Eliiot heard the two dragons shouting, but he totally couldn't care less.
"This damned girl tried to kill me! If I don't kill her today to get rid of a future threat, my name is not Elliot!!" Elliot thought to himself angrily. He continued to smash Gilgamar down on the Dome Palace!
Elliot was no fool, he wasn't blindly and randomly attacking the Dome Palace. His sharp eyes had immediately noticed that there were various rune engravings on the dome that were glowing lightly.
His initial strike had targeted the largest glowing rune and immediately caused the Dome Palace's anti-magic shields to weaken considerably.
Realizing that the runes played a critical role to the Dome Palace's defenses, Elliot had immediately targeted all of the complex runes.
Very, very quickly, the Dome Palace's shields began to power down, and the number of cracks on the dome began to rise exponentially in number.
Hi guys, thanks for reading and supporting me! :)
Writing is such a quiet and lonely job sometimes, your encouragement, comments and inputs are highly, highly appreciated!
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