"You just destroyed more of Asgard than he ever did." Loki complained. Thor looked embarrassed of what he just did. His attack was so powerful that the surrounding buildings got destroyed. But he was never going to admit it. So he said
"It killed him. So be happy about that."
"Attacks don't kill him. Only fire and sound are his weaknesses." John commented.
"Well done brother. You are powerful but you have lost the ability to think. I am sure Yggdrasil took your brains too when you sacrificed your eyes." Loki again mocked. As they were all having a kind of jolly time, Gorr got up and walked towards them.
Everybody was really surprised as they expected the hit of Thor would at least hurt him, but not even a wound could be seen. They expected him to be alive but never expected him to be perfectly alright.
It was because the symbiote sword can heal a person very fast if it was in a normal state. Since Thor's hit sent Gorr away from John, it allowed the symbiote to get back to its power.
"Nothing can kill me and you all hypocrites will die under my sword." Gorr said in a loud tone.
"Seems like the sword never spoke to you about it's weakness. This makes it easy." John said as he flew in fast speed towards Gorr. He didn't want to stretch this fight any longer.
John hit Gorr with both his wings together in flapping motion. Gorr and the symbiote both felt the heat and screamed in pain. John was so fast that Gorr couldn't even dodge or defend against it.
"Strange make ultrasonic sounds surrounding the area to contain him. I don't want him to run away." John said. Strange nodded and waved his staff.
Huge speakers appeared out of nowhere surrounding both John and Gorr. The speakers were pointed inward so that the Gorr wouldn't be able to run away from any sides. Before Gorr could react, the speakers started producing sounds.
And like last time, Gorr screamed in pain. All the symbiote strands that were attached with Gorr were now receding from his body. John's fire was already damaging enough for the symbiote and now the sound was like double swords stabbing at him.
Gorr started crawling out of the area but John caught him with his wings.
"You aren't going anywhere. Didn't you want to kill my loved ones? What happened to all the big talk you just shouted?" John said.
"Get me out of this place then I will show you who is stronger." Gorr said, trying to insinuate John.
"You have no idea, do you? You are just a pawn in someone's larger plans. Nothing but an ant who has no idea whom you are actually against. Your bloodlust has consumed you way too much to even understand that you are being used." John said.
"I am happy that you came straight at me as honestly I wasn't able to find you using my magic. But thanks for coming to my door yourself. Now just die." John said as he used more fire to burn the body of Gorr.
Gorr screamed in pain again as his body was burning. The symbiote tried to defend for sometime but it too started receding completely to the sword form. And after a whole 5 minutes of burning, nothing remained except for a small path of black on the ground.
Nothing was left of Gorr's body, not even his bones. John felt like the scene from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood where Roy Mustang burned Envy for a long period of time. That was one of the most satisfying moments in anime history for John.
The small black patch on the ground was still trying to slide away even after being hit by fire and sound continuously.
"After all of this, still think I will let you escape?" John said as he used his normal hands to hold the black symbiote.
"Please leave me. I will be a great weapon for you. Serve you till eternity. And make you stronger." the symbiote said after turning itself into a small mouth. It looked funny because Venom used to do that with Eddie but in his case since Venom had already bonded with Eddie, it used to make a full face while talking with Eddie.
But here since this symbiote didn't have a host, it could only use the little power it had left to turn itself into a talking mouth and try to convince John.
"I can never be a host to a symbiote. My basic power comes from fire, so sorry to burst that bubble." John replied.
"Wait, wait. You said you have your loved ones. I am sure they are not as powerful as you. I can choose them to be my host and give them protection." the sword again tried convincing.
"That's not a bad idea, but who is your allegiance too will be when Knull comes out? Me or the Hive?" John said.
There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day.
Thank you.
Read 220+ more chapters ahead at p@treon.com/thelightedghost. Thank you for the support.
"What?... What?.. How do you know of our deity? Who the hell are you?" the symbiote asked.
