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92.3% Awake in Grimm / Chapter 12: 012- Saturday

Kapitel 12: 012- Saturday

When Eli got back home that night he ate some Papoutsakia that he saved for himself, he was glad that they tasted good since they didn't have time to do it before she left. Tasting them also reminded him of her though, sighing he washed the plate then stood in the middle of the hall, the place seemed really quiet at the moment.

After a shower he went to bed, he smiled though smelling the cookie smell on his sheets, it seemed like she went to lay on his bed while he was with Monroe. He fell asleep while smelling her scent, since he wasn't able to relieve himself earlier he ended up having a dream about her that was really spicy.

The next morning he woke up while stretching, it was his off day but thankfully he had a full day planned out besides just Monroe coming over to finish the clock. Two weeks ago was the start of College football season while the NFL started tomorrow, so today he had Don and Scott coming over to watch some college games.

By chance his favorite team Notre Dame was playing Scott's favorite Alabama, both teams at the moment were undefeated at 2-0 so today one of those would be broken. As he was going out his room his phone rang at that moment, looking at the caller it was Liz, she didn't call him last night which worried him some but he checked flights and saw she landed safely.

"I am so sorry. Last night after getting off my flight I noticed that my phone was dead, I crashed last night waiting to get some battery so I could only call you now." This was the first thing she said after he answered the call not even giving him a chance to say good morning.

Eli smiled before replying, "It is no big deal. I checked and saw that your flight landed safely, I figured it was something like that when your phone kept going straight to voicemail."

He knew that she wouldn't have been attacked or anything considering how she wasn't shy about attacking others, Hexenbiest were known for their anger and she wouldn't be stopped. He would actually feel sorry for anyone who actually trued to mess with her since he knew how ruthless she could be, even if she held it inside well.

She let out a breath and he could hear a smile in her voice as she spoke next, "That is good then, also thanks again for the Papoutsakia even after heating it up this morning it is still delicious."

Eli smiled, "Yeah I know I had them last night for a snack. So when do you take off to your first client?" he asked since he didn't want the conversation to end just yet.

"Well the first actually lives in the same city as me so I won't need to go far, then after that I will need to go to some of the surrounding ones in order to see more of them. So I won't leave until tomorrow, tonight at the earliest. What are your plans for the say?" She asked keeping it going.

He went on to explain about what he was doing while she listened to it all, it wasn't until thirty minutes later that they got off the phone with one another. It was just around 10am when Monroe showed up to work on the clock, this time they sent him up the guest elevator with Eli's permission.

"Good to see you Monroe. Are you going to get started immediately or did you come early just cause you knew I made breakfast?" Eli joked as he let the man into his apartment.

Monroe smiled while walking in, "No I just wanted to get started early on it since there was so much work. My weekend is actually clear since I pushed some back so I could get this done."

Eli nodded, "Alright well in an hour or so my friends should be showing up since we are having a gather for the college football games, are you interested in joining? There will be beer and snacks."

Monroe laughed while walking into the library, "You are trying to keep me here right? Tempting someone with that is just asking them to stop all their work so they can enjoy a cold beer and some games."

"So is that a yes?"

"Just call me when the first game comes on."

Eli nodded patting his shoulder before leaving him to his work, he was going to just chill until the guys showed up, suddenly he remembered the mind altering potion. Rushing to his study he went straight to it, luckily it was actually at the peak at that moment meaning he could get it out now or tomorrow.

Since he didn't want to forget about it a second time he went ahead and started to put it in bottles at that moment, he already knew where his targets were. Since he had until Wednesday to get them into something they drank or ate this was going to be his Sunday and Monday plan.

He shook his head laughing thinking about how his life now consisted of something like this, if this was a week ago he would laugh in anyone's face who told him this would be his life. Sometimes life just seemed to work out in strange ways and you won't know how your life will turn out.

Putting away his potion he grabbed on of his books from the library while heading back into the living room, he wasn't going to disturb Monroe who was really trying to get it done. Though he did need to order new wood for the clock, not enough to replace the entire thing but enough to where it could be restored.

He was deep into his book when he got a message from someone, he ignored it at first before it went off again. Sighing he put down his book while checking to see who was messaging his so urgently, it wasn't like everyone didn't know today was his day off.

'From Adalind-- Good Morning, I know today is your off day it is mine to do you want to do something today?'

'From Adalind-- Are you still mad at me from what happened, I am sorry. Things worked out though right? Please don't be mad at me.'

