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14.97% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 28: Swords and Seals

Kapitel 28: Swords and Seals

(Shiba Estate)

Hours passed after that set of revelations at the captain's meeting. Yamamoto ordered the Hogyoku to be considered on par with a holy relic and sealed away immediately, which Tessai and Hachigen started working on immediately. Soi-Fon tried to protest that Yoruichi wasn't given back her station, but those complaints died when Yoruichi herself made it clear that she'll operate on her own terms, in order to focus on training Ichigo and his friends and made it an order for Soi-Fon to fulfil her duties as leader of the Onmitsukido. Yamamoto then made another decree for all Shinigami to train harder and lieutenants were required to learn bankai as soon as possible. Kenpachi was eager to start his training by fighting Ichigo, but after a quick checkup from Unohana it was put on hold until he recovered from having the Hogyoku torn from his being. It took the combined strength of Komamura, Love, Isshin, Tessai, and Kensei, to hold him back from maiming Urahara while Mayuri slashed him with Ashizogi Jizo. Ichigo and Rukia went on that date she said he owed her, having tea together, telling stories about their pasts, and visiting the gravesite of Rukia's friends. He was in a normal Shihakusho again while she wore the dress Uryuu made.

Their date was coming to a close at the Shiba home where people started gathering. They found Ganju and he told them that it was a Shiba tradition to host a fireworks festival whenever someone is either born or brought into the family. He left them saying that they needed to celebrate four times harder because they had four new family members in the Kurosaki family, claiming they'll do it again when Masaki can finally join in celebrating. Almost every captain and lieutenant came to attendance. Mayuri engrossed himself with research in Ichigo's arm, Toshiro was visiting Momo in the hospital, and Tessai and Hachi were working on sealing away the Hogyoku. The divisions welcomed the returning captains surprisingly easily as they brought swift order back into the squads and the Kido Corps sorely missed their previous leaders. What surprised people was that Byakuya and several elders of the Kuchiki clan came to attend.

"That's something I never thought I'd see." Rukia said seeing her clan's leaders come to the party.

"They don't socialize much?" Ichigo asked, seeing Byakuya nod at him before going to Kukaku as they began talking.

"From what I heard," The duo heard from behind them, "the Kuchiki clan are a stiff bunch while the Shiba's are much more relaxed in their actions." They turned to see what could be described as a smaller male Yoruichi. He smiled before giving a slight bow. "I'm Yuushiro Shihouin, 23rd clan head and younger brother of Yoruichi. Thank you for taking care of my sister Ichigo Kurosaki."

"No problem." Ichigo said, holding out a hand to shake which Yuushiro took gratefully. "She's helped me quite a lot. I take it she's made amends with her clan?"

"I was always ready to forgive Onee-sama!" He said with a smile. "She was put back into the clan registry the second we got news of the situation." His mood then turned gloomy as tears formed in his eyes. "But I still haven't seen her. I miss her so much."

"Stop crying." Yoruichi said, suddenly showing up behind her brother. "The clan head shouldn't cry." Yuushiro attempted to hug his sister before she punched him on the head. "Hold yourself with more dignity Yuushiro! The other clans are here."

"Y-yes, Onee-sama." He said, just happy to see his sister again. She then pulled him away from Ichigo and Rukia.

"Come on, tell me how you've been." She said, deciding to spend some time with family as the current festivities dictated. His eyes shined and she regretted her choice. Soon Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko came by to pull Ichigo away for the ceremony, telling him he could continue his date later. He was brought to a stage where the rest of his family were waiting for him, with Yuzu and Karin in ceremonial kimonos. Yuzu's were white with autumn leaves while Karin's looked like a starry sky.

"Onii-chan!" Yuzu cheered when Ichigo showed up, twirling around to show off her kimono. "How do I look?" Ichigo chuckled at his little sister, seeing that even Karin couldn't help but show off as well.

"You both look lovely in those." He smiled down at them as they all hugged each other. Isshin smiled in pride at his family as the finishing touches were made.

