Karston just shakes his head, "Am I to expect fairness from a child who has helped bring low my family and murder my sons!? Are you to target my one remaining son too after this, Princess!? NO! I REFUSE TO SURRENDER EVERYTHING TO SOME UPPITY SOW WHO THINKS SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO JUDGE ME!" he roars, drawing his own wand sword and jabbing it towards the dragon she is riding.
The ground rumbles, and not a moment later a huge torrent of lava explodes from the ground and launches towards the princess like the arm of a fiery titan. "THE GRAMONT FAMILY WILL TRIUMPH!"
The Dragon Knight has his mount fly upwards to avoid the attack as he tries to blast the lava with water, but his attack isn't nearly strong enough to stop it.
Luckily, Karin Valliere had been observing all of this and flies through the torrent of lava, swinging her wand and casting a massive wind spell which instantly hardens the lava and causes it to crumble like brittle dirt. "Your time has come to an end, Karston. Tristain has had enough of your interference." she neutrally states as she has her Manticore fly to the ground.
She hops off of her mount and begins walking towards the man, stopping when they reach the 'official duelling distance'. Karin was fully armoured except for her head. She lacked a helmet which allows her long pink hair to trail behind her. Her wand sword pulses and ripples with wind elemental energies as she readies it. "Try to at least die with some honour." she casually remarks as she waits for his first attack.
Karston growls under his breath, "Karin, you know, I always hated you, and your always so smug face. You should have married into the Gramont family! There you would have had some worth, instead of birthing useless daughters and hiding away in that estate of yours."
Karin scowls at the mention of her daughters, almost retorting that she'd birthed a Void Mage. "And what of your sons, Karston? One dead playboy, one dead fool, and one cowardly survivor. You of all people should not speak on other's legacies." she says, getting her desired result as Karston goes into an almost complete rage.
"You will pay for your insolence! Let's see how the great 'Heavy-Wind' fairs against our Gramont family magic!" he shouts as he points his blade at the ground and causes the ground to rumble once again.
After a moment, many hands made from lava burst from the ground, the new lava golems pulling themselves free and readying lava spears, swords, and bows.
Karin just scoffs though, "Like your sons, your abilities are weak and limited." she states as her legs bend slightly. Wind whips up around her as she makes her first step, her body flashing from sight as she steps around the battlefield at ridiculous speeds, her sword flashing and cutting off the limbs of Karston's lava golems.
The limbs release steam as they hit the ground, and Karston sputters as he watches his golems get dismantled with relative ease. "I won't let you win!" he exclaims as he casts yet another spell, causing the ground around him to slump and crack inwards, allowing lava to come to the surface and begin flooding the place.
The lava golems quickly begin healing as the lava touches them, and Karin is forced to stop her assault when most of the ground becomes too dangerous to go near.
"I'm done playing your games, Karston." she says, swinging her sword towards him and conjuring a multitude of cyclones that begin making their way to Karston, leaving trails of obsidian in their path as they rapidly cool the lava they travel over.
Karston manages to destroy one cyclone but is swept up by the others who carry him into the air as he shouts in vain. His crown is torn from his head, and he's so disorientated that he is unable to see the next attack launched by Karin.
A spear made of pure, condensed air punches its way through Karston's chest with a sonic boom. Almost splitting his body in half as it passes through. Karston gives one last agonized scream as the cyclones dissipate and his body flops to the ground.
Karin nods at her handy work and rests a foot on what remains of Karston's chest, using a short spell to behead him and float his head for all to see. "KARSTON GRAMONT IS DEAD! SURRENDER OR FACE THE SAME FATE!" she announces while magnifying her voice.
Almost immediately, the entire Gramont army drops their weapons, falling to their knees and trying to look as small as possible so that they wouldn't be among the already large number of casualties.
The dragon carrying Henrietta lands beside Karin, and the girl hops off to congratulate the woman, "That was a marvellous battle, I was watching from the sky, are you sure you do not wish to retake your position among the Manticore Knights?"
Karin snorts and releases her spell that was still floating Karston's decapitated head. "I am old, Princess. Leave the fighting to someone who still cares. I am only here because my youngest would have went in my stead if I hadn't." she remarks, and Henrietta nods, knowing just how true that is.
Indeed, it was hard enough keeping Louise from coming as it is. She might be a Void Mage, but she was nowhere near powerful enough for Karin to trust her safety in a warzone.
"Still, I wish to reward you for your service... I had expected this civil war to last far longer, is there anything you long to have?"
Karin shakes her head, "Keep my daughter out of trouble and that will be fine. For now, you have men that need leadership." she says, gesturing at the surrendered army before them.
Henrietta nods, "If that's your wish..."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Jack Allen
Faruk Ereng
Directly after the dramatic finish of the battle between King Gramont and Princess Henrietta's forces, three figures could be seen peeking their heads over a nearby hill that overlooked the battlefield and the Academy.
