"My bad, I just thought you'd be uglier," he remarks, "Legends say that it was not your eyes that turned men to stone, but your face..."
"Would you like to see for yourself?" she offers, angered but somewhat relieved at his bluntness, someone wishing to manipulate her wouldn't be so liberal with his words.
"I'm alright, are you aware of the current situation?"
She glances around at everyone before shaking her head, "No. Explain."
Michael lets out a sigh, "Well,-"
Ten minutes later he'd given the basics to Medusa, the snake-woman slowly nodding her head as if the situation was natural to her... "So you are my unwilling warden... Does that mean I can make requests?"
"Depends on what it is, I guess?"
"Is it possible to revive my sisters?" she inquires seriously.
"I have no idea..." Michael admits. The only people he could summon in the book were heroes from the game, even then he couldn't summon those he hadn't chosen as his Spirit. To be honest, this line of thought had struck him multiple times... Why the Dead God had given a selection identical to the game.
He'd originally guessed that it was because the Spirit's sense of self was so strong that their personalities survived the end of their universe, but given that many gods weren't included in the list, there must be something to it... Maybe the Spirit needed to be known to him to be summoned? Since he knew all the heroes in Dota he was familiar enough with these characters to summon them?
With that reasoning, it should be possible to summon other characters if he familiarized himself enough with them... Maybe he could summon that fat shopkeeper or Roshan?
Regardless, that was all speculation for now, so he gives Medusa a solemn sigh, "At the moment it's not possible. But, It might be in future, just don't hold your breath for it." he admits.
"So, it 'might' be possible to revive my sisters?"
He nods.
"Then I will wait on it."
"You're the last summon so let's gather everyone up..." he walks by and calls everyone to him, floating slightly so he could address them properly, "As you guys know, this world is not yours, indeed, it is quite unlike the one you knew, so allow me to give you some ground rules to keep shit from hitting the fan... First, I would like you all to stay in Winterhold for the time being, while I don't want to imprison you, most of you would cause the inhabitants of other cities to grab their pitchforks and hunt you down... Yes, you could probably kill them all, but that's what I'm trying to avoid...
Winterhold houses multiple races at this point, some not originating from this world. It is the only place that most of you could live comfortably, its technology is steadily matching your old world's and the residents aren't as hostile against magic as other Nord Holds. Plus, a good friend of mine is now the Jarl, the 'Leader' as it were. She'll give you all a good start on whatever you endeavour to do, whether it be researching magic or simply protecting the place.
I would advise you, if you want to create something of your own, like Kunkka's idea to build a navy," he gestures at the blue-clad man who raises his smoking pipe in acknowledgement, "Winterhold would be the best place to start, it's the place that houses the magical College of Winterhold, and where my Spire exists, which should deaden the reaction to this world's populace to your attempts.
Yes, I am aware that most of you are incredibly powerful in comparison to this world, but that doesn't mean there aren't threats. I don't know what would happen if something, be it Dragon, God, or Daedra, manages to get ahold of your soul. You all exist in 'half-measures', half of your soul stored within the book, and half out here as you are now. Be careful... Alright, any more questions?" he asks after giving his speech.
"What's this world's opinion on assassins?" Riki inquires before anyone else can get a word in.
"Like in your old world, most people hate them. The main organisation of assassins is known as the Dark Brotherhood, which is currently being hunted down like dogs for the murder of the previous High King Ulfric Stormcloak, though there's a fair chance the new High King had a hand in it." he explains.
"Would this Dark Brotherhood be averse to my joining?"
"No, in fact, I could get a hold of their leader fairly easily."
Riki nods, "If you would, I'd be grateful... Student." he flashes a smirk.
"Are the magics of this world worth my time and effort? The abilities you've shown me are nought by copies of the people present here, the few spells simplistic and barbaric in their practice." Rubick questions.
"Your conclusion is my fault. I only showed you lower levels spells that I hadn't exactly tried to master. I'm sure you'll find many things of interest, visit the Arch-Mage of the College of Winterhold and you'll sees many avenues of study." Michael states.
"Did you ever discover the existence of spiritualists and shamans?" Rhasta asks, wondering if there were people in Tamriel that practised similar magic to himself.
"Kind of? I heard rumours of their existence but haven't spoken to any. It might just be a lost art for all I know." he shrugs.
"When will we be given permission to leave? This icy hellscape doesn't suit my needs at all." Lina asks, using a conjured ball of fire to keep herself warm, her lack of proper winter clothing making the land around Winterhold almost unbearable for her.
"Hammerfell is akin to your homeland, but I'd like you to get acquainted with this world before you go off wandering. The gods here might be hands off, but that doesn't mean they're powerless." he says and she nods.
"Are there any big enemies we should know about?" Wei asks in place of her master, who just stands silently next to Silencer.
