After that day, Tsuki continued to train every day in hopes of unlocking more Forms of Moon breathing in his dreams, his growth was astonishing, he mastered the first form in 2 weeks.
After mastering the first form, his dream changed. From simply using the first form, now the man was fighting a creature, this creature looked human, but it had horns, gray skin it also had claws, but more importantly, it had 2 pairs of arms and a massive mouth on the stomach.
This creature wasn't a human, it was a demon.
Tsuki watched, the man draw his blade, and when the demon rushed towards him to tear his opponent apart...
"Moon Breathing: Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing." - the swordsman uttered and sent a barrage of crescent blades from his katana, blocking the attack, and cutting the demon's arm off.
The demon realized that the opponent in front of him was not a normal human tried to run but he wasn't fast enough.
"Moon Breathing: Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains." - the swordsman rapidly swung his katana in two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread.
The man decapitated his opponent, and the body of the demon disintegrated, Tsuki watched this happen, he came to a realization that this wasn't something as simple as a dream, but what exactly is it? if it's not a dream, what else could it possibly be?
Tsuki woke up early in the morning, 'But why did he show 2 forms at once instead of one at a time?.' he thought and slowly got up, he got dressed and went out of his room, and as usual, his dad was waiting for him.
"Good morning Tsuki, you're up early. I didn't make breakfast yet, so you have to wait a bit." Masayoshi told his son and started making breakfast.
"Dad, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, go ahead."
"Do demons exist?"
Masayoshi paused momentarily but continued what he was doing, Tsuki noticed this but ignored it.
"Tsuki, what's with these questions? 2 weeks ago you asked if you could have a katana, and now you're asking me if I think demons exist?" Masayoshi sighed and turned towards his son and continued speaking. "Tsuki, I do not know if demons exist or not, some say they do, some say they do not, I can't give you a clear answer but, In my opinion, they don't exist."
Tsuki nodded and started thinking about his dream, if he could use Moon Breathing in real life, that must mean that his dream is not a dream at all, it's something more, but Tsuki didn't know what it was.
The only thing he knew is that Moon Breathing existed before he saw it, and is not just something that exists in his dream. Going by that logic demons might also exist, but that's just a speculation nothing more.
"Tsuki? hey, are you alright?" Tsuki was brought out of his thoughts when his dad shook him.
"Huh? I am okay dad, why are you asking?"
"You didn't answer me when I called you the first few times, I guess I got worried for nothing, also breakfast is done."
Masayoshi finished speaking and placed breakfast on the table, it was a simple bowl of miso soup, Tsuki quickly ate and grabbed his wooden katana, and went to train.
Masayoshi glanced at Tsuki who was going outside the house, he got up and went towards a drawer, and took out a photo.
"Niku... did you see? our son, he's interested in swordsmanship and he asked me about the existence of demons, I lied to him, I know I shouldn't have, but I think it's the best for him not to know... I'm trying to keep him in the dark... but I don't know if I can for much longer, he HAS the Tsugikuni blood after all..." Masayoshi sighed and spoke out loud to the photo of a beautiful woman, her appearance was similar to Tsuki's, this was Tsugikuni Niku, Tsuki's mother.
'Tsuki, I hope you don't find out about the existence of demons and demon slayers... I don't want to lose my only son.'
Timeskip 6 months:
As time passed, Tsuki's Moon Breathing Forms improved and so did his physical capabilities, Tsuki noticed that he was a lot stronger and faster than he was before he started training.
More importantly, during these 6 months, Tsuki had learned 6 forms of Moon breathing:
First Form: Dark Moon, Evening Palace - Tsuki would draw his katana and slashes swiftly in a singular horizontal motion in a crescent shape, creating numerous chaotic crescent blades.
Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing - Tsuki would perform several crescent-shaped slashes that defend him from incoming attacks, sending a barrage of crescent blades.
Third Form: Loathsome Moon, Chains - Tsuki swings his sword rapidly in two gigantic crescent slashes, from which a storm of smaller crescents spread.
Fourth Form: Moon Dance - A two-combo strike that starts with a vertical slash and then a horizontal one right after followed by chaotic crescent blades. (Since most of the forms weren't shown in the manga and Moon breathing is derived from Sun breathing I decided to rename "Flame dance" to "Moon dance".)
Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy - the user makes multiple curved slashes layered over one another, creating a rising vortex of sword slashes and crescent moon blades.
Sixth Form: Perpetual Night, Lonely Moon - Incessant - the user releases a wild barrage of crescent-shaped slashes several meters in front of him.
Of course, Tsuki hadn't used all of these moves in combat but he knew their usage since he saw it in his dreams.
As Tsuki learned more forms of Moon Breathing... he devoted more of his time to swordplay and training, and gradually grew distant from his father, until one night...
"Tsuki, you've grown distant." Masayoshi suddenly said to his son, who was sitting in front of him.
"Listen... I know you're a growing young boy and are curious and interested in many things but, I can hardly recognize you. You were such a bright child, always by my side, and now that you've taken interest in swordsmanship, you've grown distant from me."
"I'm sorry..." Tsuki looked away from his father, he couldn't look at his father in the eye, he was disappointed in himself.
"Tsuki, I don't know why you were suddenly interested in swordsmanship and I know you're hiding some things from me... but remember I am your father, I only want what's best for you, so you can talk to me about anything and I will guide you, I'm older and more experienced than you after all."
Masayoshi spoke with a small smile meanwhile Tsuki looked guilty before it changed to confusion.
"I understand dad, I will spend more time with you fro-" Tsuki was suddenly interrupted by his father.
"You don't have to, if you don't want to, after all, you're getting older and older so you have to be independent, faster you become independent the better it is for me, after all, what kind of father doesn't want an independent child?" Masayoshi smiled and said to his son, Tsuki also smiled, he was happy to hear this from his father.
"Anyway's go to sleep, it's late"
"Good night dad."
"Good night son"
Tsuki went to his room to sleep, Masayoshi was now alone sitting in front of a small table with an unreadable expression.
'Niku, I don't think I can keep Tsuki in the dark for longer, he thinks I don't know but, I do know he has been practicing a breathing form of some kind...I think he doesn't know its true usage is for killing demons. what should I do Niku? what would you do?' Masayoshi thought for some time and came to a conclusion 'i'll have to tell him about the existence of demons, it would be bad if he finds it out the hard way, it would be better for me to tell him myself, I don't know if you're happy or angry with my decision, but I think for the best, perhaps... he was fated to be a demon slayer all along.'
this was all for his child's safety and wellbeing. For a father, the safety and the wellbeing of their child is the most important thing in their lives, it's the same for Masayoshi, the most important thing is his child's wellbeing and safety, he's the only thing he has left from his wife, he doesn't plan to lose him.
but who knows what could happen? fate is difficult to understand, it brings us from one place to another, from top to bottom, from bottom to top.
will fate bring Tsuki to the top? or will it drag him down to the bottom?
cringe as heck lmao but I tried (keep in mind I'm still inexperienced)