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0.53% Ichigo Awakens / Chapter 1: Prologue
Ichigo Awakens Ichigo Awakens original

Ichigo Awakens

Autor: Teloch

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Prologue

Prologue Part 1: When he Awoke

It felt like any other day. A heavy rain persisting over the past few days. Nothing entirely remarkable, not really important. A very forgettable day. One that some would rather forget altogether. Yet the city did not stop, the city would not stop. The streets were consistently busy, with the hustle and bustle of people, going to and from the various places in the city. The sun managed to shine through the thinning clouds, letting the morning rays rouse the people, where busy parents and annoying siblings, would pick up the sleepy stragglers, from their restful respite from their everyday lives. Many would feel rather dismayed, reflecting the feel of the weather, yet one gentle soul always managed to make everything seem brighter.

(The Kurosaki Household)

Masaki Kurosaki, matriarch of the Kurosaki household and one of the few Quincy alive, was eating breakfast with her beloved family. Her nine year old son, Ichigo, was playing with his younger twin sisters, Karin and Yuzu, as was the way of children their age. Her husband, the former Shinigami Captain, Isshin Shiba Kurosaki, joined in their festivities, making the mood all the more infectious. This is what she always desired. This is what made her content. A peaceful life and a joyous family. But deep down, she was wary of her own son. She will always love her child, but in the far reaches of the back of her mind, she was ever cautious. When he was born, she no longer felt that Hollow that infected her years ago. She had her suspicions, but prayed she was wrong.

(Ichigo's inner world)

An entire city, standing on its side, was bathed in a magnificent radiance, which was the utter opposite of the world outside. A middle aged man in a black tattered overcoat, ever caught in a non-existent wind, was trying to enjoy the beautiful day. But there was something plaguing his mind, which he just couldn't push aside. A weird feeling, one that still connected him to the Quincy King.

"You don't seem to be enjoying this as much as you usually do." Spoke a warped voice. The man turned to see his lone companion in the empty world. A tall and lean man, white as bleached bones, wearing a mask as black as night. A skull, with two parallel lines going down the mask, which was fixed in a constant feral grin.

"Don't you love these bright sunny days?" The pale man teased. "Or is there something else? That, maybe, you're questioning your stance in this?"

"There is nothing to question." The old man said, calm but firm. "He is safe. That is all that matters."

"Yeah, for now. What about when that changes?" The same argument bubbled to the surface once again. Whether to keep their charge innocent and ignorant, for as long as they could by restricting his power, or expose his potential and make him prepared for anything. The old man wanted to keep Ichigo out of harm's way, the skull faced figure wanted Ichigo to prepare. To keep him from fighting, or make him the strongest fighter. They had fought over this, time and time again.

"I refuse to allow Ichigo into that world." The elder said. "He's too young."

"And when he's older? What are you going to say? 'He's too gentle?' Face it, I'm here and that kid will love fighting." The two glared at each other for a time.

"We'll leave this matter to his mother." The old man sounded like he was trying to convince himself, more than his other half. He knew that old tale was a destined prophecy, and today was one of the special dates for that man's return.

"You really think that bastard will let her live?" The pale man said. The elder froze in shock. He didn't think that the Zanpakuto knew the prophecy of the Quincy King's return. He never spoke of it, even blocked it from their connection, so how did he know it? "Because we're still technically one being, dumb-ass." The hollow was smarter then he gave it credit for.

"He should be able to recognize Ichigo's potential." The Quincy half argued. "He wouldn't do anything that might harm him."

"Please, when has he shown any form of kindness or care?" The hollow/Zanpakuto hybrid argued. "If it isn't a pure Quincy, or useful to him, he'll kill it because of that 'taint.'" Being the instincts did have its perks. He recognized the threat and would be prepared for it, unfortunately, he had to share this world with someone less than agreeable and wanted to hide Ichigo away.

"Enough!" The Quincy growled. "This isn't for us to decide!" He said before disappearing, not wanting to continue this conversation, or give himself reason to believe that he might be wrong. The sword spirit was left alone with his thoughts. A part of him was wishing that the Quincy half was right, because if he wasn' was going to be terrible.

(Hours later after Ichigo's Karate class)

The rains became heavy again and the river banks and aqueducts swelled with the rushing water. The auburn haired Quincy and her young child, were making their way home in the heavy shower. He was such a sweet child, ever since his father told him what his name meant, he'd tried so hard to get stronger, to protect her. He had so much potential, so much power, but he was still just a child. She didn't want him to start training. She didn't want him to end up in that world. That world of struggle and bloodshed, fighting with his life on the line. He was a flashing bright beacon to those empty monsters, the Hollows, the ones that would love nothing more than to devour him and all his reishi. She would do anything to protect her little boy, to keep him away from that horrid place. She felt her son's tiny hand slip out of his grasp. She saw him running toward a girl, a spirit. His was one of the clearest sights ever, he never was able to tell living from the dead. She began to chase him, to keep him from getting washed away into the current.

That's when she felt it. A dark oppressive hunger aimed right at her son. She turned to see a large hollow heading for her son. He was covered in wet, brown fur, and a large mask, with what seemed to be a fishing lure sticking out of his head. She needed to hurry, hurry to protect her child. She skated on a flow of reishi to get between the disgusting creature and her son. Gathered the energy to generate her spirit bow. Then she was surrounded in a flash of light. She felt her power being ripped out of her, leaving her defenseless. Her only thought, 'Save him.'

(Ichigo's inner world)

"That bastard!" The hollow half yelled, somehow knowing this was going to happen. Masaki was made powerless and, in just a scant few seconds, will be dead. The Quincy half just stared, damning his own inaction that lead to this. Deep down he knew the hollow was right, Yhwach would never allow Masaki to live anymore. With her dead, this world would flood, Ichigo would be defenceless. He tried to not care, concerning himself only with Ichigo, but if this happened, then Ichigo would suffer. Most likely for years, blaming himself for this. He was a fool. Protecting Ichigo didn't mean keeping him hidden. He was weak and vulnerable now.

"Old man!" The hollow yelled. "It's now or never! Are we just going to let this happen? Or are we going to do something?" Save his mother and set the boy on the path of bloodshed, or leave him be and let him get consumed by sorrow. The Quincy half of Ichigo knew his decision, he just prayed he wouldn't regret it.

"Fine," he declared, letting his energy charge, "Ichigo will walk a road of battle." The hollow grinned under his mask. Finally, Ichigo will be prepared for what was coming.

