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94.73% Into One Piece / Chapter 17: Training and Departure

Kapitel 17: Training and Departure


Author Here!!

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Go on read the chapter and let me know if any mistakes seen.



When Akainu returned to Sabaody, a bounty had been raised for Xavier.

The bounty had an image of Xavier with the title Nightmare as well.

"Nightmare Xavier"

100,000,000 Bellies

Dead or Alive

A 100 million came due to the fact he had attacked a Celestial Dragon.

When Sengoku came to know about the involvement of Silvers Rayleigh, he couldn't help but have sweat on this back. He could not help but worry what havoc Xavier is going to cause soon.

Garp was being Garp eating Rice crackers and laughing out loud hearing this.

Kuzan was lazy and Kizaru was not there in the meeting.


Two years have gone by.

Rayleigh was with them training them all he could.

He taught them all the basics and advanced versions of Haki.

Both Xavier and Van have reached a very high level in their Haki training.

Xavier was also able to do the Emission of Armament Haki. He still has not got a clear picture of how Internal Destruction works.

Xavier's Observation Haki reached a high level as well. He could not cross the barrier to reach the advanced level. Future Sight was not something easily achievable.

Xavier's strength has increased so much due to his Zoan Fruit as well.

Xavier can now transform into that of an Adult Dragon.

His base defense is so high that even bullets and bombs do nothing to him.

Xavier can now destroy buildings just with his body strength.

He could use 80% of his Adult Dragon form in his human body.

That's how much Xavier has trained his body.

It was also due to this did he succeed in the Emission form of Armament Haki.

Van did not slack off as well.

He knew his captain will not stop growing in strength.

Rayleigh started training Van in close combat as he was lacking in it.

Van was not good in Close Combat, that was something proven to be a fact.

What Rayleigh did in the beginning before allowing them to train in Haki was to make each other fight.

Whenever Xavier came close to Van, Van will start retreating. Van knows his weakness. He also accepts it as well. Not many have that mentality.

Van himself asked Rayleigh to train him in close combat fights.

It was very difficult for Van to learn it at the beginning.

Xavier was having fun beating Van. Rayleigh as well.

For 3 months he was training Van in close combat.

Van was a fast learner. He could go against Xavier in close combat after 3 months of training, though if Xavier used his Dragon Strength Van would be defeated due to the sheer power of his attacks.

Once Rayleigh felt that Van was good enough, he taught him Observation Haki.

Rayleigh used a stick coated with Armament Haki and started to beat both Xavier and Van in black and blue.

They will heal the next day due to the food that Rayleigh gives them.

Rayleigh kills the monsters here and roasts them for our food. They provide all the nutrients needed for them.

This stick training went on for 2 months. After this came rocks.

Rocks became a nightmare for both Van and Xavier.

The speed he threw them was different for both Xavier and Van, this was because Xavier had much more endurance than the normal ones due to his Zoan Fruit.

Van was having difficulties as he could not dodge the rocks thrown at him.

His radius of Observation Haki was too low compared to Xavier.

Van though was able to sense the rocks coming at him, could not dodge them because he could not move his body fast.

Xavier was able to do this due to Soru. But then too it was not like he never got hit.

The man throwing the rocks was the Dark King.

When Van was being trained Rayleigh only used 5 to 7 rocks, whereas for Xavier it was 10 to 20.

They slowly started to get used to this, they started to have more control over their Haki. Van also started to learn Soru from Xavier as well. Xavier not only discussed Soru, he gave information on the other Rokushiki Skills and also on how to train them as well. Rayleigh also asked him regarding that.

Rayleigh: "Where did you learn this?"

Xavier: "When I was escaping from the island, I found a storage room, I learned it from a manual there. I created a copy of that in my brain." Said pointing to his head.

Rayleigh: "You can remember everything you have seen then?"

Xavier: "Yes, if you ask for something specific, I would need some time to think about it."

Rayleigh: "That will come in handy a lot. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

In the 9th month, they started their training with Armament Haki.

Rayleigh at the beginning did not train Xavier in it as he already knew the basic level of it.

He focused on Van.

He did the same training with the stick again.

He asked Van not to use Observation Haki to dodge but to pinpoint where he is attacking and try himself coating in Haki at that specific point.

He wanted Van to coat himself in Haki before he fought the monsters on the island.

While he was doing this, he also had an eye on what Xavier was doing.

Xavier was training his Devil Fruit Powers.