"Thank you all for coming!" Kukaku yelled out to the assembled guests, Soul Reapers and Rukon folk, nobles and peasants, all socializing in the light of the Shiba festivities. "It is my joy and privilege, to usher in the new members of the Shiba family!" She gestured to the three siblings as all eyes fell on them. "My cousins! Ichigo, Yuzu, and Karin Kurosaki!" Everyone began clapping as Ganju and his group started shooting off fireworks, setting the sky ablaze with a rainbow of flashing lights. "Now let's have fun!" She yelled as most people in attendance cheered in unison. Soon everyone gave in to the merriment, Rangiku, Isshin, and others were drinking, the nobles conversed normally amongst themselves as friends, children were playing games set up at various stalls, every now and then a single firework to light up the sky and tease the coming show. All displays that the Shiba clan was coming back and brought people together in celebration. After a couple of hours, Ichigo managed to find Rukia again and they continued with their date, finding someplace quiet to enjoy themselves.

"So, happy to become a Soul Reaper?" Rukia asked, munching on some rice dumplings they got. "You finally got to meet the rest of your family after all." Ichigo merely chuckled.

"The whole Shinigami bit is debatable." Ichigo admitted as they sat down. "But I'm glad I found the other half of my family." He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her in. "I'm also glad I met you." The intimate action forced her blush as she prayed he wouldn't catch on. "Are you blushing?" She was not lucky.

"N-no I'm not!" She tried to deny as she turned away.

"Yes you are." He continued, playfully making her face him again. "Now your obsession with bunnies makes sense, you're as cute as one." He said, only adding fuel to the fire.

"L-listen you fool!" She said, trying to regain some dignity. "I do not resemble them! They are the cutest little balls of fur in the whole world." She ranted before Ichigo put a pair of white bunny ears on her head. Just something he won earlier.

"There. A cute little snow bunny." He said, smirking in victory as steam came off of Rukia's head. She was about to yell at him when hundreds of fireworks lit up the sky, even more magnificent than when the party started. The Shiba's lived up to their title of fireworks masters. Ichigo and Rukia stared in awe of the beautiful flashes. Ichigo pulled Rukia in front of him and held her securely against him. "Good date?" He asked, looking down at her. She smiled and pulled him in for a simple kiss.

"It's a start." She told him as he returned the kiss.

(The next day. Captains Meeting)

The parties ended and work began in earnest for the returning Soul Reapers. Lisa decided to join Isshin's new squad to manage things at the Urahara Shoten that Hiyori would soon take over as the main base for squad 15, Hiyori would handle the technical stuff while Lisa would keep the things in order for Isshin. Urahara and Mayuri began the process to turn Yuzu and Karin into Soul Reapers while Yamamoto and Isshin discussed their attendance at Shin-o Academy. Rose, Shinji, and Kensei didn't miss a beat when they returned to their divisions, except for a minor hiccup with Mashiro insisting she was Kensei's lieutenant that almost erupted into a fight before he gave her a badge that said '1st Lt.' while Hisagi got '2nd Lt.'. Toshiro continued to visit Momo, trying his hardest to help her recover from the shock of her idol betraying her. Everything was going as normal, until Rose found something in his room at his barracks. Something that demanded everyone's attention. That leads to now, Ichigo entering the meeting room of the 1st division.

"Hey Toshiro." Ichigo greeted the small captain. "What's this meeting about?"

"Apparently Captain Otoribashi found something in his office." Hitsugaya explained as the rest of the captains came in. "Something Gin left behind. Which is shocking because he's not someone that would leave a trail."

"So it's something intentional." Soi-Fon chimed in. "Mine and Urahara's squads found nothing out of the ordinary with it, then the Head Captain called this meeting." That was when Genryusai called the meeting to order.

"Now, I've called you all here because of a discovery that was made earlier this morning." The ancient man explained before nodding to Rose.

"This morning, I discovered a kido barrier hiding this in my office." He said, opening the letter to read for everyone. "It's from Gin Ichimaru." Most of the captains tensed at that statement.