"Then by our name, his power, we shall protect him and his happiness." He charged his own energy. At once, they unleashed their combined energy, took control of Ichigo's body, and uttered one word. Everything around Ichigo was consumed in light.


Prologue Part 2: Answers and Teachers

Darkness. That all he could see around him. Memories flashing like lightning all around him. All in that endless expanse of nothingness. He heard screams of terror and sickening crunches with each new image, each new nightmare. Places he's never been, people he's never met, all playing out in what was possible final moments before whatever happened. In all this, he remembered fear, he felt terror, but most of all, he was hungry. He was hungry and was devouring these people with cold and calculated plans before indulging his hunger. That was, until she appeared. He saw her, an adult woman standing between him and a new morsel. In her hands was a glowing blue bow and arrow, notched and targeted for his skull. But then she was engulfed in a light and she staggered, her threat was now diminished and he could feed. Then another flash came, a name was called out that he knew was spoken...but he did not hear it. The darkness returned and he heard only one thing. Protect.

(Ichigo's Inner World)

He finally opened his eyes, freeing himself from that nightmare of death and hunger, and beheld the odd world around him. Buildings stretching out to the endless sky ahead. An entire world, twisted on it's axis. A part of him knew he should be scared, felt that he should be terrified, but he couldn't help but relax in a strange sense of familiarity in this place. The young hybrid child stared into the strange blue world in wonder and awe.

"Where..." Ichigo began, "where am I?"

"Well that's certainly a million dollar question there King." He heard a strange voice speak. Ichigo turned to see a tall figure, all white in some weird robes and a black skull mask on his face. "Where are you? What is this place? What happened to mommy?" He said mockingly before swinging his arms out to gesture all around them. "In short order, you're in your head, this is your Inner World, and mommy..." He got close to Ichigo and whispered in his ear. "she's gone." The second those words registered in Ichigo's mind, it began to pour.

'Damn,' Zangetsu thought to himself, 'the old man is gonna bitch at me a lot for this. But we did agree to let me handle this.' He pulled away and gazed into the black clouds, pouring down Ichigo's sorrow. 'The King is going to hate me for doing this, but no one begins this kind of journey on a happy note.' He looked back down at his future wielder and saw a face locked in despair.

"This happened, because you were weak." He stated, cold and harsh, to the young boy. "Powerless. How can you protect anyone when you can't even protect yourself?" The world began to flood. Ichigo was slipping deeper and deeper into his sorrow.

"Mom, mom no." Ichigo said as the memories returned. Those visions were that of a monster that was devouring people. And it's latest victim, was his mother. How couldn't he recognize his own mother? Now she was gone because of him. "Mom." He was talking through his tears, mixing in the continuous downpour. "Mom I'm sorry. Please, don't leave me." He could barely choke out the words. "Please don't die!" He wailed out before crying. Zangetsu watched the crying child in front of him. In a way, he was disgusted with his wielder, soft, weak, vulnerable. But he knew, in time he would be a force to fear, a force to reckon, a being of great power. Now was the time to plant the seeds for that warrior. Time, to set Ichigo on that path.

"She's not dying." He said, loud and firm enough that it reach Ichigo. Right into the young boy's core. The rains eased up considerably but there was still quite the downpour. "Not yet anyway. I said she was gone, taken from you." With that the rain got weaker and weaker, and Zangetsu say a light of hope return in his master's eyes. "She can be brought back, but what are going to do?" He asked the child. Ichigo looked at the pale man in confusion. "How are you going to stop this from happening again?" He clarified. "Are you going to stay that weakling that cries every time he loses?"

"Or are you going to stand up and fight for what you want?" A deep clear voice echoed behind the boy. He turned to see an old man with a shadowed beard and tattered cloak standing behind him. This was the time, there would be no going back. Ichigo finally developed a thing that was missing for so long. Will, determination, resolve. The two halves watched their charge as he whispered the words they were looking for. He just needed one more push.

"Speak up! Are you going to fight or hide?"

"Are you going to stand up or fall down?"

"Run and you will die!"

"Hesitate and you will die!"

"The road ahead is clear!" They spoke in unison. "Now chose!" Ichigo brought his head up, set in a deep scowl of focus and resolution before crying out.

"I WILL BECOME STRONG!" When he yelled that, the force of his cry broke the clouds apart and cleared away every drop of rain. The sun returned, shining stronger than either spirit had ever felt. It was more than happiness, it was determination. The two powers smirked looking down at the boy. Now he will push himself to become the strongest he could ever be.

"That's the spirit Ichigo." The pale blade said as he gave his master a pat on his shoulder. "Never forget this feeling. This will push you to become strong. Strong enough to protect everything precious to you."

"This motivation will be your greatest asset." The darker sword told him. "The time is coming for you to wake up." He said as he felt the world outside shifting.

"Just remember. Ask your parents these questions." The hollow said counting off on his fingers. "'What's a Shinigami?', 'what's a Quincy?', 'what's a Hollow?', and 'what am I?' because you have more potential than all three. And don't forget to demand training." The world around Ichigo began to glow brighter and brighter as Ichigo felt himself leaving this world.

"Wait!" He cried out. "Ojii-chan! Onii-san! What are your names?!" The two spirits smirked and spoke, but no words came out. Before much longer, Ichigo was gone from his Inner World.

(With Isshin, before Grandfisher's attack)

He sat on that couch, a cooling cup of coffee in his grasp, as he waited for his wife and son to return. He had started a small habit of play fighting with his son ever since Ichigo started doing karate. Never too serious, never too strong, also praising his little warrior for his reasons to become stronger. Ichigo was surprisingly calm for a member of the Shiba clan, but the moment his child was born he knew two things. One, he was going to be an embarrassing dad to every girl his son brings, and two, that his son was going to be a very powerful individual. His only aim with his son was to make sure he grew up a good man. If Ichigo ended up becoming a Shinigami or Quincy, he would do everything to support that boy, to protect him. Especially from creepy scientists that are more threatening than they look.

