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89.58% A Nascent Kaleidoscope. / Chapter 499: Interlude 35

Kapitel 499: Interlude 35

Thorum POV

This would be a hard battle, but I felt that victory was attainable.

"I hope, you're not expecting me to stay out of this fight." Sasaki Kojiro walked forward, eyeing the monstrous Dragon that loomed overhead.

"Nay, I would not be so discourteous." I grinned in response. "This foul Dragon is large enough for us to share. Come, let us see who can slay this beast first!"

"Um….I should probably point out that the Dragon, is in fact, my Brother." Lady Hel awkwardly interrupted us.

"…..oh. I….apologize for my words then." I sheepishly did my best to apologize for the crude words I spoke against her sibling. "I must look like a fool now."

"No, no, I'm still swooning from before, you're fine."

"That's good – " I blinked. "Pardon, what did you say?"

"Nothing! Anyways, It's fine, I'm pissed off at him too. Feel free to cut him up a bit, beating him up until our mother doesn't recognize him anymore. But….well…..he did prevent our Father's minions from doing anything to me while I was chained up."

Why was Lady Jinn looking at me and giggling?

But it sounds as though this mighty Dragon had an honorable side, thus we must give it the proper respect it deserves.

"I feel like I should at least ask, is it possible to reason with him?" Lady Jinn asked.

Lady Hel pursed her lips annoyingly. "He's entirely intelligent, and he can hear us talking right now!" She raised her voice as the large serpent's eyes glowed brightly. The Goddess shook her chains in annoyance. "What say you, brother?"

The Large serpent lowered its head, making it someone on level with us. "Do not mistake my actions for willingness, sister. Just because you cannot see my chains does not mean they are nonexistent." His voice seemed to be sent outward despite his size making it difficult. It was not nearly as uncomfortable to listen despite what I would assume.

"Hmph, you're just like our eldest."

"Don't compare me to him." The Dragon seemed to…grumble. "My mind is not controlled by bloodlust and rage."

"No, it's clouded by stupidity!" She shook her chains again.

The large Dragon sighed. "I am forced to listen to Father's orders. I can turn a blind eye to their arrival, send them way, Sister. They are not the ones meant for me to fight regardless."

"You're seriously just going to wait patiently for Thor or someone else to come down here and kill you?" Lady Hel growled.

"What do you expect me to do?"

"You could try being a good brother for once!"

"….I'm sorry." It was odd hearing a Dragon Apologize.

"It appears we are at an impasse, Lady Hel." I remarked. "It seems we must take forceful action."

"He's right, you can just leave. There's no point considering that someone needs to die to free me."

"Nay, I will not abandon you in your time of need." I shook my head.

"Jörmungandr is one of the strongest Dragons in the world."

"It matters not, I will fight." I did not know the significance of what she said, however. "I will not leave unless you are free from your imprisonment."

Lady Hel looked at Lady Jinn.

"Hey, don't look at me like that, I'm with him." Lady Jinn crossed her arms. "We're not going to abandon Izzy's friend."

The Goddess closed her eyes and sighed to herself. "He's not the strongest of the Dragonkings, in fact, he's one of the weaker ones. His strength comes from his large body, and his extremely deadly venom. Most important of all, he's a lazy bastard, so he doesn't have much fighting experience."

That is helpful information.

"You boys can go play, I'll protect Hel!" Jinn offered, quickly setting up a many spells around them both.

"Thank you, little lady." Sasaki nodded his head. "I can fight without fear then."

"Aye, and a fine battle it shall be."

"If this is your choice, then I will be forced to act accordingly." The Large Beast's head lifted back up into the sky and it roared, seemingly shaking the entire world.

"Admittedly, I have not yet considered how to slay it due to its size." Sasaki rubbed his chin.

"Hit it until it cannot fight any longer?" I offered.

"Oh, that's a good strategy!"

"Lady Hel said that it has a powerful Venom, and I wish to take to heed such a warning. Would you be against me casting a spell of protection?"

"I would be honored, my good fellow. My own spellcasting ability is nonexistent, but that does not mean I am against such things."

I was not my Friend, but I was able to cast some things. "Ebony Armor." I cast over him.

Should he receive this 'venom' perhaps the armor spell would ward off the worst of it?

Gram felt heavy in my hand, I could feel its desire to fight the Dragon infront of us.

"Do you wish to coordinate together?" I asked.

