have any headphones around, so I couldn't turn it on, but I was both dreading and morbidly curious about the changes to several bands, especially ones like Sabuton with culturally specific niches. Still, having my music, however altered it may be, was comforting enough to bury most of the butterflies building in my stomach. I shook myself and turned back to the screen dangling in midair and scrolled through the rest of the information available. I didn't have any badges or titles yet, so those areas are blank. My stats, on the other hand … My eye twitched.

Gryffin Gabena lvl 1, 0/250 EXP to next level, €3000

HP: 50

MP: 5

ED: 5

STR: 4

DEF: 4

VIT: 5

DEX: 3

INT: 5

WIS: 4

CSM: 2

LUK: 2

They were all so low! And I was supposed to be 14! Why on earth was I starting at level one? With less than 5 points in most of the stats? And what the blazes is ED? It was given as a bar, like HP and MP.

ED (Endurance) is your ability to accomplish strenuous tasks. Resting and certain [food] items will restore ED. Attempting to continue strenuous tasks after ED is depleted will result in loss of HP and a 10% chance for [injury].

I blinked at the sudden pop-up. The absolute… I had a freaking recharge bar! And it was. Set. At. Five! I stubbornly smashed my fist against the screen in frustration before taking a deep breath. It was going to be okay. Level one was okay. Everyone started somewhere.

The rest of my stats weren't anything surprising, although it did seem to imply that I would be battling as well as my pokémon. Strength and Defense were self-explanatory, Vitality strongly affected Endurance, Dexterity affected things like speed and my skill in throwing pokéballs, and Intelligence affected MP. Charisma and Luck were kind of low, but I had just died after all.

I sighed and flipped through the rest of the tutorial quickly. [Map] and [Pokedex] were greyed out and I couldn't access them but it didn't take a genius to figure out what they did. I had no pokémon or relationships, nothing in [Bag], which was supposed to be my inventory I guess, and my only abilities listed in [Skills] were for Observe and Languages: Common Pokean 100%, Kanjougo (75%), and Kalais (5%). I suppose I had given up French for Japanese as soon as I hit high school, but still. Only 5 percent? I was stuck in the Kalos region for the foreseeable future… This was going to be absolutely lovely. Not.

Looking over the rest of my info revealed nothing else of interest, though I apparently had pajamas equipped. I looked down at myself. There were very short, very pink pajamas draped over my 14 year-old body. I cringed and looked around the equally rose-colored room. There were lilac and floral accents as well, and it genuinely looked like something a grandma would choose for a small, princess-obsessed child. I was so grateful I wouldn't actually be staying here.

But if I was going to go on an adventure in this new … game … then a change in wardrobe was a definite must. There were no clothes listed in [Bag] so I closed the menu and scrambled through a hideously pastel wardrobe for something to wear. I was relieved to find that most of the clothing inside was not obnoxiously frilly and eventually settled on a green tee shirt, with faded jeans and black sneakers. I skipped the weird felt hat on the shelf and fished out some flashy white sunglasses instead. I resolutely ignored a blue version of the dress the XY games made female players start in. Regardless of the +3 Charisma the dress offered, it was going to forever be an option of last resort. Apparently, this world was also cursed with the biggest plague on female fashion from back home. Who the hell designs crap with no pockets?!


As soon as I shut the wardrobe, another window screen popped up.

[Quest Alert!]

Off We Go!: Complete your first day as a Pokémon Trainer!

Part 1: Traveling Companions: Let's get started by meeting your new friends!

Completion: +50 EXP

Failure: +10 EXP


[Y] [N]

I contemplated those 50 points carefully. They were only twenty percent of what I needed to level up; I could only hope the 'Part 1' bit meant there were lots of additional experience points in my near future. Level 1 … offended me on a personal level, no matter how much it made sense from a gaming perspective. I quickly tapped the blue square, as I had no choice but to accept, and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Gryffin," smiled Grace as I came into the kitchen. "You sure slept well. Rolled right out of bed didn't you?"

"The fletchling startled me," I admitted to the woman. "I think it tackled me awake."

"Well, maybe you should have set your alarm then." Grace was giggling thinly now. "Just because we moved is no reason for such paresse."

"I just forgot, I guess," I mumbled. I could practically feel ancient French lessons stirring in dusty boxes in the back of my mind, but I had no idea what she'd just called me. Not something positive, I'm sure. My lips twisted in annoyance of their own volition. It was probably going to be a long time before I thought of her with any actual affection.