"Come on Isshin," The man across from him whined, "aren't you the least bit curious about what your boy can be?" Kisuke Urahara, a more brilliant man doesn't exist. Banished under false charges against him by a scheming madman, he contents himself with that candy shop and secretly catering to the spiritual beings that can find his services. He had saved Masaki's life from hollowfication after she got infected when they first met and he explained that the same hollow now resides in their son. Ichigo's lineage was a kind many could only dream of, all three primary spiritual kinds all residing in one body. Kisuke was beyond curious to study and analyze such a being but had enough respect for Isshin and his family to keep their boundaries. So he tried to get permission from Isshin in order to proceed. He does not intend harm just curiosity, and above all preparation. Ichigo was currently a huge unknown, and he does not like unknown. If anything happened, he wanted to be ready. Over 900 countermeasures were in place for the boy, which was still too few in his opinion.

A bright flash of light shined through the house suddenly, shocking the two men. It didn't take long for them to notice that two reiatsu seemed to completely disappear, but only one mattered to Isshin. 'Masaki!' He realized as the light began to disappear. Urahara and Isshin scrambled out the door and began to make their way to the mother and child. The second they got out the door Urahara grabbed the former clan head and began to use his shunpo to accelerate their progress. It was situation like these that made Isshin curse the kido that was used to suppress that hollow at the expense of his own powers. Before their final leap they heard a loud voice cry out.

"Zangetsu!" This actually gave them pause. In the briefest of instants, they felt a near overwhelming power. They finished their jumps to nothing more than an unconscious mother laying protectively over her dear child.

"Ichigo! Masaki!" The former captain cried out, his companion following closely behind. After a quick examination of the two, he was slightly relieved to find that both were still alive.

"This is bad Isshin." Urahara exclaimed. "Masaki has been completely drained of her reiatsu! If we don't get some back into her, she'll die!"

"Can we use yours?"

"No, she need Quincy reishi. We have to get her to Ishida." There was no argument, not even a single line of speech as the two former captains rushed to Karakura Hospital. The workplace of the last pure blooded Quincy family in the city.

(Karakura Hospital)

The room was filled with various people, they kind that takes notice to an even like this. A disturbance in the air unlike any felt before. Three people occupying hospitals beds, asleep and unmoving. Two women, two mothers, two impure Quincies hooked to silver canisters leaking a glowing blue liquid down into their veins. One with hair like a glowing midday sun while the other had hair as dark as night. Masaki Kurosaki and Kanae Katagiri, the wife of the man supplying the reishi I.V.'s. With them were two white haired men, a father and son, Ryuuken and Souken Ishida, in a white suit and the other in robes. A dark skinned woman with dark purple hair and golden cat like eyes in black spandex and an orange shirt. A more tanned man with a braided ponytail and a thick mustache wearing an apron and opaque glasses. And finally, the duo that brought them all together.

"Alright Tessai, this should do it." Urahara said to his burly assistant from the store and old friend. A mix of medical science and restorative kido and the two Quincies were in no more danger of dying, to the ecstatic relief of both husbands. They were still in comas, but they would eventually recover in time.

"It's good we acted in time boss." The large man said as they finished up the final touches. "Masaki was indeed in critical condition."

"His majesty either deeply craved her power, or was disgusted with the thought of a Quincy that was infected with a hollow." Mused Souken, a rare angered scowl laying on his normally kindly features. He himself did not choose to put much stock in that old tale, choosing to be a proactive force for coexistence between the surviving Quincies and the Shinigami. He wholeheartedly supported the death gods when they massacred his own kind. Any atrocity commited as a hollow could be forgiven as those are being who have lost themselves, and Quincies destroyed them from existence with no remorse which threatened that balance of the world. This act, this 'cleansing' was utter foolishness and he cursed the Quincy blood that binds him to that accursed parasite Bach, the king of the Quincy.

"This is just great." The dark skinned woman groaned. "Things were bad enough with whatever Aizen is scheming, now Juha Bach is returning as well? This could throw all the worlds into turmoil!"

"Maybe, but not yet Yoruichi." Urahara placated his old friend and former captain. "Souken did tell us the prophecy of his return."

"The sealed King of the Quincy. Over 900 years, he shall recover his heartbeat. Over 90 years, he shall recover his intellect. Over nine years, he shall recover his power. And over nine days, he shall recover the world." Spoke a voice.

"Exactly. We still have a few years to prepare for him, while still getting ready for Aizen." Urahara then noticed that not one of the adults said anything. They all turned to the now awake Ichigo, who spoke the King's Hymn foretelling the return of Bach.

"Ichigo, where did you hear that?" The boy's father asked him, more serious then he had ever been with his boy. "How long have you been awake?" Before Isshin got any answers, his son gave his own questions.

"Dad, what are hollows?" The question from the little boy surprised everyone in that room

"Well, Ichigo. Hollows are-"

"What are Shinigami?" He asked again, throwing Isshin off again.

"Which do you-"

"What are Quincies?"

"One at a time Ichi-"

"Dad, what am I?" Isshin froze at that last one. He immediately left his sleeping wife's side and embraced his son. Securely, protectively, lovingly.

"You are my son." He told his child, rubbing his back to sooth him. "There is nothing that anyone can do to change that." He gave his son another squeeze before pulling back and looking him in the eye. "Now, where did you hear those words?"

"From these two guys in my Inner World." The child said, confirming Urahara's suspicions of the boy being in his world. "This old guy also told me to recite that thing I said when I woke up. Said it was important." At that moment, Ichigo looked around the room and saw everyone. "Who are they?" They took the time to make introductions and proceeded with explanations. Hollows were empty beings, lost to despair and hate that devour other souls and beings with greater amounts of spirit energy. Shinigami were guides to the Afterlife and guardians of the Dead, purifying hollows and delivering lost souls to their rest. Quincies were humans that could manipulate reishi to completely destroy hollows, but because they threatened the Balance they were practically wiped out, leaving only so many to live in peace. "So why should I have more potential than all them?" Urahara decided it was his turn now.

"Because Ichigo, you are a mix of all three." He told the child. "Truly a miracle of grand coincidence. You mother is a Quincy, a rather powerful one at that, that was bitten and infected with hollow reishi. Then a Shinigami saved her life by using his powers to seal that hollow away. Care to guess who that Shinigami was?" The shopkeeper asked the boy. It took Ichigo just a scant few seconds to recognize the answer.

"Dad! You're a Shinigami!?" Isshin smiled down at his son.

"Was, Ichigo. I retired to become your dad." He said ruffling his boy's hair. Then Ichigo said something that surprised everyone.