"I don't think our styles mesh very well." He hummed. "I can keep up, do your own thing."

Very well then.

I called upon my Aura.

I felt the scales of a Dragon cover my body, and wings appear on my back. With a thought, I flew up into the sky at incredible speeds until I was staring at the Jörmungandr, face to face.

It was surprised by my appearance.


"Fus Ro Dah!" I bellowed with all my might.

The Unrelenting Force hit the might Beast head on. Its whole body whipped back words as if an equally large entity punched it across the face.

The Dragon let out a roar of fury and confusion.

Sasaki Kojiro took that opportunity to make a move as well, below the Dragon's head, the Swordsman sunk his Ebony Blade into the creature's scales, slicing far down its body before it flung him away.

The Serpent swept around its whole body, quickly freeing itself from the pain of his blade. And very quickly as well, the looming shadow of its tail came from behind me.

"Feim Zii Gron!" I quickly called out as I would have no time to dodge. I certainly did not expect something so big to be so quick!

The tail went through my ethereal body and hit the ground, causing an earthquake and creating a new valley.

"Wuld Nah Kest!" I turned into a Whirlwind, and with Gram in my hand, I focused it forward onto the massive beast, once more, hitting it hard enough to move its gigantic body.

Gram pushed into its scales, blood spraying at its touch.

However, I looked up to see its face looming over me as well.

My attack did not much but a mosquito bite onto a normal person.

This will probably hurt.

The Beast flexed its long body and the force sent me hurling across the air. My Aura protected me from the worse of it, but I felt my head spin as I tumbled a few times upon the ground before coming to a stop.

The glowing eyes as big as buildings looked directly at me. And the Serpent opened its mouth, a third light appeared amongst the dreary air of this realm.

I took a deep breath. "Yol Toor Shul!" I shouted, a torrent of fire burst out from my throat through the Thu'um.

The Large serpent breathed its fire at me, and I retaliated with my own.

I was on the losing end, I could feel it quite readily. And it was by no means an unfair situation for myself, it was expected due to the size difference.

Just as I was to find myself wanting, a large, Green Shield Spell appeared infront of me, blocking the fiery breath as mine was defeated.

I was surprised, and the mighty Dragon was as well. It turned its head towards Lady Jinn, and I too was confused as to why she interfered when she said she would stay back. Only for Lady Hel to be...holding up her middle finger to her Dragon brother.

Yes, it did not take much thought to realize who cast the spell.

"I can't use my Divine Powers, but I was able to gather a certain amount of Magic, you lazy worm!"

"Should you be looking away?" Sasaki Kojiro was standing upon the beast's head, and neither myself nor the Dragon realized he was there until he made himself known. "Hiken – Tsubame Gaeshi." Blood spurt out from the Dragon's left eye and it roared.

The Serpent flailed around in fury, the swordsman falling through the air as the Dragon Rampaged wantonly with its eye closed in pain.

My Aura Wings flapped and I shot up into the sky, to catch my companion before he could hit the ground.

"Whew, that would have hurt." The Swordsman laughed. "I don't think that's going to work again. This Swallow may be just a tad too big for me to cut down so easily."

"Aye, it is large, to our advantage, but similarly it is difficult to harm sufficiently."

"That's – Watch out."

I did not have time to react as the Serpent's tail hit me head on.

My head blanked for a moment or two, and I found myself amongst the dirt and rocks on the ground. I felt dizzy, nearly falling over as I tried to stand up, and the shadow overhead came down again. I gathered my Magicka. "Greater Ward!"

It cracked and shattered nearly instantly.

And the shadow came down again.

Once more I cast it, and felt it shatter my spell just as easily and the force shaking my body. My Aura flickered and threatened to disappear on the third hit.

My eyes became blurry from blood seeping down my forehead.

I felt something tug on me, realizing that it was my Companion pulling me out of harms away of another smack from the overgrown Dragon's tail.

"Strun Bah Qo!" I used this brief moment to call upon something I believed to be helpful.

Overhead, many dense storm clouds appeared, darkening even this place.

The Lightning began to fall upon the large Dragon, distracting it enough that it couldn't keep its assault up.

"You okay there, big guy?" The Swordsman asked in concern.

I called upon my treasures and flicked open a Healing Potion, drinking it quickly. "Aye, I will survive."

Thankfully, my Companion seemed to be mostly unharmed.

"You got anything you were holding back?"

