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44.23% Dhampir in DxD / Chapter 21: Disciplining A Naughty Witch

Kapitel 21: Disciplining A Naughty Witch

Slowly, but surely I opened my eyes.

I then tried to sit up, only to feel an ache across my entire body. Something that hasn't happened since I've been reincarnated.

'I guess fighting that Fergus apparition and achieving and using Balance Break for the first time took a lot more out of me than I realized.' I thought.

Laying back down I turned my head to the right to see the others had taken me out of the cave and set up camp. Three of them are sleeping at the moment, but since they are turned away from me I don't know who it is.


Hearing a crash to my left I turned my head and saw Dominque standing there, having just dropped a bucket filled with water. Her eyes started leaking tears a few seconds later.

She then ran over to me and scooped me up into a bone-crushing hug. "Kufa, you're finally awake. I'm...I'm so glad." She cried.

I smiled. I then ignored my aching body and wrapped my arms around her in a hug, pulling her closer to me. "Yeah, Dominque. I'm awake. And I'm going to be just fine." I whispered into her ear. "Sorry, for making you worry."

the two of us stayed in that position for a while. We then separated only for a moment before we started kissing. Though it was a chaste kiss to exchange love, nothing more.

After a minute we separated.

Once that happened Dominque woke everyone up, and called Gin back from guard duty.

Apparently I have been asleep for the past two days. That's what they told me when they greeted me.

Except for Chess. She literally attacked me and pushed her boobs into my chest, giving me a passionate and very wet kiss without regard for the others.

Thankfully Dominque dragged her off me.

Then once that was over I got some food in me.

Putting down my plate I put a satisfied smile on my face. "Ah, that hit the spot." I said. I then looked at the others. "So, what did I miss during my two day nap?"

"Nothing much." Gin said. "After you passed out we checked you over to make sure you didn't kick the bucket, but it didn't take us long to realize you had only passed from exhaustion."

"Once we knew that we all calmed down a bit." Chess spoke up. "We then moved you out of the cave and set up a campsite."

I nodded. "Ok. What about Caladbolg?" I asked.

Lancelot smirked when I asked my question. He then opened up a storage seal near his left hand and Caladbog immediately came out, allowing him to grasp it.

Thanks to him doing so I was finally able to get a good look at the legendary weapon. When I was fighting before the holy aura it was giving off kept me from doing so.

Caladbolg actually looks like a spear.

I was not expecting that, but whatever.

"Once we made sure you were secure we returned to the chamber. That's when I retrieved the sword and made it my own." Lancelot explained.

"We also investigated the chamber." Jeanne began. "In doing so we found out that the Fergus that appeared was linked to a highly complex security spell, one that was using the islands own magic to sustain it. But in doing so it was affecting the environment itself, which is why the Fae had such an issue with Caladbolg and called it a cursed weapon."

"However it si anything but." Lancelot said. "It's quite temperamental. It's going to take me quite a while to break it in, but I'll get there. And its all thanks to you Kufa."

"No, we're a team after all." I said. "You needed a weapon and I got one for you. Simple as that."

"Stop being so modest." Lancelot said.

"I'm not." I said.

"Ok girls, enough with the back and forth." Gin said. He then looked at me. "So, what you did back there in the cave, what was that?"

"It was my balance break." I revealed, causing everyone to look at me. "I finally achieve it when I saw Dominque was in trouble. No one messes with one of my woman and gets off easy." I proclaimed.

"Kufa!" Dominque shouted, a blush appearing on her face.

I simply smiled while patting her head.

"So, what exactly is your balance break?" Gin asked, ignoring me patting Dominque's head. "Because from what I saw you not only healed your arm, but also moved faster than normal. I thought sacred gears could generally only do one thing."

"That's right. It was all one thing." I said. "You see in balance I can fully control all aspects of time." I revealed, causing everyone's eyes to go wide. "I am not messing around. I can control time within my field. That's why I will call my balance break by this name."

[Chronos: Lord of Time]

(A/N: Chronos and the Titan Cronus are completely different beings)

An apt name if I do say so myself.

Once I told the others my balance breaks name I started explaining to them its powers in detail.

When I use my balance I don't just stop time, but within my field I can control all aspects of time for anything I want. I can accelerate, freeze, rewind, and slow-down time. It doesn't matter if I am using my power on myself, another person, or an object. I can even use it to affect attacks.

That's how I was able to heal myself and Dominque during the battle. I simply rewound the damage done to us.

