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Kenji: Through Wind and Water Kenji: Through Wind and Water original

Kenji: Through Wind and Water

Autor: PenAndKunaiStudio

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1

A small boy sits cross-legged on the dirt ground, the cold air biting him as he tries to breathe deeply. Instead of emptying his mind as his uncle wants, a snowflake lands on his nose and he sneezes instead.

"Kenji," his uncle says, "You have to concentrate."

Kenji opens his hazel eyes to stare at the bearded man in front of him, almost as tired as he is.

"Why do I have to meditate, Uncle Benjiro?" He grips his knees. "It's so lame,"

Benjiro furrows his eyebrows at him, his eyes a depthless black. 

The middle-aged man has an athletic build and towers over Kenji, his pale face sharp and angular. Despite only wearing a dark green kimono with a brown obi belt, he looks unaffected by the cold. 

He sighs as he wipes snow off his shoulder. 

"Meditation on inevitable death should be performed daily. And every day without fail one should consider himself as dead," he quotes, walking around the eleven-year-old boy. 

"But I can't concentrate when it snows," Kenji scrunches up his face as another snowflake threatens to land there. "Also, that's too depressing."

"That excuse would not fly on the battlefield," his uncle tuts, shaking his head. "Try again. This time, ground yourself. Focus on your thoughts, not your body."

Kenji grumbles as he relaxes back into his previous position, closing his eyes and taking another deep breath in. He wishes to be inside, bugging his brother in the warmth of his home, not out here in the cold, meditating at the break of dawn. He barely had time to change into his white haori and blue nagagi pants when Benjiro burst into his bedroom this morning.

He takes another breath to calm his annoyance and tries to focus on the darkness before him. Stray thoughts litter his mind, but he focuses on his body instead. He resists the urge to shiver as his fingers start feeling numb. Something else alights.

A flame at his heart.

He's always felt excited at tapping into his chakra. Aunt Kazuya's stories of the magnificent power that comes with it fill his mind; Great samurai took down armies and cut down mountains with chakra. Of course, he wants to be like them.

He twists and pulls at it, has fun channeling it through his body as his mind fills with thoughts of doing it himself. Not a minute later though, his uncle flicks his forehead. 

"Ah, what was that for?!" 

"Stop messing around," he says. 

"But I wasn't messing around," Kenji argues, looking his uncle up and down. 

"No one smiles when their mind is empty," he says. 

Kenji turns his back on his uncle with a huff.

"Training would be so much more fun if Ichiro was with us"

"Your brother is busy with work"

He deflates at that and his arms drop to his sides. 

Benjiro sighs, his hand on the youth's shoulders. "Why don't we just go work on your swordsmanship instead?"

Kenji nods as he wipes his face, smiling. 

He leads Kenji up the wooden steps towards the family dojo. There, an elderly caretaker sweeps the floor. She stops what she is doing when they approach before greeting them with a bow. 

Kenji bows back and hurries to catch up to his Uncle.

"Go grab yourself a Bokken," he says, not looking back at him.

Kenji grabs one off the wall and moves in front of one of the posts and stiffens into his first kata.


The sound of wood striking wood ricochets throughout the dojo. Kenji grits his teeth as he strikes the post again and again. His hands shake, the bamboo sword rattling his bones. Yet, he tightens his grip and strikes again, elated being in his element. 

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine," Benjiro counts off, arms folded.

Kenji stops for a second and breathes, 'Just one more left.', settling back into his previous stance, he stares at the post before raising his arms and delivering the final strike.

"And that's a thousand," Benjiro acknowledges sleepily, a yawn escaping him. "Not bad, Young Master Kenjiro, we'll continue your training tomorrow."

Kenji frowns, brows furrowing, "You know, I don't like when you call me that, Uncle," he rolls his shoulders, satisfied by the pops that they make, "But, thanks." offering him a smile. 

His uncle barks out a laugh smacking his back, making him hiss, "You know I'm just messing with you, kid!" 

Kenji chuckles before placing the training blade where it belongs. He suddenly remembers something. "Wait, Uncle Benjiro! Can we do one last thing?"