Xavier was training in his partial transformation.

He wanted to go to a Young Dragon using it within a few seconds.

Whenever he transforms, he feels pain, that pain increases his endurance a lot.

He also started to manipulate the flames he can generate as well.

He transformed them into swords, spears a dome to protect himself, and many more.

He increased the temperature of flames to varying degrees.

He thought about the attacks of Akainu and Ace to create different attacks for himself.

His imagination helped him a lot in creating different attacking techniques.

Van in a month leaned to coat himself in Haki.

This was when Rayleigh made them fight against the monsters.

Xavier was able to battle against them. Van had some trouble in the beginning but he also improved over time.

Xavier also used his Partial Transformation a lot against the fight with monsters on the island.

After another 3 months, Rayleigh decided to let them train on their own.

Xavier and Van thanked him for everything and said they will meet him soon.

Rayleigh: "I have asked the Kuja Pirates to send a ship to the island in 7 or 8 months. I don't remember what I told them HAHAHAHAHAHA. Well, they will come here and you can use the ship they give you."

Rayleigh: "Let's see how much you both improve."

Rayleigh Left the island.

Xavier and Van started to train on their own after this.

Xavier: "After 6 months we will meet here again. We will then fight. I hope you will win the battle, but I know you can't." Xavier smirked while saying this.

Van: "Fate plays in mysterious way captain. Hope you don't slack off."

For the next 6 months as they decided they trained on their own.

There was destruction on the side of Xavier whenever he had any battle whereas for Van, though there were damages on the island during his fights, it always ended soon.


They both trained a lot.

Van in an desperate situation awakened his Haki because he would allow fate to kill him today. He was attacked by 35 monsters.

He managed to kill 14 but he started to get exhausted.

He knew that if he kept doing this he will die.

He remembered what he had talked with Xavier. What he wanted to achieve. That made him more resolved.


Van unleashed his Conqueror's Haki.

All of the monsters fainted and Van also collapsed.

Van then started to train more in his Conqueror's Haki and he also started to build a new kind of Bullet, the exploding ones.

Time Went by.


Like they decided they both regrouped after 6 months.

They both smirked and disappeared from their place leaving nothing but the broken ground.

Their fist connected creating a wave from their attacks.

Xavier: "HAHAHAHAHA, it seems you have improved your body a lot. This will not help you though."

Van then used Soru and returned quickly and shot bullets from his sniper without stopping.

Xavier seeing this started to dodge the bullet coming towards him.

Xavier: "Come on, this not you."

Van's bullet started to leave no gaps in its attack. Xavier could see this.

Xavier coated himself in Haki and caught one of the bullets heading directly towards his head.

Xavier: "Do you want to kill me now?"

Van: "If that is what is destined to happen in this fight, it will happen."

Xavier could see the seriousness of Van.

Xavier coated himself in Haki and flames as well.

The flames had a metallic sheen to them.

Xavier could now coat his Haki to his Dragon flames as well but he could not keep them like that for a long time.

The maximum he could hold is for 30 seconds.

Xavier released his breath of flames towards Van at very high speed.

Van coated himself in Haki and dodged the flames.

But as if it had a mind of its own, it started to follow him without stopping.

Xavier started to control the direction of the flames.

Xavier also disappeared from his position and was moving towards Van.

Van seeing this increased his Observation Haki to his limits and started to shoot bullets in various directions.

Every bullet that Van shot was where Xavier was planning to move.

The precision of Van's attack was terrifying now that he knows Observation Haki.

It was like he knew where Xavier was going to move.

This was not future sight; this was absolute precision.

This time the bullets exploded when they came into contact.

This was not something Xavier had expected.

Xavier got hit and the control of the flames that were following Van stopped.

Van used this chance to again shoot at Xavier.

Xavier seeing this used Armament Haki on his leg and used Dragon Rush along with and BOOMMM he created a crater and he disappeared. The bullet also exploded due to this.

Van was shocked seeing this. This speed was too fast even for him to follow for a second. He raised the distance of Observation Haki to see where Xavier was.

He still could not control this move as he had not trained in it a lot.

He destroyed the trees that came in his way.

Xavier came to a stop. Xavier also released his Observation Haki and could see Van was closing in on him.

Xavier: {"His Observation Haki has grown to a tremendous level."}

Van: {"If he can control that move, only opponents who can see their future will be able to fight against him."}

Van's determination rose more because of that move just now. He will train his Observation Haki, he will see the future.

