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18.36% It Started With Devils & Artefacts / Chapter 18: Testing and Sailor Moon Uniform (R-18)

Kapitel 18: Testing and Sailor Moon Uniform (R-18)

"Hi" Regular Speech

'Hi' Thought

"(Hi)" Marcus's mechanically synthesised voice

[Hi] Aurora's notification


"Let's be honest...this place doesn't need cleaning at all," Jeanne said with a sigh.

"The showroom vault is new, it's been what? Only a week since it was finished?" The older blonde continued to complain.

"Just say what you wanna say." Le Fay said with a tired sigh. 

For a moment Jeanne looked at the spinning holographic image of True Longinus, looking at it for a bit. She then turned her gaze towards the one next to it, it was a holographic image of a purple mist turning into a cube made from purple barriers. Switching into different shapes and sizes every few seconds or so.

Eventually, her gaze landed on a red dragon-themed armour. It was a complete and perfect replica of the Red Dragon Emperor's Scale Mail. Something no one will ever see again… for a very very long time.

"What I am saying is that, our Lord is making us clean this place even though it's not needed." Jeanne said with a cute huff. She doesn't mind cleaning at all. The problem is, there was no dust in this place, at all! They are underground. The air is magically created and ventilated through an internal system. There is no connection to the outside world above!

No dust to blow in the dirt!

Which means there was no need for an excessive amount of cleaning!

Not only that but the only way to reach the new house is either through the railways or teleporting directly into the teleportation room.

And because of this, they don't even have a hard time cleaning to begin with! 


"I see… so you don't want those guns you've been staring at, or a custom model scale mail, or the new fancy car you have been looking at as well…" Le Fay said as she continued counting the things Jeanne wants on her fingers.

"Okay-Okay-Okay! I get it! I am just saying that we should clean the stuff that is actually dirty, and not the goddamn showcase vault which just teases us with god slaying power!" Jeanne pointed at the Longinus gears that were locked down, underneath them!

"It was your idea to come here in the first place, you said you wanted to see what our Lord has stashed away in here!" Le Fay said with an annoyed look.


Jeanne was about to say something when suddenly, they noticed the empty spot right next to the Red Heavenly Emperor Scale Mail was starting to get filled up!

"Hmm? A new trophy?" Jeanne questioned with an awed look. But from where? How? They know their Lord was playing host to the devils, and Jeanne wanted to get away from them. So, instead, they decided to earn some points…

Moments later a black draconic armour with purple like gems appeared next to the Welsh Dragon scale mail.

It looked quite similar to the red scale mail. The difference was that it doesn't have wings that the red one has, and it looked less bulky with three eyes instead of two.

"This is…"

"The Prison Dragon, Vritra, Scale Mail. Completion rating at 25%, one of four Sacred Gears acquired." Le Fay read aloud the explanation written on the pedestal plate.

"One of the Dragon Kings… holy… our Lord got this?" Jeanne said with disbelief. Who else on Earth has two of the big shot dragons recorded like this!?

"I think one of the Sitri Peerage members has one of the Vritra gears. And it just got scanned." With a hand on her chin, Le Fay explained what she thinks has just happened.

"Yeah...Vritra… isn't it also an evil dragon as well? 

"As far as I know it fought against Indra a long time ago. Got slain, chopped to bits and then sealed away into four different gears." Le Fay gave an abridged version of what happened, knowing quite well not to drag it out as Jeanne would get bored halfway throughout the whole story.

"Cool. So now we have one out of all four! Nice!" 

Jeanne pulled out her phone and went to the points exchange shop…

"Hehe! It's there! We can get a replica of the Absorption line!" The blonde exclaimed happily.

Le Fay just sighed. Knowing full well that Jeanne doesn't need the gear or anything like that. She only wants the gear to be added to the hold and that there is a chance of getting it if she wants, by… 

The longer she thought about it the more she understood her Lord. The man quite simply made Jeanne addicted to material items. Even though she is complaining a lot about doing useless work, she still does it either way just to get the points.  