"Huh, that must've been the shortest civil war this world has ever seen." Michael remarks as Princess Henrietta begins her speech. "I was expected that Gramont guy to put up a bit more of a fight, but I guess he's just weak like his son, Guiche."
Tiffania shakes her head, "I think that the one with pink hair was just too strong... I don't think I could have beat him." she admits.
"You're right. Her name is Karin Valliere, the Heavy Wind. One of the most powerful Mages this world currently has. Her name is well known from Albion to Romalia, no one would willingly enter combat with her, not unless they were insane." Ralf states.
"You two are just wimps, I bet I could take her!" Deflinger interjects himself into the conversation, getting dull looks from everyone. "I-er. I meant that 'we' could take her... Whaddya say, Partner?"
Michael shrugs at the sword on his hip, "I mean, maybe? She's faster than me using her magic, but I could probably keep up with Blink Strike...?" he shakes his head, "Not that there's any real point to trying. We should try and meet up with Charlotte and see if she's found anything on the book, if not, then Louise probably already has it." he says, gesturing at the princess, "If we follow the princess back to wherever they are staying, I bet Louise will also be there."
Ralf shrugs, "Well, the only one of us getting into the Academy is you, Michael. We'll head back and meet you at the inn."
"Gee, thanks for the help..." Michael mutters as he stands and brushes the snow and frostbitten grass from his trousers.
"Don't worry partner, I'll watch your back!" Derflinger cheerfully offers.
"Er, thanks..."
Michael sneaks into the Academy via the now open, scorched gates, his eyes scanning the familiar grounds which were now covered in blood and corpses, some bodies even belonging to students he'd seen before he was forced to flee this place. "It's gone full circle... I'm right back where I started." he sarcastically remarks as he walks towards the Great Hall where the remaining students presumably were.
Inside the Great Hall were the large tables usually used for breakfast, but each had many injured students laid atop them with people trying frantically to heal them with both magic, potions, and traditional methods.
Sadly, Charlotte wasn't present, so Michael leaves and finds himself back in the courtyard, though, he could see someone who might know where she was. He walks over and pats Sylphid on her side, minding the slowly healing injury, "Shh! Slyphid! It's me, Michael... I need to know where Charlotte is!"
The dragon bends its neck towards him, despite his invisibility. It huffs and gestures its head towards the tower where the student dorms were, which doesn't exactly narrow things down.
Michael shakes his head, "Look, can you just take me to her? I know you're a bit injured, but I'd rather not be here longer than I have to."
Fortunately, the dragon gives a reluctant nod and starts stomping towards a nearby tower, stopping outside of it and looking up at the number of windows above it. Charlotte's room presumably being one of those.
"Thats the best I'm gonna get then?... Fine." he huffs as he begins trekking up the tower, checking each room that correlates to the windows. Once he even walked in while someone was changing, not that they noticed.
Finally though, he reaches the last room at the top of the tower. He gives a couple knocks and steps back as... Kirche, opens the door, the girl glancing around at the empty hallway with mild confusion.
"Huh... Hello? Anyone?" she asks before shrugging and going to close the door, only for Michael to put his foot between it. "Wha-?" she starts but Michael ignores her and jabs her in the neck where Riki had taught him, knocking her unconscious as he catches her.
Her familiar, the Flame Salamander attempts to attack him in response now that he was visible, but he just casts Hex on it and locks it outside. Allowing him to finally spot Charlotte who was lying on a sofa on the opposite side of the room with a book in hand. "Yo."
"Yo? Is that the best you got, partner? You've just invaded this young ladies personal property and attacked her friend... The least you could do is offer a drink of some sort." Derflinger scoffs.
"Not now, sword... We already know each other, so I doubt she'd mind... Much?" he says, glancing at Charlotte to see her reaction.
The girl in question just shrugs and levitates Kirche's limp body onto a nearby chair, "Why are you here?"
"I'm here to see if you've found anything on the book... And to see if you're okay after that battle..." he adds the last part as if a last-second thought.
Charlotte goes on to explain that she'd asked Osmond and been told that he'd given the book to another Void Mage, all but confirming it in his mind that Louise was in possession of the book.
"Well, I guess that just leaves taking it then. Once that's done we'll be free of this shit hole." Michael says before looking over at Charlotte, "You should get your mother ready for moving. I don't know how long it'll take Tiff to learn the spell, but we'll be gone as soon as she does."
Charlotte nods, "My mother lives in our estate near Lake Lagdorian. With Illococoo, two-day travel."
"Alright... I'll get to finding the book then, will you stay here or go meet the others in Tristainia?"
Charlotte looks down for a moment, her eyes flitting towards the unconscious Kirche, "Stay here, will meet up later."
He nods "I'll see you then, Charlotte." he says as he leaves, the girl giving a nod of her own as she goes to attend to her friend.
"Hey, parter... Are you and that girl...?" Derflinger starts but Michael shakes his head.
"Ah, no... I think I prefer them a little taller... And bigger..." he says, mind drifting to Tiffania.
Derflinger chuckles, "Oh, I think I get you..."
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Jack Allen
Faruk Ereng
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