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1.55% Milf Princess / Chapter 2: War Begins

Kapitel 2: War Begins

At the end of the day, Princess Xiao was sitting on a high chair with her legs crossed and a frown on her face. This had been the most annoying day of her life thus far. First, she learned that her forces were lacking, second, there was a ruckus and a fight in the courtroom. Many fine warriors were injured. The judge got his backbone broken. He was already nearing his death in the hospital. Then the culprit responsible for it not only survived Xiao's full power assault, but also won a bet by doing so. The bet was that Xiao would allow the culprit Deodomus to fondle her breasts and grab her hips!

This was the most embarrassing thing ever! About a hundred people bore witness to this bet and rumours had spread like wildfire already. Xiao's face flushed red every time she remembered it.

"That bastard Deodomus! I'll kill him next time! There's no way he's putting his filthy hands on my body grrr!" Xiao raged in her mind. Meanwhile three men were looking at her nervously.

"Princess. You now know all the details." A balding old man said. He was the city lord Hansel.

"We have merely 2 thousand warriors, including the 500 able men you've brought from capital.

"…& women." Xiao corrected him.

"O-of course. 500 men and women at Advanced realm. This is a mighty powerful force but..." Hansel trailed off. He was sweating already.

"Xiao sighed and leaned back on her chair. She looked at the ceiling while pondering.

"The enemy has 20 thousand warriors & even some beasts." Xiao uttered and smiled wearily.

"Princess we can ask for more reinforcements from the capital." The guard chief Kyle said. He was the one with Yeti Power technique and had fought Deodomus twice.

"There will be no more reinforcements Kyle." Xiao said and glanced at him. "My father is apparently testing my leading capabilities. The brigade he gave me is filled with young experts, we're still outnumbered."

"But surely he doesn't intend on letting any harm befall you, princess." Hansel said. "I'm certain that Lord of Carny will rush here personally to save his daughter."

"Humph! My father…he's changed, sigh." Xiao sighed. This was yet another issue weighing down on her. Ever since Xiao's mother passed away, her father Zenith- Lord of Carny state began to change. He was no longer the warm cuddly father Xiao once knew. She was yet to understand what exactly was he planning, giving hard missions to her each time. Currently Xiao was against 20,000 strong warriors but this wasn't much different from the previous few battles she had been to. Xiao was always able to turn things around but that didn't mean she was undefeatable. She was worried that her father was trying to get her killed. But that would mean that he's gone insane as Xiao had given him no reason to hate her. She loved both her parents and vice versa. Just what was going on with Zenith then?

Sighing, Xiao massaged her temples. This was not the time to ponder about her personal problems.

"This Vrime city is a fortress. We will stay on defensive and wait it out. Surely the enemy cannot continue their assault forever. They'll eventually get tired and return. We just have to stand firm here." Xiao said. Hansel and Kyle looked at one another.

"Princess, the land here is not fertile. I'm afraid we don't have rations for a prolonged battle. We can only last two months." Hansel stated.

"…What about water?" Xiao asked.

"That is plenty. We have several wells and a natural lake too. Rainy season as arrived as well." Hansel spoke.

Xiao fell silent. She was pondering deeply. Several minutes passed. Hansel and Kyle respectfully waited for Xiao's words.

"Let's try to initiate as many citizens into cultivation as possible." Xiao said. "Cultivators can survive without food and water for long. This will help upkeep the city for longer if the food is further rationed on top."

"That is an excellent idea princess but, the chances of ordinary people becoming cultivators are few." Hansel reminded.

"Do what you're told. Or do you have any better suggestions except begging my father for help?" Xiao was pissed.

"I-I'll do as you command." Hansel bowed and then excused himself.

Xiao let out a deep sigh. The future seemed bleak.

"Princess." Kyle spoke. "There is a hidden escape route underground. Perhaps you should check it at once in preparation for the worst-case scenario."

"…Yes. Yes indeed. The citizens then can be safely evacuated and can take refuge in the nearest city." Xiao mumbled. "

"…I was talking about your escape." Kyle spoke. "But of course, the citizens would follow."

"If I leave, who's going to hold back the enemy? Surely I cannot let the soldiers die either while I escape. I'll stand and fall here, alongside my brave warriors."

"…." Kyle felt speechless. Then suddenly Xiao looked at him. Their gazes locked for long. Just now Kyle had apparently prioritized Xiao's safety. He didn't even think about the citizens. At the same time, Xiao had prioritized citizens. She didn't think about her own safety at all. This spoke for their characters. Kyle was loyal and Xiao was kind.