"I want to become strong dad!" He declared. "I want to learn all I can do! All the powers I can use! I want to be able to protect mommy and Karin and Yuzu!" He got that same determined look in his eyes when he declared his desire for strength to his powers. Isshin recognized that look, and he knew that he would cave. Luckily, he wasn't alone.

"Then, if you don't mind, you can began this weekend with my grandson to study the Quincy arts." The kindly old man said with a smile. Taking on this burden while his son got his own feelings back together. Whether to continue the Quincy ways, or turn his back on it completely.

"I can teach the boy kido." Tessai said. "He might make the spells even stronger."

"Hey hey hey," Yoruichi interjected. "No way can he just learn spells and long range! He's got to learn how to fight up close and personal." She got in front of the small child and pointed down at him with a disturbing feral grin. "Got that! You call me Sensei or Nee-sama, because I'm teaching you how to fight!" Ichigo was excited by the dark skinned woman's enthusiasm, but was also a little scared.

"O-okay," He stuttered while clinging to his father, "Yoruichi nee-chan." Yoruichi just stared at the little kid and felt a bane to her existence. Cuteness.

"So, while Ichigo gets over his new trauma, who teaches him sword play?" Urahara asked Isshin. It was difficult to say who was the better warrior of the two when it came to Zanjutsu.

"When Ichigo gets a zanpakuto, we'll test him and see." Isshin said. He looked down at his smiling son and knew that Ichigo just decided to give up a normal childhood. No, more like, it was taken from him. This was going to be a difficult road for Ichigo, he might never have normal friends 'I hope you two are going to be ready. When he grows up, you may not stand a chance.'

Ichigo's training began soon after that.

Prologue Finale: Bonds of Friendship

(Uryuu: The Holy Archer)

A couple months had passed since that night in the hospital. A couple months since Ichigo learned the truth and began his training. A couple months since the young cousins first met each other. One dressed in the normal Quincy attire of white and blue while the other wore red and black with small metal crosses on their wrists of likewise color. Both running through the forest in the bright sunlight, giggling in their childlike innocence as they raced to meet up with their elderly teacher. Uryuu still remembered that day with crystal clarity. The day he met his cousin.

(Flash Back: The weekend after the Holy Selection)

A young Uryuu Ishida waited eagerly for his teacher and grandfather to arrive for his next day of lessons. After his mother went into that coma, his family needed a few days to recover. He went to see her with his father not too long after to see for himself. He did not know why or what was the rhyme or the reason. He just knew that his mother was sleeping a dreamless sleep that few ever wake up from. His grandfather told him that they would continue training during the weekend and that Uryuu would not be alone this time. Minutes slowly passed as he noticed his grandfather finally coming into the sacred training grounds of their kind, with a small orange haired boy roughly his age following him. In his excitement, the young Quincy ran out to meet his kin.

"Grandpa!" He exclaimed in nervous excitement. "Is he?" The boy asked the wise elder. The old man smiled down at his young student and calmly introduced the young Ichigo to his relative.

"Yes Uryuu, he is my new student." He gently spoke to the child. "Uryuu, say hello to your cousin. Ichigo Kurosaki." That was all Ichigo needed to gather his confidence and met his cousin in full.

"Hi!" The young strawberry said with a smile. "I'm Ichigo!" The cheer was infectious as the raven haired Quincy returned his smile.

"I'm Uryuu Ishida. Pleased to meet you!"

(Flash Back End)

Months passed since that meeting. Ichigo had a lot of trouble with the fine control of reishi that the Quincy abilities demanded. It was theorized that being part Hollow contributed to this issue as they were naturally chaotic beings. The regular Quincy cross needed to be modified just so he could use them as they crumbled in response to the Hollow reiatsu, evidenced by the black and red as opposed to the silver and blue of the normal cross. The two skills he actually managed to excel at was the speed and defense skills, Hirenkyaku and Blut Vene. It was almost natural for Ichigo to use the speed techniques while his talent for Blut seemed to be inherited from his mother. While Uryuu was initially jealous of his novice cousin, he soon got over it as Ichigo still failed with maintaining a Quincy bow. Now they were heading for the training grounds together, skating on a cushion of reishi as they practiced their Hirenkyaku, and laughing the whole way.

"You're getting faster Uryuu!" Complimented Ichigo. "Maybe someday you'll move as fast as me!" A little banter of a friendly rivalry, pushing the other to succeed.

"And maybe someday, you'll be able to use a bow." Retorted Uryuu. "But I'm betting you won't hit anything!"

"That was mean!" Laughed the children, all the way to the Funt Feld their teacher showed them. But the laughter was short lived. Until Ichigo grew more accustomed to using reishi and manipulating that energy, they kept him of hard combat teaching, even his Hollow Zangetsu let only the timely necessary techniques awaken in the boy. One of which was the sensory technique Pesquisa, letting him sense nearby, strong, reishi signatures. A way of practicing his focus, finding his teaching, reassuring himself, keeping the young boy happy. Until he felt a dozen dark, chaotic, hungry, energies. A feeling he was all too familiar with because he was carrying the same type of energy in his soul. Those dozens of Hollows weren't what froze him in place though, it was who they surrounded.

"Hey." Uryuu said, noticing his cousin stopped and his terrified look. "Everything alright?" Ichigo responded by grabbing his cousin's hand and rushing as fast as he could to the meeting place, telling Uryuu of the dangers that are closing in on their teacher. As fast as he could, awakening a fragment of his Sonido and adding it to his Hirenkyaku made them reach their sensei faster than ever before. But it was a fruitless endeavor in the end. Soken Ishida was already slain by Hollows, the Shinigami showing up too late.

(A couple of days later)

It was a dark day, an overcast sky thick with heavy clouds, like the heavens themselves tried to hold back their tears. Both the Ishidas and the Kurosakis were in attendance, Soken having found his way into all their hearts as the kindly grandfather he always was. Ryuken let nothing show, same as Isshin, both fathers trying to be a pillar of strength and support for their families. With them were Urahara's group as they were fellow instructors with Soken, trying to teach the boy that would one day become a beacon of hope and progress, trying to now console children with their loss. Ichigo took it hard, his cousin had it worse. Not too close with his father, his mother falling into a coma, and now losing his grandfather, the poor child was close to breaking, with only his cousin to sympathize with.