Eli raised a brow but replied, 'To Adalind-- I am not mad, I was just lost in my book. Yes today is my off day, I already have plans though the guys are coming over to watch some games today so I can't go out and do anything with you today.'

He got a reply immediately, 'From Adalind-- That is good that you aren't mad at me. I also know a little about football or basketball, whichever you are watching. Do you mind if me and the girls come over too then? I make some mean ribs that I am willing to bring.'

'To Adalind-- ...That is fine, make sure to bring a lot though since I really like ribs.'

'From Adalind--- Great, when should I be there by?'

'To Adalind-- The main game we are watching starts at 2:30pm so at least be here before then so that we can have some.'

'From Adalind--- Awesome See you then!'

Eli shook his head, it looked there was going to be an extra three people here today, he wondered it Serena would tell Don about her coming with Adalind. Shrugging his shoulders he went back to reading his book, since he was a speed reader then he would be done soon.

He wasn't like most who read eight thousand words a minute, but he still read at a decent amount of five hundred a minute with being able to comprehend what he read. The book only took him an hour to finish, in that time it was close to when people should show up for the games.

Going into them kitchen he started to take out big bowls for chips and other snacks, Scott was bringing the wings while Don was bringing the beer, though he didn't drink beer. It was nasty he could never find one that he actually liked, honestly if it came to beer it needed to be mixed with something fruity or he wouldn't drink it.

As he was filling the last bowl his intercom rang, since no one could get up without the go ahead then he had to buzz them up. It was another way without having to go through the people at the front desk, he actually forgot all about it until this moment.

Walking over he answered "Yo!"

"Hey it is me buzz me up." Don said from the other side of the intercom.

"I am here too!" Scott said shortly after when he wasn't mentioned at that moment.

Elie laughed before buzzing them up, he went back to his kitchen while moving the bowls all to the living room. Looking at his 75inch Plasma that was currently showing the opening moments before the Iowa State and West Virginia game that was about to happen, theirs came on the same channel.

Three minutes later Scott and Don were both walking inside, "Alright guys go ahead and get yourselves comfortable I need to grab Monroe." They nodded before walking to grab their things, they didn't even ask who Monroe was just accepting the fact that he was there.

Walking into the library he saw Monroe putting some gears back into the clock, "Hey man the guys are here and the first game is coming on soon."

"Alright, I am almost down with this too. I should be able to finish it tonight if I can carve out at least thirty minutes in between a game." He said wiping his hands on a cloth that he had nearby, the two walked out the room going to where the guys were already making noise.

"Guys this is Monroe he is a Blutbad, Monroe this is Don who is a Genio Innocuo while this is Scott, the annoying one of us all, he is a Ziegevolk." Eli mentioned what they all were so that they didn't need to worry about being Woged if they got emotional during a game, which happened a lot.

He could still remember when Scott got so upset one time that he actually punched a hole into his last 75inch, he was pissed and they ended up in a fist fight that night, all Don did was sit back and watch. Just thinking about it made him mad, thankfully Scott paid him back for the full amount.

As he went to sit down he got two messages, one was from Adalind who sent a pick of the ribs she was making on a grill, the other was from Liz who was just checking in with him. He smiled at both while responding, he was glad to see that she was making a lot of ribs because he loved them.

Looking at the wings that Scott brought they seemed to be less appetizing compared to the picture that he had just seen. He still took a plate and ate some though, he didn't tell Scott about her coming though and was waiting to see his reaction.

He also replied to Liz who sent him a couple more messages before sending a kissy face ending their conversation, there was still a smile on his face though as they stopped talking. He put his phone to the side and paid attention to the game even if it wasn't his team he still wanted to cheer against whoever Scott was rooting for.

The game was intense as Eli cheered for Iowa who was running it back from a kick off, Scott kept screaming no over and over since this would put them up by two touchdowns. When he finally did run it in Eli smirked at the defeated look that Scott had on his face at the moment, really the game didn't matter much though.

When they were in the fourth quarter the intercom buzzed again, "Who is that?" Scott as a wing sticking out of his mouth with sauce all over his face, Don raised a brow too as he was grabbing another beer. Monroe didn't say anything but looked at him too, Eli rolled his eyes while walking over to the intercom.

"Come on up." He said buzzing up Adalind and not doubt her friends since she sent a message not to long ago that she was on her way. Not even five minutes later they were at the door, everyone from the living room leaned around the side to see who was coming in.