"If you are reading this, I've already betrayed Soul Society and left to follow Sosuke Aizen in his quest. Aizen's intentions are to create for himself an army of Hollows with the powers of Shinigami, retrieve an experiment of Urahara's to further his goals, and to create a key to the realm of the Soul King. I've joined him, not to help him, but to kill him. Everything I've done, was to get into a position to finally kill him.

My reasons for this is simple, revenge. Aizen hurt one of the few people I've ever truly cared for and I've sworn to kill him. No matter the cost. I do not write this to justify my actions, but to prepare a backup plan should I fail. Aizen has performed many experiments over the centuries of his life. The results of which has lead to the hollowfication incident a hundred years ago, experimental hollows that killed Lieutenant Kaien Shiba and wounded Captain Isshin Shiba. The latter led to a union that brought about what is possibly his biggest unintentional success, Ichigo Kurosaki. The only hybrid being of Quincy, Soul Reaper, and Hollow.

If you've found this before the war Aizen is planning then I urge you, train Ichigo Kurosaki. Make him grow to the peak of what powers he is capable of. If I ultimately fail and die, he is your best hope in stopping him. I'll try to find some way to assist in any way I can.

I've little reason to believe I'll survive through this and even if I do then I'll be rotting in the Maggot's Nest for the rest of my life. But if it kills Aizen, I don't care."

Sincerely, the former Captain of squad 3, Gin Ichimaru."

"Damn." Love said. "That's heavy."

"And mostly unnecessary." Yamamoto said. "I was already planning on having Ichigo trained for this coming war with the Quincy, but hearing that Aizen seeks to create an Oken is troubling."

"Oken?" Ichigo asked. "Is that what'll let him into the Royal Realm?"

"The location of the Oken, the King's Key, is only known by the Captain Commander of the Court Guard Squads and is passed by word of mouth only." The old dragon explained. "To hear that Aizen may have found a way to create one is most troubling. I want his search history. Find out what he's planning to do Urahara."

"Understood commander." The eccentric man said in an odd moment of seriousness. With that, Yamamoto called the meeting to a close and everyone began to leave.

"Where are you going Ichigo?" He asked as the hybrid began to leave.

"I'm heading for squad 4. Going to see if I can fight Kenpachi yet." He said, gaining a look from everyone in the room. "Fighting him will be the best conditioning I can get, won't it?" Many thought he was crazy, but everyone knew that he was right and probably had a death wish.

"Ichigo," Rose spoke up, "there's more to the letter. Mainly for you."

(Squad 14's temporary base. West Rukon 1st district)

Love Aikawa was going over mountains of paperwork. Applicants to join, construction costs, budget reports, it was a nightmare. Thankfully he had some decent help when Lisa offered a hand before returning to the Living World. But for what he was supposed to do, and what he was planning, he was going to need more time and help. The decision to create a Rukon patrol did not sit well with some groups. The first district of West Rukon was the only group willing to listen and allow him to set up base there. Luckily, his most current interview offered a helping hand in a big way.

"Your brother was a good man." Love said to the man in front of him. "Now what do believe you can offer to the Rukon Squad, Ganju Shiba?" Ganju had his friends with him, dedicating himself to honor his brother's memory by doing some good as a Shinigami.

"I've got the trust of people all over the Rukon Districts and I know these districts." He told the returning captain. "I could help promote the presence of Soul Reapers in the Rukon districts, get reliable people to help with various odd jobs that you'll need done, which will help the people of the Rukon as much as the division. I only ask one thing." This caught Love's attention as he focused more intently on the thug. "Many people still want to reunite with lost family members when they come from the world of the Living. I want to use the manpower you eventually gain to help these scattered families." Ganju said with all the professional seriousness he could hope to muster. Love continued a focused stare on him before cracking up.