Kenji's uncle pauses, surprised. "Kenji? I'm not going to make you do more today. It'll strain your body."

"No, I mean…" Kenji blushes a bit. "Can you show me Act 3 of the Watanabe Style?"

He raises an eyebrow.

Kenji waves his arms, more flustered, "I won't try it without supervision– but! I want to see what to look forward to when I eventually become an awesome samurai!"

"You promise not to try to use Act 3 before you're ready?" Benjiro levels him with a glare, "You know, misuse could end with your death."

Kenji rubbed the back of his head, sheepishly. "You know how I feel about promises…"

Benjiro looks at him sternly.

Kenji sighs. "Okay, I understand, uncle."

"Promise?" He asks, his eyes narrowed.

Kenji takes a breath. "I promise."

Uncle Benjiro leads him a little ways away from the dojo, stopping at a small clearing.

"Act 3 is mostly used for defense, but some can use it otherwise. It makes a solid wall of water, a stationary one." His uncle motions for Kenji to sit on the ground. "Don't touch it, I don't want you losing a finger but feel free to throw a rock." He smirks.

After sitting down, Kenji witnesses Benjiro close his eyes in concentration. Sweat pools on his forehead as he breathes- the bamboo sword starts dripping water. A burst of sound echoes as he strikes the ground.

Waves of water, white in color erupt at his feet before advancing diagonally in front of him. After arcing a little, they form a straight curtain of water.

Kenji opens his mouth in awe before grabbing a rock and chucking it at it. He winces as the rock is ground down to dust.

The wall falls and Benjiro wipes the sweat running down his face and pants. He smiles, "How about that?"

"That was awesome!" Kenji squeals. "The way it totally disintegrated that rock!"

"The word is ground, but yes, that's what happens when something crosses the wall." Benjiro looks more serious as he pulls up the blade and gives it a good shake.

It shatters in his hand, spending splinters and water everywhere.

"As I've said, this is a dangerous technique that can even kill the user. Only use it as a last resort." He looks at him intently, "Am I clear?" 

"Yes, Uncle Benjiro," Kenji says.

He smiles, "Now, Young Master Kenjiro," He winks at him. "You are free to leave."

The scent of food pricks at Kenji's nose.

"Breakfast is ready." 

His face lights up; Ichiro stands outside the dojo wearing his usual clothes - haori and hakama over a nagagi, all colored white except the hakama, which is blue. 

Ichiro glances at his Uncle for a moment, "Will you be joining us?"

Benjiro tilts his head, "Kazuya got something for me at home." He waves as he hurriedly leaves.

Ichiro nods, "Quick, little brother, there is a Council Meeting soon."

"Yes, big brother!" Kenji skips behind.

Kenji kneels across from Ichiro at the wooden dining room table, picking at the food his older brother prepared him. 

The fish is so black that he could not tell what type it is and the rice crunches as he chews it. He coughs, rice stuck in his throat. Struggling, he downs it with green tea, the only thing about the meal that is pleasant. He thanks Uncle Benjiro for that; he wouldn't let anyone tarnish his tea leaves. 

He glances at Ichiro.

Ichiro only has his eyes on the piles of scrolls he brought with him as he eats his food, seemingly in his own world. It looks equally as inedible as Kenji's, but his older brother seems unbothered. He wonders when his brother lost his taste buds. 

Kenji straightens his back when Ichiro looks up at him and smiles, hoping his brother didn't notice his staring. 

"How is the food?" Ichiro asks before sipping his tea. 

"Better than yesterday," Kenji replies, trying his best to hide his grimace. 

Ichiro has been cooking for him for as long as he could remember, ever since their parents died. Despite that, his meals never get better, not that it matters. Breakfast is never about eating to him anyway. It's the only time he gets to spend time with his brother these days. So, he relishes it. 

"Thanks…" he mumbles out, poking the pieces of the fish. 

"Mhmm, that's good," Ichiro absently nods. 

Kenji pats his lap, happy to have a conversation with his brother, busy as he is. His mind whirls with different topics, but he doesn't know where to start. He settles with the easiest topic: training. 


