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60.41% The Road to the EGOT / Chapter 29: Chapter 29 - South Beach trip (1)

Kapitel 29: Chapter 29 - South Beach trip (1)

I arrived in Miami the following morning. I had fallen asleep on the flight; with no bad dreams to report. I rented a car from the airport and drove to the Four Seasons. It had been years since my last time in Miami, so i took my time in getting to the hotel.

The amazing weather, the women in bikinis, the beach. I lived in L.A and loved it but if i ever did move Miami would be one of my top choices. I texted Kiersey to let her know i had made it safely into town. She asked me to meet her at the studio around 1 pm. I checked into my room and went straight to sleep.

I woke up around Noon, took a nice shower and got dressed in a white polo shirt and some khaki shorts. I noticed something was different about me. When i looked at myself in the mirror it was pretty obvious. I was smiling. I couldn't stop thinking about Alex and was incredibly excited about what was to come.

I hadn't felt this way in quite some time and could not wait to see where things would go. I picked up my phone and thought about texting her but decided against it. I didn't want to blow things by seeming too eager.

I decided to get some breakfast before meeting up with Kiersey. I took the elevator downstairs. I was standing in the corner looking at my phone when the elevator stopped and i was shocked by the perfume that the woman walking in was wearing. I looked up and instantly noticed how attractive she was.

She wore a green and white sundress that went all the way down to her ankles and completed the outfit with a pair of sandals as well as big sunglasses. She had very tan skin and a wonderful body. She smiled at me and i recognized her right away. It was Olivia Munn. She must have been in town for the game tomorrow.

She was dating Aaron Rodgers the quarterback of the Green Bay Packers and they were playing the Miami Dolphins the following night on Monday Night Football. I couldn't help but be jealous of Rodgers. I always had a crush on the lovely actress. Ever since her days on G4. I just decided to try to talk to her.

"Hello, Ms Munn?" she looked over at me and gave me her beautiful smile.


"I'm Duncan, i don't want to come off as some weird crazy fan, but i am a big fan of yours."

"Why thank you! That's so kind of you."

"I heard you were shooting X Men in Montreal. How are you liking the city?"

"It's really great. The people are so kind even when we back up traffic for hours." she admitted with her pearly white teeth on full display.

"I lived there as a kid. It's a wonderful city."

"How long did you live there?" She asked me as she removed her sunglasses and set those pretty soft brown eyes on me. I wished i wasn't imagining things as i noticed her taking an appreciative glance at me.

"Less than a year. My father was a diplomat so i moved around quite a bit." I answered as i took a look at the cleavage she was displaying. She caught me and smiled flirtatiously. I was a bit surprised. She was after all dating Aaron Rodgers, she couldn't be interested in me. Could she?

"That's pretty great." The elevator doors opened at the lobby and we stepped out. I took another shot in the wind.

"I was about to grab breakfast, i was wondering if maybe you would like to join me?" I held my breath awaiting the answer. She took a step towards me and ran her hand up and down my arm even squeezing my bicep a little. She smelled great and i had an even better view down the front of her dress and licked my lips at her sexy tits. Her eyes got big almost as though she just realized what she was doing. She took a step back from me and cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry Duncan. I have an appointment. If i didn't i would have loved to." She said sounding genuinely disappointed. "It was nice meeting you though." And with that she turned and walked out of the hotel. I stood in front of the elevator bank watching her great ass and the sexy sway of her hips. She looked back at me and send me one more sexy smile. I smiled back and shook my head before heading to the restaurant for some breakfast.


I drove to Noisematch Studios. It was an incredibly well known studio working out of the Wynwood Art District. They worked closely with The Voice and was Pharrell's prefered studio whenever he was in Miami. Him and Kiersey had gotten quite close. He basically had taken her under his wing. He thought she was talented and had a great career ahead of her. I hoped so too.

I walked into the lobby and was directed to the correct studio. It was extravagantly well decorated. Hardwood floors and the walls were covered with guitars used by popular musicians from all over the world. I found the room and Kiersey was singing her heart out. She sounded beautiful. I was so proud of her. She had come a long way. Pharrell was sitting at the console and looked up when he saw me come in.

"Sup Duncan. How you doing?"

"I'm good. Just flew in this morning. Kanye called me down." Pharrell had also worked on the show so it was big for him too.

"Yeah man you ready to party? With all the work you guys did you deserve it."

