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Kapitel 38: Chapter 38: The Calm Before The Storm

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 38: The Calm Before The Storm

Days?: Time Wait For No One! Part 5

43 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Team: RWBY's Room)

"Okay, I'm heading out." I said to everyone in the room, "Since Weiss is safe and sound. Also, with the double rounds about to begin soon. I need to do something that requires my attention."

"Uh, don't you want to stay and watch Weiss and Yang's match before heading out?" Ruby looks at me, with a pout to show she a little sad one of Weiss own friends won't be staying to watch her match.

"Nope." I won't allow myself to be out in the open too long or else the unknown factors of this world would begin to shift once more. All those characters from different series are in this world is an example.

'Salem is one of the reasons why I shouldn't be out in the open. As there could be more hidden characters just waiting to come to the open, to help Cinder and Salem in their plan to destroy mankind. Plus, with Salem being the primary antagonist of RWBY. I have no idea if she is the main one in this world though. I've already created a big shift in the major events of this world. Taking out Emerald and Mercury should be enough to speed up the progress of Cinder's plan or change it completely.' I didn't bother to look back as I exit team RWBY's room, much to their annoyance; more with Ruby and Yang than the others. Plus, Izaya knows I would only watch if it involves Pyrrha herself.

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Hallway)

Without a single moment to waste. I quickly rush out of the Dorms' building while weaving around any students or staffs walking nearby. No need to crash into them and end up wasting more time by explaining my reason for rushing.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Skyport)

The very moment I step out of the Dorms' building. I activate [Shadowless Evasion Art] right away. Then, head towards nearby bushes to further hide myself in the case of hidden cameras nearby. Afterward, I hurry over to the Skyport to get a ride back to Vale City.

As soon the sight of the Skyport appears before my eyes; I quickly notice a few Airships already left and the one heading towards Vale City is just about to take off. Not wanting to waste time waiting for the next Airship to Vale City. I use the maximum limitation of [Enhanced Speed] and aura enhance to get close enough to the Airship, for me to use [Wind Magic] to create a small bubble of compressed air below my feet, then launch me straight above the Bullhead.

(Vale: Vale City: Bullhead: Roof)

Once I made just a few meters above the Bullhead. I switched over to [Accelerator] to control the vectors around me to soften my landing on top of the Bullhead without giving away my position to the people inside and redirecting the air flows around me, so I won't be blown off the Bullhead.

Now, for me to wait for the Bullhead to arrive at the Vale City to restock a few things. So for the time being. I take out my scroll to contact both Shigure and Momoyo to see if they are fine or not.

"What's up, Enma?" Momoyo answer my call instead of Shigure. So either Shigure is currently curing the patient or is too busy to pick up her scroll and Momoyo has to.

"Just checking on you two." I said to Momoyo, but she caught on my unspoken question: Did you find any troubles while arriving at Raven's Tribe Camp?

"Well, Shigure just finished treating the patient, and again, I'm shocked to see how good of a Doctor Shigure is. Now, Shigure just needs to finish doing a check up to see if anything problem showing up, to see if any side-effects may occur later. Afterward, we'll get whatever Shigure wanted from Raven and come back via Raven's semblance." Momoyo answer without much of a hesitate. Translation: No problems occur, so far, and Shigure is checking for any traps hidden waiting for us, then return back to Vale.

"I see." I nod at Momoyo from my side, "Make sure not to cause too much problem for Raven." I smile at Momoyo, who returns it. Translation: Make sure not to get Raven's attention.

"Anything else I need to know before I hang up?" I ask Momoyo while ignoring the sound of Nevermores and other flying types grimm nearby just a few yards away from the Bullhead I'm on.

"Nothing that I could think of. Well, we'll see you soon." Momoyo replied back, then hang up Shigure's scroll as my scroll's screen went black for a moment before it returns back to the default background.

'I should really find a way to create a [Talisman] for long distance teleportation.' I begin to think of a way to create this special [Talisman] but only came up with nothing for me to start with. [Space-Time] related stuff is a tricky thing to do, even more so when it comes to teleportation.

Plus, from the look of it. My [Persona System] don't have anything close to teleportation in [Magic]. So, the only way is the help of [Edea Florence], [Accelerator], and much to my distaste, [Nyarlathotep]. But, out of those three; only two of them could help me create a teleportation [Magic]/[Skill].

