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59.01% Crimson Destiny (Fantastic Beasts Fanfic) [Temp Hiatus] / Chapter 34: The Order of Light (II)

Kapitel 34: The Order of Light (II)

A/N: Please forgive me for the short chapter. As all of you already know I have a job and my post has been changed. That is why I am not getting much time to write... Once again, I am sorry. I hope you guys will understand...


Albus Severus Potter was extremely terrified and he was also stewing in his own guilt and regret. He was angry at the woman standing over him with a mocking grin on her face and at the same time, he was angry at himself for getting caught and for squandering the chance to kill Destiny Grindelwald. Albus could have sworn that he had aimed his Wand at her throat, so how did the Cutting Charm hit her on the side?

Albus knew that he had received help, and yet, he had failed to kill the monster in the skin of a human standing over him. He could have prevented the war, he could have prevented so many unnecessary deaths if he could have successfully killed her. Now, not only Destiny Grindelwald was still alive and kicking, she was extremely pissed. Previously, Albus has only read and heard how painful the Cruciatus Curse was, but now that he has felt the Cruciatus Curse, he knew that the stories didn't do any justice to the pain he was feeling right now.

Albus wouldn't be surprised if tears were trickling down his eyes… Once again, Albus started to wonder how he missed. Maybe his hand faltered at the last moment? No… Albus would have shaken his head if he could. That wasn't the case. He was sure that the Curse was heading straight for Destiny Grindelwald's throat when the Curse left his Wand, but the Curse dipped down just before it was about to hit Destiny. That wasn't natural…

Albus knew that intent was extremely important when it came to Magic, so there was a chance that a part of his mind did not want to kill Destiny Grindelwald and become a murderer. "Looks like you have started to dream… I can't have that" Albus was brought out of his musings by a sweet voice, which obviously belonged to Destiny. "Crucio!!" Destiny snarled in rage and Albus felt like his whole body was being dipped inside a vat of molten iron. Even though Albus tried, he could not hold back his screams…

Albus did not know how much time has passed, but he internally sighed when the Curse was lifted. His whole body was still twitching from the after-effects of the Curse and right now, he was feeling like he was being stabbed by needles, but the pain he was feeling at this moment was still bearable… Albus had thought that he would be able to handle the torture, but now he finally realized how foolish he was. 

"Good… now it seems that I have your attention…" Destiny said with a grin on her face, but it was pretty clear that she was having a hard time with the massive gash on her left side. She was yet to close the wound and her blood was continuously seeping out of the massive wound. Albus was hoping that Destiny would forget about the wound and die of blood loss… That would be hilarious…

Destiny finally turned her head to closely inspect the wound on her left side… Destiny grimaced as she inspected the wound. She used her right hand to put pressure on the wound, but she knew that it wasn't going to be enough… She needed to close the wound if she wanted to stop the blood. She might die or lose consciousness if she lost any more blood, but she still had some time before something like that happened…

"You messed me up quite badly…" Destiny muttered in an amused tone. Albus grimaced at the innuendo. Destiny Grindelwald was beautiful… he wasn't going to deny that, but he could never imagine having a relationship with a monster like her. He would rather die than have a relationship with a woman like her and he knew that the woman was simply having fun, after all, he knew that Destiny Grindelwald played for the other team.

"Now, I must return the favour… Don't you think so?" Destiny asked in an amused tone and Albus almost freaked out. He barely held himself back from begging… To be honest, he did not want to experience the Cruciatus Curse again, but at the same time, he did not want to beg, he did not want to humour the woman with his pleadings. He refused to entertain the woman. Albus prepared himself for the incoming Curse, but it never came and that is when Albus froze in horror…

Instead of using the Cruciatus Curse on the man, Destiny decided to use something else… Destiny pulled out the man's Primary Wand from her robes, she kind of felt bad for doing this, but she wanted to hurt Albus Severus Potter… She grabbed the Wand with her other hand as she looked down at Albus with a mocking grin on her face. Albus also realized what she was going to do and this time, he was ready to plead, but Destiny wasn't going to give him a chance as she started to twist the Wand.

"Nooooo…!!" Albus screamed, but he was too late. Destiny snapped the Wand like it was a twig and threw the broken pieces at Albus. Previously, Destiny had snapped his secondary Wand, but it was just that, A secondary Wand. That is why Albus did not have any type of bond with that Wand, but the Wand Destiny just snapped was his Primary Wand. This Wand had been accompanying him since he had turned eleven and he had formed a special bond with his Primary Ward.