"Well, would you look at the time," Ichiro interrupts, looking outside, "I have to get going, " 

Kenji's face falls, "But I still wanted to ask you something…" 

Ichiro gives him a comforting smile. 

"Maybe later," he says, collecting his scrolls. 

As Ichiro walks out of the room, he turns a little, "Clean the dishes when you are done, I have to leave now."

Before Kenji can reply, Ichiro is already gone. 

His brows furrow a bit and he grumbles, "Stupid Council. Stupid dishes, " 

Kenji gets up and collects his and his brother's dishes before heading to the kitchen. He turns on the sink before getting the scrub brush and soap, his mind occupied with other things. 

Kenji knows something is up, something big. Ichiro's days have only become busier, sometimes gone for weeks on end. He sometimes hears him mumble about skirmishes and other attacks.

He scrubs harder as his frustration rises. 

"If only he could take me on missions. Any kind of mission would be okay," he says to the clean plate, its wet surface reflecting his face. 

He could help his brother, he is certain of it. He is strong enough to learn the Watanabe Style. Why does he have to be trapped in the small village?

Sighing, Kenji rinses off the dishes and puts them on the drying rack. Since he is free for the rest of the day, he decides to blow off some steam by going to the park. Time with his friends always lifts his spirits. Before he walks out the door, he feels his stomach grumble.

Kenji's destination was originally Ichigo Park, but there has been a change of plans.  

He should have known not to make a detour to Uncle Benjiro's house for food on days like these. Him not being home was the first red flag. If he was just a little smarter, he might have only been met with a bone-crushing hug from his Aunt Kazuya and a hot plate of dumplings. But in the end, he got dragged out to Town Square to go shopping. 

Of all days, it has to be Market Day, Kenji woes. 

Town Square on Market Day is a warzone that everyone dreads except his aunt. Crowds of people bustle through the dirt streets in all directions, bumping into him. Kenji imagines that he is in the middle of battle, using only the might of his fists to make a dent against enemy forces. But he would be trampled if not for his aunt plowing through the crowd with a force that could make anyone tremble in awe, a truly seasoned warrior. 

In the cold and snow, they scour the stalls for fruits, vegetables, meats, and spices, some that Kenji never even heard of. Some stalls are filled with women arguing about prices and pushing each other for the best products, some having squabbles and even pulling each other's hair. Aunt Kazuya uses her heavyset body and toned arms from hours of blacksmithing to push through them, and speaks to the merchants with an intense stare for the best prices. 

With success after success,  Kenji struggles under the weight of an ungodly amount of groceries.

"Auntie! I have places to be!" he complains. "My friends are waiting for me!"

"Nonsense, Kenji! Your friends can wait," Aunt Kazuya says with a wave of her hand, her golden eyes bright as she rushes over to a stall selling an assortment of weapons and metals. 

His aunt picks up a gleaming metal bar before glaring at the owner of the stall. 

"How much?" she asks. 

The toned man smiles at her. "You have a good eye for materials, M'lady. That jeweled steel right there is a steal for five thousand Ryo," the stall owner says with his hand out, laughing at his joke. "Get it? Steal? Ha!" 

Aunt Kazuya's mouth drops as if that is the most offensive thing she has ever heard. 

"That much? This old steel here has rusted over – it's practically crumbling apart in my hands," she taps the metal, a dark look in her eyes. "I'll take it off your hands for just two thousand." 

The stall owner shakes his head. 

"That price doesn't even match my copper. Four thousand." 

"You mean, that thing covered in rust? Twenty-five hundred." She looks at the other metal with narrowed eyes.

Kenji looks between his aunt and the stall owner, his face red. He is going to be here all day at this rate. 


Aunt Kazuya turns around and pinches his cheek, hard.  

"Keep quiet when Auntie's bargaining, Kenji! We got ourselves a tough one," Kazuya grits through her teeth.

"Hey! That hurt." He puts his hand on his sore cheek with a pout. 

Aunt Kazuya frowns before kissing the top of his head as a way of apology. She turns back to the stall owner whose smile hasn't wavered and blows her dark brown bangs out of her face.

"Twenty-seven or I'm taking my money elsewhere." 

The stall owner laughs.

"You make a hard bargain. Deal." 

