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88.88% fate alternative / Chapter 16: Chapter 13, Murder on the train.

Kapitel 16: Chapter 13, Murder on the train.

"Trisha…Trisha?" What are you doing lying there...? Trisha, Trisha!? I-It can't be… G-Get up and scold me like you always do! Marie pleaded as she tried to move the decapitated body of her assistant.

"Olga Marie…" Gray whispered.

"Professor…" Shirou said reaching his side.

"Shirou, Rouge?" What are they doing here? Gray asked.

"Oh, so you didn't just bring women Professor!" Yvette exclaimed happily.

"We got an assignment," Rouge replied, ignoring the girl.

"So they really did board the train," Waver said, looking at his student, then he looked at the corpse. It was like this when we arrived. Rin went to tell the driver...

"It won't be necessary."

On one side of the room stood Leandra and Rodin. They appeared out of nowhere...

"You did this to him!?" Or, was it you, Karabo!? said Marie, addressing the man from the Church. You are one of the Church's mage killers!

"It wasn't me," the man denied. Would you allow me to examine the body? I'm used to seeing them...

-No kidding! Marie raised her palm and a black sphere formed in her hand shooting at Karabo; but he blocked it with one of his black keys.

"Excuse me." In one swift motion, Karabo slammed the hilt of his gun into Marie's head, knocking her unconscious. Then, he turned to Shirou. They know each other, right? I saw them having dinner together last night.

Shirou nodded.

"Take care of her, please."

"I understand." Then the boy turned to Altrouge. I'll take her to our cabin. Can you stay and let me know what they find out?

-Leave it to me.

Shirou left carrying Marie in his arms while she was unconscious.

"They commissioned the autopsy without hesitation..." Gray said as he saw the church agent treating the corpse.

"As a member of the Church, you must be used to dealing with bodies," Altrouge spoke up.

"Magus murders are not unusual on this train. The organizers don't care too much, so it's everyone's responsibility," Yvette said.

"I guess they only intervene if it becomes some kind of pitched battle that damages the train or jeopardizes the auction," the Princess speculated.

-Exactly! Those who do that lose their right to participate in the auction.

Lord El-Melloi approached the Church agent. Can I ask you something?


"He's part of the Holy Church, so doesn't he hate mages?"

"I think their souls should burn in purgatory." But that does not concern us now. A large amount of smoke began to cover the corpse and Karabo used it to analyze the body. My black keys are not made to go through a lady crying for a friend.

"It seems to attract cases like this, don't you think so, Lord El-Melloi II?" Adashino said entering the room.

"Just like you," Waver answered.

"I was inside the train the whole time, does that mean I don't have an alibi?"

"You know better than anyone that it doesn't work that way with mages."

Adashino smiled. I breathe easier.

"We were on the train too.

Raising her arm as if she were in the middle of a class, Yvette said. I was outside with Mr. Karabo. There were several magi who could also confirm it.

"He died within the last hour. He bled to death when his head was cut off, no signs of a fight, so it must have been an instant death," Karabo spoke up.

"Why cut his head off?" Adashino asked.

"His mystic eye saw the future, I checked it myself." Perhaps the assassin cut off his head to steal the mystic eye..." The young Lord theorized, then he looked around the cabin. The head is nowhere to be found.

"Is it possible to extract the mystic eye from his head?" Karabo asked.

"For Rail Zeppelin, it wouldn't be a problem," Leandra replied.

"I'd like to examine the body," El-Melloi said.

On the other hand…

Shirou had left Marie on one of the beds in the cabin. He wasn't sure what to do, if he wanted to investigate, he would have to leave Marie here; but if there was a killer, it was possible he was after her.

Shirou walked towards the door, maybe he could ask someone else to take care of her, some member of the train or another magus associated with the Animusphere family should be willing to do it, because, if he just stood by taking care of her, the killer would have more. margin of action.


Shirou turned around to see Marie waking up.

-You are better? The boy asked approaching her.

Marie let out a wry laugh as small tears spilled from her eyes. One of the people who was by my side since I was a child... the person who supported me all these years, was killed... How am I supposed to be okay?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it that way. I understand what you've been through...

This made Marie angry, she got up and slapped the boy. What are you supposed to understand!? Everyone knows and says they understand what I've been through, but that's a lie! Nobody knows what it means to carry the weight of the whole family and the whole faculty! Trisha... She was the only one who had always been with me...

Shirou didn't react violently, he realized how hurt Marie was, and thought that maybe his words weren't the best to explain himself. "I see, she was her pillar, the reason that Olga Marie Animusphere was able to keep the whole family together, was because there was someone who honestly had faith and trust in her. And now that she's gone...

Marie clenched her hands tightly as tears escaped from her eyes filled with sadness and helplessness.

Shirou lowered his gaze, the expression Marie had right now, would it be similar to the gaze he had back then? Now that he remembered it, Kiritsugu had a look of pure happiness the day he saved him, back then, he wondered if he could have that same look if he helped more people. Even with the passing of the years, that thought remained, maybe that was why he agreed to help Muramasa so easily, and maybe that was also why he decided to help Altrouge despite knowing that everything with she was dealing with far outweighed him.

However, this thought had changed slightly over time, although as a child he could easily have abandoned his life for someone else's; now it wasn't quite the same. He carried the hopes of his ancestor, as well as the mission to help Altrouge, and lastly, he had a goal, even if it was an inherited one, this didn't make him any less worthy. His grandfather, a long time ago, had told him some things that were etched in his mind: he was a sword, like a sword, if overloaded, it would splinter and end up breaking; on the other hand, a sword without any purpose was also worthless; so he should know when to stop, and always be clear about his goal, even if he didn't know how to reach it.

Although, that didn't change the fact that he was the type of person who liked to help others whenever he could...

—It's true, I don't know everything you've been through; but, I can understand it a little. After all, the reason that brought us to our current situation, is the same...

Marie looked at him strangely. What are you talking about

"The Holy Grail War, remember?"

Lord Animusphere nodded. Yeah, what does that have to do with what you're saying?