'If I didn't know any better I would say that Marcus Goldman is the reincarnation of the original Lucifer and not Solomon.' Le Fay thought to herself as she pulled out her phone to check the amount of points she had.

[Name: Le Fay Pendragon]

[Occupation: Magic Consultant/Maid]

[Loyalty Points: 47]


'Why am I even pretending? I am just as much addicted to this as Jeanne…'

The girl sighed before returning to pointless work.

"Hmm. Fay-chan… say… What if we ask our hot Lord to get some sort of company running? And we could work there? I mean I could be a waitress or something…" Jeanne asked the fellow blonde after some time had passed.

"You're seriously clueless, aren't you?" Le Fay once again sighed.

"Look how we are dressed! The skirts are short. The stockings… you sure you don't know why we are dressed like that?" The younger blonde pointed at her attire.

"Hmm, to look sexy for our Lord?" The older blond said with raised eyebrows. This one was obvious. And she doesn't mind dressing like that. It would be even better if she gets more of his attention.

"Exactly… and our Head Maid dresses in a much more seductive attire, if you have not noticed. Even Satan Leviathan dresses in those revealing ball dresses. And it is obvious why."

"To seduce our Lord, isn't it? I don't see the point of this conversation. Those are obvious..." Jeanne asked with a sigh.

"The point is that we get more points being here than being tied up in some corporation or restaurant." Le Fay clarified to her.

"Oh… I see, in other words we are eye-candy…." 

"And trophies too…" The younger blond pointed that one out.

"Hmm, it makes sense, you are descended from Arthurian legends and I am the reincarnation of Joan of Arc."

"And it should also be obvious that he is collecting women too, in some way. Our Lord's pillars clearly prove that." 

"Hmm yeah… I didn't expect the mother of the current Lucifer to also be part of this. It kind of terrifies me how much political pull a human has on the underworld." Jeanne said that quite seriously, surprising Le Fay for a moment.

The younger blond did not expect such a girl to have some understanding about politics, she just didn't pass as one.

"...I am not even thinking about the outside world at the moment. It simply terrifies me how everyone is clueless about our Lord's existence. It's like not paying attention to massive storm clouds just gathering in the air."

"You mean invisible storm clouds? One can't truly see what he is doing…" Jeanne motioned around them. The place is quite literally underground!

"Still though… Many deities exist that can see the future and destiny. I am sure they would have seen Marcus's existence by now." Le Fay said while remembering the three Fates from Greek mythology.

"I doubt their magic can even reach this place. The amount of barriers surrounding this nation, this underground facility. Le Fay, even if Great Red tried to enter this place, he would not be able to. Even just one of those cores can protect against pantheon level attacks. And how many are there in this place right now?" 

[24 at the moment. And no. No one can enter this house or nation without our notice. The space lock is in place as well. One needs to break the space lock before even trying to breach the barriers. So, can you two stop wasting time? Or should I nullify today's work?] 

Aurora's tone made the pair quickly pale. Like seriously pale. Why is this A.I is so sadistic? They even complained to their Lord about the probability of the A.I going rogue with such character.

But, to their horror. His answer made them realise that he made her like this, on freaking purpose!

At first, they thought that he was a masochist, but then, they observed his interaction with the A.I.

And they realised that she was like a different person altogether. While proud in her capacities, Aurora was not even a little bit bitchy with Marcus as she was with everyone else.

Meaning that he is building her in this specific way. Does this mean he likes girls like that?