"Ahahahahaha!" He starting crying out. "Oh man! This is just rich!" Ganju blushed, feeling embarrassed that this man was stomping on all the effort he put into making this interview. "You're like a side character trying to make an impact in a manga!" Love just kept laughing. "This is too good! I love it!" After he finally calmed down a caught his breath did he regard Ganju again. "Oh, I needed a good laugh. Thank you. In all seriousness though, I was already trying to figure out a way to do just what you asked. So when I finally have a squad that can do that, you can be in charge of those efforts." He extended a hand to the Shiba man. "Welcome to Squad 14." Ganju smiled in relief and clapped the captain's hand.

"Happy to be here." He responded with a confident smirk.

"Let's get you guys situated." He said before calling out. "Hey, Shusuke! Makoto!" Two men appeared, the former looking rather unkempt with messy blue hair while the latter had slicked back red hair with purple rimmed glasses. "My lieutenant and third seat, Shusuke Amagai and Makoto Kibune. These guys will help you all settle in." He said with a smile.

"Yes sir." They both nodded to their captain while Amagai issued them to follow him. Ganju was about to join when Love grabbed him.

"Keep an eye on them." Love whispered, not a single hint of humor in his tone. "Makoto's got an ego and there's something about Amagai I don't trust." He explained, surprising Ganju. "Now laugh when I do." He pulled away. "And Shinji didn't even know what V-club meant when he called us that! Ahahaha!" He laughed heavily as Ganju started laughing with him.

"Thank you. I needed that." Ganju said, nodding at his new captain's orders.

"Glad to help." Love said, getting back to his paperwork.

(Squad 10: Rangiku Matsumoto)

Rangiku took a deep breath and reflected on the events of the day, as things started to settle down. Toshiro almost got a response from Momo before she returned to her catatonic state. Several other Soul Reapers were offering their assistance to Captain Love and others were applying for her old captain's new division. She was glad to find out he was alive and the party yesterday served as a good distraction. All the hustle and bustle left her to her thoughts, that one of her oldest friends was a traitor and she couldn't stop it.

"Hello?" She heard suddenly, making her jump in surprise. "Rangiku?" She turned to see her former captain's son.

"Oh, you're Ichigo." She said, meeting the hybrid for the first time in her life. "I was at the party yesterday. You Shiba folk really know how to have fun." Her mood got better when she saw what he had with him. "Are those dried persimmons?" She said, pointing at the small bag in his hand.

"Uh, yeah." Ichigo responded, pulling out one of the shriveled fruits while handing her the bag. "I heard you liked them. Took forever to get my hands on these considering I had no money." He took a bite of dried fruit, letting the sweet taste dance on his tongue.

"Thank you for the gift." She said, flashing a teasing smile. "How about I return the favor?" She traced a finger around her cleavage, making Ichigo stutter in embarrassment at her shameless flirting before she pulled out a bottle of liquor. "Come on! You gotta have a fun side to you! You're Captain Isshin's son after all." And she somehow got Ichigo to start drinking with her. After a few cups between them, mostly her, she asked something that was bugging her. "So, what made you want to talk to me?" She asked, slurred after drinking most of the first bottle and half of the second one, while Ichigo was on a third cup.

"Well." Ichigo started, thinking back to the rest of Gin's letter. "Hey Ichigo, if you're reading this, do me a favor. Look after Rangiku for me. She's been like a sister to me. Could've been more, but I distanced myself to focus on my mission. I've been watching you a long time, you're the only one I trust with this. Keep it a secret though, she shouldn't cry over an ass like me." "Dad said you seemed depressed yesterday. Like you needed a friend." She looked at him with calm, focused eyes that belied how much she was drinking. "I really don't like seeing anyone sad, not when I could help." He looked at her to see her giving him teary, puppy eyes. He was immediately on edge after that.

"You are such a sweetie!" She cried out, hugging Ichigo into her chest and cutting off his air supply. "You are so much better than that jerk Gin! Always running off, never telling me where he went!" She ranted while Ichigo was struggling for breath, she also felt something in his coat pockets. She pulled him away, Ichigo started gasping for air, and finally got a good look at him. "A gentleman and a hottie. How about I give you a little something for being so nice?"

