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Kapitel 14: Ch.13 Lan Xiao vs Zi Zexian

Atop the fighting arena we can see Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian facing again each other.

After agreeing at the challenge, the inner elder brought them toward a fighting arena near the conference.

A lot of peoples are very exited for the fight, after all both of them are prodigy, and they also get to see two Celestial Emperor children's fighting.

And the people's who are secretly watching are also interested in seeing the result.


The current generation leaders are given special seat for the view.

We can the leaders are also interested in the fight.

Ma Bo looked at Tan Zemin who is not only the oldest but also the person who have the highest cultivation base, and asked

"Senior brother Tan Zemin who do you think will"

Tan Zemin looked at Ma Bo and laughed

"Hahahaha no need to be overly polite my friend! Just call me brother Zemin! in fact all of you can call me that, we are all going to be working together in the future anyway so might as well familiarize ourselves!"

He then look toward the two people who is still facing each other but haven't trade blows yet, he then first turn his eyes toward Zi Zexian

"It is hard to say, Zi Zexian is quite a prodigy, reaching 1st stage of Nascent Soul at age 25 is an incredible thing, plus she is also known for that blue flame of her and her fast speed, I've also heard that she have apparently also train her physical endurance unlike many other cultivator, weapon wise she should be using a Quasi Celestial weapon, a rapier"

While the other are quietly listening, Bai Shu suddenly interrupt Tan Zemin

"Hooo a rapier, that a unique weapon to use"

Tan Zemin nodded at her word

"Indeed, from what I've heard, apparently she chooses this weapon because it suited her fast way of fighting, also quite good at it if the rumors is true"

He then look at Lan Xiao

"Then we have our suprise guest Lan Xiao, with the exception from what we've seen, I do not know anything else about him"

He narrow his eyes then continue his explanation

"But from what we've seen so far is pointed at the making of a monster, the fact that he is already at 9th step of Core Formation at age ten should tell you what he is capable of, even if his mother is Empress Blue Rose, he won't be able to easily reach that level without using forceful method and weakening his foundation, but Lan Xiao is completely natural and his cultivation foundation is very solid and stable"

He turn away from the two at the ring and look at Yu De

"What do you think brother Yu De?"

He asked Yu De this question because Yu De have the talent to see if someone were to forcefully raised their cultivation base using medicine such as pills and elixir.

And Yu De red eyes peered into both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian, and says

"Nothing of sort, not only Zi Zexian but also Lan Xiao is natural, although I can't see much at both of them due to numerous protection at their body, I am confident to say that both of them are hundred percent natural"

After hearing Yu De opinion Tan Zemin nodded at him and once again look at Lan Xiao and grimaced

"We've also seen him using lightning to appear and alarmingly I only feel it once it actually hit the stage, before that I don't even feel it coming, granted I was caught off guard since I wasn't actively heavily using my spiritual sense, but the fact that a ten year old kid at 9th step of Core Formation Realm manage to catch me an 89 years old at the 4th step of Nihility should already tell you how fast he is"

None of them ridicule him, they instead nodded, after all they also doesn't sense him until he actually appear at the stage.

"As for weapon I don't know anything about it but considering who his mother is, it would definitely be a Quasi Celestial weapon, now the real question is what type of weapon will he use? Lady Lan Meigui disciples are all primarily sword users, so there are possibility of him using sword instead of spear or maybe even other types of weapons"

And as if on cue, a blue red colored spear appear in Lan Xiao hand.


When Lan Xiao summon his spear, it's not the current young generations that have the biggest reaction, no it was the hidden people's who are watching, specially a certain (temp) sect master

He suddenly remember a certain memory from his past, back when he was just a Profound Celestial


A Memory where he could see Lan Meigui looking at the sky, her blue beautiful hair swaying gently, and the moon shine in her face, she also surrounded by beautiful blue roses all around her that goes on for kilometers.

She looks like a fairy princess that's waiting her true love, a lovely fairy princess that could do no harm.

Unfortunately the image is broken when you see the fact that she is greatly injured, wounds can be found everywhere in her body.

And if one look closely at the blue roses around her they could see instead of growing from dirt, the blue roses grew on something else

Human bodies.

And to his and other reinforcements members horrifying realization, all this blue roses that grew for more that hundreds of kilometers, are all covering what most likely be corpses of millions of high ranking cultivators.

Then they see Lan Meigui eyes look at them, those deep blue eyes feels like it pierced their soul, and considering that Lan Meigui is a an expert at Soul Arts, it might very well be.

And she spoke with an incredibly flat tone of voice

"You are all late"


Long Hong shake his head.

'It's not the time for reminiscing'

He remember that Lan Xiao is not Lan Meigui, and although they way he hold the spear similar, there are difference it it.

But it also mean that there is a real possibility that Lan Meigui actively train Lan Xiao instead of having her disciples do it.

At the arena

Zi Zexian admit that she probably should calm herself before she spoke last time, now that she properly think about it, challenging Lan Meigui son who is only ten years old might not be a good idea, specially if she want to be in the good side of Lan Meigui.