"Not only did my father participate in that war, as you probably already know, I'm adopted. My father adopted me after the holy grail war.


"I told you, didn't I?" At the end of the war, the corruption spread and devoured everything. I lived in the vicinity of where the disaster occurred...

This surprised the lady. That means you...

Shirou nodded. I lost my family to that ritual, and just like you, I clung to one person in order to move forward. And, to himself, he concluded: And, like you, I will lose that person before too long. The only advice I can give you is to live with twice the strength for both of you, and not let her death be in vain… —Saying this, Shirou proceeded to leave the room; but…

-Waiting! Marie tried to stop him in vain. I told you to wait, didn't I?!

Shirou stopped in front of the door. Do you need something else?

Marie got up from the bed. The Emiya family are mercenaries, aren't they?

"Well, yes, I guess so.

"In that case, I want to hire you."

"Why protect you while you're on the train?"

She nodded. Trisha helped me get here, if I let it all fall apart like that, then everything we did would have been for nothing. I can't afford to die inside this train.

Shirou nodded. I understand; however, I have one condition.

-Which one?

"I was sent to investigate anything strange that happened inside the train, so I can't stay in this room to protect you all the time." If I accept the contract, then you must accompany me while I investigate what is going on.

Marie took a deep breath and managed to regain some of the firmness she had shown before the murder. Give me a few minutes to prepare and I'll be ready. We can discuss your pay after the trip is over.

"Okay, I'll wait for you outside."

On the other hand…

"You have a sensitive mystic eye, don't you?" Lord El-Melloi II asked Karabo.

"Why do you think that?" Karabo asked as he watched the Lord analyze the body.

"Considering his age, the logical thing would be for him to come here to sell a mystic eye, not to buy one." Also, you offered to examine the body because you thought it would be useful, right?

"I can't hide anything from you, Lord. Karabo instinctively covered one eye. My eyes see the past.

"He saw mine a while ago…" Gray commented.

"Although I am unable to see a precise place and time.

"That is, the mystic eye has greater authority over your body than you do," the Lord spoke.

Karabo nodded. Lately it drags me more than ever. I got on the train so I could get rid of him.

"Did you see the culprit?"

The church member looked out the window. No, I couldn't see it, maybe he protected himself somehow. I saw the woman sitting in that chair, but I didn't see anything clearly before I lost my mind.

"That means maybe Trisha Fellows didn't see anything either."

-What? Karabo asked in surprise.

"Had he realized the danger, he would have taken action," the Lord surmised.

"At the very least, I would have warned Olga Marie," Adashino commented.

The Lord waved his hand. The murderer cannot be traced neither in the past nor in the future. As if it were invisible in time.

"You can't be sure I'm telling the truth."

Waver turned to him. No, but I choose to trust a man like you.

"He doesn't talk like a Lord of the Clock Tower.

"Mystical eyes are a physical characteristic, not a technique. Therefore, they determine the way of living.

Karabo looked down. Because we are prisoners of what we see, right? Closing his eyes, he said. Because the world we see cannot be shared with anyone...

Waver turned his gaze to the window. Recently, I watched a friend caught in the dream show him his mystic eye.

—Seeing the past means you don't live in the present. I never lived in the present…" Karabo stated to Gray's surprise and sadness.

"Hey Shiro?" Altrouge asked through his contract.

At that time, the redhead was in front of his cabin. "Altrouge? Something happened?".

"Nothing very special, Karabo has a mystical eye that can see the past; but even with that he said he couldn't see the killer."

"Not even with that!?"

"Although he may be lying; however, El-Melloi has decided to believe him. On the other hand, did the girl wake up?

"Yes, he just woke up."

"Okay, I'm going there." Altrouge turned and proceeded to leave the room.

"Rogue?" Gray asked as he watched the girl walk away.

"The girl woke up, we may get more information from her." Saying this, she left the room.


Waver nodded. Let's go.

The group headed to the room to see Lord Animusphere in front of the cabin and next to Shirou. Rin had joined them on the way saying that she couldn't find the driver, and getting angry to learn that the driver appeared inside the room just after she had left to look for him.

"Excuse me, Lord, do you have a moment?" Waver asked.

"El-Melloi II?" What are you looking for? Mary asked.

"I want to ask you about the murder, if you don't mind…"

Marie sighed. We'll have to investigate later," the lady told Shirou.

"I understand, besides, the professor is a great detective, so it will be good to know if he has discovered something," answered the redhead. Come on, come on.

Everyone present entered and sat down.

"Do you intend to curry favor with the Animusphere for this?"

"I don't mean to," Waver replied, to which Marie looked at him curiously. Consider it part of my creed.

- I believe you?

—When I was young and inexperienced, a colleague told me that this inexperience was a military symptom. "Glory waits in the distance." Waver grabbed an apple. We fight because we aspire to something that we do not have. He told me that whether we like it or not, we always end up seeing our way. —For a moment, it seemed that his gaze was directed towards some far and unreachable place, then, he closed his eyes and said with certainty. I can't forgive a young woman who hasn't found her way to throw her life away.

"Is that what they told you in the holy grail war?" Was it Iskandar, professor? Shirou asked interested.

"Yes," Waver said, smiling.

"That's right, you also participated in the holy grail war, right?" Mary asked.

-That's how it is.

"But that's stupid, she shouldn't have been so influenced by an assistant!"

-That's not…! Gray tried to say; but the Lord stopped her.

"Humans are still bound by what we see. Take care of her, Gray, I'll go talk to the driver about changing her cabin.

"That won't be necessary, I've already hired Emiya to act as my bodyguard."

"Now that you mention it, what are you two doing here?" asked the Lord.

Shirou scratched his head a bit. We received a commission with an invitation to Rail Zeppelin, for certain reasons we could not refuse.

"Hmn, only around ten new invitations are given out per year. It must have been hard to get that invite...

"I-I guess, our contact is quite influential.

Altrouge nodded. Caleido is quite persuasive when he wants to be.