"Rangiku, are you drunk?" Ichigo asked as she leaned in, licking her lips.

"Maybe." She said before she pounced on him.

(Squad 4 Barracks)

It was the next morning and Ichigo was nursing a minor hangover. Hoping to find some relief, he went to the medical facility of the 4th division, mainly to find what his current condition was but he could kill two birds with one stone. Unohana was currently applying a special kido to him in an effort to relieve his pain.

"I first developed this spell to help Kyoraku after he drank too much." Unohana said, lecturing the teen. "After a couple times, I worked out all the kinks and let him suffer for his own poor judgment. I expected better out of you young man."

"Sorry Captain Unohana." He groaned, still feeling a dull throb in his head. "I shouldn't be testing my limits my first time drinking."

"I believe your friend said he was underage. What do you think your father would say about this?" She asked, believing fatherhood taught Isshin some responsibility.

"Since I was drinking with Rangiku, he'd congratulate me on his..." he trailed off as he mentally counted, "fifth daughter. Though when he finds out I'm dating Rukia as well, he'll demand I start making him grandchildren." Unohana felt herself sweatdrop that Isshin has changed, but not for the better.

"I see." She said, finishing up her treatment of the boy. "Well, try no to drink too much if you can't avoid it." She said, looking over his chart again. "In other news, you seem well enough to fight again." She grabbed Ichigo as he shot up and prepared to bolt. "Head for Sokyoku Hill. We want to contain the damage." She let go and he disappeared in a burst of speed. "Better send word to the others." She said before Hell Butterflies flew toward the Kido Corps base and the barracks of squad 1 and 12. Urahara, Tessai, and Hachigen were preparing something special.

(Sokyoku Hill)

The second Ichigo told Kenpachi that Unohana gave him the clear to fight and where it had to be, he bolted as fast as he could, managing to beat Ichigo's flashstep by a single second. Now they stood there, each one eagerly anticipating the their next fight, waiting for the moment to strike. Yachiru jumped off to the sidelines the second Kenpachi stopped, waiting for the two to clash. Suddenly they charged at each other and slammed their blades together, creating a massive gust, then the three kido masters that Unohana contacted earlier dropped from the sky and began conjuring a barrier.

"You wanted to use sparring with Captain Zaraki as your conditioning, then you may." Genryusai said as he and Unohana made themselves known to the two fighters. "Within this barrier that captains Urahara, Tessai, and lieutenant Hachigen created, your wounds will heal indefinitely. A way to even the battleground between the two of you. A battle of attrition, ending only when one of you finally exhaust yourself." The barrier finally sealed the two in and they tested Yamamoto's words with Kenpachi slashing his hand. True to the ancient commander's word, it was healed instantly. Kenpachi gave Ichigo a feral grin as the hybrid covered himself in his hollow armor and wings of Reishi as he created his field of blades. The barrier muffled the sounds, but their clashing could still be heard into the Rukon districts.

(Naruki City: Xcution Headquarters)

Chad took the chance and called the number on the card he was given. After following a set of instructions given to him when he called he finally got the location of the group called, 'Xcution.' They said that they could help him grow stronger, that was all that mattered to him now. If something went wrong, he knew Ichigo would knock some sense into him. He entered an apartment that looked like a classy bar with an old bartender wearing an eye patch, a man with combed back hair and an X shaped pendant, a girl around his age with twin pigtails in her magenta hair, a dark skinned woman with knee length boots, a blonde boy with dark clothes, and a man with wavy hair and a scar along his left eye.

"Welcome, Yasutora Sado, to our Xcution." The man with the pendant said. "I'm Kugo Ginjo." He pointed to the others in the room. "The man behind the bar is Giriko Kutsuzawa," the pigtailed girl, "Riruka Dokugamine," the woman with the boots, "Jackie Tristan," the blonde boy, "Yukio Hans Vorarlberna," and finally the scarred man, "Shukuro Tsukishima. We are people with the same powers as you. The power known as Fullbring." Kugo explained as Chad walked further into the room, scanning the occupants and staying on guard as Yoruichi taught him.