"Umm sorry… we're going back to work!" Jeanne quickly said that as she returned to cleaning.


~~~~~~Testing Room~~~~~~

"This was a bad idea!" Saji said as he was running as quickly as he could through the jungles. He was trying very hard to move as fast as he could without tripping or getting trapped in the tree vines.

"You don't say! Why did you think it was a good idea to test the capacities of the holograms with a freaking predator!? Couldn't you have picked a tamer creature!?" Tomoe complained as she too was running away.

"It doesn't matter now! We need an open area to face this invisible foe!" Sona quickly took command with a sweaty forehead. 

She was having an extremely hard time believing they were still inside the testing room! The sun, the humid atmosphere, the trees, the smell… they were in a very very realistic imitation of the Amazonian forest!

Sona looked behind while rushing away from The Predator, the alien creature from the movie with the same name.

The younger Sitri didn't want to brag, but, when Saji suggested facing The Predator, she sort of agreed. She remembered some scenes from the movies. And didn't think much about it…

But, the moment they were 'transported' into the simulation. They were picked up one by one. First was her Queen, then her Rook, followed by her Bishops, one by one. Leaving only Saji, Her, and Tomoe.

First of all, they couldn't even sense it. The optical illusion was not magical, it was technological! Not only that but the sounds the creature makes are quite scare inducing.

*Predator clicking sound*

"Shit! it's somewhere close!?" Saji asked with a horrified look as he looked around. He could only see trees, trees, and more trees, everywhere!

Moments later something landed behind him as he heard more of the alien clicking sound.

Suddenly, a fist smashed into his back, sending Saji flying like a ragdoll. 

The blond flew into a tree sideways. His vision got blurry from all the pain flowing into his body from the collision. The thing hits with a lot of force. He remembered that the alien predator is based on all the movies related to The Predator. And he vividly remembers that in one of the movies, the predator could quite simply pull out a spine from one's body with it's bare hands.

Meaning it has a lot of power. Even the Blonde's Devil physiology didn't help him  much here. Since he can't quite tell where the hunter is. Saji could only predict the general location. But, the problem with this was that, The Predator is a master in hand to hand combat. The thing will beat the shit out of him. If this was the real deal he would have already been dead a long time ago.

Before the alien hunter could approach the downed blonde, a torrent of water slammed into its general area. Revealing the exact location of the invisible foe.

"There! Tomoe! Get it!" Sona ordered.

"On it!" The Sitri Knight rushed forward with her new sword created through her new gear.

A sword collided with the gauntlet of the Predator.

The moment the cloaking was disabled, Tomoe could finally see the towering above two-metre tall alien creature.

"…" She muttered in an excited tone. Before suddenly getting punched with The Predator's left hand, sending her flying.

Moments later, the shoulder cannon shot a beam of electricity, slamming directly into where Tomoe was.

[Sitri Knight eliminated!]


"I know it's an iconic monster! But seriously! I am trying to win here!" Sona was pissed. And yes, she was also terrified. The thing is scary. Even though she knows it's just a hard light hologram! It could still freak them out even though they know it's fake. It's absurdly realistic!


"Sorry… I am trying!" Saji said with a tired tone. He still feels the pain in his gut.


The Predator reminded them that he was still here as his shoulder cannon started firing beams of electricity. 

Sona tried to dodge, but the shoulder cannon was rapidly adapting to her patterns…

And before long, Sona was cornered. The Predator rushed forward to knock her out. But then, unexpectedly, Absorption line wrapped around one of it's limbs.

For a second Saji was delighted that he caught The Predator, but… that happiness was short-lived as the alien hunter pulled him towards itself. 

The blonde very quickly realised that the shoulder cannon was pointing at him.

'Oh fuck!'

In the very next moment, the shoulder cannon released a bolt of lightning and the blonde was out.

[Sitri Pawn Eliminated!]

The Predator turned around and faced Sona who gulped down seeing the thing facing her. It was a towering monster from space!

"Umm... I surrender."

[Sitri King Surrendered! The Predator wins!]

Sona sighed hearing that… not gonna lie this was so real that she, for a moment, was truly afraid that it was not fake… 

The surroundings started to disappear one by one. Revealing the white room. And for some reason, The Predator was still there…

"Not gonna lie, Saji was a genius reminding me about the Predator. I am gonna give him that Playstation 3 he wanted, even though the deal was that you guys have to win this." Marcus walked over with Serafall and the revived group of the Sitri Peerage. Well, Tomoe and Saji were still out.

The teen inventor walked over to the tall space hunter and fist-bumped it before the thing disappeared.


"I can't believe we went through all that just so that he could get the upgraded Playstation 3…" Momo said while messaging her temples.

"Don't worry it will be in my living room for the foreseeable future," Sona said with a no-nonsense tone.

Her peerage snorted in amusement. They can't wait to see Saji's face when he hears about this.

"So-tan that was so cool, you just faced the big bad Predator!" Serafall hugged her baby sister when she least expected it.

"...please sister, it's embarrassing!" Sona said with an embarrassed look.

"Besides… I messed up badly. I didn't expect him to be this strong!" The younger Sitri said with a disappointed tone, her gaze was soft. She had underestimated the hunter very badly.

"Don't beat yourself up that much. Hmm, I have another opponent which you could face if you want. Another shot? What do you say?" Marcus asked with a thoughtful look, he has something in mind for Sera's sister.

