Large trees rose into the sky, their canopies fettered with the harsh light that bellowed brightly from above.
Their thick green leaves barely swayed as there was no wind to make them stray, their barks holding moisture that spoke of the current cool and the recent heavy rain.
Below these trees that seemed to be the sole populating species marring this forest, muddy grounds could be seen where reptilian beasts waddled with their scaled bulks while keeping away from a certain radius where monstrous waves of power were diffusing into the air.
High up on the branch to a massive Yukione tree that bore apple-like fruits with a blood red hue, their size akin to that of a man, five figures sat upon it – four on chairs that seemed to sprout from the massive branch itself and one who seemed comfortable being seated on the moist bark.
Please support my book: This Family is Full of Broken Psychos!