"You too. We couldn't have done it without you."

"It was fun. You got any ideas for season 2?" He asked me as Kiersey kept hitting note after note.

"Too many. I'm going to have to sit down and plan things out. Write the first couple of scripts and turn them in to HBO."

"It all starts with you. Without you there really is no show."

"Thanks. No pressure." He laughed.

"Just everyone follows your lead. Kanye trusts you, the cast trust you. We all know you gonna drop fire." I felt relieved and flattered. Pharrell had been in this business forever so anything complimentary from him was really a gift.

"How's she doing?" I asked him nodding towards Kiersey.

"She's been amazing. You heard about her new movie?"

"Yeah Dope! Haven't seen it yet."

"You should.. She did great work. She always does awesome work. By the way i wanted to talk to you about something."

"What's up?"

"Your ex! Justice."

"Yeah what about her?" I asked him a little nervous at what would come next.

"Her manager called me and wants me to work with her on some songs for her new album."

"Oh well, i hope you agreed." I answered.

"I did, but i wanted to give you a heads up. You and I are boys and i know ya'll were together. I wasn't sure how you would feel about it."

"That's cool man. She's really talented. Take good care of her."

"You bet!"

He looked at me and saw the strange look on my face. "You okay about all this? You sure?"

"Yeah i am. It's just i haven't even seen her in awhile. I'm glad she's working with you. She will be in some really good hands."

Right then Kiersey finished her song and walked into the booth. She looked both cute and sexy in a red tank top and the tightest jeans you have ever seen. She threw herself into my arms when she saw me and kissed me on the cheek.

"So good to see you superstar. How was your flight?" She asked me.

"It was good. I even got some sleep."

"What you two up to today?" Pharrell wondered.

"We just going to hang, maybe hit the beach for a bit." Answered Kiersey with her arms still around my neck.

"Cool, You both coming out tonight right? Kanye rented out Story."

"Yeah man we will be there." I told him as Kiersey pulled me out of the studio. "See you later."


"How are you Kiersey? You seem to be hard at work?" I asked her as we took a walk along the beach.

"Yeah it's been crazy busy. I just came back from Cannes, Dope closed out the festival and was pretty well received."

"I'm really proud of you. I always knew you were going places. Look at you going to Cannes, working with Pharrell Williams. Soon you're going to be too big to hang out with me." She laughed.

"Never Superstar. You and I are friends for life. No matter what happens. No matter how big i get, or how big you get. We'll always have each other." I pulled her in for a hug, i always liked holding her body against me. "Wow you definitely got bigger."

"You talking about my cock? I don't think so!"

"No you perv. Look at you. How much time do you spend at the gym?" She asked as she ran her hands across my chest and arms.

"I had trouble sleeping for awhile. So i would just go to the gym and hit the bag or lift weights. I'm taking some boxing classes. And well i guess here i am."

"Well you look good. Like really good!." She said appreciatively.

"You mean i didn't look good before?" I joked.

"I mean you were alright. But it's gonna be hard to keep my hands off you now." She said still touching my chest.

"Well i guess it's a good thing you don't have to." She kissed my cheek.

"I'm hungry. Want to get some food?" I asked her feeling myself getting hard as her soft body rubbed against me.

"I want some of this." She said grabbing my tool through my shorts. "But it can wait til later. Let's go fill our stomachs than you can fill other things." She promised smiling sexily all the while.

We settled on eating at Puerto Sagua. A nice little cuban restaurant right off the beach. I loved places like this. No pretentious waiters or menus. Just really great food. We sat in a both in the corner and were quickly taken care of by the sexy waitress.

"How are you dealing with all the Victoria thing?" Kiersey asked me.

"I have good days and bad days. I'm getting better. I just think we had something special that we threw away."

"Do you still love her?"

"I think a part of me will always love her. I mean i would never be where i am without her. If she hadn't forced MTV into hiring me, i never would have gotten the chance to write MADD DOGG."

"Speaking of Eye Candy. When we got canceled we threw a little goodbye party with all the cast and crew. The writers were there also. They said that the network was to blame for everything. That you had all these great ideas that they wouldn't listen to."

"I sure did! Fucking Greg. He wanted Eric so bad that he didn't care what we gave away to get him."

"They told me you had given my character more room to grow." She admitted.

"Of course. I wanted to use you more in the back half of the first season but we had too many storylines to close up. So in the second season i wanted to give you more screen time. You're very talented and i felt we weren't giving you enough to do." She smiled in the wonderful way she always did.