Which is another aspect of my balance break. I can target specific things and affect their time. That's how I beat Fergus. I simply accelerated his wounds to a point where they became fatal.

But using my balance break isn't easy. The power consumption is off the charts. Not to mention the same rules still apply as in my base form. If a being is stronger than me, or has a good enough defense then they can avoid the affects of my balance break, no problem. There is also another issue I am facing at the moment. I can only affect the time of one object or entity at a time at the moment.

No pun intended.

It basically means that when I am speeding myself up I can't freeze my opponent in place. Or if I am freezing an opponent's attack, then I can't rewind any damage I have taken, or any damage my comrades take.

It's a bitch.

But with enough training I will be able to overcome that flaw, and in a few years I will even be able to freeze god-class beings in place. I can feel it.

So they better watch their fucking backs, because the lord of time is here and he isn't going anywhere.

I finished explaining my powers to the others.

It left them speechless.

"That is a seriously OP ability." Gin spoke.

"Yeah, I know." I said, putting a smug smile on my face. "But even so, if I am not careful I can still end up dead. At the moment the drawbacks of using my balance break are too great. Hell, I can only maintain it for about ten minutes straight, and that's when I'm in a good condition. If I am in a prolonged battle or heavily injured I will only be able to maintain it for about three minutes, and that won't cut it if I have to face opponent's of a higher class."

I should say when, but I don't want to freak these guys out just yet. We are still getting to know each other after all.

It's never good to reveal everything on a first date.

Jeanne started rubbing her temples before sighing. "This is all so much. I think that's enough for tonight. Let's all turn in and then continue this discussion in the morning."

"Sounds good to me." I said.

"Oh, but that's no fun. I want to here more." An unknown female voice suddenly spoke up.

Everyone immediately got in a battle ready stance and started scanning the forest around us for the enemy. We even spread out our senses, but no matter how hard we looked we couldn't detect anything but a few Fae spirits.

It means this person watching us is extremely skilled in concealing themselves.

"Agh!" Dominque screamed.

We all turned in her direction.

Only to see someone pinching her butt, Dominque with a massive blush on her face as this is taking place.

The culprit is a girl. She is the same age as Gin. She is wearing a highly-revealing black and blue dress, and has sky-blue eyes and long ash-blonde almost silver colored hair.

Putting a smile on her face the woman brought her other hand to Dominque's other butt cheek and squeezed. "Mhm, firm and tight." She mused in a sensual tone.

She's obviously a pervert.

Even so I can't bring myself to stop this. I think I even fill a little blood leaking from my nose.

"Immoral!" Jeanne shouted. She then summoned a sword with her gear and moved to cut the perverted woman, even though she has a massive blush on her face.

This perverted holy maiden. She's really not fooling anybody.

The woman separated from Dominque and dodged Jeanne's strike by leaning back. She then gave Jeanne's ass a light slap, causing her to yelp.

At that Lancelot's nose started gushing blood.

He two understands the majesty of yuriness.

Good man.

Anyway, after Jeanne landed I used my speed to close in on the mysterious pervert and placed my blade against her neck. "Ok, that's enough." I told her.

She turned to look at me, a coy smile on her face. She then lightly touched her cheek. "Ara, whatever do you mean?"

"Please stop." I said. "So, who are you?"

"Isn't it common courtesy to give your name first?" She asked.

"Call it reparation's for assaulting my companions asses." I said. "Also that girl's ass you pinched, she's my woman. So, are you going to tell us your name, or am I going to have to force you?"

"Ah, are you going to get rough with me?" She asked.

I gave her a deadpan look in response and started emitting ice from my body.

"Alright, I get it." The woman said. "How do you do, my name is Morgan Ambrosius."

'Ah, now it all makes sense.' I thought. She's related to that succubus if my suspicions are right. It explains her attitude.

"Ambrosius? Are you related to Merlin? That Merlin?" Chess asked.

"Yes, that one. The greatest magician who advised King Arthur. I am his descendant. Morgan Ambrosius. A pleasure." Morgan said. "So then, who are all of you, and how did you defeat my security seal?"

"Wait, so you are the one who placed the seal on Caladbolg?" Lancelot question, having finally recovered from his nosebleed episode.

"Not me, personally, but my family did over 300 years ago." Morgan said." After one of my ancestors found the blade we hid it on this island, and have been re-sealing it ever since. That way it will not fall into the hands of rogues and sycophants' who wish to pervert its nature." She explained. I then felt her power rising as multiple spell circles appeared all around us. "So tell me, why should I let you possess the blade?" She asked.