[Accelerator] has a better chance of giving me the ability to manipulate the unknown vectors of the 11th dimension and from the look of it, thanks to living in my Sea of Souls together with [Edea Florence] should give him the chance to analyze more of [Magic]'s laws, along with my brand of [Magic] belong to the [Persona System]. He is the best chance I got to get a teleport ability.

I was hoping for [Accelerator] to know how to already, thanks to the kind of world he lives in before this copy of his enter my Sea of Souls and became one among the [Persona] of mine.

I guess I was hoping too much, because in this parallel dimension of RWBY. [Accelerator] explain to me the vectors of this dimension compared to his is very different, to the point he can't help me that much in the early stage when I got him.

At this point, [Accelerator] requires a long time analyzing the vectors of this world and because of the [Persona's Rank] for [Accelerator] low at the time. Had a hidden effect that none of us knew; [Amakusa Shirou Tokisada] doesn't speak to me that much so he wouldn't tell anyone, that having low [Persona's Rank] would affect the [Persona] themselves more than just nerfing the [Skill]/[Magic]. But, their abilities to do what their original part could do with ease.

At the moment, [Accelerator] is at [Persona's Rank: 7] and from what I got from him a month back due to a breakthrough on finishing understanding unknown vectors. I would require [Accelerator] to be at [Persona's Rank: 8] at the least to [Persona's Rank: 10] to give me the ability similar to his original world of teleportation.

Of course, [Edea Florence] is considered to be the [Mother of Magical Arts] should give me a higher chance of gaining a [Teleportation Magic], but she rejected that way to gain the [Teleportation Magic] due to the limited amount of [Mana] I could access to her [Mana Source], which isn't even enough to use the [Teleportation Magic] of hers and that only a few meters away from my position.

And even if I decided to just take less than a few meters of [Teleportation Magic]. My body would be in agonizing pain; well, that was before [Nyarlathotep] implanted a [Magatama] into my body and slowly changing me into a [Demi-Fiend]. But, still be in a world of pain from what [Edea Florence] told me at the time when I wanted to know if I could use her brand of [Teleportation Magic].

I don't even want to begin with [Nyarlathotep] on hoping for a small mercy from the [Outer God] to help gain a teleport ability or giving me something like the [Magecraft] belong to Kiritsugu Emiya from the Fate series.

At the rate, I'm going. It would take at least a few days of keeping [Accelerator] equipped the whole time without switching out once or wait for a month or two before [Accelerator] enter the next [Persona's Rank] with a few time equipping him when I need him.

I could choose the easy/cheat way to increase [Accelerator]'s [Persona's Rank] thanks to a rare [Item] in the [Persona System: Extra Feature]. But, the so-called easy/cheat is more like a very rare treasure I won't be able to get my hands on at the moment with the price being [8M System Points]. Too much of a [Cost] for just a single [Persona's Rank] up. When I could use that [8M System Points] on tons of stuff instead.

So without a further to do; I picked to keep [Accelerator] equipped until his [Persona's Rank] goes up in a matter of days and see if it's possible for me to use his world's teleport ability. With or without him equipped.

2 hours later*

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Streets)

After arriving at the Vale City; I quickly reactivate [Shadowless Evasion Art] right before landing and disappear from the Skyport and head towards an area with fewer cameras around before dropping it. Then go on my way towards the many stores owned by the old man, to restocks on a few things.

'Now that is over. I wonder I should for the rest of the day. Since I already missed Weiss and Yang's double rounds.' I didn't feel any regret not watching their double round match since I know how it goes, kind of.

I was shocked during the double round with Cinder's team and found out it was her and Neo taking over Emerald and Mercury's places. And who knew Cinder has something other than her [Glass Blades] and [Glass Bow] because I sure didn't. As Cinder took out a [Gunblade] of all things.

The same one belongs to the main character of Final Fantasy XIII: Lightning and her signature weapon. The [Blazefire Saber], which is the irony of what I could remember is a weapon that is only issued to highly trained soldiers.

In my honest opinion; I've no clue if this is Cinder's main weapon or it those glass versions of [Blade] and [Bow], but it wouldn't change a thing since I'll take care of her soon enough. If, and I mean by a big if, should Pyrrha is approached by Ozpin later in the afternoon tomorrow to become the next Fall Maiden; well, half a Fall Maiden, then it's my duty to destroy Cinder to give Pyrrha the complete version or at least give Ozpin and his little group a reason not to involve my loving little twin sister.