"C-Caleido?" Are they referring to the Wizard Marshal? Rin asked surprised.

Altrouge nodded. If the same.

Rin quickly turned to the redhead.

"Before you ask me, I have no ties to the Jewel Wizard. He hired us through a third party, I don't even know him.

"Well, that's a bad sign..." El-Melloi said in surprise.

Gray looked at him strangely. Why, teacher?

—It's no secret that the Mage Marshal tends to take an interest in everyday matters; but extremely problematic. If he's taken an interest in the Rail Zeppelin, it means something really annoying is going to happen." Waver sighed. They'll need a bigger cabin anyway. Come, Rin, come with me...

-Hey? Again!? the girl complained.

"It doesn't really matter much, we could still use this room," Altrouge said.

"But there are only two beds…" Gray said.

-Exactly! Olga Marie can sleep in one, and Shirou and I will sleep in the other, just like we do in the bedroom, there is only one bed there.

That statement caused the previous mood to be completely destroyed. It was as if the entire atmosphere had become absurdly heavy.

"She really loves torturing me, doesn't she?" The redhead thought to himself.

"As I said, I'm going to negotiate for a bigger cabin," the Lord said again as he hurried out of the room.

"I'm following you, Professor," Rin said with a biting coldness.

"In that case, I'll go investigate the rest of the train," Altrouge said, leaving the room.

"W-Wait Rouge!" said the boy while trying to stop her; but it was too late.

He really didn't want to turn his gaze away, he felt that if he did, something horrible would happen.

"Emiya, I can assume that you will not perform such acts while acting as my bodyguard, right?

"Y-You have my word, Lord." She and I don't have that kind of relationship yet...

-Still…? Gray whispered.

He turned fearfully, Marie wasn't looking at him, she directed her gaze towards the window. On the other hand, Gray had his face covered with his hood. He knew he had to fix this; but he felt that anything he said would only confuse things further.

"I'm coming, I'll go get something to drink for everyone."

-Hey? But! Mary yelled.

Shirou turned before walking out the door. Don't worry, Gray is really capable. I trusted that she is able to protect you even better than I would. I'll be back in a few minutes...

Marie sighed. That Lord and all his students are very rare. —Then, she turned her gaze to Gray, seeing how the girl still had her eyes lowered and, knowing that she would not get information from her in that state, the lady sighed again and said. If you're so concerned, then you should do something.

-Hey…? Gray exclaimed in surprise.

"If I've learned anything from being a Lord, it's that no one will wait for you. If you want something, you have to do something to get it, if you stare from a distance, then you won't get anything.


Marie sighed again. Don't think about it so much, take it as advice. If you want something, isn't it natural to work for it?

-I guess so…

The Lord nodded. On the other hand, what relationship do you have with Lord El-Melloi?

Gray smiled. I think he is a good teacher.

"But you're not a magus, are you?"

She shook her head-. No, but still, it is enough for me to follow my master. At least, I think so...


Gray nodded.

-I see. Well, if you follow a weirdo like him, I guess you're just as weird, although now that I think about it, it seems like the rest of your teammates...

On the other hand, in the Clock Tower…

In Reines's office.

"I see, thanks." Sisigou is in the dean's office at Slur. Don't worry," Reines was conversing through a phone. And about the card? Well, you can use it without reservation, it will only increase the debt. Reines had to pull the phone away from her ear at the loud noise from the other end before hanging up. Ahhh, my brother gives me a lot of work...

Back on the train...

Lord El-Melloi II was walking through one of the corridors of the Rail Zeppelin, for a moment, he met Adashino.

"What are you planning this time?" ElMelloi asked.

Are you interested in Legislation? Or me? Adashino replied.

-Do not play the fool. You took the papers from the Codrington house, and now you're here. There has to be a reason.

Adashino smiled. You remember Gurdoa Davenant.

"Yes, he was a troublesome old man.

'Gurdoa's pattern is the same as Codrington's.

This surprised the young Lord. Hey? And does it have to do with the Rail Zeppelin?

Adashino turned and spoke in his ear. Who knows. Besides, finding the answer is your job, isn't it, Detective? —After saying that, she continued on her way.

In one of London's "warehouses"...

Luvia was analyzing with her gems the place where Iskandar's relic had been kept.

"I didn't find a single trace," the Edelfelt heiress said.

"Not with evocation either," Kairi said. The person in charge took the relic with great care.

"Maybe he didn't destroy the barrier," Luvia spoke up.

This puzzled the mercenary. What do you mean, miss hyena?

"What's that nickname for?" asked the Edelfelt heiress, a little annoyed.

"The Edelfelt are spell scavengers, aren't they?"

Although still a little indignant, Luvia did not protest. I will not deny that. Then she turned around. I'd say whoever was responsible had a key to the barrier.

"So it was someone close.

Luvia smiled. This gets interesting.

Back on the train...

It was getting dark on the second day of Rail Zeppelin.

Gray, Lord El-Melloi, and Rin were in the last car of the train.

"It's almost the time appointed by the thief," the Lord said as he read the letter sent by the thief. It is impossible to escape outside.

-What does it mean? Gray asked.

"This train is part of another dimension." Waver put the letter away. It is very difficult to get in and out of it.

"That's why the invitations..." Rin said.

-Exactly. Invitations are keys to this dimension. If we open a door using the invitation through torc travel…

"Master," Gray woke him up.

"Sorry, getting lost in thought is a bad habit of mine."

Suddenly, the sky was covered with storm clouds.

"The sky was cloudy...

"Something is coming…" Rin spoke.

Red lightning began to descend from the clouds.

-Let's go! Gray said before climbing onto the ladder that led to the top of the train.

She was followed by Rin and by the Lord.

Lightning struck the roof of the Rail Zeppelin….

"You really came…" In front of the three, wrapped in lightning was a hooded figure, unlike Shirou, they had never seen her without it. It's stupid to jump headfirst into what is obviously a trap. Or is it a feat that only the strong can accomplish? —The person who was speaking to them was the same one they had met that day at the Fargo house, although this time, she took off her hood to reveal her true appearance, the same woman who had helped Shirou, Faker.

