John had scheduled the release of a new limited series and a movie by the end of the year. This was his last preparation before the New York War. Even if there were variables in the war there was the world of Naruto to handle the situation.
John didn't want to expose too much of Naruto world as that might inspire fear in people instead of being fans. The story of X-men from his previous life was educational enough. He brought Naruto world for security purposes and handle emergency situations. The main heroes on the upcoming war would still be from DC.
On November, a new superhero series was released in Netflix (owned by John). The series talked about a rich playboy who got stuck in an island for 5 years when he and his father went for a sail in the sea. His returned 5 years later as a changed person and became a vigilante who fights crime. Yes, it was the story of Green Arrow of DC.
John needed this story to introduce another version of Raas al Ghul even though he actually didn't need it as he could always extract him from the Batman movie but he wanted to show the people about the power of Raas al Ghul. People loved the series as this story was kind of the story of Iron Man and Bruce Wayne. People expected this character too to be real after the emergence of Batman. So John gained a lot of fan values due to it. This surprised John a bit but understood why it happened.
After a month the scheduled superhero movie finally came out. Everybody came for the premiere, including Emma as Harry Potter was released in the previous month of November. As Bumblebee arrived at the premiere John and Emma came out while holding hands together. This was the first appearance in public together and John was happy to put end of endless gossips of his hidden relationship with Emma.
"So how does it feel to be in a superhero premiere? Do you want to act as a superhero later?" John asked her in a hushed tone.
"Are there any woman superheros like Diana? If there is I would love to act as such a character" Emma said with a smile.
"I don't know. Maybe my dreams of other worlds would guide me later" John said.
After giving a short interview everybody went for the movie. Even Diana traveled to watch the movie as she didn't know who this new superhero was that belonged to her world. Bruce knew who he was but didn't reveal.
The movie started exactly where the last post credits scene from Wonder Woman ended. The pilot who was in a simulated environment flew away while being covered in green light. The enclosed simulated room stopped near a crashed spaceship where he saw an alien creature in blood. The pilot ran towards the alien and tried to lift him up but the alien said
"No! It's alright. My time has come."
"You can speak English?" the pilot asked.
"No. It's the ring." the alien said while showing a glowing green ring in his finger. "It has chosen you. Take it". The ring floated away and entered the finger of the pilot.
The moment the ring entered the pilot's finger, a green suit appeared on his body. The suit looked realistic and cool. The movie was Green Lantern but this movie didn't follow the Ryan Reynold's plot but the animated version called "Green Lantern: The first flight". John had thought a lot and finally decided on Green Lantern. He wanted to bring Superman much later as it would cost him loads of fan values. Green Lantern might cost a lot but he was sure it would be little less than Superman.
Superman being an alien might be a challenge for people liking him at the beginning and Green Lantern being a human being while belonging to a greater power would be able to help John raise more fan values later.
"You are now a Green Lantern, one of the protectors of the universe. The Guardians will send for you. Use the ring wisely." the alien died after saying that.
Diana who was watching the movie finally remembered something, turned around and asked John "The Lantern corps? I thought everyone died in that war. They were mentioned in the Amazon's history. Did they survive?"
Fury and others who were nearby also heard Diana say that. Fury and Coulson like always came to the premiere. Diana's question piqued the interest of everyone including Emma as by now she knew a lot.
"Even if a Green Lantern dies, the ring will choose a new and worthy one. This cycle will carry on forever. So that war wasn't enough to destroy the Lanterns"
"I understand." Diana said
"What war are you both speaking of?" Emma asked now curious. Even Tony and others who listened to the conversation were curious.
"A war which almost erased all living beings of their freedom in their universe." John said with a solemn expression. Everybody's eyes went wide with surprise. Tony and Fury looked at Bruce. They could see Bruce clenching his fist and realized that this war was real and a tragic one. (Read an advanced chapter in my discord server)
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The movie continued as it showed what the green lantern corps are about. They could be regarded as galactic policemen. The story revolved around the new recruit who was the pilot, Hal Jordan and his hardships in understanding what it means to be a green lantern corp.
Soon the Guardians realized that there was a new element, the element of fear which was creeping up on them. A huge conspiracy about overthrowing the corps unearthed and at the end it was two of their own members of the corps that betrayed. Sinestro who was responsible for this conspiracy revolted against the Guardians while wearing the yellow ring of fear. Later Hal consumed the green element onto himself and defeated Sinestro. It was a massive fight which happened in the space and people were in awe with the power of the Green Lanterns.