I shook my head, then continue walking towards a nearby Park to begin working on making one of the many [Item] I made through [Alchemy] and [Synthesis] together.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Park)

Once I entered the Park and find a good spot to use, which I found a good one under a tree near a pond. Not before activating [Shadowless Evasion Art] to hide my appearance as I head to that spot, then place one of each [Avoid Field Talisman: 30 Meters], [Soundless Field Talisman: 30 Meters], and [Natural Field Talisman: 30 Meters] around me. Up to 3 set of them just to be ready to replace the previous ones' duration expires.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Natural Field Talisman: 30 Meters

Durability: 100%/100% (1% per 5 minute usage time)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: D++

Value: 1000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor only require to place this [Talisman] onto any surface to activate it and everything inside the field of the [Talisman]'s effect would create a false realist feeling bending with the surroundings to hide what's inside the field. But, a few could overcome this effect if strong enough. Also, just by taking the [Talisman] off the surface that was placed on. Will deactivate the [Talisman]'s effect and could be reused later if possible.

After setting up my temporary defenses around me, then took out the [Material Card] that I would need to make something I'm about to use sooner than later in the next few days.

2 hours later*

With the last [Bottle] sealed, with my special handmade [Water]. I've finished my batch of [Corpse Decomposing Water]. A total of 6 [Bottles] as a complete set of 1 [Material Card]. A high price of [Material Card] compared to the others since the materials I needed added up together into a single [Material Card].

[Item Type]: [Drug/Bottle/Water]

[Name]: Corpse Decomposing Water

Durability: 100%/100% (1% = 1 drop)

Quality: Uncommon

Value: (Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Inside the [Small Bottle] contains a special liquid that would quickly rot away the corpse of a formerly living being in a matter of seconds, which would only require a single drop of this special liquid to erase the evidence of the user's killed target.

'Man, I should have kept some of these [Corpse Decomposing Water] on me more often. Who knows when I would need them like a few hours ago.' I look up to the night sky, then glance around the empty Park and feel the cool night breeze on my skin.

I thought of heading back, but I decided that this is a good spot for me to sleep while enjoying myself alone. Plus, I've already sent text messages to the others that I may or may not return back tonight and instead return tomorrow's morning and maybe the afternoon the latest.

I climb up the tree; and found a good spot for me to sleep on and at the same time hide my body from people that would walk nearby this tree. Just barely enough open spaces between the branches for the moonlight to land on me. And after a few more minutes of rechecking everything on me and my scroll before I close my eyes to sleep.

next day*

Days?: This Is Not Good

Slowly, as I open my eyes and let out a yawn, then deploy my [Eagle Vision] to see if anyone near the tree I'm sleeping on. And the response I got back from my [Eagle Vision] was a little disturbing.

No one told me, or I'd not pay attention like always, but it looks like today is Family Picnics from what I could tell by the countless aura like bodies around me. Be it adult to children.

I stare off into space with a blank expression for a whole minute, then slowly blink before I take out my scroll to check what time it is and discover it's already afternoon.

And I find a text message from Pyrrha; asking me to meet with her alone in one of the Abandon Warehouse in the south of Vale City, to speak about something important, which she can't speak in public or even in her own Dorms.

Looking at the time Pyrrha's texted was just half an hour ago, so she should be heading there at the moment, with the time she needed to get from the Skyport and South Port.

'Now that I think about it. Most of the time my group would hang out in an Abandon Warehouses.' I thought dully, then put away my scroll and activate [Shadowless Evasion Art] before jumping down from the tree while at the same time using [Accelerator] to manipulate the vectors around me to make my landing soundless.

Not wasting another minute; I quickly rush off to where Pyrrha is while weaving around the families having their family bonding picnic. As I rush out of the Park and head south.

20 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouse Area)

'Is it just the season or is the Warehouse Area this always empty every time I come here?' I frown at the lack of workers in the Warehouse Area, but my trace of thoughts are replaced with Pyrrha wanting me to meet up with her alone. Now, this is where I have a gut feeling I would clearly have the urge to break something or someone.

After walking around the area, then take out my scroll once Pyrrha message me again to let me know which Warehouse she in currently. I texted her back to let her know I'm already in the area and will be right over in a few minutes or less.

14 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouse Area: #014 Warehouse)

"So what's wrong, Pyr?" I sit next to Pyrrha on one of the many crates around us and pick the one that closest's to my little sister.

"Promise me you won't get mad." Pyrrha looks directly into my eyes with her own determine ones. As she waits for my reply before she tells me what's going on.

Instead of agreeing with Pyrrha, "Does it has to do with anything related to The Story of the Seasons?" I watch the color drain from her body and look like she wanted to run away at this very moment.