"Are you the one who stole the relic from the master?"

"I serve the one who stole it," she said, crossing her arms.

"Give it back." Gray almost transformed Add; but the Lord stopped her.

"You are the younger twin sister of Hephaestio, are you not?"

The woman clicked her tongue. That boy should learn to keep his mouth shut. I guess you know the rest then... well, it's not like it matters too much. Then she smiled menacingly. On the other hand, you seem to be: Stingy, exempt, rude, delicate… Yes, without a doubt, these are the qualities of a sage, but you turn out to be much more annoying than that. Did I get everything right?

This produced some annoyance in Gray, Rin remained calm outside; but she couldn't help being uneasy inside. What was in front of her was a servant, if Fuyuki's ley lines hadn't weakened, sooner or later, she would have ended up participating in the holy grail war and summoning one of them.

"I wanted to see what the magus Iskandar served was like. But it turned out to be useless...

"It was useless to me." I am a vassal of the King of Conquerors," Waver answered.

"Your vassal?" You? She said as she narrowed her eyes.

"I chased her back because I shared her dream. And his last order was that I live...

-That's absurd. Faker unsheathed his short sword. I only called you out of my own curiosity. But it wasn't worth it, I'm tired of it! I have never been so fed up! Faker pointed his sword at the trio. So die!

Faker charged at the three of them and Gray transformed Add into his scythe version. In this way, both collided weapons.

"You…" Gray exclaimed.

"Remember, being able to fight doesn't make you a warrior. Faker applied more pressure, easily pushing Gray back. To be a warrior you need to surrender, body, will and soul!

Faker applied more force forcing Gray back further, nearly overwhelming her, however she was forced to jump back as curses in the form of black shots flew at her.

"I can't help you fight hand-to-hand, but I can cover you," Rin said.

Gray nodded.

"Be careful, she is a Ghost Liner, the materialization of a historical heroic spirit.

"That warning... It's of little use!" Faker charged magical energy around his entire body and, with a quick movement, he swung his sword and although Gray jumped back to avoid it, he ended up with a light cut on his leg.

-Hey? Faker watched in surprise as the magic power she had used disappeared. That's an interesting trick, did you absorb my magic power?

Gray was on guard.

Faker smiled. Well, I'll show you something to entertain us.

Faker's eyes glowed reddish gold.

«That mystical eye, was the same one he used in the Fargo workshop, some kind of eye of petrification?». The Lord thought.

Out of his control, Gray turned on the Lord and Rin.

"You call it mystic eyes of compulsion, right?" Faker laughed. It's perfect for this situation, I worship Dionysus, and the god values ​​madness. He wanted to see a death match between master and disciples. Afterwards, she was annoyed. But those glasses render the mystical eyes useless...

Mystical eyes of compulsion? That means!". Rin prepared to parry the attack, but Waver's hand stopped her. Look.

Gray lunged to cut them both down; but, at the last moment, she stopped. Add began to glow and a light expanded.

"Hmn... I see, you learned something from our last meeting, didn't you?" The scythe purified your magic circuits. Not bad, but I was hoping the three of them would work it out.

Faker raised his hand to the heavens.

"I won't let you!" Gray yelled as he lunged at the heroic spirit.

-Very late! The bolts slammed into the tomb keeper, throwing her backwards. Fortunately, Waver was able to catch her before she flew away.

The same chariot Shirou rode on along with Faker came down from the skies and stood in front of the trio. It was enveloped in red lightning.

-No no no! Gray, we can't beat that! Add yelled.

"N-It can't be, that is, Gordius Wheel?" Iskandar's Heroic Treasure!? asked the Lord.

The Wyvern rose into the air and began to fly.

"Master, do you have a way to deflect the lightning?"

"Divert them?"

Rin nodded. If she can remove the lightning, then I can attack her with my jewels before she hits us.

-It will be enough? Gray asked. If not, then I can use...

"Wait Gray, using it in such an unstable place could put us in danger!" He then turned to Rin. I'll take care of the lightning.

Waver used a knife and cut his hair; on the other hand, Rin held three gems between her fingers.

—I am the right hand of Iskandar first the great conqueror, I am his shadow! You have no right to call yourself his vassal!

Using her hair, Waver deflected the lightning towards the earth and, when they stopped covering the car, Rin shot the three gems that were between her fingers, she did it so that they would overload and explode, releasing all their power and maximizing their power. sorcery. When the gems were about to hit Faker, a huge white light was unleashed before a huge explosion was unleashed on the roof of the train...

A few minutes ago, in one of the Rail Zeppelin cars...

"We've already searched all the cars and no sign of the killer or anything abnormal," Marie said.

"He really must be an experienced magus to be untraceable even by your means…" Shirou said.

Marie nodded. Not even two Lords have been able to track him down, he can't be just anyone.

"What if he didn't use sorcery?" Altrouge suggested.

"No, he had to have used sorcery." Remember that he couldn't be seen by Karabo and, if he hadn't used sorcery, the only way he could have committed the murder would be with some kind of trap already set.

"But the room was intact, so that's not possible…" Altrouge said.

"But maybe you're not completely wrong…" Marie suggested. That is, if you decide to believe Karabo, of course.

"What do you mean, Lord?" Shirou asked.

She crossed her arms in a typical self-importance pose. Couldn't be traced using common sorcery; but, it couldn't be done using conventional means either, is there anything in this train that can produce this phenomenon?

"A mystic eye… but, it would have to be one that can work from a distance and activate the effect at a specific location.

"And, so far, we haven't met anyone with a mystic eye with that ability," Altrouge declared.

"Which means they're hiding it," Marie said. It would be easy if we had the help of the auctioneer and the manager; but, they don't care about the murder as long as it doesn't damage the train or the auction.

"But if our assumptions are true, then…" the redhead whispered.

-Then? Altrouge asked.

"So no one entered the room after Trisha was killed, otherwise Karabo would have seen it.

