As Banner and other were talking another quinjet landed after few minutes. Out came Coulson and another person who John was very much looking forward to meet. Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America. John's eye light up when he saw Steve and happily went to greet him.
"Hello Captain. It's my honor to meet you." John said to Steve.
"Hello John. It's nice to meet you. They updated me on you. Thanks for using the money only for good of the people and helping the people of the other world. I still can't understand the theory of parallel universe but nonetheless your work is commendable." Steve said.
John felt shy about it but was happy that Steve had a good impression of him unlike Tony. John could already feel from his words that he wasn't a fan of Tony for his past.
"Hello Steve I am Diana." Diana approached and introduced herself to Steve. Steve too had seen the movies before coming. Steve felt his story and the Steve in Diana's story had so many similarities. He felt it was the destiny of both of them to die in a plane crash even in other universes.
"Hello Diana, I am sorry for your loss." Steve said while making a handshake with Diana. Diana had approached Steve because she too felt Steve's story in this world and the Steve's story in her world had similarities.
"It's fine, it's been over a century almost." Diana replied with a smile.
"Oh yes, I am sorry I forgot you are the daughter of Zeus." Steve smiled stiffly as he realized that she was close to an immortal and comes from legends. Banner too approached and exchanged pleasantries. Natasha who just came from inside said
"Coulson, they need you on the bridge. Did you get both of them?"
"Yes. I have contacted both. They will join soon." Coulson left after saying that.
"Did Coulson ask for signing the trading cards yet?"
"Trading cards?" Steve said little surprised.
"It's vintage. He is proud of it. He is a big fan of you Captain." Natasha said.
"Gentlemen and lady, you might want to step inside. It's going to get hard to breathe" Natasha said.
"Breathe? It's a submarine?" Steve said.
"No Steve this whole ship is going to fly." John said. Natasha looked at John as he said that but didn't say anything. They all went to see the rotators revolving fast.
"We should go inside. Not everybody can survive the high altitude like Diana" John said as the ship was gaining altitude slowly.
They all went inside. John went and sat in a chair while looking at all the agents working and handling things. Banner, Diana and Steve were moving around trying to take all the things in. The whole facility was of high technology so all of them were awestruck by it.
After the helicarrier went high up in the air and vanished Fury came as all sat at the round table. Fury asked John
"Is Hal Jordan going to come? We might need him."
"I am not sure. I am not even sure if the Guardians have been sent here too along with Hal. He hasn't contacted me. Maybe he has already arrived and is in the universe somewhere. It's not like only Earth has gateways from other worldly beings to enter." John said. Fury now almost has total belief of whatever story John weaved in movies and even for Naruto world as he has seen Bruce, Diana and the Naruto and he had read various reports from agents who have gone to their world.
"Doctor Banner thanks for coming. We will need your help in locating the Tesseract. Natasha take him to his lab." Fury turned and said to Banner
"Thanks for asking nicely, I would need all the available spectrometers in the world calibrated to find weak gamma rays" Banner said
"Come with me Doc, we have all the toys." Natasha said as he led Banner to his laboratory.
After an hour of searching from all face recognition software SHIELD finally got a hit on Loki.
"Sir he is in Stuttgart, Germany and he isn't exactly hiding." an agent said.
"Captain and Diana you are up." Diana too was sent as she was powerful enough to catch Loki
Stuttgart, Germany
The story for Loki progressed as it should have. Loki went to Germany with Clint to steal iridium to stabilize the portal. As Loki himself wanted to get caught to destabilize the super powered people he made a grand scene as he ordered a bunch of civilians in the square to kneel. As Loki was going to kill an old man in order to show his dominance, the laser beam was reflected back by the shield of Captain America to Loki again.
"You know the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve said.
"The soldier. The man out of time." Loki.
"I am not the only one out of time." Captain replied.
As he said that Loki saw a shining rope fell onto him from above and tightening him immediately. Loki who just got up was bounded again by the lasso of truth.
"What is this?" Loki was surprised but then remembered.
