It had been a week since the school trip to the reserve and the news of the Lycaon king's death had reached the kingdom of Sirius. Receiving the horrid account of the events had gotten the usually jovial mood in the Sirius empire completely down and sombre.
The werewolves of the Sirius empire were in mourning. The depressing rain that didn't seem to have an end to it kept the mood down longer.
It was almost as though someone was making it rain on purpose. Umbrellas had become the one accessory everyone had to carry around with them.
'Oh, Katie, I hope you're fine,' Lina thought to herself while she stared out the classroom window. The rain constantly pelted the glass pane in a rhythmic tone that neither sped up nor lessened.
The loud ringing of the bell snatched her out of her thoughts and brought her back to the present.
Okay, my chapters are longer these days. Mainly because I'm trying to make the story more interesting by adding in details I feel bring me closer to the story. If I can make someone feel the cold of the rain in Sirius from all the way in boiling Dallas, my mission is pretty much accomplished. To my friends out there in the heat, keep drinking... and no, I do not mean alcohol... ;P
Love y'all.
Comment on the length of the chapters if it's not to your liking... Comment more on what you think of the story, I would love to hear your thoughts.
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