Aunt Kazuya smiles in another triumph. 

"And you're a pretty good businessman. I'll buy three. The same price, you hear?" 

The stall owner nods and gives Kenji's aunt the metal.

She places the money down before placing the steel inside of one of the many bags Kenji is holding. She then grabs Kenji and leads him away a little too roughly. "If you keep acting like that, I won't make your sword."

Kenji's eyes sparkle at the thought of a sword of his very own, one as epic as his older brother's. "You wouldn't,"

She chuckles before sticking her tongue out. "Try me,"

Kenji's smile then wavers, "Not that it matters," He puffs out his cheeks. "Ichiro says I'm not ready."

"You never were the most patient, Kenji," She laughs with a shake of her head. "Ichiro's just being a big brother."

Kenji looks down, pouting at the ground.

"Aw, don't be like that." His aunt kneels. She gently grasps his chin, making him look at her tanned freckled face. "Benjiro tells me about your training now and then. Congratulations on learning the Watanabe style!" 

Kenji's lips quirk up. 

"He tells me he thinks you're ready for a sword of your own," she says.

Kenji's eyes widen, beaming at his aunt. "Did Uncle really say that?"

Aunt Kazuya laughs, ruffling his long black hair. 

"Of course! When have I ever lied to you?" 

"Never," he says. 

"Right you are," she says, kissing him on the forehead. "So cheer up and be patient. I am sure Ichiro wants to see just how much you've grown." 

Kenji nods, feeling a lot better. His aunt leads him to a familiar stall. 

"Now, this is our last stop," Aunt Kazuya says, as she tightens her green kimono after a burst of wind passes. 

She goes up to the middle-aged stall owner, her stare nowhere near as intense as it is with the others. 

"Hey, Akina! Am I surprised to see you here! How're the kids?" she cheers, looking at the bags and barrels of rice and flour before frowning a little at the price tags. "Business going well? What's with the price increase? Have you got your hands on some premium quality goods?"

The middle-aged woman lets out a breath, looking as if she were about to cry. "Oh, Kazu! Things just keep gettin' harder and harder these days," she sobs, her accent thick.

Kenji watches his aunt rush around the stall and embrace the petite stall owner. 

"Oh, Akina," she says, glancing around. "Where's your husband? Wasn't he supposed to man the stall today?"

The woman's body trembles a little as her eyes start to glisten.

"Injured at home, ya see. Traveling is gettin' bad these days. Bandits and damn ninja been attackin' left and right." A deep breath as she rubs her eyes, "My husband lost a few fingers an-and he can't use his arm for a bit…" Her body shudders as she brings her face to her hands, "And-And old man Haru-"

Her sob echoes through the market- smothering everything else.

The chatter returns.

Kenji stares and the world stops.

Aunt Kazuya pulls the woman into a hug- her cries cut through him like knives. Stabbing through each and every memory- his face, his traps, his laughs, his-


He blinks, and they've left the market far behind- they're standing in front of her home. He forces out a breath, the words force their way out.

"What of old man Haru? Is he- is he really?" 

Aunt Kazuya gives him a nod before pulling him into a hug. He feels himself shudder and shake as the world becomes blurry. Kenji feels hands at the back of his head as tears drench her shirt. By the time he's done, his eyes are still puffy and he feels numb.

"Will you be good?" Aunt asks, bending down to look him in the eyes. He mumbles out an answer, but she stays, "Benjiro won't mind if you come over today and we've plenty of time before lunch."

Kenji shakes his head, and wipes off his tears," I-I'll be fine," He forces a smile, but it comes off as a grimace. His aunt levels him with a knowing look, "Seriously- I told the guys to come to the park and all-"

Aunt Kazuya lays a heavy, yet comforting hand on his shoulder. "Today, lunch." Her frown morphs into a smile, "Unless you want to eat your brother's cooking."

A laugh bubbles out of him, "It's… It's not that bad."

"Sure it isn't!" his aunt laughs. Her laughter dies down.

"Kenji, your blade's been waiting for you. Don't keep it waiting another day."

Kenji smiles, "Thanks," a breath, "Thanks, auntie. I-I really needed that."