"The lasso of truth. We meet again Loki." Diana said. (Read an advanced chapters in my discord server)
Read 90+ chapters ahead at Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.
"Hello Diana, we meet again. Must have been exhausting, watching humanity tear each other apart for so many years. Join me. We can rule them together. These humans don't deserve their freedom." Loki said with a smile. Diana instantly tightened the rope on Loki
"You speak too much Loki. We are not Gods. I have said before." Diana said.
The people who were watching nearby were surprised after seeing her. Many people might not have recognized Captain America as him being alive isn't still out in the open. But the iconic lasso of truth and that get up was easily recognized by many as they have watched Wonder Woman in movies. Most of them know that Batman is real and many speculated that Wonder Woman might be real as there was a connection between Batman and Wonder Woman shown in the movie. Many people whispered.
"Isn't wonder woman just a mythological character. How the hell is she real?"
"I have no idea. If Batman and Wonder Woman are real. Then does it mean Green Lantern is also real? Oh God that means aliens are also real?" Many whispered as such in the background. Steve could hear their whispers but couldn't say anything.
As Loki was being held up, there was a loud music of AC/DC being played from the quinjet of Natasha which was hovering above while directing the machine gun towards Loki. Natasha knew instantly who has hacked into their communications.
Iron Man came flying by and landed in front of Loki while pointing his hand thruster towards Loki and silently a slim and sleak black colored jet came flying by pointing it's guns and missiles at Loki. Batman too has come with his Batwing.
"Make your move, Reindeer games."
Loki knew he would have to surrender now. He lifted his hands to surrender. Diana pulled him by the lasso to the quinjet. After that they left. Diana went with Bruce in his Batwing while Tony, Loki and Steve were in the quinjet.
As the two planes were flying there was sudden thunder all around. Diana who was in Batwing saw this and said "Thor is here!"
And before anybody could do anything Thor landed on quinjet and took Loki away immediately. "We need to stop Thor in doing anything wrong." Batman said.
The Batwing flew down where Thor took away Loki only to see Loki standing there with a smile while Iron Man and Thor were facing each other few metres down the small hill. Diana took her lasso out and bounded Loki again.
"C'mon did you see me escaping? I didn't even run away." Loki said.
"Diana keep him here I will stop them from doing anything stupid." Bruce said and went down gliding.
As he went down both have already started fighting. Batman roared.
"Hey! That's enough. Have you both had your fill?"
"I am here to take away Loki to Asgard and face justice." Thor said.
"Really? How will you take him back to Asgard? I heard John say that your Rainbow Bridge was destroyed. How will you get back?" Batman said.
Thor who heard this suddenly stiffened. He indeed have no way to take back Loki. Odin used dark magic to send him to earth as the bridge was destroyed.
"I don't know, but I intend to take him back." Thor insisted.
"We never said that you can't take him back to Asgard. Until then we can keep Loki in our custody and find out what he really wants to do. Is that acceptable?" Batman said.
"Fine.." Thor who didn't know how to refute him agreed.
"Damn Bruce, you really are a manipulator." Tony murmured.
As they were talking Steve parachuted down and saw everything was in order. He was relieved.
"Hello Mr. Wayne."
"Captain." They both greeted each other. "Let's go back everyone. We have places to be and people to catch." Bruce continued.
They all went back to their plane and this time Thor too joined as he entered the quinjet. Thor was happy to see Diana, an old comrade again. They soon traveled back to the helicarrier.
Loki was brought down the quinjet by many agents as guards so that Loki didn't try any funny moves. Even Diana was following him. John who got to know all this from bridge got up and went near the laboratory of Banner to see Loki up close.
John in his previous life was a a great fan of Loki. Mostly because he was portrayed by a great actor and even at the end he redeemed himself by his sacrifice. During the confrontation against Kang, he took the right decision. Even though he failed at the end to stop the emergence of Kang in multiple timelines but at least he took the right decision.
John always believed at the end Asgardians had a hard life specially for Thor and Loki. He wanted to change their destiny even though he wasn't sure how, but he would try at least. (Read an advanced chapters in my discord server)
Read 90+ chapters ahead at Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.
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