The funeral ended and everyone began to go home. Ichigo and his father helping a crying Yuzu and Karin, while Uryuu sat in silence with his father, staring blankly at the ground. Ryuken had chosen to cast away his Quincy bloodline in favor of dealing with the matters of the Living while the Dead dealt with the Dead. These decisions left a harsh gap between himself and his child. He chose to save the Living after everything that he had lost. He knew his stance but he was still a father, and if there was one thing Ryuken learned from his own it was, 'A father will do anything for his child'. As those words replayed in his head as he watched his child stare blankly ahead, he knew what had to be done.

"Uryuu." He spoke calmly but firmly, ever stuck in his business mode. His child responded upon hearing his name and looked at his father. "Do you remember why I said I don't like the Quincy?" Uryuu's face fell at the return of the conversation that pushed them apart to begin with.

"Yes," Uryuu mumbled out. "Because there was no money in it." Those words painted Uryuu's opinion of his father as a man that cared for nothing but the paper in his pockets.

"Precisely. As a Quincy, I would not be able to support you." He said, shocking Uryuu as this new information came in. "As a Quincy I could not keep your mother alive. As a Quincy I would be unable to help people that needed it more than lost souls. As a Quincy, you would not exist." Uryuu stared at his father, seeing him in a new light for the first time in a long time. "I was once like you, Uryuu. I cared about the Quincy bloodlines, I wanted to preserve the heritage of our kind. But because of that same heritage and ancestry I began to lose things. The biggest loss because I was a Quincy? I almost lost your mother." Again Uryuu was frozen in shock, his own kind almost killed his mother?

"I abandoned my Quincy heritage because that was a life strife with pain and loss for me, I wanted you to avoid that." Ryuken continued. "However I should have realized that you are your own person, and your experiences may not be the same. You will have your own path to walk and your own life to lead." Ryuken faced his child, seeing a phantom of his younger self in the boy. "Ichigo is trying to become stronger to face a terrible monster. One that will destroy everything. That is his reason to get stronger. What is yours?" Uryuu was about to respond with his usual answer, 'to prove the worth of the Quincies,' before remembering what his father had just told him. "What you were going to say was your grandfather's goal. I'm asking why you want to power?"

"Why do I want power?" Uryuu asked himself. Memories of seeing his cousin try so hard to master the Quincy techniques, his laughter as they play trained with each other, their happy smiles as they pushed each other to the next level. It didn't take him much longer to find his answer. "I want to help Ichigo!" He told his father, making him give a rare smile to his son.

"I still do not approve of the Quincy Uryuu." He said, leaning back into his chair as his son looked at his father in disbelief. "That is why, if you want me to train you and Ichigo, I want to see you both in the top ten percent of your classes." He challenged his son. "Make sure you have a plan for the future when the fights are over." Uryuu felt a smile return to his face and he agreed to his father's demands. "And son? Your grandfather was gentle with you two." Uryuu felt his dad gain a more malicious aura. "I will not be." It took Uryuu a few seconds to recover his courage.

"Bring it on dad!" He challenged his father.

'You are spending too much time with that boy.' Ryuken thought to himself. 'You're becoming more confident and excited. Not necessarily a bad thing though.'

(Orihime: The Flower Princess)

(3 years later, the Kurosaki Clinic)

An older Ichigo sat across from his teachers. The big and burly Tessai and the disheveled shaggy Urahara. The boy was deep in meditation, focusing on gathering his energy to manipulate his kido. Ryuken kept his word, Ichigo was much better at controlling reishi and it was a rough few years. The cousins became closer to each other in skill, but Uryuu still was leagues above as he didn't have as many things to learn. Now Ichigo was training in undoing bakudo kido spells, currently restrained by six rods of pale light. This training was meant to increase his skill in proficient kido use, lest they blow a hole in the training room under Urahara's shop...again.

'His development is rather astounding.' The ex-captain thought to himself. 'If he was solely focusing on one skill alone, he could give experienced opponents a difficult time.' Ichigo had progressed in ways that took others decades to achieve in a scant few years. The biggest problems was Ichigo's growing strength, the Hollow inside wanting to do more destructive activities. However, until Ichigo becomes a Shinigami, they've decided to take their time with control and discipline. Urahara was honestly afraid of what the boy would end up becoming, a nigh unstoppable force of nature. Tessai merely watched as his pupil impressed him more and more. Scarcely five minutes had passed before the boy undid the level 61 bakudo spell. Even without the chant, that spell was not easy to undo for a trainee.

Their musings were cut short as there was a loud knocking at the door. Urahara choose to answer the door as Ichigo was becoming tired from undoing the seal. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a horrific sight. A young girl, roughly Ichigo's age, was standing in the doorway. Tears streaming down her terrified face, her hair and her clothing was soaked in blood. All of which, came from the unconscious man she carried on her back.

"Please!" The girl with the burnt orange hair pleaded. "Please, you have to save my brother!" Just from a glance he could tell that the young man did not have much longer. If he and Tessai weren't here, this person would be a goner. Good thing he was here.

"Tessai!" The shopkeeper called out. His assistant was paying rapt attention and jumped into motion. He gently took the man from his little sister and the exiles made their way into clinic station. "Ichigo, take care of the girl." Urahara said just before leaving the children alone.

"Come on," Ichigo said taking the girl by the hand, "let's get you a bath." Blood stopped bothering the boy as his life progressed and his training became more and more tense. Once having his arm completely shattered by Yoruichi in an accident and recovering just as quickly because of his regenerative powers. He grew curious enough to test those limits until the sight of blood was almost normal to him, then everyone scolded him for his recklessness. "My dad and sisters are visiting my mom in the hospital." He explained as he led the girl deeper into his house. "I'll try to find something that'll fit you."

"Uh, okay." She mumbled out, halfway between worrying for her brother and feeling guilty for possibly causing this.

(With the men)

"I think I'm stumped here Tessai." Urahara painfully admitted to his old friend. "Fractured spine, ruptured organs, fewer bones that aren't broken, I just can't figure this out." He scratched his head while the shaded man glared at his boss. "Was he born under a lucky star because we're here or an unlucky one because he got hit?"

"Can the jokes wait!?" Yelled Tessai. "At least until after he's in no immediate danger?"

"Yeah yeah," The shopkeeper said, casually waving his fan. "The question is, do we do this fast or slow?" They both looked at each other, considering their options while Tessai used healing kido to slowly stabilize the injured brother.

"Slow." They agreed after that moment of thought. "I don't think it's safe for you to use your bankai here."

"Plus I don't want my dear Benihime-chan to be mad at me." Kisuke whined, hugging the cane which housed his zanpakuto.