"Is that why you told Pharrell about me? Told him he should work with me?"

"Oh he told you about that?" I asked before drinking some water.

"He did Duncan. I never thanked you for that. You opened so many doors for me."

"You would have gotten there regardless. I just sped up the process. I always believed in you."

"That means alot to me." She said as she grabbed my hand on the table and smiled.

"Well you mean a lot to me." I replied back.

Our food arrived and we started eating. It was delicious and we went five minutes without talking. The food was too good to be interrupted by words.


After lunch i drove us back to Kiersey's condo. She invited me up to check out the place and I agreed right away. It was a really beautiful place with a wide open floor plan and a great view of the beach.

I was outside on her patio looking at said view when she wrapped her arms around my torso and turned me around to face her. She brought her lips to mine and i melted right away. Kiersey's lips are nothing short of art. They are so full, so soft that when she kisses you you have no idea which way is up or down. I put my arms around her waist and pulled her sexy little body into mine throwing myself fully into the kiss.

I grabbed her perky ass and squeezed the cheeks through her tight jeans. She moaned softly into my mouth before pulling away and removing my shirt. She ran her hands across my chest, stomach and arms.

"Wow, your workouts are really paying off." She said before kissing my chest. I always loved being kissed there so i enjoyed feeling her lips on me. She pushed me onto one of the patio chairs and dropped to her knees in front of me.

Her lips continued to assault my chest and upper body while her hands were busy removing my belt and fishing for my penis in my shorts. As i felt her soft hand grab my hardening penis i couldn't help but moan.

She looked at me with those pretty eyes of hers and the most devilish of smiles. Her eyes never left mine as her tongue slowly licked the tip of my dick. Nor did they stray the second or the third time.

By the fourth i was forced to lean my head back against the chair as she opened up her mouth and engulfed my dick. I put my hand in her hair and pushed her down onto my cock. She slurped sucked and bobbed her head, doing anything she could think of to bring me pleasure and i adored her for it. There was no sexier sight than seeing her wonderful lips locked tightly around my cock . Her lips tightened around my dick and i grabbed even tighter on her hair, She pulled her mouth away from my dick causing me to almost whimper.

She smiled at me once more before attaching her lips to my ball sack and sucking away. Her hand jerked off my cock. My head was almost spinning from all of the attention she was paying to me. She returned her mouth to my dick and really began going to town on me.

She spat on my dick and bobbed her head up and down as fast as she could. Her hand gripped the part of my dick that wouldn't fit in her mouth and she pumped it in tune with her mouth going up and down on my dick. I was in heaven and oh so close to cumming. "KC, i'm so damn close!!" She only continued to bob and slurp on my pole. "OH SHIT... FUCK!!"

The cum was building in my cockhead; just waiting to be unleashed. I held onto dear life as the world went white and cum began shooting down into Kiersey's mouth. I was pumping my hips sending all i had down her throat. Kiersey sucked it all down like a pro.

When i was done i just sunk back into the chair as Kiersey continued to lick and clean my cock.

"You cum always tastes so good Duncan." She said smiling. I was too out of it after that world class blowjob to come up with anything remotely witty. I just sat there as she removed my shoes and shorts and placed them with my shirt. She obviously wasn't finished with me yet, and that was just fine with me.

She stood before me and removed her tank top reintroducing me to her perky tits and hard nipples. I loved her skin. It was perfect. She turned around and unbuckled her jeans, slowly pulling them down her great legs and revealing her sexy ass to me. I could feel the life returning to my cock already.

Kiersey just gave me a naughty look over her shoulder and gestured for me to follow her inside. I stood from my chair and did just that as i watched her sashay sexily into her bedroom. I quickly made my way there and found her spread eagled on the bed waiting for me.

I had to stop and just stare at her for a second. She looked amazing, and i was going to make her cum again and again before i was done. I jumped on top of her and kissed her hard. Our tongues met and i roamed my hands all over her gorgeous figure.

My hands found her breast and instantly began rubbing and pinching her already hard nipples."Oh fuck!" She moaned as our lips finally separated. I took the opportunity to kiss the rest of her face and jaw. She wrapped her arms tighter around my neck.