"Hmm? I hope it's not Darth Vader…" Momo said to herself. She then looked around realising that everyone was looking at her.

"...Not gonna lie. That's an awesome idea. But, no. It's not a fictional character." The teen said with a smirk.

The younger Sitri gulped down when she saw the smirk.

"Who is it?"

"The Red Dragon Emperor." 

The group's eyes widened to max.

"You… you have the Boosted Gear?" Sona asked with disbelief. She was in disbelief because she could not even find the host of the Heavenly Dragon for the past year!

"Nope. But I have had the Gear scanned for over a year. And…" Marcus pointed next to him, where polygons were gathering into a female looking physique encased in the iconic Red Scale Mail.

"Beat Aurora. And you will get a thousand points each."

"For real!?" Saji asked as he groggily walked over, he got 'resurrected' when he heard the amount of points they were getting for this!

"With that amount, I could buy a supercar!" 

"You don't even have a license!" Momo said while shaking her head. She can't believe how easily this blonde got sucked into the whole items getting concept!

"Easily solvable! I only need to wait for over two years and I can get it! The point is that the car doesn't need any maintenance! No fuel consumption, no breakdowns! It's simply godly!" Saji grimaced slightly when he mentioned godly… he needs to stop thinking and meaning what those words meant.

The rest of the peerage also grimaced hearing what he just said…

"You right on that," Marcus smirked with satisfaction. 

Sona's peerage internally groaned again. The inventor was inflating the blonde's desires… the teen inventor truly is more of a devil than a human.

"See. Even our employer agrees with me." Saji proudly said that.

"Then you can fight the Red Dragon Emperor if you want," Sona said while fixing her glasses.

"Umm...I thought this was a peerage fight? I mean we are all getting points this time right!?" The Sitri Pawn exclaimed with a panicked look. Like hell was he going to face a Longinus user alone!

"Hmm… I suppose you are right." Sona relented with a sigh.

"I think we should rest first? No? I mean this is fighting against someone who could potentially kill a God!?" Tomoe questioned with a worried look. She was just electrocuted!

The Younger Sitri nodded obviously. Not that she intended to fight from the get-go. Saji was just far too taken by the whole situation. This was his first time interacting with other supernatural entities. And Marcus is not a good first impression because nothing else will be as flashy as the inventor's creations...

"Can we rest first?" Sona asked with a respectful bow.

"Sure. Aurora. Please, I want the Bahamas for this." Marcus asked the armoured Aurora.


Moments later the surroundings turned into a beautiful beach with water and a bunch of beach chairs.



"Can I get one for my home?" Momo asked with wide eyes.

[You wouldn't be able to pay electrical bills for this.] The Red Dragon Emperor Scale mail said with crossed arms.

It was a female voice, assuming it was Aurora having a physical body made from holograms.

[Just for one minute, this room consumes enough electricity to power a skyscraper for a year.] 

The white-haired bishop from Sitri peerage paled after hearing that.

"That's a lot of electricity…"

[It is. But, since we don't have power issues, my creator doesn't need to hold back when he is making his creations.] The scale mail said with a proud tone making the girl realise that the A.I was… showing off? 


[Blond one first!]


Red aura exploded around the Welsh Dragon scale mail as the armour rushed forward with an incredible amount of speed.

Saji's eyes widened, he did not expect the armour to be this fast! He didn't even have much time to react as the fist was already on his face.


All the boosted energy was released on the impact as the Sitri pawn was sent flying while spinning sideways.

[Sitri Pawn is Eliminated!]

Sona and her peerage looked at this with disbelief. They were told that the armour was set in High-Class devil strength! But that burst of speed was beyond anything a High Class should be able to do!

This is nuts!

"Tomoe, Yura engage her in close combat!" Sona quickly ordered some basic strategies. She needed to figure out how the armour fights!

Knowing that it's A.I is the very same A.I that controlled the Predator it could be difficult!

Her Knight and Rook rushed forward to engage the Scale Mail.

Sure enough, Sona's prediction was spot on as the scale mail was fighting using martial arts!

Easily matching Yura in hand to hand combat. The moment Tomoe got close in from behind. It's red tail rushed forward and coiled around the Knights' hands.

"What… the…" 

The scale mail went up into the air and with a spin it threw the girl at the Rook of Sitri Peerage.


The girls got tangled up and that was all Aurora needed to shoot a red ball of dragon energy.

Well, it should have, but Sona and the Bishops started throwing magic at the armour.

Aurora quickly started to dodge with her flying ability and started boosting herself up.

"This is bad! her power is going up!" And before long, the red armour started shooting balls made from dragon energy at Sona's peerage who quickly started dodging the incoming blasts.

Using this moment, the Red Dragon Emperor replica descended back and took out the pair of girls who were just back on their feet!

With boosted strength, the A.I easily overwhelmed them in brute strength. Even when Yura tried to use her Sacred Gear! And redirect the attack back at the armour.

Funny how the girl forgot that she was fighting someone who played a large part in making the gear in the first place.

[Sitri Knight and Rook eliminated!]

"This is bad! That thing can just easily increase its power!" Sona said with a frown.

Seeing that her front liners were gone, the Queen pulled out her Naginata.

"This is a good time to test out the upgraded version of Mirror Alice." The Sitri Heiress said after seeing her Queen pulling out her weapon.

Not that they had time to test as the red Scale mail was already charging straight in.