But unfortunately the bridge have been passed and there is no turning back the only thing she can do right now is defeat Lan Xiao, plus it would be humiliating if she loses, because if she lost, she'll become Lan Xiao maid, something she absolutely do refused to happen, her pride practically screaming at her to win the fight.

So she summon her Quasi Celestial rapier, get into her fighting stance, and wait for the battle to start

She is going to speedrun this kid.


Meanwhile Lan Xiao is looking at the weapon in his hand, this isn't the usual spear he uses.

His is currently using a secondary spear that he own

He name this red and blue colored spear the "Flame Frost Spear" an extremely simple name for a weapon name in cultivation world, but eh who cares.

Plus this spear is also a Quasi Celestial class weapon and although it is weaker than his Thunder Fury Spear it's still a formidable weapon.

This spear just like it's name implied is a spear that specialized in fire and ice elements, this spear is very suitable for him due to his Ice Flame Phoenix Body.

And seeing Zi Zexian getting into her battle stance, he also put on his battle, mainly he put his spear at his right side and forward it a small bit.

And unlike his mother who stance is usually more aesthetic and light to look at, his is more rigid and look heavier.


The inner elder look at both Lan Xiao and Zi Zexian, and asked

"Are both of you ready?"

Both of them didn't say a word and just nodded

And seeing this the inner elder nodded his hand and pull out a coin.

"The battle start once the coin hit the ground"


The inner elder lightly toss the coin.





Once the coin hit the ground....


With a speed exceeding what their cultivation base should be capable of, both them appear in middle of the arena, clashing their weapon.

Both of them have similar idea, that is to use their fast speed and stab the enemy before they can react.

But both of them were so fast instead of hitting each other both of the tip of their weapon end up clashing.

Zi Zexian eyes narrowed, she did't expect that Lan Xiao would be fast enough to avoid him, so she tried overpowering him

However unfortunately for her Lan Xiao is physically much more stronger than she is.

So before she could react, Lan Xiao push his spear forward and manage to easily overpower Zi Zexian,

And Zi Zexian who was caught off guard stumbled

Lan Xiao immediately take advantage of it, he disengage his spear and quickly move toward Zi Zexian left side to stab her

But before he could do it a powerful blue flame erupt from her body

And Lan Xiao who do not want to take any change even with his unique physique jump back to avoid the blue fire.

Zi Zexian who manage to narrowly avoid being defeated to quickly quickly raise her alertness to max, she does not expect Lan Xiao to actually overpower her.

She narrow her eyes

And once again she disappear

Lan Xiao who already have his spiritual sense running full speed immediately detect Zi Zexian

He inserted his qi unto the sword and the sword immediately become covered in ice


Using his lightning ability he quickly move and appear right in front of suprised Zi Zexian


Barely she manage to avoid getting stabbed, now and once again both of their weapon clashed, and Zi Zexian who now know that she is physically weaker than Lan Xiao immediately jump back, and while jumping back she open her arm and summon her blue flames which she instantly morph into sword that she hurled at Lan Xiao

Lan Xiao Seeing this put his arm in the ground and summon defensive ice wall around him.

The flames sword suprisingly have is capable of independently avoid the ice wall and instead circle around to find an opening and strike him

Seeing that rather than staying behind the ice wall he'd rather move away

*Bzzzt* once again he disappear using his lightning

Zi Zexian who's sense Lan Xiao once again disappearing, immediately sense him at the sky.

When she look up she is shocked to see Lan Xiao who palm open toward her, sensing a crisis, she immediately also open her palm to ready her blue flame to counterattack against his attack.

And suddenly the entire area chilled and from the sky numerous icicles appears, the icicles is not only big but also very sharp, and it rain down on Zi Zexian.

Zi Zexian immediately summon her blue flame to surround her and protect her.

And instead of melting these icicles instead explode and the explosion is quite powerful

So hundreds of Icicles explodes around her, and she also sense when those damn icicles exploded it'll send ice shrapnel everywhere, and those ice shrapnel while not necessarily powerful are large in numbers, so she can only hunker down in her flame barrier.

Lan Xiao who already expect her not to move



He once again lightning, he immediately move toward Zi Zexian who is inside the flame barrier.

And to Zi Zexian suprise, Lan Xiao manage to easily penetrate her barrier

And due to that she wasn't fast enough to move away

Lan Xiao immediately touch her and suddenly to her horror she is trapped inside an ice with the exception of her face.

Lan Xiao not wanting any possibility of her counterattack, put his spear right in front of her forehand.

Both of their eyes meet each other.

Zi Zexian eyes are filled with fury

She has lost!

Lan Xiao smiles

"I win, welcome my new maid"


Since everyone here is decently powerful cultivator they already know the situation inside the flame barrier even if they didn't see it.

Lan Xiao won!

Rizomata Rizomata

I REALLY enjoy writing Lan Meigui! and in this chapter we see Lan Xiao get his first maid, so horray for him! also I am still not used to writing actions sequence so I apologize for it being so short, and not too descriptive.

But I do find this chapter to be better than last chapter so I am quite happy with it.


Anyway again if you enjoy this novel do Add it to your library~


Also dem stone, this time monke want stone for throwing it the lake for fun, so ples gib monke stone q(*^*)p


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