"All Aedra and Daedra, the Thalmor, High King Surtr, the Psijic Order, and many more. Most of these will stay away from Winterhold, if they're even able to reach it in the first place, ask Ennura about it later if you want a more accurate picture."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
The introduction of the spirits to Winterhold went somewhat peacefully, most people didn't care at all unless it affected them directly. Some were wary of those belonging to never-before-seen races, Rhasta being a Hill-Troll, Riki being a Tiefling, and Rubick, Spectre, and Medusa being... Whatever they were.
Rubick, Lina, and Rhasta immediately entered the newly built College of Winterhold after Michael had given Savos a basic, if limited, explanation of the situation, the Grand Magnus all but locking himself in the new Arcaeneum and forcing Savos and Michael to work in concert to strip the wards from the door to allow others entry.
Lina caused trouble by demanding a larger and more private room, her previous status as a Princess/Priestess making her far more annoying to handle than most others. Along with her tendency to burn people she didn't like.
Thankfully, Rhasta was more subdued in his requests, simply asking for a matt and a quiet place to meditate the days away, wishing to make himself familiar with Tamriel's local spirits and nature itself.
Savos only really accepted them due to their unique magics that functioned completely different to how anything in Tamriel worked. Plus, Rubick was a very good lecturer when you gave him the motivation to do so. A couple Magic Tomes had the Grand Magus all but shouting his knowledge in the new Hall of Elements.
Silencer surprised Michael by joining up with Anti-Mage and beginning mercenary missions around the Hold. While Surtr's rule had stifled a majority of any banditry around Skyrim, that didn't mean it'd been eliminated entirely.
With the money they collect and a sizeable loan from Michael himself, they'd begun construction on a temple on the opposite side of the mountain the Eye of the World was located. They planned to found a new Order known as the Silentium Magia, a combination of the Turstarkuri Monks and the Aeol Drias which Silencer originally belonged to. Their goal? Well, it was obvious for any who cared to listen.
The restriction of heretical magic, the maintenance of balance, and the protection of the innocent. They intended to combine the monks teachings with that of the Aeol Drias mages, creating warriors that would absolutely demolish any mage they come across.
It was a scary thought, to be honest, a warrior who could Blink right next to you, silence you and prevent you from casting spells, drain all of your mana, and use a spell that deals damage proportional to the mana you've lost.
Their Temple wasn't complete yet but they'd already started recruiting from the various orphanages around Skyrim. You didn't require great talent to learn such arts, so their pool of potential students was great... Plus, the Nordic temperament suited this kind of organisation excellently.
Medusa herself had started to try and befriend the Eredar, their unusual appearances and strong racial benefits made them the best choice for her to get her bearings in Skyrim. Their bluntness and sensitivity to magic made them preferable in her eyes... Though, even they were struggling to see through the snake-woman's appearance and see her for the person she actually is. A long road if Michael had ever seen one.
Kunkka had already met up with Ennura and the two had hit it off, and by that he meant that they'd drank a shit load of rum and fucked loud enough for the whole city to hear... Did you know Kunkka shouted 'AHOY' when he climaxes? Because Michael did, along with most of Winterhold, he wished Tiffania's Erase spell still worked on him...
Needless to say, he'd gotten permission to start construction of the Winterhold Navy. While most ship-builders were located in Windhelm and Solitude, they weren't required since Kunkka apparently had all the ship designs completely memorized. Add the fact that naval warfare in the Dota 2 universe was a lot more advanced than Tamriel, it was only a matter of time before Kunkka ruled the seas.
The only real problem on that front was manpower, Skyrim having a dear lack of sailors simply due to how the Northern Sea was. Get wet and you freeze to death, most ships sink due to the huge sheet of ice that covered the water, and winds so fierce they'd capsize even a Man O'War. Ennura was lucky Kunkka was a renowned captain otherwise their naval venture would fail before they even left port.
What was funding all of this you may ask? Well, many things, but the main economic drivers in Winterhold currently was the advanced technology that was being developed and utilised, the Frost Gems that grew in the Frozen Forest which massively enhanced any Ice Enchantments, and most recently the magical development occurring in the College.
The only real issue Michael had been having lately was Spectre... The phantom had no real goal or objective, and so treated him like her absolute master. When he'd told her to go away, she'd begun floating in the opposite direction. He'd only realised what'd happened when she'd done a full lap of the world and continued on still.
He asked if she'd happened upon Atmora or some other supposedly lost Continent but she'd shaken her head. Apparently, where Atmora once was was just more ocean, even Clavicus Vile's memories weren't concrete on what'd occurred there, so Michael thought it better be left alone for now.
After that he'd just had Spectre shadow him, hoping she'd learn something from watching him and begin finding some sort of balance. Her life in the Dota universe sounded like a horrific one, randomly appearing amidst battlefield, then dissipating once it was done, literally ceasing to exist until the next battleground was found.
According to her each iteration was another Spectre that held the same memories. This was probably while her speech was so garbled, her mind was connected with each Spectre, and multiple of her could exist in one moment.
The situation wasn't all bad though, his new 'bodyguard' didn't make much sound and was perfectly content to silently follow him. He'd only catch a glimpse of her occasionally when Darth got territorial and tried to shove her away... Only to be taught a lesson by the incredibly powerful phantom.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
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