~~~~~~Marcus, Next Day~~~~~~

"The store you prepared for So-tan's peerage is quite tame. Compared to the one your 'hired' staff has." Serafall said while getting comfortable on her Master's lap.

"They don't work for me for life, Sera. I won't be giving them the same things as the one I am giving Jeanne and Le Fay." Marcus said while hugging her back.

"Because of the contract they signed? While it's fault-proof, it can still be exploited. And you are offering quite powerful items and magic." 

"The contract was only the beginning of the binding. By this point, their wet dreams are already about me." He said with an amused tone as he remembered hearing the recordings…

"... You are serious?" The black-haired devil beauty giggled hearing that.

"Very. While there are no cameras in their rooms, Aurora can pick up the voices as their rooms used to be not far from the kitchen.

Le Fay quite immediately became fascinated with me and Jeanne followed soon after. One thing for sure is that they are in my camp regardless. And their dedication is only growing as we speak." Marcus said with a shrug.

"Quite devious as always~~~" Serafall said with an amused tone.

"It's a natural reaction. I don't have to do anything. They grew fascinated in me, themselves."

Marcus simply answered back. He barely needed to do anything to make them get interested and attached to him. And Aurora quickly picked up their behaviour patterns while constantly observing them when they work 

At first Le Fay was quite reluctant and wanted to find a way to escape. That however, slowly diminished by the time his new base was done, she no longer wanted to run away.

Either she knows it's pointless or she doesn't want to. It doesn't really matter anymore.