Both Van and Xavier could see each other.

Xavier released his Conqueror's Haki.

The next second he was shocked.

Van released his Conqueror's Haki.

Van seeing Xavier was shocked, spoke:

"I am someone who wants to control fate."

The moment he said that he fully unleashed his Conqueror's Haki.

The monsters on the island were terrified when they felt that.

Two Kings looking at each other, their Will clash to see who is the strongest.

Sparks of lightning could be seen when their will clashed. Dark clouds started to form with thunder dancing in them.

Xavier: "You can control your fate but it always has to bow down to me. I will be a Kings to Emperors."

Xavier released his Conqueror's Haki to the Maximum.

His Haki changed the course of the battle.

An unimaginable dominance came with his Conqueror's Haki.

Van could see it. The Will of his Captain was terrifying. It wanted him to bow down or die.

Van: "You win Captain."

Van stopped using his Conqueror's Haki.

Xavier also stopped.

Do know both of them did not fight with their full strength.

Xavier: "Did not expect that."

Van: "Fate wants me to follow you and you showed that just now."

Xavier: "It's time to return."

Van: "Ship?"

Xavier: "They already left it here a month back."

Van: "I did not know that."

Xavier and Van reached the ship.

It was a big ship; it could hold at least 15 of them. There were also two big serpents attached to the ship for it to move.

Xavier and Van boarded the ship.

Van: "Shall we captain?"

Xavier: "Depart."



[Name: Silvers D. Xavier]

[Age: 24]

[Height: 6'1]

[Rank: Low-Level Admiral]

[Devil Fruit: Mythical Zoan: Dragon Type: Dragon God]

[Devil Fruit Potential: Mid (Can be Increased)]


[Observation Haki: Peak-Level Intermediate Mastery]

[Armament Haki: Low-Level Advanced Mastery]

[Conqueror's Haki: Low-Level Advanced Mastery]


[Dragon Regeneration - Advanced] (Can be Increased)

[Dragon Strength – Peak-Level Intermediate] (Passive – Can be Increased)

Have 60% Strength of an Adult Dragon

[Full Dragon Transformation] (Can be Increased)

Transform into a Dragon and have the strength of an Elder level Dragon.

Caution: Never use this till you reach a certain level (Yonko and Conqueror's Haki - Advanced) or you will give into your Dragon Instinct and lose all rationality.

[Pain Tolerance - Level 92] (Can be Increased)

Increase Pain Tolerance by 46%.

[Partial Transformation – Advanced] (Can be Increased)

Can transform any part of the body to that of an Adult Dragon.

[Dragon Sense – Low-Level Advanced] (Can be Increased)

Can create a grid of a Village size of all the things in mind, it can consist of Non-living and Living objects.

[Strength Manipulation – Peak-Level Intermediate Mastery] (Can be upgraded)

Allows the user to manipulate strength in his body.

[Dragon Rush – Peak-Level Intermediate]

Supply the strength of a Young-Adult Dragon to your legs, chest, and face and move forward at a high speed to damage anything in your path.

[Dragon Breath – High-Level Intermediate]

Send out a devastating breath of flames from your mouth.

The color of the flame will depend on the user's thoughts.

[Anger] – [Black-Purplish Flame.]

[Neutral] – [Red Flame.]

[???] – [???]

[Dragon's Wrath – Max] (Unusable)

Dragon's wrath produces Internal and External Destruction on the ones it feels absolute hatred.

It destroys the mind of the one and burns them once its anger is satisfied.

Requirements: Low-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

Can be used in Full Dragon Transformation.

[Dragon's Flame Control – Low-Level Advanced] (Can be Increased)

Can send a controlled flame to the specified target. The flame will burn till the user himself decides to end it (Need to know where the flame is burning).

Caution: The larger the distance the more will it affect the user.

[Dragon's Domain – Cannot be determined] (Can be Increased)

Create a domain where you will be the absolute Ruler.

Requirements: High-Level Advanced Conqueror's Haki.

[Wrath] – A domain of thunder and Lightning.

[Anger] - A domain of flames

[Protect] – Domain of Orange-Red Flames.

Can be used in Full Dragon Transformation.

[Skills have to be created by the user to be added to the skill List]


Author Here!!

Hope you guys liked the Chapter.

Let me know if I made any mistakes.

I will edit the chapter.

Enjoy your day.


Dark_Vader98 Dark_Vader98

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