The group of eight decided to leave the inn when Song Yan and Fu Yu Shen's back was turned, they have long heard of this tomb. Many people told them about the evils of the Lost King who was laid to sleep in this place, those people warned them not to ever go to the tomb or anywhere near it but these young masters and misses were thrill seekers. Since they were little kids they got everything that they wanted without even the slightest bit of hard work and that was how they all developed tempers that were wild and out of control.
To them, a life where they got everything without a raising single finger was no fun so they started to relieve their boredom by chasing thrills like exploring places where no one wanted to go, visiting such places only to prove to the world that there was nothing like the rumours that have been planted about it was something that these young masters and missies liked a lot.
Dedicating todays chapter to Azul_Soraya, OneMore_Chapter22, cutie_mua, nephtalene, chrisb13. Thank you for sending me gifts!
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