Pyrrha slowly gulp and speak in a quiet voice, "What do you mean, Enma?" I could see Pyrrha wince once she realizes she slip up already.

"Uh huh. Spit it out. Depending on how bad it is. Then you will see how mad I'll be." I give Pyrrha a gentle smile, but to Pyrrha, she sees my eyes turn blue for a brief moment before going back to normal and knew this could get ugly real bad.

I waited for a whole minute as I continue to stare at Pyrrha, with a gentle smile to show I'm not mad at her. No, I'm mad at the person in the background trying to place a big responsibility on Pyrrha and that person happen to be a Headmaster of the Beacon Academy.

"Em...calm down." Pyrrha gently places her left hand on my right shoulder, which calms me somewhat. "Please. Just promise me you won't do anything that would lead more problems on your plate than it already is."

"I'll promise, that anything I will do won't cause more problem to myself." I gladly made this promise if it means that Ozpin actually planning to use Pyrrha as the next Fall Maiden.

From the look on Pyrrha's face, she doesn't look like this was enough and I don't blame her with my records of promises I made throughout my life.

'Please say it Pyrrha. So I have a reason to attack Ozpin himself later during the invasion.' I always hated Ozpin, for doing things that not including the other's wills. Looking at the current coma Fall Maiden. She already has half her Maiden power stolen from her, then he goes on and chooses to transfer the remaining half to another person just because he doesn't want it to fall to Cinder.

If anything, he could have got Glynda to do it, and I still don't get why they won't do it. Because she older? Then, I will have to say bullshit. I checked this world's Glynda's age and she isn't even close to entering her 30s. I know for sure Amber is still in her 20s as well, but Ozpin planning to make a 17 year old girl to be the next Fall Maiden; well, half Fall Maiden.

Then again, Cinder is 19 years old and about to enter her 20. From what I saw in the profile I gained from Izaya on Cinder, but it could be fake like most of the information Izaya gathered along with Momoyo and Weiss.

So either the Maiden have to be under 20 before gaining the Maiden powers or there another requirement in order to gain them beside the way Cinder gained her half.

"The Headmaster of the Beacon Academy: Ozpin had decided to offer me the chance to become the next Fall Maiden due to the current one is in a danger of perishing soon and had half their Maiden power stolen from them. Now, she is in a comatose state and stuck inside some kind of chamber to keep her alive." Pyrrha slowly explains to me what happens to her this morning and continue to look me in the eyes, knowing if she looks away once is just enough for me to know something she is trying to hide from me.

I stare at Pyrrha for a few seconds, causing her to be edgy in front of me and feel like something bad going to happen.

"Alright." I shrugged my shoulders at her, which lead to Pyrrha blinking at me a few times before she narrows her eyes to see if any reaction from my body to let her know if something wrong.

"" Pyrrha asks carefully when she knows how her older brother's emotions could change with a snap of her fingers. So, she got ready to tackle her brother to the ground just in case.

"Yup. If you decide to become the next Fall Maiden. I won't stop you." I nod my head at Pyrrha, who stare at me for a few seconds before letting a bright smile appear on her face. But then the next second, it turned an alarmed and scared expression.

"I don't hear anything about you're not hurting the Headmaster or anyone else." Pyrrha clearly knows how her brother always says things, but most of the time leave loopholes for him to use, like right now. After all, he only agrees to give her the freedom to choose to become the next Fall Maiden or not.

"What do you mean by that? I never said anything about hurting Ozpin or his little group." I said in a calm voice, that Pyrrha finds it a little fake.

"That's the thing. You." Pyrrha poke my chest, "Didn't say anything. Meaning those unspoken words are not in the promise." I'd to give it to her, she knows me so well and knows when I love using loopholes.

"I know. I'll allow you to decide rather on becoming the next holder of the half Fall Maiden's power. Doesn't mean I like it. You already know my reasons why." I finally drop my smile and turn it into a frown, which caused Pyrrha to shake a little due to knowing how mad I am at the moment.

"I'm not going to be able to get you to rethink it, won't I?" Pyrrha asks in a helpless tone, as she looks at me with a sad smile. Of course, I could I change my mind and make her happy by promising not to cause her problem in Vale; well, at least in Beacon Academy.

"I'll at least give Ozpin and his little group the benefit of the doubt as to whether if this would cause you any problem. If you become the next holder of the remaining half Fall Maiden's power." I let out a sigh, where Pyrrha let out a squeal of happiness and hug me as tight as she could, which she wouldn't usually do in public if she can help it.