(Back with the kids)

Orihime sat on the couch in the living room, wearing a red T-shirt and brown shorts that Ichigo had given her. In her hand were the two blue hairpins that her brother got her. 'I don't want something so childish!' she heard her own words echo in her head. She knew how hard her brother worked for their sake, how much effort he put into making her smile, and she just stomped all over that love and generosity over something so stupid. She felt her tears welling up in her eyes again, scared that her brother might die and her last words would be something so hurtful.

"Here." She heard the boy say, knocking her out of her delirium. "Its probably not any good but I made tea." He handed her a cup, which she graciously accepted with a tired smile. "So, what were you crying about now?" Ichigo asked bluntly. She just stared at the strawberry, thinking about her troubles.

"I'm a terrible sister." She finally said, looking sullenly into her tea. "I yelled at him for getting me something I thought was for kids." She saw no harm in telling him, he might give her the punishment she needed to get heaven to spare her brother. She showed him the six petaled azure pins that her brother bought for her. "See? Childish aren't they?"

"What's wrong with being childish?" He asked her. She looked at him in surprise as he gave her an innocent look, not even thinking for a second that she was a bad person. "My dad acts like a kid all the time, he does it to keep me and my sisters smiling." He then wrapped his hands around her's that held her hairpins. "As for your brother, I heard if you make a wish on something that's important to you then it'll come true." He said as he lied. He knew that with both Tessai and Urahara here than her brother was definitely going to recover. But there was never any harm in helping a girl not be happy, was there? Orihime looked at her hairpins with tears coming back to her, clutching them to her heart as she prayed with all her heart for her brother to recover.

"Good news!" Urahara announced as they came out of the proto operating room. "He's stable enough to be transported to the hospital." Orihime's eyes widened in astonishment as the wish seemed to work. She looked at Ichigo who smiled at her.

"See?" She immediately embraced him while crying tears of relief. The ambulance came by not too long after that to take the Inoue siblings to Karakura Hospital, where Ryuken himself would handle the rest. "And there!" He said as he finished putting the pins in her hair. "That's better! And looks cute too." Orihime grew a massive blush as she began to develop a crush for the boy. The paramedics said it was time to go.

"Ummm," She shyly mumbled, "my name is Orihime Inoue. What's yours?"

"It's Ichigo!" He responded cheerfully. "Remember to smile Orihime!" He told her as they left to help her brother, Sora, recover from his accident.

(Tatsuki: The Fiery Fighter)

(One year later, the Karate Dojo)

"Hey Ichigo!" The now teenage Ichigo heard his old sparring partner call him out. "You wanna have another spar?" It was an early day at the dojo, the instructors were busy with other matters, people recovering from the stress of the entrance exams for their schools, but two particular students did not feel ready to call it quits for the day.

"Uh, sure I've got the time." He told Tatsuki. The only training he had today was in Hakuda, the Shinigami hand to hand style, with Yoruichi and swordplay with his father. He figured he had enough time to warm up with his old friend before going back to the hell that was his dark skinned mentor's training.

"First to five wins!" She said in excitement pounding her padded knuckles together. Tatsuki, she never stopped being the best karate student in the dojo and Ichigo was always her best sparring partner. He never once thought of her as weak or anything lesser because of her gender. He used to give her the best challenge out of anyone there, but for a long while she felt something was off. She never once lost to Ichigo but the fights had changed rather sporadically. Sometimes she won fairly quickly and other times it took a while, sometimes with ease and sometimes with a lot of effort.

"Ready?" Her partner asked as he got into his stance. He became much more confident in the course of his training. He stopped being so shy and never cried after losing again. At first Tatsuki was glad, no longer needing to protect her friend from bullies as he could defend himself. She saw so herself.

"Ready." She responded as they began to search for an opening in the others defense. She remembered that day rather well, a mere few weeks ago. He was being ganged up on again because some idiots had issues with his hair, some with knives, some with clubs. She hated people like that, people that mock or ostracize someone just because of one minor difference. She thought it was stupid when she helped him with bullies because they thought he could see ghosts. Idiots.

She threw the first punch, a clear blow aimed for his face. He blocked it easily and returned with a kick to her midsection which she managed to dodge. Moves that were barely reminiscent of how he single-handedly demolished those idiot thugs. He was faster than she'd ever seen him move, more graceful in his movements, in the same time they charged at her friend it was over. That was when she finally realized that he wasn't fighting at his full strength against her. She couldn't confront him about without exposing him in the act or he'd deny it. She wanted the full truth and was determined to pry it out of him. The fight slowly dragged on, blocking punches, dodging kicks, getting ever so close to landing a strike on the other, both unaware of their audience member.

'Something's up with Tatsuki.' He thought to himself. 'She's acting a lot more reserved than usual for our spars.' He spared a quick glance to the clock and almost blanched. 'If this keeps up, I'm going to be late!' He didn't know what she would do, but Ichigo never wanted to piss off his martial arts instructor. He was going to have to go a little harder to finish this spar. He threw a feint at her face before throwing a jab at her stomach, getting first blood.

"Nice one Ichigo." Tatsuki complimented, rubbing where she was hit. 'Okay, he has never hit me that hard before. He must be getting desperate.' She thought as they got into their stances again. "By the way," she said as they began the fight once more, "I met this girl who seems to know you. Said to let you know her 'wish granting' hairpins are still working?" Ichigo accidentally dropped his guard as a laugh escaped him, which she capitalized on with a kick to his side and gaining herself a point. A dirty move, but it was his fault for dropping his guard in a fight.

"Yeah, I remember her." He said as they prepared for the next round. "Her brother was in a car accident and came to our clinic." They began the fight with more intensity than before, not enough to be completely serious but more than a normal person to consider. "I told her that to make her feel better."

"How sweet." She cooed kicking at his head. "I think she's got a crush on you." She was about to get another hit in before he blocked and punched her in the side, scoring again. From there they stopped the banter, the fight escalating more and more, even they began to doubt whether it was a regular spar. Ichigo got a chop on her chest, she managed to kick his stomach and his head, then they tied with a simultaneous punch to each others face. Tatsuki was panting and sweating heavily while Ichigo pretended to be out of breath. One more hit and it would be over, and he needed to get moving. He glanced at the clock, giving Tatsuki a window to slam him with one last strike. She threw her kick and he landed flat on his back, signifying his defeat yet again. It took him a couple seconds to realize that she purposefully missed him and he fell for it. "So, wanna tell me why you aren't taking me seriously?" She asked glaring at him.