"I guess we can only try our best and win this war. The future lord of Carny must not fall here." Kyle smiled.

"Hmph." Xiao smiled back. "We can win. Everything will be alright."


In the following few days, all the citizens went through initiation trial. The city doctor who was at level 6 Advanced realm, administered the whole process. Out of 5000 citizens excluding little children, only a hundred few were successfully initiated. The doctor had used a medicine on them which could agitate the dantian and activate it. But few people were lucky. Only 125 out of 5000 citizens became cultivators. They were given a basic cultivation technique. They were told to rely on chi to sustain themselves and not consume food from now on. But without a doubt, Xiao's plan had failed. She could only sigh.


Days later, the enemy arrived. It was a neighbouring state-Wyre which had dispatched half its army for this war. The leader of this army was a renowned experienced general named Han Mo. He was at level 10 Advanced realm. Just one step from reaching Master realm.

Xiao stared at the formation of Han Mo's army from atop a minaret. Her gaze was solemn. Not only did the enemy keep their forces compact but also openly revealed their trump card- beasts. There were 5 of them in large cages which were being hauled by a bulky mild beast that resembled an elephant. Xiao felt a headache.

"Shall we try to have an audience with Han Mo?" Hansel asked. "Maybe he can be convinced to not attack the city. We can give him bribe."

Xiao looked at Hansel with disgust.

"Are you even a man?" Xiao asked.

"…" Hansel fell silent and gritted his teeth.

"Attack! Let the arrows rain down on our foe!" Xiao shouted and immediately units of a hundred archers released their arrows.


Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

The arrows were easily blocked by the shields and armours. Barely a few enemies were hit successfully.

"Continue the assault. Ground units, defend the gates at all cost!" Xiao shouted again.

A bugle rang loudly from outside. 20,000 men let out a battle-cry and charged ahead! Arrows were shot, spears were hurled, long distance techniques were used. Flames erupted, stones rained down, screams and shouts echoed. Blood splattered and dyed the ground red.

Deodomus watched the battle unfold from atop the wall. He had disguised as a soldier and mixed into the army. Currently he was using a long-ranged technique and simply throwing down wooden pikes at the enemy. His technique turned the pikes hard and sharp enough to even pierce through shields and armours when thrown with his powerful chi. One hit one kill! While at it, Deodomus actually yawned and stole a glance at Xiao who hadn't notice him at all.

"She basically has no plan, I see." Deodomus thought. "She's just stalling the enemy and hoping for the best. This is what to be expected of nobles hmph. I guess I have to talk to her after all."

Bam! Suddenly one of the big cages broke apart. The beast inside had been itching for a fight. It looked like a giant lizard, only, it was able to stand on its thick hind legs like a dinosaur.

"Iron scale lizard beast. That's a tough one. Heh." Deodomus chuckled at his own jest.

"They are probing." Xiao deduced meanwhile. "Han Mo wants to force my hand already and probe my prowess."

"I'll handle this beast." Kyle said and began taking off his armour. His body would get bulky and big. He'd gain a huge boost in strength too and could take on this beast.

"No. I need to show Han Mo my prowess so that he doesn't think we are a push over. This will also boost our army's morale." Xiao decided and unsheathed her long sword.

Swoosh! She was already standing on the fortress wall. Her long sword shimmer in the setting sun's light. Arrows rained towards her and were intercepted by the arrows from her side.

Kreee!!! The iron scale lizard rapidly charged towards the city wall. The Wyre army got out of its way quickly. Xiao narrowed her eyes. Her chi revved up. But suddenly a soldier appeared near her.

"Hmph! So now you'll go down and roil in dirt with a mindless beast? Will that befit a princess?" This soldier said while taking off his helmet.

"You…!" Xiao was astonished. "Deodomus!"

Ignoring her reaction, Deodomus kept staring at the incoming beast.

"I told you before, long-ranged techniques are more suitable for you. Watch this move. It's from my Death Spear technique." Deodomus said and took a quick stance. In his right hand was an ordinary wooden pike. Xiao raised her eyebrows.

Swoosh! The pike was shot towards the beast.

Stwiiiiiii! The pike whistled through air at an incredible speed and directly pierced through the iron scale lizard before stabbing into the ground and disappearing, leaving a deep thin hole in the ground.

Bam! The lizard beast fell and skidded on the ground.