"Well, then! I guess you're all rested up from the move." A sunny smile was back on her face. "It's about time you got going! Why don't you step out and go say 'hi' to the neighbors?"

"Eh?" I could see human shapes through the curtains. "I might as well get it over with," I mumbled darkly. I was not looking forward to …

"Teenagers! Honestly!" Grace had puffed up and her arms were akimbo. If she was trying for an angry mom face she had utterly failed. She was like a chipmunk with her round, pouty cheeks. I wasn't going to tell her that, though. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing at her awful expression as it was.

"I'm going, I'm going!" I spared a hall mirror a glance before opening the door. Hair: Acceptable. Good. I took a deep breath and stepped into the sunshine.

" " Bonjour! Welcome to Vaniville Town!" " cheered two high voices.

I blinked. One … two … Two girls, one with gloriously long golden-brown braids and the other with a high set platinum ponytail stood together in the courtyard in front of the house. You were supposed to get a rival of the opposite gender in the XY games. Where was the male protagonist? And who was this blonde in his place?

"My name's Serena," said the light haired girl, answering my unspoken question. She reached a hand forward, palm down in a delicate manner before she paused, blinking at me. Something flickered across her face as her hand quickly tilted to the side. "I'm … your neighbor," she finished with an odd smile.

"Oh, wow! You're a girl!" the other exclaimed clasping her hands. Serena hissed something at her but she just grinned. "I'm Shauna! Great to meet you!"

"Why would you think I wasn't?" I asked the brunette. I took the opportunity to stride forward to shake Serena's hand firmly. She hadn't lowered it in the confusion and seemed surprised by the action. I just let go and fixed a solid customer service smile on my face. If she was supposed to be female lead from the tv series, the resemblance was vague at best. Then again, I hadn't watched much of it, being thoroughly sick of Ash and pikachu.

"Oh!" Shauna chirped, capturing my attention. "It's just that someone said your name was Gryffin! That's a boy's name."

The customer service smile got directed straight at her, too. "It's my name," I said calmly. "And I'm pretty sure it's gender neutral."

"Not in Kalos," Serena muttered with that odd expression on her face again, but it was gone before I could really understand it.

I probably wasn't supposed to see it at all. And I probably wasn't supposed to hear her either. I completely didn't care.

"Well, I'm not from Kalos. Seeing as I just moved here and all," I clipped. "And in Common Pokean it's neutral." My customer service smile was gone now. Serena nodded with a smile, but her cheeks were bright red.

Due to your rude behavior, your relationship with Serena has gone down 50 points!

I ignored the alert; irritated that it even popped up. I wasn't the one making rude comments about people's names. I did take a moment to check the little boxes above the two girls' heads.

Serena Lapointe lvl. 8

Shauna Rayne lvl. 5

I could feel my lips twist in annoyance. Suddenly starting at level 1 was seeming a lot less fair, and I promised myself I would be catching up very quickly. I hated to be the lowest level player in a game. My favorite RPG strategy was always grind, grind, grind.

"Well, we'll get used to it quickly!" Shauna promised, ignoring the tension between Serena and me completely. "But guess what! We've come to get you!" She bounced on her feet as she finished, leaning forward and swinging her arms like a kid on a sugar rush.

All my annoyance drained away, and I couldn't help but give her a real smile this time. Shauna was a giant bubble of sunshine and sweetness. Being mean to her would have been like kicking a puppy.

"The esteemed Professor Sycamore lives here in the Kalos region," Serena continued when Shauna made no move to explain. "I was told he had a request for five kids, including us. But I'm a little surprised he knows who you are. You did just move to Vaniville after all."

I frowned a little in her direction. There was something in the way Serena said it. The accent, the lilt on certain parts... She probably thought she was being clever. But I was an adult suddenly stuck in a young teenaged body. Serena actually was a young teenager. And while I certainly wasn't the most socially perceptive person, Serena's little dig was easy to pick up on. The real question is what I was going to do about it…

"We'll wait for you in the next town over!" Shauna cut in, ignoring the tension again so well I was beginning to wonder if she recognized it all. "And you know what?!" Shauna did a happy little dance in place. "We're going to get … a pokémon! So c'mon! Hurry! Let's go!"

I laughed as Shauna spun around, grabbing Serena before she took off dragging the taller girl behind her. It looked like I had at least one new friend.