"Well," he said while feeling a sheen of cold sweat cover him, "about that..."

"I told him to not go all out unless necessary." Their spectator finally made herself known. The Goddess of Flash Yoruichi was watching the fight from the sidelines and judging Tatsuki. Ichigo told her about his sparring partner and considered bringing her in under her wing. "After all, he's strong enough to accidentally cripple someone." She said in a joking matter.

"Ichigo, who is this?" Tatsuki asked the protector. Tatsuki could tell from her movements and posture that the woman before her was a master martial artist. Was he taking private lessons under this woman.

"This is Yoruichi Shihoin." Ichigo sighed. "She is my Hakuda master."

"Hakuda? What's Hakuda?"

"Hakuda is a close combat style that concentrates on rapid attacks to overwhelm one's opponent." The purple haired master fighter explained. "In order to achieve that, one must also be strong enough to move at such speeds. Here." She walked over to the punching bag in the room and struck it with enough force that it exploded from the back. "Now Ichigo, how many times did I hit that?"

"Three. Which was two too many." He responded. Tatsuki was in shock. It hardly looked like the woman moved even once.

'She could've done that in one punch?' She thought to herself in disbelief. 'And Ichigo has been training under this person?'

"Why are you here anyway Yoruichi?" He asked his teacher who smiled at her student. One that belied her anger and promised pain.

"Why?" She was immediately in front of Ichigo, keeping that smile with a malicious aura around her. "Why am I here, being so generous as to pick up my beloved student for an extra special training I made up with love and care for his well being, why would I come for my student?" Ichigo was shaking as he finally realized something very important. "What's the one rule I gave you Ichigo?" He was late for her training.

"I'm sorry Yoruichi nee-" He tried to hastily apologize. Unfortunately,

"Don't you 'Yoruichi nee-chan' me!" She was not too forgiving. "That stopped working on me when you stopped being a cute little kid!" She yelled as she ground her knuckles into the sides of his head, making him cry in pain. "You kept growing up, scowling at everyone, you don't even react to me naked anymore!"

"Wait, what!?" Tatsuki finally getting over the shock of the scene in front of her. But she was not going to get an answer soon. Now Yoruichi was hugging his face in her bountiful breasts while shaking back and forth.

"Now you're skipping classes to spend time with your girlfriend!" She cried comically while Ichigo tried in vain to fight for life giving oxygen. "Give me back my cute little Ichigo!"

"W-we're not dating!" Tatsuki cried out embarrassed with a blush that matched Ichigo's other namesake. This seemed to reach Yoruichi, and snap her out of her delirium.

"Oh you're not?" She dropped Ichigo unceremoniously onto the floor as he began to gasp for breath. "Shame, you would've been a cute couple." Tatsuki only blushed harder. "Well no matter. You'll be spending a lot more time together anyways."

"What do you mean?" Tatsuki made the mistake of asking. Yoruichi gave the aspiring martial artist her cat like smile.

"Ichigo needs a proper sparring partner and I've just decided to take you under my wing." The Flash Goddess told the young teen. "You've got serious talent and I want to see that flourish!"

"Do I get a say in this?" She squeaked. Yoruichi's unchanging smile was all the answer she needed. 'Well, it would be nice getting trained personally by a master.'

(Chad: The Unbreakable Shield)

(One month after)

Ichigo didn't care about what people thought of him. He was proud of who he was and he wasn't going to change that for anyone. The constant street punks coming to fight him just for his hair color did make him consider going black a few times, but beating in skulls was more fun than that. It would also be easier without the kido restraints that Yoruichi was forcing him to wear all the time, an idea he swears she got from that show about the Spirit Detective but he'll digress. He was surrounded by thugs from other schools, looking to get payback on a few beatings he gave out earlier, and he was now only as strong as Tatsuki was before his kitty teacher got her paws on her. Enough for five but not enough for eight, at least he knows how to fight.

"Time to die you punk!" Some idiot with a mohawk yelled before he got blindsided by a brown giant punching him aside. He towered over the others wearing the same black school uniform Ichigo was in. Brown skinned and wavy brown hair covering his eyes, it was his classmate Yasutora Sado...but he kept calling him Chad. He wasn't too sure what he was doing here, but he was glad for the help. It did not end well for the eight attacking thugs.

"Man that was a pain!" Ichigo growled in annoyance. "Thanks for the help Chad. These jackasses were going make me late."

"It's Sado, and no problem Ichigo." The giant said as he left for home himself, rubbing the pendent on his neck and praying for his Abuelo. Ichigo finally got back to Urahara's shop, where his teacher and partner were waiting for him.

"Just in time." Yoruichi said with a smile. "You were almost late again." She sat on Tatsuki's back as she continued her light warm-up of a hundred push ups. She was already panting as she hit fifty and felt like dropping. "Another group of idiots gang up on you again?"

"Yeah, got some help this time though." He told her about Chad and how he helped him.

"Sounds like a....good guy." Tatsuki grunted out as she reached seventy. "You pay him...back for that."

"If I know those idiots, they'll try something." He said as he started his stretches.

(One week after that)

Punch after punched slammed into him after these two cretins got him by the riverside. Not too much to really knock him down but enough to still hurt a bit.

"Damn you!" He assailant growled, laughing as Chad just stood there and took it. "Why don't you go down?" The guy asked throwing another punch to his face.

"This'll finish him." The guy behind him laughed as he got a large rock ready to bash his head in. Chad saw this and actually got worried. Then he saw a black blur come at him and kick that guy away with such force he went flying. He repeated this feat with the other guy but punched him in the stomach instead. Both of Chad's attackers were out cold. Ichigo just glared at the unconscious heaps of the two punks before scoffing. He pulled out his cell and called the hospital.

"I never leave a debt unpaid man. This was for helping me out." He told his large acquaintance with a smile.

"Thanks." He responded in his deep voice. Hours passed as they laid on a hillside, Sado looking at his medallion with a sense of pride for keeping his promise.

"What I don't get is why you were just standing there Chad." Ichigo finally said after the silence started to bug him.

"Sado." The half Mexican corrected him.

"Sado, Chad, whatever." Ichigo dismissed. "The point is, you're lucky I showed up when I did. I know you're really strong so why would you take that beating? Why didn't you fight back like when you helped me?" He asked, fully aware of his teacher coming by in her black cat form.

