On the first day of the week, God answered the prayers of the farmers and food productors. On the second day, he cursed all the beings who deserved it. On the third through the fifth day he judged the souls of the deceased and sent the damned to hell. On the day of the church, he blessed his followers. On the final day of the week he 'watched' his creation.
"Oh myself! Why? Why for myself's sake did you leave her? Poor Andorsi she loved you so much! Jack you're such a bastard. Here, a little gift directly sent from Heaven." God said while lying on a couch popcorns in hand.
He lifted a finger towards his 'godtv', showing a man leaving a room and a woman crying naked on a bed. A grey light came to life in front of the index and flew through the screen to hit the man. Jack didn't notice anything and left.
"Let's see who will have you after discovering your impotence."
I'm writing a new novel for the Spirity 2022.
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