-Y? Mary asked.

-Head! Altrouge exclaimed. If no one entered, then the head must be inside the room.

"But that's impossible, we search everywhere" Shirou said.

"If Trisha had seen the attack coming…" Marie whispered.

"Are you talking about his mystic eye?" Altrouge asked.

She nodded. Trisha had a mystical eye and, simply put, it allowed her to see into the future. Marie explained to the redhead, then looked down. That's why I was shocked when I found her dead body, of all people…I never believed it was Trisha who could be killed.

—But, it makes sense, a mystic eye is like a one-shot spell, there are no preparations, nothing to alert you. If Trisha saw the future, she could only see the effect, therefore, she wouldn't know how to block it —Shirou repeated what he had learned in class.

"And yet the head is missing, that means she must have done something," Altrouge spoke up.

"If they were coming for Trisha, it stands to reason that what they wanted was her mystic eye. If I had been her, I would have done something to prevent them from getting it…" Marie said.

"If she was standing when her head was cut off, it would have fallen forward and hit the ground, but she's not…" Altrouge spoke up.

"A way to hide his head…" Shirou whispered.

At that moment, Marie opened her eyes. There is a way! If it didn't land on the floor, but instead fell into one of Trisha's imaginary number pockets, no magus could open it without a password.

"That means the head should still be in the room!" Shirou said.

-Let's go! Marie started to run towards the room; but as he began his run, the train rocked hard, all three of them having to hold on to their chairs to keep from falling. What was that?

"Something above the train…" Altrouge said.

And, before they could do anything. The train shook again violently.

-Again? Mary asked.

"What's going on?" asked the redhead,

-No idea; but we had better go to the cabin,' said the Princess.

On the railway...

"What happened, Mr. Rodin?" Leandra asked.

"It's hard to believe, but someone rigged the tracks," the driver answered.

"Where are we headed?"

Rodin swallowed hard. The Predatory Forest.

This worried Leandra greatly. Are you saying…? The number 7 of the True Ancestors of the Dead Apostles.

Rodin agreed.


He denied with his head-. I can't, I already tried. Someone is not only tampering with the tracks, they are also tampering with the train.

Leandra gritted her teeth. How many? How long until we reach the forest?

—In a few hours, tomorrow morning.

Leandra turned and spoke to what seemed to be nothing. My lady Rozay-en! What will we do now?

Although it seemed to anyone else that she was speaking to nothing, she was actually speaking to a certain existence. To his eyes, a ghostly looking woman appeared in his sight, her skin was a mixture of colors: light blue, dark and white.

The emanation smiled. Calm down, I have an idea.

-An idea? Leandra asked curiously.

"Go and find these guests. Bring them to me...

The emanation showed him what the people he had to look for looked like.

-These two? asked the auctioneer.

The emanation nodded.

"Did we inform our passengers of our new destination, my lady?" Rodin asked.

-No, not yet. Not before we talk to our guests. Rozay-en, or rather her emanation, pointed toward the door. Now, Leandra, when they all fall asleep, go get them.

The auctioneer nodded.

In another part of the train...

-Lord…? Shirou said, seeing how Marie hesitated to open the cabin door.

She took a breath. Yeah, sorry…" Marie took the key to her old cabin and unlocked it.

They went in and the mess that was in the afternoon had been cleaned up.

"The body was dumped here…" the Princess said as she pointed to the spot. That means she must have been standing here and her head must have fallen through here...

Marie walked over to the spot the girl had pointed out and began to examine it. let me see…

She placed a hand on the spot and a golden mark appeared in the air, as well as a small opening of a pocket of imaginary numbers.

Shirou smiled. That's it...?

Marie nodded smiling. It's a spell set at exactly these coordinates, it's neither on the floor nor on the ceiling, it's right in the air, at the relative coordinates of the train…" Suddenly, a mark began to shine on Marie's forehead.

"Lord, is that it?"

—Me magic crest, it's reacting. This spell is from the Fellows family, they are a family affiliated with us, the Animusphere. Marie threw her arms forward and a huge magical seal appeared in front of her. I'm going to try to open it using my crest...

The other two nodded.

Suddenly, the opening expanded and Trisha's head came out along with an amulet of a naked man and woman embracing.

Marie took several steps back, even if she knew it was possible for this to happen, still, it was no less shocking. T-Trisha, really, you…

"Careful, Lord!" Shirou stepped in front of the girl and Altrouge just looked boredly under the bed.

-Hey!? Mary exclaimed.

An albino snake came out from under the bed.

Shirou pulled Vorpal out hoping it was some kind of ghostly beast. However, it did not attack them.

"Hmn?" Doesn't he attack us? Shirou asked.

"It must be some kind of relative," Marie said.

"We've seen her before, remember Shirou?" In Marbury's workshop," said Altrouge.

"Sure, she's...

"My familiar…" The door to the room opened and Adashino walked in, she smiled. Sorry if it scared you.

Marie tried to keep her composure against the envoy from Legislation. You left her to watch.

Adashino nodded. I thought something was missing, and the killer might come back, so I left my familiar to watch the cabin. Then she looked at Trisha's head. The Rail Zeppelin must have the necessary facilities to preserve the head, if you join me, Lord Animusphere, we can make sure it doesn't go bad.

Although nervous, Marie nodded. Yeah, sure. —However, she couldn't pick up her head, her hands were shaking too much.

Seeing this situation, Altrouge took his head as if it were nothing to write home about. Let's go?

Marie nodded. Thank you.

—I'll see you in our cabin, I'll wait for you there. Shirou looked at where Trisha's head had fallen, there he noticed it, the amulet. This is…? After looking at him for a few moments, he turned his gaze away. It has some kind of spell, but I don't know exactly what kind, maybe Rin or the professor can tell me... —Saying this, he took the amulet and left the cabin.

After a walk, the boy reached one of the phone booths inside the train. His cell phone didn't work inside it; but the phone booths inside did. Shirou dialed a number and let the phone ring.

"Yes, Rain?"