"I made a promise that I would never use my fists for my own sake." Chad said as he sat up. Yoruichi finally got to her student, climbing on top of him and letting out a purr as he cautiously rubbed her soft fur. "It's a vow I made to Abuelo."

"Isn't that Spanish for grandfather?" He asked, needing a little clarification from the multilingual lessons his uncle Ryuken made him and Uryu learn.

"Yes it does. My Abuelo's name was Oscar Joaquin de la Rosa."

"So, you told me you were from Okinawa, but you have Spanish roots?"

"No, Mexican. I lived with my Abuelo in Mexico after my parents in Okinawa died when I was little." He said, remembering how Oscar came to get him one day, how he tried so hard to make the young Sado go from a bad tempered rotten kid to a good man. The day he finally took the old man's lessons to heart after he saved his young stupid self from some angry parents from the kids he beat up. When his grandfather gave him that medallion saying that his body and strength was a means to help people and that the coin will show him the way.

"So that medallion is a keepsake of your promise huh?" Ichigo asked while scratching his cat teacher's ears.

"Yeah, this thing's probably worth more than my life." He said, holding that gold coin to his heart. Ichigo noticed a phone at their feet that was open, probably on too.

"Well, I should get going." Ichigo said, repositioning Yoruichi to lay on his shoulders as he made his way back to the shop for his kido practice. Chad watched as his friend walked away with that strange cat. ''re good with cats.' He thought to himself, despite feeling something was up with that feline.

"Those punks from before are going to try something tomorrow." He told his sensei as he walked. "Maybe something with his coin."

"A good assumption Ichigo." She said in her deep masculine voice she had as a cat. "He's certainly determined if he wouldn't even fight back for his own sake."

"Is that all you're going to say about it?"

"No, it's also stupid. Abusing your strength is unforgivable but not defending yourself when you have to is being stupid, not selfish." She said before leaping off her student and walked on the nearby ledge next to him. "Someone's going to have to knock some sense into his head if he's going to learn that though."

"Leave that to me Yoruichi." He said gaining a slight smirk. "He's a good guy. I wanna help." Yoruichi grunted in approval of her student. He may not be that cute little kid anymore but what took his place was a strong kind hearted young man. It was a bonus that he grew up handsome and sexy too.



"You realized you rubbed your teacher's pussy right?" She said with a devious smirk as she finally got Ichigo to stumble and turn redder than a strawberry again.

"You pervert!" He yelled as she ran off.

(The next day)

He was stupid. He let his guard down too much. Now here he was, tied up, under a bridge with the same guys from yesterday and a few others. Some idiot with glasses and dreads with a small chain piercing from his ear to his nose.

"This is the end for Sado, tough guy of Middle School." He said in a smug tone, believing he's won. "So, you scared now? You're not gonna start pissing yourself are ya!?"

"I don't have to go at the moment." He calmly replied, getting under the guy's skin. "I guess you aren't scary enough. Sorry guys."

"Hehe, aw man." The guy said, getting up in front of Sado. "Well then, in that case I'll just take this." He pulled Chad's medallion and broke the chain around his neck. "Now what did you say? Something about this being worth more than your life?" He brought out a pair of bolt cutters. "Than if I take this away, you might as well be dead right?" Now Chad was scared, scared to lose his medallion, scared to lose that gift from his Abuelo, and furious at the man in front of him. Wanting nothing more than to beat that smug look off that jackass's face. "So then die loser!" Chad strained against his binds, making them groan in resistance as he pulled with all his considerable strength. "Don't be stupid. Give it-" and that was all before two feet slammed into his face.

"You're pissing me off." Ichigo growled as he surfed the ground with the punk's body. "Shut up." When the dust finally settled, he gave a cocky smirk to Chad and the guys around him. He grabbed Chad's coin from the unconscious leader's hands before rummaging through his pockets for a phone.

"Hey! Weasel! You alright?" They called out of concern for their boss, knowing how hard Ichigo hits. "You got a lot of nerve going through the boss's pockets like that!" Ichigo ignored them as he pulled out the phone and dialed the hospital, asking for five ambulances right off the bat. Yoruichi was in her human form, watching her student pummel the crap out of a few idiots. She came because she was curious as to how Ichigo would handle this situation. Needless to say, she was a little disappointed in his form and movements. Too much unnecessary movement in her opinion. Chad was watching Ichigo and remembered his grandfather, taking blow after blow for his sake the first time he messed up so badly.

"Well, that's that." Ichigo said, not even winded from the fight. "Hey Chad, I've been thinking." He started to untie his large friend from his binds. "You can stay the same while I throw my punches for you. In return, you can throw your punches for me." He finally freed Chad from his binds as his looked at Ichigo with a sense of admiration he hasn't shown since his Abuelo. "If there's anything you'd protect with your life, I'll do the same." He said, reaching out his hand with Chad's medallion in his open palm. "That also means fighting back when I'm not around." He said with a chuckle. "I am being kept busy with a lot of things." Chad looked at his orange haired savior, realizing the depth of that oath he just said. His grandfather was right, that coin would show him the meaning behind his strength,how he should use it.

"Sure." He said simply, before grasping Ichigo's hand and forming an iron clad pact with him. He would give his life to help Ichigo, knowing he would do the same for him. He'd use his strength for others. Yoruichi smiled, proud of her disciple. Then she decided on something, appearing right next to the boys almost instantly.

"ICHIGO!" She yelled suddenly, shocking the two. "I said I wanted you to do one lap around the city in five minutes!" She never said that, she was using this to cement their oath. "Instead I find you dawdling with your buddy from school? Give me five laps NOW!" She screamed, in teacher mode, not giving Ichigo any chance to protest as he began running off to complete his task. Chad watched his friend run off, clearly scared of making the weird woman angry, before feeling himself get smacked in the back. "You too big guy!"

"What?" He asked, confused. Yoruichi gave him a toothy grin.

"You just made a promise to help Ichigo no matter what right?" Chad nodded dumbly, still confused. "Well, as his teacher I'm not letting you drag him down by being too weak to help him." She threw him a confidence boosting thumbs up. "So you better start, before you're too far behind." Chad finally understood that this woman was telling him Ichigo was constantly improving himself and he was going to keep his promise, he should do the same. He held up his coin before kissing it and putting it into his pocket, rushing off to join Ichigo in his challenges ahead.

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