I took in her womanly scent and marveled at how soft and tingling her skin seemed to be. Her nipples were hard and i could no longer hold back as i took one into my mouth. Her back arched as her hands pushed me to take more of her tit. I took my time showing love and care to each nipple. Going back and forth and lavishing them in my saliva. Kiersey was moaning loudly and trying to rub her pussy against my thigh.

I kissed all the way down her soft brown skin, paying particular attention to her flat stomach. I spread her legs and put them on my shoulders and ran my tongue from the bottom to the top of her pussy. "Oh yeah! Don't stop!" Kiersey pleaded. I repeated the motion a few more times, letting my tongue linger on her clit causing her to moan a little louder.

I pushed the tip of my tongue into her pussy and was quickly flooded with her juices. I grabbed her ass and bucked her hips onto my mouth. I was fucking her pussy with my tongue almost like a small dick. I wrapped my lips around her clit and began to suck on the little nub driving my sexy friend even closer to orgasm. I looked up at her and could not paint a sexier image. She had her eyes closed, her sexy lips were pouting wide open, except whenever she would lick them as she was pinching her own nipples.

Kiersey locked her thighs around my head almost suffocating me before rolling us over. I was now flat on my back with my head buried between those chocolate brown thighs. Kiersey leaned forward placing her hands on the bed and she started riding my face.

Her hips would move in order to make my tongue hit her clit just as she wanted. I grabbed her sexy ass cheeks and drove her down harder on my tongue sending her crashing to orgasm. "FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" That was the last thing i heard before my mouth was filled with her cum.

She then flipped around putting us in a 69. She grabbed my dick and sucked it into her mouth without hesitating. I was moaning in her pussy as she took more and more of my cock in her mouth. I continued sucking on her pussy trying to keep up with her.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy harder into my mouth. She responded by licking my balls and making me groan. I sucked on her clit and used my tongue to lick it as well. It was her turn to moan out pulling my dick out of her mouth and jerking me off.

She lifted herself off of my face taking away her sweet tasting pussy. She turned around so we were now face to face and her twat was hovering inches away from my hard dick.

"You want to fuck me?" She whispered to me in the sexiest voice ever.

"Just as badly as you want to fuck me." I responded and was rewarded with her sexy smile as well as a feeling of warmth and wetness as she finally descended her pussy onto my pole. "Hmmm." Kiersey let out. "I really missed your cock."

"I think it missed you too." We kissed hard as Kiersey started pumping her hips up and down on my hard cock. I couldn't get enough of her ass cheeks and continued to grab at them every chance i had. Kiersey set her body straight and just started bouncing up and down harder and faster putting her hands on my chest for leverage.

I was in awe at how sexy her little body was. Her sexy tits as they bounced along with the rest of her body. Her flat stomach and her killer thighs. What i loved the most about Kiersey was her skin. It was this golden brown color that i could just lick and make love to all day. It looked even better as a sheen of sweat covered about every inch of her.

I grabbed her hips and flipped her around, staying deep into her as i maneuvered myself on top. I smiled down at her before kissing her and fucking her hard and fast. The sexy actress moaned into my mouth as i grabbed her hips and went to town on her pussy.

Her lips were so tight around my dick. She had incredible control of her pussy muscles and used them to contract all around my dick. She wrapped her legs around my ass and bounced her hips against me. The sounds of our bodies ramming into each other were rhythmic. We were in perfect sync with each other. I was so close to cumming and i could tell from her panting and moaning that she was as well.

I moved my hand down and rubbed her clit for a few seconds. This is all she needed before releasing a piercing scream and cumming all around my cock. Her pussy contracting around my dick finally took me over the edge and forced me to cum. I could feel gallons upon gallons of my cum mixing in with her pussy juices.

We lay next to each other, enjoying the post orgasmic glow. I looked over at Kiersey and she was smiling. I was probably smiling stupidly too.

"That was good!" I whispered to her.

"Hmmm Hmm." Was her only response to me as she continued to smile with her eyes closed.

"Are you going to take a nap now?"

"Hmmm Hmm."

"I'm going back to my hotel. I'm going to shower and change and come pick you up later for the party. Sounds good."

"Hmmm hmm." She said again but this time she set those beautiful eyes of hers on me before kissing me softly on the lips. "Thanks for everything Duncan." I just smiled and made my way out of the bed. I found my clothes and headed out to my car. I looked at the clock and realized that i even had time to take a nap before going out. It would have been nice to stay with Kiersey but had no clothes with me to go out later so this made more sense

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