Shero? You're on Rail Zeppelin right now, aren't you?

"Yes, how are you Luvia?"

She smiled-. Well, I accepted the job from Lady El-Melloi, so now I'm investigating the thief of the professor's relic. And you?

-I see. I'm fine, but, you see, I had to accept a job from Lord Animusphere, and I need to ask you a favor...

"Lord Animusphere?" A favor? What do you need…?

"Do you know the Fellows family?"

Luvia nodded, though only Kairi could see her. Yes, it is a family affiliated with the Animusphere, why?

—Lord Animusphere's aide was killed; At first, I thought it was an attempt to steal his mystic eye; But now I'm not so sure, do you think you can find out if Miss Fellows was up to anything before she got on the Rail Zeppelin?

"Hmn, it will be difficult; but I'll see what I can do; However, I want compensation...

-How can I help you?

Luvia smiled. I have a certain matter to investigate in a few months, when summer comes, will you come with me?

'There's still plenty of time for summer; but of course…

"Okay, I'll send you the information later, call me tomorrow and I'll tell you what I managed to find out."

"I understand, thank you, Luvia. See you in a few days.

"See you later, Shero."

Once he hung up, he headed towards his cabin, after a few minutes, Altrouge and Marie entered the room. The latter was carrying some sort of black box, presumably the container for Trisha's head.

He was going to ask if everything had gone well; but suddenly there was a knock in the room.

Shirou went to open the door and was surprised when Gray and Rin walked in carrying an unconscious Waver.

"Move aside please," Gray said.

"Sorry, this cabin was closer," Rin explained.

Gray laid the professor on his stomach and ripped off his shirt, a large burn could be seen on his back.

"It's a serious burn!" Marie said.

-What happened? How did the teacher end up like this? Did the killer attack them?

Gray shook his head. It was Hephaestio's sister, the same one we faced at the Fargo house. He attacked him for personal reasons.

Rin took one of her jewels and placed it on the burn. I'll take care of healing

-It will be OK? Upgrade to? Gray asked nervously.

"I'm not an expert in healing sorcery; but I'll do my best.

Gray began to tremble as tears began to spill from his eyes. Teacher…

"Unbelievable…as a magus's disciple, you should be prepared for this.

This annoyed Shirou a bit; but he smiled after seeing Marie's action.

"Why don't you use this?" 'Marie had a small glass container of greenish cream.

-What's that? asked the grave keeper

"Medicine of the Druids," Marie answered.

"Medicine of the Druids?" A panacea, the omnipotent remedy? Rin asked.

"Trisha gave it to me just in case; but I didn't need it.

-Thanks a lot! Gray said.

Marie lay down on the other bed. Now, the Animusphere don't owe them anything. Goodnight!

Gray went to use it; but Shirou stopped her.

"I think you better save that for another time."

-What!? But the teacher!? Gray yelled excitedly.

-I know; but there is another way to cure it. If our enemy is really Faker, that can serve us for another time.

-Another way? Gray asked.

—¿Faker? —dijo Rin.

Shirou nodded. She introduced herself as Faker the second time we met, that time at the Marbury Garage. For the second way to work, I need everyone except Gray to leave the room.

Rin looked at him incredulously. Forgive me if I sound skeptical, Shirou-kun, but you're really bad at anything that doesn't involve swords.

-I know; But you won't believe that I've survived all this time without a way to heal myself. Or yes, Rin?

"Uhh...?" Rin smiled. So hiding your mysteries?

—It was the first thing you taught me, did I learn well, teacher?

Rin sighed with a smile. Well, you win, I'll go out...

"Will you use that?" asked the Princess.

Shirou nodded.

-Good. Altrouge walked over to the other bed in the room, pulled Marie out of it, and carried her away like a sack of potatoes.

—Hey! Let go!

"What are you going to do Shiro?" the gravedigger asked.

—Give me a moment —Shirou stretched his arms in front of his chest and, floating above them, a divine construction of golden color was present.

Something stirred inside Gray. That is…?

Shirou nodded. Avalon, although it is only a replica, is the only divine construction that I can faithfully project —Then, the boy brought it closer to the Lord and it vanished inside him.

Quickly, a beautiful golden light erupted from within Waver and the burn faded until it disappeared.

"Done, it should be fine after resting."

Gray had watched the short process in amazement.

—Strange, I can say that I know that feeling somehow and, even so, I'm sure it's the first time I see it…

Even stranger for both of them was seeing Add speak in a serious way.

"By the way, boy!" He returned the mystic code to its usual thunderous form.

-Hey? Shirou exclaimed.

"How did you plan to return the sheath to Gray, if you've merged with her to the point where there's no difference between you and her!?" Add asked.

"Now that you mention it, it's true. Avalon dissolved within me for the last ten years, to the point where I don't even know if it's possible to separate us...

"Ihihihihi!" At this point, you and Avalon are no different!

-Really? he asked doubtfully. I guess you're right...

Then it was Muramasa who spoke. Ironic, I thought I'd get you a pod, and in the end, it was you who became someone else's pod.

"Yes, I guess I can be considered Gray's sheath...

-Hey!? The girl exclaimed in surprise.

Taking it more seriously than he should have, Shirou started muttering. Like a pod she should protect Gray and the people she wants to protect, right?

"Shirou?" Gray asked puzzled.

"Don't think about it so much, even if you're a scabbard for a person, that doesn't mean you're not a sword before all else, remember!? his ancestor complained.

Shirou nodded. I know, grandpa. Besides, I would have helped Gray as much as I could even if I didn't have Avalon inside of me. So you don't have to go around too much.

Those words made the tomb keeper happy; but she couldn't help remembering what Altrouge had said in the afternoon, and what Marie had said to her afterwards. If you want to get something, you have to do something...

"Are you okay, Grey?" The boy asked when he saw the absorbed girl.

"Oh?" Yes!

"Fine, in that case, I'll tell the others to come in."

Meanwhile, Gray stayed by his master's side. She was there; but part of him was still lost in thought...

Outside the Rail Zeppelin, in a car...