"Yes, I have a couple things." I nodded. "One of which I wished to surprise Wilhelm with in a spar, but I suppose this situation calls for it. Secondly…" I took out the parchment that Wilhelm provided me before. I knew we were impossibly far away from my home, and this should be able to help me call out. I tore the paper as per his instructions. "I require your aid, Dur Neh Viir!"

I felt something different than the last time I used this Thu'um.

It felt like…it was struggling against something.

But eventually, it relented, and a swirling vortex of colors appeared, my ally roaring as it appeared.

"Dovahkiin?" Durnehviir looked at me. "Thdro…..Where is this place? What is that!?"

"No time to explain, Durnehviir, we need aid, that Dragon is our foe!"

"Dovah….?" It whispered. "I am far from home!"

It was a smart creature, it could understand the situation quickly.

But it seemed Jörmungandr noticed us too, and looked particularly upset at the appearance of our new ally.

It opened its massive mouth again, but it was not flames that lit up the realm.

"Mount me!" Durnehviir called out.

"My companion as well"! I called out.

The Dragon looked at Sasaki Kojiro and didn't argue as we both jumped upon Durnehviir.

"Su" It spoke, and I recognized the word that embodied the idea of 'Air'.

We were high up in the sky and we were able to get a good look as a baleful liquid spewed from the large Dragon's mouth, landing upon where we were but a moment prior.

It corroded everything it touched, melting and searing away the very terrain. Rocks, stone, metals, nothing would be safe from that.

I was unsure if my Aura would protect me from such a vile substance.

"Well done, Durnehviir, I did not know that word could be used in such a way!" I pat its scales.

"Dovahkiin, your use of our Thu'um is still rough, you have much to understand yet!" It laughed despite the situation.

"Not to interrupt…" Sasaki Kojiro pointed down. "But we're noticed.

Durnehviir quickly tucked its wings in and rolled with both myself and Sasaki Kojiro grabbed hold tightly, narrowly did another torrent of venom miss us.

Only when a Lightning bolt landed upon the Serpent's head did it briefly stop.

"Running is unwise, youngest. Let us confront the….Dovah by fang and claw!"

Yes, it was only a matter of time before we were merely touched by that venom.

"Get me close, and I can give it a significant blow." The Swordsman stated. "I've been gathering my Magical Energy for a nice big cut since from before."

I did not know what that meant, but I would trust him!

"Allow me to assist you, Zii kendov." Durnehviir spoke. "Su Grah Dun!"

Sasaki Kojiro's blade was enveloped in a furious gale. "Oh, that's perfect."

"Youngest, let us combine our words. Fire and Ice!"


"Yol Toor Shul!"

"Fo Krah Diin!"

We both shouted, our elemental breaths collided with one another between us and the Mighty Dragon. A blizzard met an Inferno, and what was left was a thick mist that filled the sky.

"Huhu, big attacks are not always best, remember this, youngest." Durnehviir laughed, but the mighty Dragon's eyes still glow from behind the mists, and they still stared at us. "Zul Mey Gut." It was but a whisper for us, but I felt a thunderous voice opposite side of the dragon, and Jörmungandr turned its head back to the perceived noise. "Wuld!"

Durnheviir shot forward like an arrow being let loose, using its own body to ram into the mighty serpent, knocking it backwards.

However, the mighty Beast was nearly unphased. I think even Durnheviir was unused to fighting an opponent with such size and it was taken back by how it was able to withstand such a thing.

Durnheviir was large, but in comparison… appeared like a small child to a giant.

Jörmungandr opened its mouth once more.

"Tiid Klo UI!" I wasted no time, and did not hold back my hidden card.

Everything came to a near stop except for us three.

"Impressive, Youngest!" Durnheviir roared, moving out of the way before normal time resumed. And the Venom shot past us once more, enveloping a mountain on the horizon, and it quickly melted down.

Jörmungandr was confused.

Even more so when Sasaki Kojiro was no longer atop Durnheviir and instead held his sword back in a stance, falling through the air.

I found myself holding my breath.

The Swordsman didn't speak, he didn't declare his intentions, merely, he slashed out with his blade.

Blood sprayed from one end of Jörmungandr's body to the other. Its scales were cut apart, and its insides were visible.

The Massive dragon fell to the ground with a pained roar.