"Still want to take me as a host now dear symbiote?" John asked without answering it from where he knew about it. He could never let his secret be out.
"You will die when the Hive comes out. You all will die. Everything of the multiverse would be in our control." symbiote said hysterically as he knew that all negotiations were now off the table. Him knowing about Knull was already a problem. Knull had meticulous plans and since this guy knew about him, it would create a new problem.
"Of course it will be. That was the plan. Wasn't it? Now just die." John used his Phoenix power again to burn the symbiote to nothingness. The symbiote just laughed hysterically which was mixed with cries of agony and pain.
John didn't even bother to ask where the real Necrosword was. He would get the information later anyway when he goes to the multiverse soon. Knull was one of those beings who John would have to keep an eye for, because John always believed Knull was a larger threat than Black Winter.
After seeing that John burned away everything, Strange removed the speakers that were producing sounds repeatedly. Nobody knew who this person was nor what that weird shape shifting sword was.
"Who was this guy? Seemed interesting." Erza asked.
"He? He had a tragic past but hatred consumed him. He wasn't that interesting, but his sword was." John replied.
"His sword looked alive. A weapon with a soul?" Constantine asked.
"Not exactly. More like a parasite. Enough about that sword. Looking at the two of you, it seems you both have been successful." John said while looking at Thor and Strange. They both nodded their heads.
"Congrats. I guess you all need rest after such a long mission. Thor you can meet up with Angela. She is still tied down by Z. Oh yes, sorry about destroying half of Asgard. I will give you a detailed account of this being next time we meet. I am too tired now." John continued.
"It's alright. You had evacuated the city and saved thousands of lives. The bricks can be built again. But not lives. Thank you for defending Asgard. Whoever that person was, isn't important now." Thor thanked him.
"Asgard is an ally to us. So of course I will defend it. And I also wanted to see this person and get some answers." John replied. He stopped Ragnarok and of course he wouldn't let his free fan values just die. These people were his power.
"Now go and talk with your mother. We will leave. I hope you will be able to convince your sister. It will take a lot of time." John said.
"We know." Loki replied. John still felt Loki was plotting something but John didn't care. He had enough on his pot to care about Loki's small machinations. Now his brother had become a God, it would be harder for him to actually harm anything.
"Let's go home. I want to sleep in my bed." Clint said. John nodded at it and waved his hands. Except for Erza, Kratos, Thor and Loki all vanished.
They again appeared in the Ring. John was really tired with all the fighting he had been engaged in the past few days. Even though he fought for only a small amount of time, he was awake for the larger part awaiting Gorr's arrival. He went straight to his home after bidding goodbye to them.
Strange also went to Kamar Taj to officially take the position of Sorcerer Supreme. The others too left. Guilty Spark teleported them to their homes.
John after eating a sumptuous food and having a good bath, went straight to sleep. Even with his cosmic awareness he couldn't find Gorr so he had to wait and pray that Gorr would arrive in Asgard.
He really did come and John was relieved about it. He would have hated it if he had to search galaxies for such a being for a long time. He expected more from Gorr as he thought it was the actual Necrosword. Since he couldn't find Gorr, John thought it was because of the sword but he had forgotten that every symbiote was connected to the Hive, except for Venom as he was an outcast. ( I am sorry, I will have to change the settings of Venom a bit from the original story of Sony Pictures in order to fit him in the story here. Venom is a very important character in the story here so please forgive me on this).
John went on to sleep for more than 12 hours.When he woke up it was already morning the next day. He was in a happy mood early morning as he thought he had purged this universe of a symbiote and all needed to do was tackle Knull who was still sleeping and find the actual Necrosword and deal with it.
He still had no idea how he would face that being but he needed to try at least. And only one being has the answer for dealing with Knull.
There will be double uploads tomorrow if there are more than 350 power stone donations by the end of the day.
Thank you.
Read 220+ more chapters ahead at p@treon.com/thelightedghost. Thank you for the support.
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