There was a momentary silence. Before Vrime forces roared in excitement. One hit one kill! A wooden pike killed an iron scale beast! Incredible! Unprecedented! Amazing!

Xiao's mouth opened but she couldn't say anything. She just stared at this handsome man who just took down a powerful beast with one hit.

"Who the hell is that! Isn't he wearing a normal guard's uniform? How can a guard be this powerful?" Han Mo muttered as he stood up and glared at Deodomus. He had been looking forward to Xiao's techniques but instead he witnessed one of his powerful beasts taken down by a random soldier in one hit with a simple wooden pike!

"He must be at the higher levels of Advanced realm. Well-well…it seems Vrime has quite capable warriors. This war just got interesting." Han Mo thought and smirked. He was not baffled at all.

"Sire, the sun has set." A captain reminded him."

"Hmm, fall back and set camp for the night." Han Mo ordered and soon their army retreated just enough and start setting up camps.

This was a popular unwritten rule of warcraft. The warring forces would only fight at daytime and rest at nights, bury their dead, heal their wounded. It was an honourable rule. Seeing that Wyre was following it, Xiao sighed in relief and commanded her forces to ease as well. Then she glanced at Deodomus and narrowed her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"The obvious. Helping you out. You seem to have no plan. I can suggest you a few. Can't have you defeated or killed before I claim the reward of my bet after all." Deodomus snickered.

"Humph!" Xiao snorted and swung her sword.

Swoosh! The sword glinted in the light of torches as it rested on Deodomus' neck.

"Capture him!" Suddenly Hansel shouted as he approached with few soldiers and Kyle.

"Stand down." Xiao commanded coldly. She didn't take her eyes of Deodomus who had been smiling fearlessly.

"As things stand, you did help me out. If you're willing to continue fighting this war, your crimes will be forgiven." Xiao declared.

"Thank you." Deodomus smiled. "But this is not my war now, is it? If you want me to fight for you, you'll have to give me some reward. I'm not a free-service mercenary. As for my crimes… you know that's a load of bullshit, right?"

"Humph." Xiao rolled her eyes. Then frowned. "I'll give you a million gold coins as reward."

Hansel drew in a sharp breath. This was a huge sum of money!

"No amount of gold can compare to your beauty. How about this…" Deodomus smirked and took a step forward. Xiao frowned.

Sstak!! Deodomus brazenly slapped Xiao's hips and then grabbed one, squeezing it tightly as he smirked.

"I'll fight this war for you. Reward me with your sexy body." Deodomus smirked.

Bam! He was kicked away by Xiao right away and collided into a minaret.

"Attack! Kill that criminal!" Hansel shouted. How dare this man insult a princess!

"Wait." Xiao said and frowned. She understood that Deodomus would be a powerful ally. She needed to rope him in. Also, fighting him right after he saved the day would be unbecoming of Xiao's prestige too.

"Was that too much? My bad…" Deodomus said as he got up and dusted his uniform.

"Let me come down a notch. How about you let me see you naked? That's doable right? And I still have part of my previous bet reward remaining. I am entitled to groping your big dense breasts hehe." Deodomus said.

"Do you have no honour? Are you really a warrior?" Xiao snarled. She felt disgusted.

"I'm a mercenary and a drifter. Honour means nothing to me." Deodomus said as he locked eyes with Xiao.

There was a momentary silence.

"Enemy will attack at night. They are only putting up a front now to bring down your guard." Deodomus added.


"Impossible! They've already camped."

"They are apparently warriors with honour and dignity unlike a scum like you."

The officials and higher up of the army including Hansel shouted at Deodomus who merely turned a deaf ear towards them.

"They are cultivators, what do they need tents for?" Deodomus asked Xiao.

"Sigh…to put up a front indeed." Xiao frowned.

"So, do we have a deal?" Deodomus smirked.

"Get lost." Xiao said coldly. "I'll fight to death with the enemy."

"You have much to learn." Deodomus shook his head. "I'll be at the graveyard near my brother. Find me once you've made up your mind." Just as he said this, smoke appeared around him and he disappeared into it.

& then Xiao felt something was tucked on her back in her belt. She pulled it out and found it to be a small scroll. Deodomus had slipped it there before he groped Xiao's hips.

"Death-Spear" Xiao mumbled as she read through the contents. Then she sighed and tucked it into her spatial ring before glancing at the enemy troops.

"Stay on guard. There will be infiltration attempts from the enemy." Xiao spoke. "The war continues."

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