Kenji's feet hit the ground as he weaves through streets and alleyways- ignoring the ache in his shoulders. A groan leaves him as he stretches- Ichigo Park is right in front of him.

His eyes dart around, looking for any of his friends as he walks past the wooden gate. It might've been one of the smaller parks in town, but it had a huge field, perfect for getting some tension out.

A yawn bubbles out as he makes his way towards the old tree in the middle, easily dwarfing the others. A voice rings out, laced in annoyance and he stops.

"You sure took your time, Kenji." a hand lands on his shoulder, pulling him back.

Kenji offers him a toothed grin as he tilts his head to look, "Hey Satoshi, look there was this interesting thing in the way. I couldn't help but stay!"

Satoshi, his hair spiked, as usual, flares up and reaches for his collar, "Why you-"

"Geez! Can't you guys not want to kill each other the moment you meet?" Tomoko walks towards them, staring with narrowed eyes as she sucks on a lollipop. "Catch!" she throws them a dorayaki each- they separate to grab them, still looking at one another through the corner of their eyes. 

It takes a moment for the rest to join.

The boy with tired eyes groans, "Come on, we've been here for hours. You could've come earlier so I didn't lose the bet with Yasuo!"

Yasuo, the fatter of the two, lets out a hearty laugh as he brings the stick of Dango to his mouth, "Come on, Katsumi, it wasn't that bad!"

Katsumi glares at him before muttering about his money. Yasuo just smiles before noticing Kenji and Satoshi staring at each other as they nibble on their sweets.

"Say…" he winks at Tomoko and Katsumi and looks into the distance, "Isn't that Kenji's brother?"

The two split away for different reasons; Satoshi looks around frantically while Kenji's eyes dart around, still biting into the snack.

Tomoko's giggles, Yasuo's laugh, and Katsumi's chuckle bring them out of it. Kenji rolls his eyes, still smiling while Satoshi scowls.

"That- That's not funny! What if he really was here?"

Kenji blinks, brows furrowing, "What's wrong? He's not that bad."

Satoshi gives him a look, etched with surprise, "Kenji, you can't be serious. You know how scary he is, right?"

"He's scary?"

"Your brother is terrifying," Katsumi answers, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Kenji stares at him, brows furrowed. The rest of the group let out a collective shudder.

"You don't understand, he has his eyes on all of us." Satoshi waves one of his hands around, the other on Kenji's shoulder. "Mostly me," He points towards himself.

Katsumi levels Satoshi with a knowing look, "Yeah, he does. Especially idiots who pick a fight with his brother every time they meet."

"What did you say!"

Tomoko giggles with a nod as Kenji looks at her.

"Tomoko, you don't think he's that scary, right?"

She lets out a nervous laugh, scratches her cheek, "Well… There was that one time I brought onigiri for everyone–"

"Oh yeah, he like-"

"–and then he took 'em all, took a small bite before returning them to me." her face contorts in some disgust, "He even watched us eat it."

Satoshi shivers, "I just ate it 'cause he was glaring at us." The rest nod in agreement.

"He asked me to be nicer to ya while peelin' a potato. I thought he wanted me in the potato's place." Yasuo looks off to the side.

Kenji stares back, blinking, "No way. My brother isn't scary. I mean, have you ever seen him in an apron?" He snorts, remembering that gift he'd bought him a while back, the pink apron with "Do Not Touch The Chef" written on it.

His friends look a little more surprised, as Yasuo shudders a little, "I think I saw him at the butcher. I think he warned me that that cow could be me."

Before Kenji could speak more, Katsumi waves his hands, "Let's just play some Samurai and Ninja! You know, before we summon the devil and all."


"Ugh, please!" Tomoko groans, before lighting up, "I call head ninja!"

"Head samurai," Katsumi answers as soon as Satoshi opens his mouth. "I'm adding Kenji to team samurai."

Tomoko rolls her eyes, "Guess I get Satoshi and Yasuo."

"Don't we get a say in this!" Satoshi complains as Yasuo looks down, hands clenched. "There's no way I'm a ninja."

Katsumi leans back and whistles, "You do act like one, though."

"When?" Satoshi yells.