"My power is called Fullbring?" He asked, sitting across from Kugo. "What is Fullbring?" The man chuckled.

"Fullbring is the power to control the soul of objects." He said before the drink beside him began to glow. "All objects have a soul," he said as the liquid inside it rose toward his mouth, "Fullbringers can manipulate that soul to do various things they want. Move great distances, walk on water, fly through the air, and the ability to drink without moving any part of my body. That last one is much less impressive isn't it?"

"That doesn't explain my arms." Chad said, transforming his right arm. Kugo merely smirked.

"It actually does. A Fullbringer's signature ability comes from what they have an affinity for. The object they have a strong connection to." He explained before his necklace turned into a large claymore with an extended handle between the blade and guard. "You must take great pride in your arms Sado."

"They're what helps me keep my promise." He said, his mind going to his coin medallion in thought. "How does one become a Fullbringer?"

"You fought other spirit beings correct?" Kugo asked, making Chad nod in response. "You recognize that our powers are closer to Hollows than Soul Reapers correct." Another nod. "Our powers come from the Hollow Reishi left inside one of our parents that survived the attack then had a child." Chad thought back to his parents, remembering a weird scar on one of them. Then he remembered when his powers first manifested.

'My father is a Shinigami.' Ichigo's voice echoing in his mind. 'My mother was a Quincy. They met when he was hunting a powerful Hollow that she killed after being bit. That's where all my abilities come from. The rarest instance of Deus Ex B S ever.'

"So one of the parents have to survive being attacked by a hollow?" He asked for clarification. Kugo nodded, carefully scrutinizing the muscled teen. "I might know someone else with a Fullbring."

"Ichigo Kurosaki?" Kugo asked, making Chad's eyes widen. "We're unsure on how to approach him. He has so much power already, but if he's willing to help us, then by all means. Bring him in." Everyone never noticed the dark grin on Tsukishima's face.

(Karakura Hospital: Quincy Training Hall)

Uryu ran, ran as hard as he could away from the endless barrage of arrows his father shot at him. He said that before they could restore his powers, they had to build up his stamina and endurance. Ryuken would come at him with the intention of killing him and they would only stop when he said so. Uryu was running for his life for days. This was to prepare for the war and his enemies would try to kill him, so he had to have the same mindset. He saw the logic, but he couldn't bring himself to come at his father with those intentions.

"Don't be foolish Uryu." Ryuken said as he continued to fire a stream of arrows at his fleeing son. "The enemy is the enemy. They will kill you if you don't kill them." Uryu got behind a barrier to catch his breath. "Did you wait when you struck down those hollows? Would you have hesitated if you were permitted to kill those Shinigami? Knowing that your enemies are other Quincy, can you bring yourself to kill them when they are murdering your allies? Yhwach will not spare Ichigo, he almost killed your mother." Uryu thought back to that dark day his mother had her powers torn from her, years spent sleeping, taken from her family. All because of the damned parasite emperor that he felt no murderous intent for, it infuriated him. He hated that man, but he felt his own power refusing to harbor such thoughts. He ran out from behind his cover, forcing every ounce of rage and hate for the man that threatened existence and projected that onto his father, seeing a giant man with long dark hair and a thick mustache looking down on him like an ant.

"No more!" Uryu roared, throwing four ginto capsules at the illusion. "Feel the wrath of battle and accept this sacred chalice! Heizen!" He yelled out summoning a square prism of silver light from the ginto. He saw his father now, bracing against the attack, but not even affected. He vision began to blur as he felt his body give out.

"Grit you teeth." He heard his father say as he was shot in the chest. He collapsed, feeling the spirit arrow pierce his flesh. "Pushed to the point of complete exhaustion and shot with a spirit arrow, 19mm to the right of the heart." He said, walking up to his son, wincing from the collective burns from the spell. "Your powers will return to you, my son." He said with a rare smile, looking down at the Quincy mark on Uryu's chest that indicated their return. "Have to work on that killing instinct though." He said, picking his child up. "Let's get you to bed."