Eli opened the door with a wide smile Adalind stood there with a big plate in her hand, behind her Serena was also holding one while Camilla was holding one that held what looked like mac and cheese. "Hello!" Adalind said cheerfully while walking in some, she leaned over and kissed his cheek before walking past him.

He held the door open for the other girls too giving them a smile, following them after closing the door he went into the kitchen to see Adalind putting her plate down. The girls were following closely doing the same thing, as she was, he walked over while leaning on the island watching her.

He couldn't help but laugh seeing that Scott had his mouth hanging open staring at Adalind who grabbed herself a plate from the stack on the counter. "Those look good, and even smell amazing. I didn't think they would." Eli said while stealing a rib from Adalind who just hip checked him with a smile.

"What you had no faith in me?" She said with a small smile while fixing him a plate too.

"No I just didn't know what to expect from this, I am glad that you brought them." He said kissing her cheek stunning the woman as she looked over at him, he gave her a soft smile before picking up both their plates and headed to the living room, "I will bring your food over, go ahead and grab some wine or anything you want."

She smiled brightly at him before nodding, Eli moved over to the living room laughing at Scott who was trying his best to clean the sauce on his face as fast as possible. Don was smiling widely while introducing Serena and Camilla to Monroe who was polite and greeted them back.

Soon Adalind came into the living room carrying a glass of wine and also a beer, "Here you go, thought you might need a new one."

"Well as nice as that is, I don't drink beer. They are mainly for Don, Monroe, and Scott beer has always had a bad taste for me and I haven't found one where I have liked the taste if it wasn't a fruity one." He said while pulling her next to him on the couch.

Scott was already looking calm with his face clean, he was discreetly trying to put the used napkins away without her noticing how many he had used. Eli rolled his eyes since she had clearly been ignoring him since she came in, just remembering the past and how they met he could only shake his head.

Lets just say that he made a lot of vulgar comments and gestures while she was behind him, it was like those movie or TV moments where the main character didn't know. It was sad to see, that was the one time they did meet but instead of talking to him she took off going back to where she came from.

"What is so funny?" She said while kicking off her shoes and curling up next to him on the couch.

"Nothing just thinking about the first time you met Scott." He whispered into her ear so that the man in question wouldn't know what they were talking about.

She frowned some while thinking of that before shaking her head, "I honestly don't know why he won't give up at this point. I mean honestly you would think me ignoring him he would get the hint, or the many time that I have rejected him."

Eli paused before speaking again, "He sees it as a challenge at this point. He thinks that if he can sleep with you then it is the ultimate get in his life, bonus points if he can get you pregnant. But what else would you expect from a Ziegevolk?"

She was clearly disgusted so he changed the subject, "So the game is soon and I don't see you rocking the team colors.

Taking the change in subject she smiled while taking off the coat she was wearing, underneath was a Notre Dame T-Shirt. "What do you mean? How could I not show up wearing the team colors, though honestly I think I should be supporting my own college but this is fine too."

A full belly laugh left him as he leaned over again kissing her cheek, she froze again before looking at him, "What is that to much?" He was purposely ignoring Scott's hurt expression at the shirt she was wearing.

She shook her head, "No, I just didn't think that you would be this close to me so soon. I know you said everything was okay after our whole talk but I figured it would take some time before we went back to being real friends. You can keep it up though I don't mind."

She moved closer leaning into his side with a soft smile, Scott sent him a glare which he rolled his eyes at seeing that, the guy needed to give up. "So what had nothing better to do on a Saturday pretty girl?" he asked after moaning biting into the ribs she had made.

She gave him a soft smile, "No there really isn't anything else to do. We could have gone out for a girls day but we did that last night so we decided to find something else. I wanted to try my luck in what you were doing and sent you that message."

He nodded while looking at her, "Well I am glad you did it was a total sausage fest over here."

She laughed while shaking her head, turning back to her food she dug in while asking about the progress of the current game. She went to cheering for Iowa when she found out why he was, there were two times when Scott tried to talk to her but all she did was give him one word answers or a grunt.

Two hours later and they were in the middle of the Notre Dame vs Alabama game, it was almost the end of the second quarter and Notre Dame was up 28-17. Though it was only a 11 point difference they were playing amazing out there, though he wished that the defense would step up more to help the team out.

"Let's Go Liam!! Throw the goddamn ball! Hit the tight-end he is wide FUCKING OPEN!!!" Scott's voice went louder as he watched Alabama screw up the drive they were on, well more like he was yelling at the quarterback Liam who was messing up the drive.

