The two Thalmor looks between Tiffania and the red smears that were once their allies in disbelief, this quickly turns to anger however as Tiffania returns to a neutral stance, obviously expecting them to flee in terror.
"I won't let you go for that, damned half-breed whore!" one shouts and jumps backwards, off of the roof and into cover. The other raises his hands and throws them outwards in different directions, causing carts, stones, and other debris to be telekinetically thrown at Tiffania and Megumin.
Tiffania and Megumin throw themselves backwards, both wincing as the corpses and survivors are crushed into pulp.
Megumin casts some fireballs to blast apart some incoming debris while Tiffania takes cover behind her, chanting her own spell in the meantime.
Fire erupts from buildings both near and far, making them realize that there were more groups of Thalmor behind the lines than just the one they'd faced.
Megumin's ward blocks an ice spear and Tiffania retaliates jabbing her wand at the hiding Thalmor, a large plume of ash leaves the tip of her wand and crawls through the air towards her target... Unlike her usual ashen spells, this one lacked the usual heat, allowing her to use it without burning half the city down.
The two Thalmor run out of their cover to avoid it, but the spell follows them, breaks through their conjured ward and catches them. While Tiffania and Megumin could no longer see them through the thick ash, they could hear their hacking coughs, though, these are soon suppressed as their throats and lungs are filled with the substance.
Half a minute of silence passes and Tiffania end the spell, revealing the blue-faced corpses of the Thalmor, their mouths overflowing with ash.
"Gross..." Megumin mutters at their disfigured, bloated faces.
"They said they captured Umnii, and there's still more in the city!" Tiffania reminds the girl, whose back straightens in realisation.
A strong wind blows past them, striking the nearby burning building and quickly suppressing the flames. They look over and spot Illococoo running over with a strange expression. "Big sis! Bad people are chasing me!" she exclaims
Not far behind her, they could see three Thalmor with magical ropes in their hands, ready to bind the girl. "Stop running or we'll clip your wings, permanently! Beast!"
Tiffania's brow raises to her hairline, how did they know of Illococoo's true form? Michael said he'd killed everyone in the Thalmor fort, and she'd stayed outside of sight, not including the Greybeards...
Shaking her head she jabs her wand towards the Thalmor, "Duck!" she tells Illococoo as she chants her spell, "ERASE!"
The three Thalmor fall onto their faces mid-stride as the spell connects, their eyes blank and lifeless due to the loss of all of their memories.
"Thank you big sis!" the dragon girl chirps as she hugs Tiffania.
"Why didn't you deal with them yourself...?" she questions, knowing well that Illococoo could beat them.
Illococoo pouts, "Shouting makes my throat hurt in this form, my wind could beat their shield-things, and big bro said I shouldn't transform..."
"-Unless you need to... I think this counts." Megumin adds.
The dragon girl punts Megumin in the shin in response, "Ouch!"
"You're just trying to get me in trouble!"
Tiffania chews her lip, "Come on! We need to stop the others! Illu, use your dragon form! You have my permission!"
Illococoo smiles, "Okay, big sis!"
Michael glides over to where a fire had just started in the city and lands on a nearby building, his new Thalmor buddy still flailing in his grasp. "So, this was your plan huh? Distract us with an army while you burn my shit? Not smart."
The Thalmor rasps something out but it's too quiet and mumbled to pick up.
"Huh, what was that?... Come on, speak up if you wanna be heard." Michael asks, shaking the man slightly... Well, shaking him enough to kill a baby.
"I-it's too late..."
"Too late?..." he glances around, "I don't know about you, but most of the city is still here... Your army's not looking too good either."
"Too. Late." the Thalmor says again, grinning despite his bloody mouth and missing teeth.
"Fuck you." Michael sniffs and snaps his neck, not wanting to deal with that stubborn smug cunt any longer.
He fires a Laguna Blade at the nearby Thalmor group who was still trying to burn shit and flies upwards to see what the commotion just now was.
He's joined in the sky by Illococoo, just as he looks North and spots what was coming.
"I really can't get a fucking break..."
"Not like you deserve one, partner..."
In the distance he could see many Aldmeri Dominion ships sailing through the ice and towards the cliff that Winterhold sits on... On some of them were siege weapons that were already firing... Large chunks had already been taken from the College of Winterhold's walls, making Michale worried over the potential for the entire thing collapses.
The College itself was only hanging on by a thread, so any damage to its foundations could very well mean the end of it.
"Well, at least Kunkka will appreciate the earlier call to duty..." he mutters. He could feel that Lina had somehow been killed, but all that meant was he had a free slot to summon another Spirit. Lina herself would still be 'alive' in her world, probably grumpy at her defeat though.
"Illu, I need you to find and kill any other Thalmor that tries to burn the city. Once they're gone, feel free to help me with the navy."
"Okay, big bro! I got it! I promise!" she chirps before shouting "LAAS YAH NIR!", which Michael barely recognised as the 'Aura Whisper' shout that she'd been practising lately.
Illococoo glides down to the city like an eagle that'd spotted its prey, quickly snatching a hidden Thalmor in her jaws as Michael makes his way over to the Thalmor navy.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Faruk Ereng
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