Watching his Primary Wand being snapped right in front of him hurt the man more than a bout of Cruciatus Curse could have… Tears trickled down his cheeks as he looked at the broken pieces of his Wand, then he slowly raised his head, only to find Destiny looking down at him with a mocking grin on her face. Albus immediately lost it and lunged at Destiny like a common muggle and the charge stopped when Destiny's heel landed on his face.

Albus dropped to the floor with his face in his hands. Destiny's heel had dug through his cheek and his nose was broken. Albus curled into a fetal position, but Destiny wasn't done. "Crucio!" Destiny snarled and once again Albus Severus Potter started to scream at the top of his lungs. Albus completely forgot the pain he was feeling on his face, right now, he was feeling like his whole body was being dipped into some sort of molten metal…

Once again, Albus had no idea how much time had passed by the time the Curse was finally lifted. Albus felt his head spinning in pain while his vision was going blurry… He could barely see Destiny's figure standing over him. He saw the blurry figure kneel down beside him, once again Destiny Grindelwald was within her reach, but he simply did not have the power to move. So, he could only watch her with a pained look on his face… 

"Don't worry, Albus. We are going to have so much fun together, but there is something else I must do… The wound you have given me is quite deep and I won't last long if I don't heal it" Destiny said with a soft smile on her face and by this time, Albus' vision had become quite clear, so he was able to see what Destiny was doing. Destiny traced the wound on her left side with her finger and she pulled out of her Wand… that is when Albus' mind froze in shock.

Albus Severus Potter finally realized that Destiny did not use her Wand until now… She had been casting the Cruciatus Curse Wandlessly. It was simply impossible, but the proof was right in front of his eyes. They had been speculating that Destiny probably had a Solid Magical Core, just how wrong they had been. Destiny Grindelwald was probably the strongest Witch of this era. There was something Albus realized, Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald might have been known as Titans, but Destiny Grindelwald was the true Magical Titan. She was simply not well-known like the other two because she always acted from the shadows.

Destiny could cast an Unforgivable without a Wand, and from what he had read in the history books, Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald were quite good at Wandless Magic, but they could never perform such a feat. For fuck's sake, even his father could perform Wandless Magic, but his powers weren't anywhere close to Destiny. His father could, at best, cast a Stunning Charm if he was desperate enough, but Destiny Grindelwald had been casting an Unforgivable Curse for quite some time… 

The power difference was simply unfathomable and his father was said to be the strongest Wizard of the generation. His father was considered an equal of Tom Riddle, who was considered the strongest Dark Lord in centuries. Even Tom Riddle wasn't known to be able to cast an Unforgivable without a Wand and he was said to be quite trigger happy with the Cruciatus Curse.

Albus started to wonder if it was even possible for them to defeat Destiny Grindelwald or not. After all, she was going to become stronger as she grew older. She wasn't even 20 years old and she was already this strong, Albus was simply afraid to imagine how strong she was going to become when she reached her prime…

"Unfortunately, I am not a healer. That is one of the talents I am lacking!!" Destiny chuckled softly. Once again, Albus hoped that Destiny would kick the bucket, unable to heal herself. Albus stiffened when he felt Destiny's Wand on his nape, he started to wonder if she read his thoughts or not… "But, there are still a lot of things I need to do… So, I can't die. Since it was you who messed me up, you have to take the responsibility…" Destiny grinned and once again, Albus grimaced at the innuendo…

He wanted to tell her to bugger off, but all of a sudden he gasped as his breath hitched. Albus looked up at Destiny only to find her crimson eyes glowing brightly and she was chanting something under her breath. Albus choked as he found that he could no longer breathe and with each passing second, his body was becoming weaker. Just before Albus closed his eyes, he noticed that Destiny's wound was healing rapidly. He started to wonder what sort of Dark Arts Destiny could have used to heal herself… That was his last thought before he completely lost consciousness due to weakness…

Destiny grinned in satisfaction, as her wound was healed… She ran her hand over the skin where the wound was, only to find completely smooth skin. Her robes… well, technically suit was completely ruined by all the blood and the cut on the left side and she liked the suit quite a lot… 'Stupid fucker!!' Destiny snarled inside her mind as she kicked the man lying on the floor. After that, Destiny finally looked down at her hands… This was the first time she was able to cast one of the Unforgiveable Curses without a Wand… 

'This is great!!' Destiny screamed inside her mind, but right now she had other important things to deal with… She could not experiment with her Wandless Magic. She needed to inspect if the Order of Light could use the Portkey to track the location or not… Yes, she was under Fidelius Charm, but the Portkey Albus was carrying wasn't a normal Portkey. It could easily punch a hole through Anti-Portkey Wards, which shouldn't be possible. At least, it was possible, yet…

Destiny knew that she could punch a hole through the Anti-Apparition Wards, no matter how strong they were, but this was the first time someone was able to create Portkeys able to punch through Wards... Well, Destiny shouldn't have expected anything less, after all, Albus Severus Potter was from the future… To be exact he was born in the year 2006 and right now, he was 25 years old, which meant that Albus Severus Potter had travelled to the past from the year 2031. The man lying in front of her was nearly a century younger than her… 

Destiny levitated the man with a jab of her Wand and then she placed him on the chair. With another jab of her Wand, she Conjured several iron chains and the chains started to wrap around the man. When the man was completely bound with the chains, Destiny nodded her head in satisfaction. After casting a few Alert Wards, Destiny decided to leave the room. She wasn't worried about the fact that the man would run away… After all, the house was protected by Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey Wards.