Eli smiled widely seeing what was happening, he cheer even more while shouting as Notre Dame intercepted almost jumping out his seat as they ran it back. To bad the runner was stopped before he could, he was still happy though that they were able to stop the run.

Adalind also squealed in excitement she was already five glasses in on wine and was a little tipsy, she leaned over kissing him on the lips. Although she moved back and cheered more like nothing happened he sat there stunned, looking at the cheering blonde he didn't know what to say.

No one else seemed to notice as Scott was yelling at the TV already Woged mad, Monroe was laughing at everything Scott was saying, Don was cuddling with Serena while Camilla was texting someone.

The kiss still stung his lips as he reached up rubbing them, the kiss felt amazing, just the same if not better then the one he shared with Liz, but that could be the alcohol in his system talking. Grinning like a fool he moved her into his lap, she didn't mind and just adjusted herself to a more comfortable position.

"I honestly didn't think it would be this much fun." She said laying back on his chest while smiling up at him look up at him.

He smiled while kissing her forehead, "Yeah, we don't do this every week but when our teams match up we make sure to do it."

"Well next time call me since this is fun, when is the next time this is happening?" She asked while rubbing her head against his chest like a cat.

He felt ticklish there but let her keep going, "Well the next will be basketball, it will be Don's Duke Devil's vs Notre Dame. So that will be in three weeks."

She nodded, "I am there, I will bring the food again."

Nodding along he started to talk to Monroe about the game, Adalind giggled while talking to Camilla about someone she was texting. The room was peaceful while it was at halftime, the only person upset was Scott who went to get the hard liquor since his team was looking, he got the good whiskey.

When the game was finally over the only people left were Eli, Adalind, and a passed out drunk Scott who fell that way around the fourth quarter of the game. The final score was 56 to 24, it was a huge upset for Alabama and Eli was thrilled since his team beat them.

Monroe had finished the clock while leaving with a smile, he didn't get with Camilla because apparently she is married, she just doesn't wear her ring. He was still happy about the games though, after giving Eli and invoice for the work on the clock.

"Are you sure you shouldn't be leaving?" He asked her while taking the plates to the kitchen, she was right behind him carrying some more.

"It is fine, Serena drove Camilla. I came alone, plus since everyone ditched you I figured I might as well help. Well actually Scott didn't ditch, he is just passed out." She said laughing a little as they got to work on cleaning the dishes.

He nodded at that, "True."

The kitchen went quiet as they got to work on the dishes, the only sound was the water splashing, well also the sound of Lofi music that he put on. He looked over at her and saw that she put her hair up in a ponytail as she helped him, he raised a brow at her but went back to what he was doing.

"So how is your 'Relationship' going?" He asked out of the blue while loading the dish washer.

".....Same as always. It doesn't seem like we are really going anywhere, I mean it was suppose to be casual but I want more you know. I am almost thirty, I don't want to be doing this forever, I do want a family of my own you know." She said with a sigh scrubbing a plate just a little to hard.

He nodded, "Yeah, I know what you mean. Although it was fun when we were younger I still want to have a family some day, I might even retire from being a lawyer and be a stay home dad. Well might."

The room went quiet again as they put the last dish in the dish washer, things just seemed to stand still for a moment as the two of them just stood there, "So I guess---" He turned to her to say something but was cut off when she smashed her lips against his.

He froze for a moment before he started to kiss her right back, he knew that this was probably because of all the drinks she had but since she wasn't drunk he would indulge. Lifting her by the ass he put her on the island while taking the kiss deeper, she moaned into his mouth while pulling his head closer.

Although he remembered doing something the same with Liz almost twenty-four hours ago he didn't let that sit in his mind, he was just focusing on the now. He felt some guilt for what he was doing but it quickly went away, he knew that he wouldn't always be alone being with a girl sometimes.

Pushing those thoughts away he got lost in the kiss instead, while lost in it he picked her up while carrying her to his bedroom. She didn't seem to mind as she wrapped her legs around him letting him carry her to the bedroom, he bit her lip while going to the lay on the bed with her.

The two slowly stripped out of their clothes while looking into each others eyes, they must have seen what they were looking for since they kept going. Eli ignored the condoms in the night stand while sliding into her, she whimpered kissing his neck but didn't tell him to pull out.

Pink_Ghosty Pink_Ghosty

Wrote this the day Notre Dame played UNC so it isn't accurate at all. Just wanted to vent my anger from the 2013 loss that we had to Alabama in the Championship.

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