Durnheviir swooped down, catching Sasaki before he could hit the ground. We made way for another attack, the Serpent pushed itself back up, and Gram sung happily with each flap of Durnheviir's wings, more wounds appeared by its hands upon the Dragon.

It seemed to no longer have much energy to focus on us.

Sasaki Kojiro as well joined in, finding spots it was not paying attention to, and cutting apart its scales and hide.

"Do you yield, Jörmungandr!?" I shouted, Gram swiftly opening another wound upon its long body, and Durnheviir quickly flying out of reach as its bloodied tail swung down.

"I cannot!" It roared in response. "As long as Hel is bound by her chains, I am bound by Oath to act as her warden!"

"Halt!" I called out, causing the fighting to come to an abrupt stop. Jörmungandr looked upon me in confusion. "Do you mean to say, you have spoken an oath, or you are oathbound?"

"Do you think I would merely give my word for something like this?" The massive Dragon growled, the realm rumbled with its annoyance.

"An that is to say….as long as Lady Hel is freed, you no longer have to be our enemies."

The Dragon laughed. "Do you dare to free her, Godling? I can smell the waft of Divinity from you, perhaps you can fullfill the conditions of the curse that Father left? Would you sacrifice yourself to free her?"

The Dragon spout out something. It was impossibly small in comparison to its body, but it was heavily enchanted even to someone as untalented as myself.

A key fell to the ground and Durnheviir brought me down to it.

"I merely need to unlock her chains?" I picked up the key.

"I won't even stop you." The Dragon snorted.

I held the key up, and rejoined Lady Hel and Lady Jinn.

"Don't do anything stupid." Lady Hel quickly spoke. "Even if you do fullfill the conditions…."

"Fear not, Lady Hel, I have a means to free you without sacrifice!" I called upon the Skeleton Key that Lady Nocturnal allowed me to wield.

Lady Hel looked upon it and shook her head. "My Father, he wouldn't allow anything to overcome his –"

I pushed the Skeleton Key into the Lock and turned it, clicking it open and letting the chains fall to the ground.

"…..could you have done that this entire time?" Lady Hel finally asked.


"And why didn't you free me before fighting?"

"I….did not understand the conditions for Jörmungandr to be our enemy. I did…..not wish to see you come to harm…" I awkwardly scratched my head.

Lady Hel looked at me strangely then at Lady Jinn. "Is he doing this on purpose?"

"Nope." Lady Jinn shook her head.

I did not understand what she meant.

"My hero~" Lady Hel, before I could respond, pulled upon my armor and kissed my cheek.

"Ah? Erm…..uh!?"

She merely pat my cheek, getting up from her chair, stretching a few times.

There were still the hundreds of Thousands of Undead waiting outside. They were….without a master to command them since all of her Father's minions had been killed.

Thus, they waited there, patiently, despite the battle we fought.

She approached them and held her hands up. The Necromantic energies that held them together evaporated instantaneously, and the bodies, the flesh, and the bones bonded together all fell to the ground.

Left were only the souls, the ghosts and wraiths.

Quickly, a certain 'life' returned to them.

"Hmph." She snorted in annoyance. "He dares to use my subjects to fuel his army!? Let's see how he likes it when I come to the Aid of Asgard then!" She turned her head. "Brother."

The Large Dragon was laying on the ground, looking our way. "What do you want?"

"Are you going to sit there and laze about, or are you going to come with me to take revenge?"

"Just leave me to heal and then I'll disappear from this place. I never wanted to fight, I never wanted to be involved with Father's schemes." The Large dragon sighed. "Just….let me leave and you'll never have to see me again."

"Lazy Idiot, when did I ever say I didn't want to see you again?" Lady Hel huffed. "You're still my brother." But she didn't press it. Rather, she held her hands up, and the flesh and bones that were previously used to house the souls of her realm's inhabitants were swept up and rearranged into large ships. "It is time for my Father to experience the consequences of his actions."

The Hundreds of thousands of ghosts looked up and roared in fury as if to agree with their Queen.

We have succeeded, it was now time to rejoin Wilhelm.

I only hope that everything is well elsewhere.



Didn't originally intend for an interlude here, but had to split it from the last chapter due to length back when I wrote it.

Anyways, Yggdrasil arc is over on Patreon, PHO chapter is up and everything and I'm getting ready to write the next Looking Glass omake part, so head over if you're interesting.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m./ astoryforone

I have a boosty under the same name if you can't use the above.

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