Serafall was a little bit baffled that Marcus doesn't even look remotely surprised that the pair of blondes have dreamed about him.

He wasn't even excited or bothered or anything like that. This was quite something else. After all, he was currently at his peak teenage time, where teens would want to have their way with girls. Especially when the pair he has as maids dressed up sexy, and by his request no less…

"I see… I guess they need to try a bit harder to get your attention." She said while leaning into him, snuggling.

"Hmm… that reminds me. I gave your sister something. But, I didn't give you anything. So here you go."  The teen inventor pulled out something from his inventory and handed it to the curious girl.

" this what I think it is…"

"Yep. I needed to read some wiki pages for the design but now it's all done." 

She slowly took the fancy looking pen. It was blue with some gold and there was something akin to a crystal planet on the top.

" does it work?" Serafall asked with shaking hands. She was getting goosebumps just by holding it. Some sweat started dripping from her forehead.

"It's a Sacred Gear, you fuse with it by channelling some of your magic."

"Sacred-Sacred-Sacred gear? Y-You made the Sailor Moon uniform into a Sacred Gear?" She asked with utter disbelief. 

Never in her 500+ years of life did it cross her mind that Marcus could invent something so amazing, so good looking, so incredible!

She didn't need to be told twice, quickly channelling her magic the pen disappeared but… with a simple thought, it was back in her hand.

"The best part of this is that you can still use it as a pen." He said with a smile. Serafall could only giggle for a bit before losing control of herself and quickly tested it out.

Jumping off his lap, she pulled out the pen...subconsciously knowing how to use it…

And with a burst of light, she transformed.

Starting from the hair, it changed into twin tails, with diamond-like clips holding it in place. And then the classic sailor uniform in white and blue with purple ribbon appeared.

Her knee-long shoes are blue, same with the gloves. In other words, she would be closest in looks to Sailor Mercury.

But that was on purpose since her uniform colour should be the same as her eyes. At least that's what Marcus thought.

"Ohh my gosh~~~ the power… I feel so strong! And~~~" She quickly created a mirror and looked at herself.

"So~~~ amazing~~~ wow~~~ this is truly a Sailor uniform with the powerups!~~~" Serafall did a spin. Her new shoes, which had high heels, clicked on the ground.

She looked at herself a little bit more. While the teen inventor observed her from the side. Her miniskirt is special, the thing is, no matter which angle you look at it, you can't see her panties, it is part of the Sacred Gear. After all, only he should be able to get the panty shots.

Once she was done observing herself, she looked at Marcus. Her Master's reaction to her gaze was simply a slightly raised eyebrow… because Serafall had hearts in her eyes.

"This is like the best thing you have ever created…"

That moment, in the background, the teen inventor could hear Aurora cough. She was not impressed being regarded as less than some average Longinus class gear…