If the man was strong like Gellert then there was a chance that the man could a ripped through the Anti-Apparition Wards, but the man was average at best. Albus Severus Potter wasn't anything special, and from what she saw of his Skills, she could easily say that the man was way over his head. Albus Severus Potter was part of a group called Order of Light. The whole group knew about her and if all of them or some of them were from the future, Destiny could understand how they knew about her.

Even though Destiny was worried, a part of her mind wanted her to grin like a loon. The Order of Light was trying to stop her… one of the members was confirmed to be from the future, so the whole group was probably trying to change the future, which meant she had succeeded. No, not just her… All of her supporters and sympathizers have succeeded. They have been able to enslave the Muggles, for the Greater Good…

Then all of a sudden, Destiny shook her head. This was not the time to think about all of that… The Order of Light had some of the future knowledge and they were going to try to stop her at every step. There was a chance that she might fail and the future might change… She did not know what was going to happen in the future, after all, due to the interference of the Time Travelers, the future might change…

<Line Break>

A pale-skinned woman stared at the orb in front of her with barely restrained fury… The woman was so pale that her skin colour could be easily compared with ash. The woman had silver eyes and a thick mane of silver fluffy hair on top of her head. The woman was extremely beautiful and she was simply dressed in deep blue leather lingerie. She was also sporting a pair of elbow-length leather gloves along with knee-length leather boots, which were unsurprisingly deep blue just like her lingerie… 

There were several golden skulls adorning her clothes if her dress could be referred to as clothes. She also had a deep blue cape reaching down to her ass hanging behind her body and the woman was leaning on a massive throne made of bones… Her arm rests were adorned with human skulls and green flames could be seen glowing inside the eye sockets of the skull. There was also a massive dragon skull hanging on top of the throne and the dragon skull was adorned with the green flames…

(Image Here)

The woman was the physical manifestation of the Concept of Death and to the others, she was known as Lady Death at this moment, Lady Death wasn't happy. To be honest, she was downright pissed at what was happening in a certain Universe… A few months ago, her Avatar had resigned from her position and she had her eyes on a certain crimson-haired and crimson-eyed woman for quite some time, and now that she no longer had an Avatar, she had started to keep an even closer eye on the crimson-haired beauty.

Everything was going on perfectly fine, but all of a sudden, a few existences started to mess with Time… That was alright too, after all, the Universe would adjust itself so that it could maintain the balance in some manner whenever someone was trying to mess with the timeline. That is how it was supposed to be and Lady Death was still quite satisfied with the way things were progressing, but then all of a sudden, one of those existences decided to directly interfere with the mortal world… Once again, Lady Death wouldn't have cared, but these interfering existences kept interfering with her Avatar candidate and that was something Lady Death wasn't going to overlook. 

Most of the time, Lady Death would ask her Avatar to get rid of any interfering fuckers, but she no longer had an Avatar. For a moment, she thought if she should ask some other Gods or not, but ultimately she decided to make a move on her own. After all, this was personal, someone was messing with her Avatar candidate and she needed to make an example out of them or the other minor existences might think that Lady Death was a pushover…

Lady Death slowly stood up from her throne and the viewing orb floating in front of her disappeared into thin air. Moments later, Lady Death was also gone as she dissolved into black smoke…

<Line Break>

"Tell me Altair, why the fuck did you think that it was completely fine to directly mess with the mortal world?" The skeletal figure asked in a raspy voice. The figure was covered in a tattered hood, but anyone would have noticed the skeletal figure hiding under the hood. The figure had a long bony scythe in one of his hands.

"I did what I thought was necessary. Our plot would have come out in the open if I hadn't interfered" The woman named Altair answered. The woman had milky white skin and she was dressed in golden robes. She also had two golden tear streaks running down her cheeks and she had a serene and gentle glint in her folden eyes. The woman had a white crown on top of her head and her mane of golden hair was tied in a long braid… Altair was a Goddess, but she was the Goddess of a simple Universe. 