The smile dropped from her face and she looked at us with emotionless eyes.

This girl is incredibly dangerous. She is already on the level of an ultimate-class magician. She can definitely rival Georg and Le Fay Pendragon. Hell, I think she might even have a leg up on them.

"Showing your true colors now." Dominque said. "Good this will make things easier." She said.

"Answer my question." Morgan asked. "I won't ask again."

"What is this, we defeated the system and claimed the blade." Jeanne said. "If you had wanted to keep it any safer, then you should have added more protections. And another thing, did you know that the Faerie's on this island were in fear and suffering because of your family's security system?!"

"What?" Morgan asked, completely shocked.

"That's right." Jeanne said. She walked up to Morgan and got in her face. "Because of the seal of protection you place on Caladbolg the islands magic was being used to power it, taking lifeforce away from the Fae here. They tried to get rid of the seal and the blade so many times, but they couldn't do it. Did you even care about them, huh?"

"I...I..." Morgan stuttered.

"And another thing you pervert, who gave you permission to slap my ass?!" Jeanne roared.

She then started really laying into Morgan, who looked at a complete us.

The rest of us watching from the side were in the same boat.

Except for Lancelot. He just put a wry smile on his face.

I guess Jeanne is the type to let out everything at once. And she is really letting Morgan having.

Five minutes passed before Jeanne stopped berating her. Once she did she put a refreshed smile on her face.

"Ah, much better." Jeanne mused.

As for Morgan she looked like a little bit of life has been sucked out of her. I can't fault her, the same thing would happen to me if Jeanne decided to go off in my direction. I really need to tread carefully around this maiden.

She is obviously a devil in disguise.

Morgan stood to her feet after five minutes, a guilty expression on her face. "Sorry about that, I didn't know I was hurting the Faerie of this place. The thing is I have never done the sealing ritual before. It was my grandmother who did it before, but she passed away a few months ago. And well...Still that's no excuse."

"Well I think it should be fine." Lancelot said. "Since we defeated Fergus and I obtained Caladbolg the security spell has dissipated. And you didn't know in the first place, so no one is going to blame you."

"Lancelot is right. You're fine." Gin said.

"Thank you." Morgan said. "But now what am I supposed to do?" She asked. "I was made guardian of this place, but now I no longer have a reason to guard it."

"You could come along with us." I said.

"What?!!" Everyone shouted, looking at me like I was crazy.

Morgan smiled. "Ah, that sounds wonderful." She said.

"No!" Jeanne said, a blush coming over her face once more. "I...I refuse to anywhere near this succubus!"

"Ah, you know you liked it." Morgan said, looking at Jeanne. She licked her lips in a seductive manner.

Jeanne shivered.

Meanwhile I remembered a meme from my past life with a smile on my face.


Thought Jeanne won't have to worry, since I'll be taken Morgan for myself. She's my type of girl, however I will need to discipline the naughty minx. Something I'm sure she will enjoy.

As will I.

"So since no one is opposed, Morgan is joining the team." I said.

"I am!" Jeanne shouted, crying anime tears.

"It's fine. Nothing we can say can stop you." Gin said.

"It's ok." Dominque said.

"Welcome aboard Morgan." Chess happily said, giving Morgan a wink.

"Sorry Jeanne, looks like you've been outvoted." Lancelot said.

Jeanne fell to her knees, a cloud of despair coming over her head.

She'll be fine.

I walked up to Morgan and offered her my hand. "Welcome, Ms. Ambrosius. The name is Kufa Vampir."

"A pleasure." Morgan said, taking my hand.

As soon as she did I bared my fangs and put an evil smile on my face.

"Since you are now part of the team I can punish you. You need to learn how to not touch things that aren't yours." I said. "Time for discipline." I told her.

I then sat on a rock and pulled her over my lap. Then I imbued magic into my hand and gave her ass a slap.

"Ah!" She shouted.

"Stop crying, we're not done!" I said, laughing manically. I then stared slapping her ass with my magically enhanced hand like there was on tomorrow.

The others looked at me in fear and backed up. Even Chess.

As for Dominque though.

I caught her staring at me with a faint blush on her cheeks. I could even faintly smell some arousal with my enhanced senses.

To think she was a masochist.

Yes, this will be quite enjoyable.

Quite enjoyable indeed.

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