"There is no way that I'm gonna be a ninja," Yasuo says, looking at them with narrowed eyes. At his words, the mood dims a little- the word spread quickly after all.

"I heard about your dad," Kenji starts speaking, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about it? Want to be a samurai?"

Yasou looks grateful and nods, "No, and thanks. They said he'll be fine in a few months," he offers him a heartfelt smile. Satoshi lays a comforting hand on his shoulder as well before looking at Kenji.

"I guess Kenji, Tomoko, and I are the ninja this time."

The first round of the game ends with the ninja winning, mostly to their greater numbers. The game ends with most of the group winded, except Kenji.

"No fair! How're you still like this?" Satoshi asks, waving his hands a bit.

"Guess I just train a lot," Kenji rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

Satoshi scoffs.

"Oh yeah, what did you learn this time?" Katsumi asks before they get another chance to fight.

"I learned more about my family technique." Kenji gives them a challenging smile.

"You didn't," Satoshi speaks in disbelief.

Tomoko's eyes gleam, "Cool, can you defeat ninja with it?"

Kenji laughs with his chest puffed out, "Definitely!"

Kenji walks back to the compound, sore all over from the day. He groans as he stretches before pushing open the door to uncle Benjiro's house. As usual, the door was unlocked.

"I'm here!" he calls out, leaving his shoes by the door. He walks into the dining room, sees Benjiro, and waves. Before he can utter out a greeting, he's hit by the smell of aunt's katsudon.

"You arrived at the perfect time," Benjiro flashes him a smile, "Your aunt just fried the last piece of chicken." He's barely said those words when aunt walks with the steaming dishes and places them on the table.

The golden-brown fried chicken is placed on top of steaming rice. On one side next to the rice lies finely diced raw cabbage and on the other is the brown curry sauce.

"Come, sit down. I'll just wash my hands first, then we can begin to eat." Benjiro speaks with a nod.

"Thanks for the food!" He digs in and is greeted with heaven on his tongue. By the way he practically inhales his food, his aunt looks at him with thinly veiled concern. Kenji lets out a breath the moment he finishes eating, a content smile on his face.

"Was it good?"

"Yeah! Can I have seconds?" Kenji asks, pushing his plate a little.

She looks at him for a second before smiling, "Sure, I'm happy you're enjoying it this much."

"I'd like some more too," Benjiro smiles, before licking off the rice from his teeth. "It's the right amount of sweet and spicy, just as usual!"

"Thank you, dear." She refills his plate with curry and rice as well.

"Y'know, you are always welcome to come to eat with us," Benjiro gives him a look as he swallows a mouthful.

"Thanks for the offer, but I really like eating the food Ichiro makes for me- even if it isn't that good," Kenji answers as he bites into a crispy piece of fried chicken. "It's just… nice."

His aunt's eyes light up and she smiles, "You should bring him some food too."  She gets up and wipes her hands on a napkin, "I'll go pack up something for him."

"Yeah, thanks!"

"Here." Kazuya hands Kenji a bento box. "But wait a bit Kenji, I have a surprise for you. Follow me!"

Kenji waits for a moment as Benjiro grins and motions him to follow. She leads him to a building that is much warmer, the walls made of stone instead of wood.

"I wanted to give it to you on your birthday, but you were so down I thought it would cheer you up," Aunt speaks as she guides him to a stand.

Kenji's eyes water as he takes in the sheathed blade. It's long, slender, and curves just a little- a traditional Watanabe-styled blade.

"Can I touch it?" He breathes out.

She laughs, "It's yours, isn't it?"

He grasps the handle and the world disappears.

For a moment that spans hours, he feels the blade easily eat up his chakra, feels the texture of the handle before pulling back. A wet laugh leaves him as he tries not to cry.

"Thank you, auntie. Thank you."

PenAndKunaiStudio PenAndKunaiStudio

A/N: Hello and welcome!

This fanfiction is a community project. All the content in this fanfiction and the following ones are written by members of the NFU discord server.

This Chapter was written by discord members @Minty @SeraphBaum @LiliLove and @Arionix_64.

That's it, We hope you have fun reading our Story!

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