(Sokyoku Hill: Days later)

Genryusai and Unohana listened to the continued clashing between Ichigo and Kenpachi as they made their way back to the battle site. When they arrived, they found a good number of squad 12 with Mayuri directing them. There were I.V stands dripping a glowing blue liquid into the three kido masters maintaining the barrier while most of the squad members seemed to be making more, refilling the bags, and replacing them. Inside, Ichigo took on a new appearance with long wild hair, two long horns, and a slim body wielding a black katana while Kenpachi looked more like a demon than ever. The only clothes left on either body was their pants.

"Mayuri, what's happened?" Unohana asked.

"Those neanderthals happened!" Mayuri growled, typing away at a machine and yelling at his subordinates. "They just seem to grow in power as the fight goes on. Instead of which one of them will fall, it's whether the barrier can outlast them." He turned to face the two captains. "Kenpachi just keeps getting stronger, and Ichigo is adapting to that strength!"

"Kenny was always that strong." They heard Yachiru say as she popped up out of nowhere. "Kenny is the strongest there is! Ichi is bringing that out. Soon he'll be back to his old self!" She said with the brightest smile she could manage. Unohana stared at the fight in awe.

'Those eyes.' She thought in wonder, remembering she first met the current Kenpachi when he was just a boy. The only one to ever wound her, her true successor to the name of Kenpachi. 'No. This was my sin to undo Ichigo. You can't take this from me!'

"I bet Kenny will say my real name any-" Yachiru said before her body disappeared, leaving only her clothes. Inside the barrier, Zaraki got a massive ax with a cleaver blade to replace his chipped sword. That's when a crack appeared in the barrier.

"Oh no." Mayuri said as the crack spread. "RUN!" Everyone scrambled to safety, leaving only Unohana and Yamamoto to watch the chaos. Kenpachi and Ichigo swung their weapons at full force and created a windstorm from the clash, destroying the barrier and blasting the equipment away. Ichigo caught the blade and fired a cero from his horns at Kenpachi, who powered through it to punch Ichigo in the face. Ichigo was sent flying before charging back at his opponent. He dodged a fast swing from the berserker and sent a Getsuga Tensho at Kenpachi who returned it, slashing Ichigo across his stomach. Kenpachi tanked the attack while the wound on Ichigo bubbled and exploded into a mass of mouthed tendrils, all biting down on Kenpachi. He tore his arms free and slashed them to pieces while hundred of dark blue and dark red spheres appeared. From each one shot millions of projectiles, spirit arrows, balas, and ceros, all aimed at Zaraki. He grinned and swung his ax, destroying all of them. The two, still lost in their fight, charged at each other before Yamamoto appeared between them and punched them both in the chest. Ichigo's hollow armor shattered while a loud crunch was heard from Kenpachi. While they fell, Hachi and Tessai appeared behind the two.

"Bakudo #99! Kin!" They chanted in unison, not taking many chances as the two fighters arms were bound in black bands and sealed to the ground. The two spell masters planted their hands on the ground. "Bankin! Prologue, Halting Wraps!" Cloth exploded from where their hands were. "Refrain, Serial Hundred Bolts!" Hundreds of needles stabbed into the mummified fighters. "Finale, Fully Prohibited Great Seal!" Giant metal blocks dropped on their heads, only to break apart after contact. Both warriors collapsed as everyone caught their breath.

"I take it we're done?" Ichigo asked as the two gasped for breath.

(Squad 4 Barracks, later that day)

The two of them finally came down from their adrenaline highs and they were aching. Every part of them hurt. Kenpachi even said that he was satisfied for a good while, which Ichigo guessed would last a week till he wanted to fight again. When word reached the 11th they swarmed the hospital, singing praises about their incredible captain, being so strong without having a shikai, now had to be invincible now that he did. He quickly had them all thrown out for being so noisy.