A low chuff sounded from the side of the courtyard and I steadied myself before I turned to look. But sure enough, there it was. My heart was a rock and roll drum solo in my chest. A rhyhorn! It lounged underneath an old oak tree and I made my way over carefully, not wanting to startle the huge rock type. He had a box above his head too.

Rampart (Grace Gabena) Male lvl. ?

"Hey there, big fella," I crooned, holding out my hand for him to sniff. The giant creature nuzzled my palm gently, and I pretty much flung myself on top of him with a squeal.

I was petting a pokémon!

And the rhyhorn was so different from Earth animals and it's impossible to describe how absolutely amazing he was! He was covered in vast armor plates that were as smooth as polished marble and fit together so gracefully he looked more like a Transformer than any rhino I'd ever seen. But soft brown eyes peered out from beneath his brow ridge and I quickly lost myself in rubbing the thick skin underneath his plate seams. I cooed at every happy rumble he made as I pet him.

"Who's a good boy? Who's the bestest rhyhorn ever? Is it you, Rampart? It's you, oh yes," I gushed repeatedly. He grumbled happily again and gently leaned into my arms.

I swear I spent half an hour loving on Rampart before Grace opened the door to shake her head at me.

"You are going to spoil him rotten, ma chouchouette," she laughed. She held up my phone and shook it gently in my direction. I patted my pockets; I must have set it down without thinking.

"As I should." I couldn't resist the childish urge to stick my tongue out. "I have to make up for when I'm gone!" 'And for never having been here before!' I thought gravely. I gave the rhyhorn one last skritch before sliding off. I mumbled my thanks to Grace as I slid the phone into my back pocket.

"Go on," she nudged me in the direction of the gate. "Or you'll keep your new friends waiting."

The friends bit I wasn't so worried about at the moment. The experience points were what I really wanted. I gave Grace a perfunctory smile and a quick salute before skipping out.

Once I closed the gate behind me, though, I turned left instead of right. I paused to dismiss the HUD that had been flickering in front of my eyes all morning. I just wanted to pretend this was normal for a little bit and lose myself in the joy of exploring a new place. I could already see a larger boulevard to the right, which was most likely the road out of town. The front gardens were larger than you'd think from just looking at the games and several identical houses sat along either side of the residential street I was on, all tucked behind antique stone walls and iron gates with little engraved plaques for house numbers and family names. There were cobbles instead of asphalt or concrete and my street, Rue D'Arbor according to a handsome blue plaque, was crossed by another, Rue Le Levant, before it ended in a tiny circle.

I was a little surprised that 'Lapointe' was actually three houses down from mine instead of right next door. But the gate and front door were both open, so I couldn't help but stick my head inside to say hello.

"Oh, bonjour!" came the cheerful response from a woman who was clearly Serena's mother. I introduced myself and made some quick small talk, but Ms. Lapointe was actually pretty quick to send me back in the direction of the road. She was almost more excited about the training journey as her daughter, though it didn't seem like she had any pokémon of her own. But she gave me croissant as she shooed me along so she seemed pretty nice all things considered.

There was a woman about the age I should have been, late-twenties or so, on the street as I strolled down further who spent a minute pondering looking back and forth before she went on her way. She hadn't introduced herself, but I was pretty sure she came out of a gate labeled Faucher. And that was next to a house labeled Rayne, which I could only assume was Shauna's. The gate was locked, however, and the house looked dark. It would have been nice to introduce myself there, too.

But it was getting near 10 o'clock and the streets were empty now, so I made my way back toward where my street hit Route 1. Rue D'Arbor ended at Route 1 with a wide plaza surrounded by trees and flower planters. It was nearly deserted, except for one older man who looked like he was out for a hike. He asked me for some help with his phone's contact list but thanked me and hurried on before I could get his name and I didn't think to use observe until he was long gone.

All in all, there were a few streets to the south along Route 1 that looked like they ran east that all looked identical to mine, and there were some shops and smaller houses running along the west side of Route 1 through the small town. No streets ran west, though, and forested hills rose on a cliff behind that single line of buildings.

To the north, of course, were the giant blue gates that led out to Route 1 proper. They were set in a small section of larger buttressed walls that had probably encircled the town in the past. Only the gates were left though, as modern concrete walls extended from the old stone edifice. As soon as I stepped through the portico I got a new screen.

[Quest Update!]


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