Among the other Gods of the said Universe, she was known as the Goddess of Brilliant Light…

"Yes, Altair did what was necessary or our plot might have been discovered by the evil Gods… Do you know what might have happened if the evil Gods have discovered what we are doing?" One of the other Goddesses attending the meeting asked. 

"There is no guarantee… There is a chance some evil Gods might have noticed her descent" One of the other Goddess pointed out with a thoughtful look on her face and silence ensued throughout the whole space. 

After a couple of minutes, a God finally cleared his throat to break the ice. "...Well, there is not much we could do. I say we prepare for the worse and continue as we were doing…" The God said and everyone seemed to agree with him even if reluctantly. Then the God finally turned toward Altair. "Altair, from the next time please refrain from interfering directly. If we get caught then not only the evil Gods would make their move, there is also a chance that Higher Gods might involve themselves" The God warned everyone and moments later, the God disappeared in a bright flash without saying anything else.

"He is right and that is what I have been trying to say!! I shouldn't have supported any of you goody two-shoes" The skeletal figure growled menacingly and moments later, he was also gone. The others simply looked around nervously and Altair also slowly stood up from her seat and moments later, she was also gone in a bright flash without saying anything else. Altair arrived inside her domain, and decided to sit down near the lake with a solemn look on her face. Things weren't going the way they have planned…

Her action was reckless and stupid… Even she knew that, but it has been necessary. She needed to act or all of their plans would have been revealed!! Why aren't the others trying to understand that?? Altair knew that the Universe was also changing, trying to maintain the balance… Altair knew that Destiny Grindelwald wasn't supposed to be this strong at this moment, but due to their interference, Destiny Grindelwald had become way stronger than she was supposed to… Right now, she could go toe to toe with Albus Dumbledore and Gellert Grindelwald and in a few years, she would be able to easily overpower the two of them…

While Altair was contemplating about the dark future they have failed to change, another God was also wondering if he could change the past or not… 

The Skeletal figure arrived in his own domain only to find that Lady Death was sitting on his throne. This was the first time, he had seen Lady Death with his own eyes, but he recognized her in an instant as all of his powers originated from Lady Death. "Mi–-Milady!!" The skeletal figure stuttered out a fearful greeting as he dropped to his knees in fear, awe, and respect. The Skeletal figure knew that he was fucked… Lady Death was one of the most Supreme Being in the Omniverse and now that she was personally visiting him, he knew that he was fucked. 

"Skeleton" Lady Death greeted the Skeletal figure sweetly. The Skeletal figure was Death of this Universe. Death didn't mind being called Skeleton by Lady Death, after all, according to him, she was the most perfect being in this Omniverse. "Tell me, why are the Gods interfering with the mortal world all of sudden? Remember, your survival depends on your answer" Lady Death warned Death in a dangerous tone.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Death did not have a throat or he would have gulped loudly in fear, but all of his bones rattled in fear… Death did not dare to hide anything and he began to tell her everything from the start. Lady Death simply inclined her head as she continued to listen to his pathetic story. Even after the end of the story, she was unable to understand why Death had decided to support the foolish goody two shoes… From his perspective, either side didn't have anything good to offer…

"Tell me, Skeleton, why did you decide to help the goody two shoes?" Lady Death asked and once again, Death's bones shook in fear. He knew that he was going to live or die depending on his answer.

"Milady, they were able to persuade me to look aside and I also thought that it would be some fun, so I allowed them to do whatever they wanted. After all, it was me who was going to get the extra Souls…" Death stuttered out with a fearful look in his eyes. 

Lady Death stared at Death with an unimpressed look in her eyes… "I see…" Lady Death muttered and Death started to rot away. Death could only stare at Lady Death with fear, he would have pleaded with his eyes, but he did not have any eyes.

"Milady…" Death breathed out painfully as he dissolved into nothingness. Lady Death stood up from the throne… Death's throne wasn't anywhere as impressive as her own throne. Lady Death snorted in disdain and now that the other insignificant Gods have made the first move, Lady Death was free to make her move, not that she cared. It was just a matter of principle… 

Lady Death could understand from where Death was coming from, but she felt that Death was hiding something from her. She could have ripped the memories from the Skeleton's mind, but to be honest, she could not bring herself to care. Destiny Grindelwald was her Avatar candidate, but that did not mean that she would hold the girl's hand at every turn. She would give the girl some powers if the girl agreed, but if Destiny couldn't solve her own problems then Destiny simply wasn't worth it and Lady Death could involve herself in the mortal world, at least not directly, that is why she needed Avatars…

She wondered what type of faces the insignificant Gods would make when they realize their target was being sponsored by Lady Death, the physical manifestation of a Concept… Lady Death couldn't help but cackle in mad glee…


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