"I can't believe I'm playing detective with you," Luvia said.

"Well, it sounds like you were having fun." Especially, while you were talking on the cell phone…" Kairi smiled.

"You can't explore the Modern Sorcery center every day," Luvia replied. And the previous dean was full of mysteries…

"Kayneth El-Melloi?" the mercenary asked.

"No, he was the Lord of Mineralogy. You did not know?

"The Clock Tower is above me. Who was he then?

Luvia looked out the window. He was not a lord. Suddenly, his cell phone started ringing. Excuse me… Lady Reines?

"Yes, it's me, apparently my brother was seriously injured.

"Shall we continue with the mission?"

Reines nodded in his office. Yes, do it. Apparently, Lord Animusphere made his family mobilize too...

—Stay away! I just want to talk to Reines El-Melloi Archisorte.

Princess El-Melloi sighed. Sorry, I have to hang up.

The door was abruptly opened. A tall man with grayish hair, wearing a black coat, white shirt, and grayish pants, entered the room.

"What does this mean, Lady?" the man asked indignantly.

Trimmau turned his arms into clubs; but Reines stopped him.

"Could you clean up the blood you're spitting up, please?"

Trimmau wiped the blood off the floor that the man had spat out.


"Melvin Weins, my brother is not here. But I can convey your message to him.

"I didn't come to see him!" Melvin yelled. I want to know what Waver is doing on the Rail Zeppelin!

"What need is there?"

"As your friend, I deserve to be informed of these things," he said before spitting blood.

"I only found out a couple of days ago," Reines declared.

"And you didn't go with him, Reines?" Melvin asked surprisingly seriously, then put on an extraordinarily excited expression. It must be hilarious!

Amused, Reines shook her hands. As you see, I'm busy working.

"In that case, I'll have to go alone."

"What will you go alone!?"

Melvin laughed. I have to account for Waver's whining. Then he raised his hand. Look here," he said as he showed an invitation to a surprised Reines. This is the money power of the Weins.

Back on the Rail Zeppelin…

In order to avoid being easily attacked, they had all decided to stay in the same room. Since Waver had negotiated for a larger cabin, the room had three beds. Two girls shared the same bed, and Shirou would sleep on the sofa. At this time, everyone had already gone to bed, and yet…

-You can not sleep? asked the Princess.

Shirou shook his head. No, this situation is quite problematic: an assassin, Faker, and a train full of dangerous magus...

Altrouge smiled. Well, I expected nothing less from Caleido.

Shirou laughed. I guess you're right, how is Fou? I noticed it quite strange a few hours ago.

Altrouge saw the "doggy" sleeping on the other sofa. Yes, I noticed it too, he was looking out the window for a long time. He and I are sensitive to certain things, so I imagine he noticed something strange.

-You too? What did you feel?

She frowned. The Rail is approaching a very dangerous place, but I doubt they are heading for it, that would be suicide.

"A very dangerous place?" Which one?

"The Predator Forest, remember?" I told you about this before.

Shirou frowned worriedly.

"Don't worry, like I said, I don't think he'll go inside this one, that would be suicide."

The boy nodded. I understand, by the way, are you okay?

-About what?

He pointed to her neck and she understood.

—Don't worry, the impulses haven't made an appearance yet; besides, it would be troublesome to do it here.

Shirou nodded.

Touch; toc!

"Who could it be at this hour?" the boy asked.

"A person who will bring quite a bit of trouble, that's almost certain. But I don't think he's an enemy.

Shirou opened the door and who was on the other side was the auctioneer.

"Good evening," Leandra said. Sorry to bother you so late at night.

"So Rita finally wants to see us?" Altrouge asked.

Leandra nodded. My lady has requested your presence, would you be so kind as to accompany me?

-Let's go? You know her better than me... —Shirou asked the Princess.

She nodded. Yeah come on. I want to talk to her again; Furthermore, if during these two days he did not look for us, something tells me that he is not doing it just because he wants to talk...

Leandra smiled at this statement. So follow me.

Seeing that no one had woken up, Shirou, Altrouge, and Fou left the room and followed Leandra.

She led them into the auction room, a room with several seats, like a big stage. The center of the room was set up for a big conference, and on the back wall, there were many containers for various mystic eyes. The most striking thing in the room, though, is the ghostly-looking woman on the podium. Generally, she could not be perceived; but she decided to show herself.

She smiled-. So the rumors are true, who would have thought that one of the Dead Apostle Princesses would get attached to a human. The end of our world really is near, don't you think so, Altrouge?

She nodded. Looks like you're still recovering. Did that magus hit you that bad, Rita?

This seemed to hurt the apostle's pride, she smiled arrogantly. And what about you, Altrouge? Wounded by a simple magus...

The Princess smiled. It's one thing to be injured in a simple game, and quite another to be made to run away from your own train. Though I know you won't die that easily, not unless it's at Sumire's hands.

The emanation smiled. Exactly, I will not accept any other kind of death. The magus just caught me by surprise, obviously she took any and all anticipation to face me. I've recovered now, I've just decided that I don't need to expose myself to any more unnecessary danger. Though, of course, I'm not satisfied with the outcome of my encounter with that magus...

"I see, that's why you left this emanation here. I imagine you will go after her in the future.

The manager nodded. Of course, I will make him pay for this humiliation.

Altrouge smiled. Considering the time… Right now, you must be in your castle taking your nightly bloodbath, right?

-That's how it is. I never thought I'd see you here Altrouge, I always thought you shared Fina's resentment towards me.

She shrugged her shoulders and hands in a dismissive denial. That's your business, I'm not particularly interested.

Rita's emanation smiled. That's good, because I need your help right now.

—I figured it out, you know it won't be free, right?

She smiled again. Is something in this life?

"So what happens?" Shirou asked seeing that the conversation was going on too long.

"Someone is manipulating the tracks and the train, they have changed our course," Leandra answered.

"Please tell me we're not headed where I think we're headed," the redhead begged, on the verge of resignation.