"Sheesh." He groaned, settling back into bed with the help of Ikkaku and Yumichika. "You'd think they know to shut up in the hospital."

"You really have a loyal squad Kenpachi." Ichigo quipped, being the only other patient in the room.

"Yeah, well they're your meatheads too Ichigo." The scarred man smirked. "You're welcome to join my division at any time." He turned to Ikkaku. "Speaking of which, where's Yachiru? You'd think she'd be here." Ikkaku looked nervous, knowing how pissed Zaraki would be when he got the news.

"Don't worry Zaraki. She never left you." Ichigo said, making the 3rd and 5th seat look at him strangely.

"But Captain Unohana said she disappeared right in front of her eyes." Yumichika said, before realizing he slipped and clapped his mouth shut.

"Yeah, but she never left Zaraki." Ichigo defended. "She disappeared about the same time he got his Shikai right?" Soon the gears started turning in their heads. "Kenpachi, focus on what Yachiru looks like and push out your Reiatsu." Kenpachi focused on that and felt a weight appear on his lap. He opened his eyes to see his surrogate daughter, looking the happiest she's ever been.

"You finally called to me." She said, tears of joy coming from her eyes. "I'm so happy!" She wrapped her tiny arms around her wielder, holding him tightly. "I knew you would. One day you would call out to me. Ichi and Zan kept their promise." Everyone stared at her in shock, except for Ichigo who manifested his hollow blade.

"It'd actually be hard for him to break that promise, Nozarashi." Zangetsu said to the pink head. "We both like fighting just as much as Zaraki. We just have more stuff to do." He patted the girl spirit on the head, making her giggle in delight. "It was fun battling you. Till next time." He faded back into Ichigo as Yachiru turned back to Kenpachi.

"Guess you should make Baldy your new lieutenant. I never did the job that well anyway." She said to her wielder.

"Lieutenant." Ikkaku spoke softly, being called baldy didn't even register to him.

"It's okay. I'm just happy to be with Kenny." She smiled to Ikkaku before turning back to her partner. "I'll always be there when you need me." She said with a smile, kissing him on the forehead before disappearing back into his soul.

"So what now Zaraki?" Ichigo asked, after giving him a moment of silence.

"I'll handle a different goal in my life." He said, forcing himself up and powering through the aches and stiffness in his body, going out of the room. The rest of the guys looked at each other before following him. The watched him limp to Captain Unohana, giving a lecture to some of the younger members of her squad. When she saw Kenpachi, she took on her scary mode.

"Captain Zaraki, you really shouldn't be-" She was saying before Kenpachi pulled her in and gave her a deep kiss. Time froze as everyone watched in shock, Unohana looked completely stunned at her successor's actions. After a while he pulled away.

"For the longest time of my life, you were the only person I've ever respected." He said, remembering when they first met. When she showed him the joys of fighting. "I wanted to reach that point again. Find that feeling that only you gave to me that one time. I wanted to continue where we left off. Ichigo gave me the most satisfying fight I've ever known in my life, greater than when you and I first met. We still need to settle things between us, but I will never kill you. Instead, marry me and become my wife." Everyone held their breath as silence pervaded the room, all eyes on the two of them.

"Okay." Unohana said, still in a state of shock.

"Great." Kenpachi said, turning on his heel and leaving. "I need to do some work rearranging things at my division. We can make plans for the wedding later. Ichigo, you're my best man." He then left, leaving a still stunned Unohana.

"Everyone, back to your rooms. I need to lie down a moment." Unohana said, walking away with her stunned expression.

'What happened between them?' Ichigo asked himself, planning to ask Yamamoto later. After the inevitable meltdown. He returned to his room to find his father, Urahara, Tessai, and Yamamoto in his room. "Is this because of the fight?" He got unanimous nods. "Alright, what now?"

"Ichigo Kurosaki. Your powers must be sealed." Yamamoto said.

"I agree. At this rate, I'd never get a decent match." Ichigo said.

"No. You don't understand." Yamamoto said. "Your powers must be sealed completely."

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