I grunt in pain a little before Pyrrha release me and I got the feeling she was waiting for me to let out a sound of pain before she stops hugging me. Just to be sure; I glance at Pyrrha's innocent face and look like she didn't try to hurt me due to her strong hugs.

"So, anything you would like to tell me before we head to the Amity Colosseum for the finals round?" I ask my twin sister as I take out my scroll to check the time and it's only been half an hour now, which we still have lots of time, for us to head to the Skyport and get a Bullhead to take us to the Amity Colosseum to watch the other matches before it's time for Pyrrha's match begin.

Pyrrha thought for a bit, then shook her head at me and grab my left arm as she drags me out of this Warehouse. "Come on, Em! I want to see the others' matches before mine begin."

2 hours later*

(Vale: Vale City: Vytal Festival Tournament: Amity Colosseum: Seating Area)

Well, thanks to Shigure and me, for sending both Emerald and Mercury away. Yang had to face against Neo herself, which is a little tricky on Neo's part because Yang would likely figure out Neo is the same person, on the train she faced against while trying to stop the White Fang.

And much to my confusion, as Neo chose her cover weapon as a [Cane]. Yup, a [Cane] almost like the one Ozpin use for his choice of a weapon, but without the fancy large knuckle guard as the handle.

I guess Neo got experience in using [Cane] as a weapon from the way she easily deals with Yang in combat; furthermore, I got the feeling she learned how to use one from stealing the one Roman use.

Now, after the match between Yang and Neo; I find myself interested in how Cinder's improvising plans are going. Because without both Emerald and Mercury to trick Yang to attack the 'defenseless' Mercury's legs due to Emerald's semblance influencing Yang's sight.

Which will be on the news for the general public to see and make them angry by Yang's vicious attack, with some blaming Beacon Academy and its Headmaster: Ozpin. This negative emotion will cause a surge in grimm activity outside of Vale, which even the Atlesian military is unable to hold back.

And this still happens, after all. Just not the way I thought it would happen. Because Yang was still with her team while at the same time destroying a place: Junior's Club, again. Pretty sure Cinder had to do some digging for that little detail to be used to her advantage.

I think Cinder got Neo to use her semblance to change into Yang's appearance, then destroy Junior's Club and giving Junior and his gangs the evidence to place charges on Yang. Also, there were some important people from the news there at the time for some reason. If I have to guess, it would be either Roman or Junior, whose got some friends in the news.

Now, Yang is captured and being questioned by Ironwood, even when Yang own team and friends are proofs she was with the whole time, but Ironwood didn't bother to listen and just took Yang away. Leaving a very pissed off Huntsmen and Huntresses in training due to Ironwood not listening to their side of the story.

Ozpin was not happy one bit due to Ironwood not listening to him as well, when there is proof that Yang wasn't at the Club, destroying the place more than she did previously, but pointing out major facts like the impostor didn't even have Yang's [Ember Celica]; nonetheless, Ironwood still took Yang away just in case.

Furthermore, Ironwood informed team RWBY that due to Yang's actions, they're disqualified from the tournament. Right before he took Yang away in the middle the public area too. Instead of this happening during team RWBY's Dorms, and without having Yang taken captive for questions and just plain dismissing her from the tournament.

I was about to continue my thoughts about the events happen today, but Shigure cut me off my brief memory line by dragging me back to our seats, where the rest of team JNPR are sitting, with Momoyo tagging along to watch Pyrrha's match with Penny.

Izaya isn't seen anywhere, which mean he should be with Weiss and her team at the moment. I could think up a few things why Izaya is with Weiss at the moment, not including the part where Izaya still worry for Weiss' safety in the case of White Fang trying to capture her again. If they did it before they will do it again and that is something Izaya won't allow to happen.

"No...inner we watch." Shigure stops me before I could resume my inner monologue as Pyrrha vs Penny is about to begin soon. As Shigure pulls me to sit next to her, with the Momoyo sitting on the other side of Shigure's seat.

'Cinder. You better not cause any harm to Pyrrha.' I begin to search Cinder among the crowds, but can't find her at all and I really wish I could deploy my [Eagle Vision] right now. I would have deployed my [Eagle Vision] to find her, but that may end up getting her attention and I don't know if she got another person with her that is a sensor to aura or one that could detect someone trying to watch them. I rather not take that chance since the climax to the invasion is closing onto soon today.

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