Altrouge smiled. It seems that if.

"To the Predator Forest," Rita replied.

The Princess smiled heartily. The dead seventh apostle, who would say he would be active at this time, only appears every 50 years, you really have bad luck. Well, you're in a lot of trouble, I don't think that even if you come with your real body, you can face it on your own, darling.

Though again annoyed at her wounded pride, the emanation smiled again. Yes it's correct; but that's why I'm glad to have the help of the Twilight Princess and her partner.

"And the payment would be?" You don't expect us to save your train without payment, do you?

The emanation shook its head. Of course not, with the exception of the rainbow rank mystic eye, you can choose any mystic eye from this train.

This did not please the Princess. One or more? Altrouge asked. Considering you're not willing to give us the jackpot, several jewel rank shouldn't be a problem, right? she said reluctantly

"Greedy…" the emanation whispered, then smirked. I know, what do you think if we do this: If you don't participate in the fight against the seventh, and your partner defeats him alone, I will not only give you the rainbow rank eye, I will also give you a mystic eye of your choice, although Of course, Primate Murder can't participate either, the boy must do it on his own.

"That's…" Altrouge said hesitantly.

Shirou thought about it for a bit; but finally declared. I will do it.

This surprised the Princess. Shiro!? What the hell are you saying!? He is one of twenty-seven!

"I know," Shirou spoke confidently. You have explained to me about it, and I have also read on my own about the Predator Forest. Precisely because this is the ancestor we are dealing with, I think I have a chance.

-You're sure…?

Rita smirked. It really is strange to see the Twilight Princess caring about a human. Rumors are spreading like wildfire, you know? This can negatively affect your faction, Altrouge. However, if the boy kills the forest, the bad rumors will turn to interest from the rest of the apostles. Then she smiled mischievously. Wouldn't that be a good thing for you, honey?

She glared at the fifteenth. Just as twisted as ever, you really do what you want.

-Then you accept? the emanation asked as Leandra handed them a contract.

Altrouge turned to the redhead. Can you really do it?

Shirou nodded determinedly. If I can't take care of a dead apostle, even if it's one of the twenty-seven, how will I take care of helping you deal with everything we have to face?

Altrouge frowned in concern. It's true, but...

"Don't worry, I won't let you down either."

At those words, she couldn't help but smile. Well, if you're that confident, I'll leave it up to you.

After the Master of Contracts studied the one Leandra was offering them, and discussed some clauses with Rita, which caused it to be slightly modified, both Shirou and Altrouge signed it.

"It's done, if the boy can't handle it, you will, Altrouge, but you won't be able to get the rainbow rank eye."

The Princess nodded. Considering that tomorrow's auction will be the last one, do I think you'll let us choose which other mystic eye we'll take before this one takes place?

She nodded. Of course, indulge yourself.

Altrouge headed towards Shirou. Go pick anyone, I'll take the rainbow.

"How greedy of you, you'll leave the consolation prize to your partner."

Shirou shook his head. Such a powerful mystic eye will only bring me trouble, it could overstep my authority, I prefer one that mates with my sorcery.

"So which one will you choose?"

Shirou drew his katana. What do you think, grandfather?

At that moment, Muramasa woke up. I'm not an expert on mystic eyes, so I'll ask the manager for help, if you don't mind.

"Hmn, a spirit possessing a sword…? Not at all, what are you looking for?

"The boy's style of sorcery requires that he be able to use his eyes to analyze complicated structures, sometimes difficult to understand, as well as alterations in the environment and in himself that exceed the speed of recognition of his brain, do you have something to ask?" can i help you with that?

Rita's emanation smiled. Leandra…

As if knowing her teacher's thoughts, the auctioneer nodded. I understand." Leandra went to one of the mystical eye containers and brought it in front of those present. This is what they are looking for...

-Which are? Shirou asked.

"Glam sight: Fairy eyes," answered the auctioneer.

This confused the duo.

"Fairy eyes?" What good would it do the boy to be able to sense fairies and have a connection to their world?

Rita shook her head. There are different types of fairy eyes, derivatives of each other. In general, they allow you to perceive what you normally cannot. A few decades ago a man came to buy some like the ones you mention; but these are slightly different.

"What do you do then?"

—These allow to easily perceive and adapt to any information that the brain cannot process normally; for example: high-speed movements, things incomprehensible to human reason, etc. Don't they seem appropriate?

Shirou smiled and nodded.

"Well then, tomorrow morning, they will be tasked with slaying the seventh dead apostle: the Predatory Forest of Ainnash. We'll pierce the eyes after the job is done.

They both nodded and retired to their cabin...

"This day has been long," Shirou said.

Altrouge nodded. I hope you are sure of your decision, Shirou. I still don't understand why you did it.

"Well, it seemed like you really wanted those mystical eyes, so I decided to take the chance and get them for you, did I do something wrong?"

-Moron! You shouldn't consider suicide missions just on a whim of mine.

"It didn't seem like a simple whim to my eyes..." he said, puzzled. It really seemed like you loved them.

Although still upset, she smiled gratefully. Thank you, it means a lot to me.

"Well, you said it, we're in this together, right?"

She nodded. That's how it is…

"But why are you so interested in those eyes?"

Altrouge looked up the corridor. I'll tell you when our trip is over, on this train, the walls have ears.

Shirou nodded. I understand.

Both entered the cabin and prepared to rest, tomorrow would be an even longer day.

Shirou closed his eyes and, after some time, he reappeared in that place: the park where he used to play as a child. Suddenly, his vision darkened, someone spoke in his ear.

-Who I am…?

Instinctively, Shirou couldn't help but smile, the next words would produce great reactions in the person covering his eyes.

"We have a lot to talk about, Mana-chan.

Manaka walked away in amazement, she didn't think Shirou would ever call her that again. At that moment, she was dealing with mixed feelings, on the one hand, she was extremely happy to hear how he referred to her again; on the other hand, she was extremely worried. His calling her that meant only one thing: he had remembered, the question was: How much?

"I guess so, Shi-kun...

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