(A/N: Should I update the DxD foc tomorrow too?)
The entertaining tournament of worlds' strongest was now officially over. The festivities could now continue!
During the night, everyone assembled at the heart of the city where the ceremony was finally going to come to an end.
Rigurd, Shuna and the others have been making food all day to prepare the best delicacies one could taste, in order for everyone to have a good time and forget about all the chaos that's been happening these last days.
Eraluld- "Mmh~ This food is utterly delicious, Lady Elmesia!" He exclaimed.
Akira- "Relax now, Elmesia. Remember that here in, you don't risk anything~" He said, giving her a wink with his right eye which made her blush as she didn't expect such a bold approach.
Eraluld- "Hahaha, I couldn't agree more with the Lord! I can't deny that I feel safe being so close to an extraordinary entity mistress!"
Elmesia didn't know what to say. She made a fake cough with her expression becoming serious all of a sudden.
Elmesia- "Cough, cough... I appreciate what you have done to welcome me, Lord Akira. But it is time for us to have a serious talk, about the reason why I have came to your territory." She said.
The plate of cake Akira was holding disappeared as he cleared his façade with a large smile on his face that came with the package.
The change was so sudden the aura around him transformed from a nonchalant one to a a mysterious mist so thick it made him levitate on top of the ground with malice overtaking his mind. Even his eyes' color started flaring from excitement.
"Hehehe~ Time for some fun!!" Akira said, snapping his fingers and causing him and Elmesia to teleport into an unknown world, more suitable for a talk between a mortal and a god.
A medium sized room with no distractions, apart from golden furniture and artifacts decorating it.
Akira sat on his throne while Elmesia just stayed up on her feet, a way to show the difference in ressources they both possessed.
Elmesia felt looked down upon, and that was the case. Fake royalty like her should try and learn their place before the irreversible words are spoken.
Akira gave her permission to talk by throwing a sign. And it was only after an eternity that the first words were finally being articulated.
"L—Lord Akira..." The fear was real, Elmesia felt a nuclear bomb of negative emotions explode in her mind, thousands of scenarios in which she was the ultimate loser flooded her brain, so many land mines to avoid and so many words emto erase from the vocabulary.
Akira was like a god to Elmesia in some sorts.
"Well, to start off. As you may now, the Holy Kingdom Ruberios are training and raising more and more soliders, for what seems like an incoming, prodigious War. Preparing for that, the neighboring countries are seeking safety and are making contracts to protect each other from the imminent threat." She said.
"Haha." Akira teleported from his throne to a corner of the room, as he admired the mysterious void he created, he spoke, "Because you think anyone would date to cross me~" He said.
Elmesia held her dress tight thinking of a way to respond to him quickly without testing his patience, it seemed pretty limited.
"If— If they cannot beat you then the most probable scenario is that they'll raise a powerful enough army to crush and conquer all neighboring kingdoms and independent villages to offer them to you in exchange for safety." She said.
"Haha! I see!" He teleported right next to her.
"The weak always seek the strong's protection in order to continue its activities. The strong always sharps his blade meanwhile the weak takes care of the more intellectual domains! That's the order of things and I wouldn't mind a few souls with the package!" Akira said.
Teleporting yet again and manipulating Elmesia's mind, he added, "You see my little elf, this is a marathon! A course to see which one's gonna be the strongest weak! This scenario you're talking about was prophesized THE MOMENT I came into life!" Akira laughed, seemingly careless about the fate of the exterior people.
"But— but that's... Extreme..." She said.
"You're not in position to talk about what's extreme or not honey." He teleported behind her then held her shoulders with his cold hands, "There is always something you can do for your people, and you know the right choice to make!" He said, with a giggle at the end.
Elmesia, trying to gather up enough courage and forcing herself to forget the sinister sensation of the serial killer's touch on her shoulders, pronounced, "H—How about forming an alliance between both our countries? We could help each other if a war were to break out. And you still need one more recognition to be acknowledged as an independent country..." She said.
"LIKE I GIVE A FUCK!!" He shouted, causing her to react in fear, "I make the law around here and if I say I want it all then BE IT."
'Akira dear, you're getting too worked up in this, do you want me to kill her for you?' Alice asked Akira, having a clean shit at the crying elf's soul.
'Don't, I'm just trying to let off some steam from last time, god it was horrendous...' Akira replied.
"Give up, you and your people." He said, finally sitting back on his throne.
"Gi—Give up...? That's a... Powerful word to use, don't you think?" Elmesia asked, terrified.
"Heh~" Akira laughed, then he snapped his fingers.
"You should listen to what my besty says-nanoda~!" A mysterious figure pronounced as it came closer to their meeting.
It was Milim, who just appeared in the room, she spoke while being beside Elmesia, before walking happily towards Akira. She hugged him intensely before sitting on his lap.
Of course that was nothing bu a clone to intimidate the girl and force her to submission without using any kind of force. Akira wouldn't invite any of his lovers to such a predictable meeting after all.
Elmesia- "N-No way... Lady Milim...?" She said inwith terror clear in her eyes.
<Illusion King Mephisto>
"Milim-chan's right~. You should think about the darling's proposition, Elmesia." She said as she walked elegantly towards Akira's side.
"L—Lady Rose... Y—You too...?" She added in fear.
And now, there was Rimuru, "Don't forget me! Oh and by the way, I highly recommend you to submit to Akira. He may be imprudent but he's got enough power to make it up!"
A sweat of confusion appeared on Akira forehead, not knowing why even a Rimuru clone found something to roast him with.
"You get no guarantee when it comes to the interior safety. My subordinate can be quite... Savage some times." He said, the girls beside him all started giggling.
"But when it comes to the outside, fear not as nothing approaches the perimeter of death without being absolutely devoured." He said, showing his sharp teeth that grinded in voracity.
Elmesia was getting terrified as she heard those blunt words. It didn't take a genius to predict her next words.
"I surrender." The elf said in defeat, accepting to gamble the life of many innocent lives for the sake of uninvolvement in any upcoming wars.
Akira got up from his throne. The illusions disappeared. He then snapped his fingers, a last time.
"Good choice, you're mine now and your people are my subjects hahaha~" Akira laughed.
The space in which they were standing was starting to decompose, breaking like glass as the entire dimension shattered. It was breaking, little by little. Until... There was nothing left.
The imaginary space collapsed. Teleporting back into the partying center of the city, Akira noticed the fainted Elmesia on the ground, well he was sure of one thing; The Sorcerer Kingdom Sarrion was gonna be a fun toy to play with, as well as a humanly vivacious land to exploit.
Hope you had a great read! See you all tomorrow for CH. 131! Or chapter 150 for the impatient lunatics!!
>I've completely reworked the website for an optimal experience! Consistency and secrets guaranteed!
P.S: Atomic_666 blud I'm still waiting for your message on Patreon.