Now it was time for the post credit scene. John made very sure that all these movies are linked and they had subtle reference to the previous super hero movies and that all of them belong to same world. The audience couldn't understand why they were shown in this way but they didn't think much on it.
The post credits scene showed a lighthouse which was being drenched in severe rainstorm. The man in charge of lighthouse was trying to get his windows shut when he saw a woman in a very beautiful white dress lying unconscious on the edge of the sea in steep rocks. The man went to save the unconscious woman and that's where the credits scene stopped.
Diana and Bruce thought of something and suddenly remembered and almost said immediately together "Atlantis!!"
"Yes!" John said with a smile.
"Atlantis? The lost kingdom? It exists in your world? Well Zeus exists in your world, what of Atlantis?" Tony who heard their conversation said in a hushed tone. Everybody was surprised a bit after hearing the name of Atlantis but didn't ask much as John wouldn't say more even if asked.
Fury felt relieved after watching the movie. He felt even if a Green Lantern comes he won't be only be responsible for Earth. He would be like Carol Danvers traveling the universe.
After the movie ended everybody came out but Tony asked the most crucial question at the end
"Is he coming?"
Everybody were eagerly seeing John. After Diana everybody understood that a new superhero movie meant that there would be a new guy entering the universe.
"Most probably, but I am not sure when." John said. They all were
Emma stayed over in New York for the Christmas and New Year with John and had a good time together. John was happy too as the upcoming years won't be peaceful as it had been till now. After a week into January, Emma was ready to leave as she had her studies to complete
"Be safe out there. Bicorn take care of her." John said as he came to see her off.
"Yes! You too be safe. Will miss you. See you soon." Emma replied.
"Will miss you too. Bye."
Total fan values : 1.6 billion
Fan value required to bring Green Lantern to life : 220,000,000]
"There is still few months for Loki to arrive. Let him come, then I will decide if I should let him show up or not."
John had already made all necessary preparations. His home and the office of Daily Bugle had already moved away from Stark Tower. He had started working on a new animated series but instead of consulting the Japanese Studios, he thought about creating it from Disney itself as the series in his original world was created in US itself. It would take a year for the series to come out but was looking forward for the character to realize itself in the world.
John even had a new movie super hero movie scheduled by the end of the year.
April, 2012
In the Project Pegasus facility which was jointly in operation with NASA and SHIELD, Nick Fury landed from the helicopter with Maria Hill. He was here because there was evacuation protocol being triggered as the Tesseract had a sudden energy surge and nobody was able to control this energy surge.
For years Fury had been trying to weaponize the Tesseract which could help him defend Earth against any unknown enemy in the universe. After the emergence of Naruto's world and Destroyer he was more adamant on this. Even though Natuto's world never showed any aggression but the world council didn't feel safe about another unknown world living with them.
But today he got the news that the Tesseract was acting up so he came to see what triggered this.
"Who turned the Tesseract on?" Fury asked. Coulson who was running point on this matter said
"Sir it turned itself on. Selvig wasn't even in the room when it triggered itself. When Selvig couldn't shut it down we ordered evacuation."
"How long will it take for evacuation?"
"Sir it will take half an hour for full evacuation
"Do better and Hill take away all the equipment for phase 2. Pack it and ship it" Fury said
Fury went to the lab where the Tesseract was kept and talked with Selvig and even with Clint. Clint suggested that it was probably not them who triggered the Tesseract but another party on another side.
The story of Loki's emergence was exactly the same as it was supposed to happen. Loki with his scepter controlled Clint and Selvig.
"Sir, Director is stalling for time, he wants to bury us" Clint said to Loki.
"He is right, the portal is collapsing in itself. This will bury everything including us and the surroundings. We have only 2 minutes" Selvig added. The very next moment Clint shot at Fury. And Selvig took the box of Tesseract.
Loki and other controlled agents went out. By that time almost all personnel were either evacuated or were in their way for evacuation. Maria Hill, who was prompted by Fury, to stop Loki and others from escaping but failed to do so and had to give a car chase to stop them in the tunnel that led outside the whole facility.
Fury was able to go above ground and take a chopper to escape.
(There will be 3 more chapters today as my gift to all of you for Christmas. Happy holidays) (Read 4 advanced chapters in my discord server)
Read 90+ chapters ahead at Thank you for the support. If you like the story please consider donating power stones.
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