"I see…"

~~~(Smut ahead! Skip to 'Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears' if you wish to skip)~~~

Soon enough she was back on his lap.

"Now~~~ I need to reward you for all the hard work. We have not tested the bedroom of your new house yet, have we?" Serafall hotly said into his ear. She was radiating a lot of 'need'.

Marcus nodded at her. Thankfully they were on the living room floor and not the workshop floor otherwise they might end up testing the floor in the lift… 

Surely enough Serafall, with supernatural speed, brought Marcus towards the bedroom as she pushed him down on the bed before starting to rain kisses all over him.

She was in an enormous amount of heat. 

And before long she was already working on his shaft very greedily while rubbing her legs together. The beauty was leaking quite a bit as it is. Just imagining doing her man in the most realistic uniform from Sailor Moon.

It has turned her on to a level that she never has been before. So, at this moment she was working extra hard in her service, making a lot of sexy noises while worshipping Marcus' rod.

Before long he came hard and showered the beauty in his seed.

"So...much… I didn't~~~ think you had the time to gather so much~~~ I served you quite often~~~" She said that between licks as she cleaned off her gloves.

"I guess I overdid it with the design, it turned me on just as much as it did you," Marcus said honestly, when he saw the 3d image of Serafall in her uniform. It was hot. But seeing it in reality? That sexiness reached a completely different level. It's one of the reasons why he loves inventing and designing, It's so satisfying seeing something coming into fruition.

"Nope~~~ you did it perfectly~~~ this is perfect. I am feeling like a teenage girl at the moment~~~ it worked far too well. That's why I am going to fuck you hard, my dear master~~~ you need to know how much this means to me~~~" 

She said with glazed eyes. Marcus could see heart symbols in her eyes that were nearly glowing with passion.

She quickly got onto her feet for a moment before removing her white panties. It is the signature panties for any sailor moon uniform.

And soon enough she was sitting on his lap, positioning herself for insertion. 

There was no playing around with the current Serafall as she quickly inserted herself with a single move.

The beauty mewed for a bit when she felt his rod fully submerging in her wet folds. 

She put both of her hands on Marcus' knees before starting to move up and down. Her movement rapidly accelerated as she was riding him with everything she got.

Sounds of lovemaking spread throughout the whole room as Serafall was moaning loud enough for everyone on the floor to hear.

"Mhhhh~~~ so~~~ Good~~~" 

The beauty collapsed onto Marcus' chest. She tried to ride him as hard as she could, but she herself came hard before that.

The teen inventor could chuckled as he flipped her over.

"No~~~ I am supposed to fuck you… not you me~~~" She said with glazed eyes.

Marcus lifted both of her legs and put them on his shoulders before continuing to pump into her wet core.

"Ohhh~~~ no…. This is too good…" She said with a drool coming out of her mouth as she felt his thing going in and out of her velvet cave.

The smacking continued on for several more minutes as Marcus enjoyed stroking her thighs along the way.


Soon enough Serafall came hard and the teen inventor used that moment to release his load into her.

"Nnnhhh~~~ this… is...bad…" the black-haired devil beauty said before closing her eyes.

"Heh… she passed out? Damn… I guess I should add another achievement to the list. Fucking a devil to sleep…" The teen said to himself. He doesn't know how this happened, she should not have passed out. After all, her Sacred Gear feeds an unlimited amount of energy into her reserves…

Oh well…

~~~~~~~~~Inventions/Tech/Sacred Gears~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sailor Winter Transformation Device

A sacred gear in the shape of a pen. Upon fusion, Serafall Sitri can transform into a Magic Girl from the Sailor Moon Franchise.

The costume is based on Sailor Mercury as the Sailor's uniform was blue.

Classification: Neo-type Custom G-Sacred Gear (G-for the fact that Marcus wasn't holding back in its making and it means Goldman Sacred Gear)

Composition: Sacred Gear Alchemical Metal, Diamond core, Concept core.

Balance Breaker: Eternity Drive (even more posh Uniform with 30x greater energy output)

Key magic system and technology:

Aurora system OS Monitoring: The G-Sacred Gear is closely monitored by Aurora in case of an emergency, help can be summoned directly to Serafall side.

Diamond Core Heart Sacred Gear variant: A Sacred Gear variant of the Diamond Core Heart installed in most of Marcus facilities. This core magnifies Serafall power by 10x, and 30x in Balance Breaker

Conceptual Core: The core of the Sailor Moon uniform. It holds together the uniform and its Balance breaker uniform, making it magical in every sense of the word.

Frost Winter Amplifier: Serafall's powers over ice, snow, water are severely amplified, in the Sailor Moon uniform mode, she loses the classification of a 'Devil' and instead can be classified as a being of Frost or ice being. Making her original weakness almost non-existent in magical terms. She can still be hurt by holy relics or energy but only on body parts where there is no protection from the uniform.


My Discord server for advanced chapters:

Along with the advanced chapters, there are also a lot of other fanfics I wrote and did not upload to Webnovel.

Chapters are coming out Monday, Wednesday and Friday around 9:00 AM British time.

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