Despite Michael's new horse and riding abilities, his progress through the country of Tristain was slower than he would've hoped... This is primarily due to the numerous inconveniences that actually came with riding, especially the saddle sores, which were only exacerbated by his thin rag trousers that gave little to no protection against the relentless leather of the saddle.
He was forced to stop occasionally to let Milky feed and rest as well, making what he expected to be a two day trip to the port city Antomiers to around three and a half... He didn't enter the village between the port and Redfield, as leaving an easy trail for his pursuers to follow would not be worth whatever benefits he'd get. He had enough supplies, so aside from renting out a bed to rest in, there wasn't really a point.
Of course, not everything was doom and gloom however. His trek across the countryside and allowed him to view many strange and wonderful things in this magical world. Strange animals and monsters, plant life. And even scenic lakes that apparent why Tristain was called the 'Country of Rivers'.
These places allowed Michael to wash and nurse the increasingly painful saddle sores, but he didn't allow himself the luxury of an extended stay since he was likely being followed. He'd have also liked to hunt some monsters for some EXP, but actually getting close enough to them was more difficult than he anticipated.
Since he was travelling alone on one of the main roads leading to the capital, monsters weren't very common in the area, and those that were present were small and skittish, unlikely to attack anything larger than a toddler.
Fortunately for Michael's ass and thighs, he eventually spots port city's walls in the distance as he trots through the plains. Of course, the road slowly changed from the worn dirt he was familiar with, into cobble. Not to mention the increasing amount of people along it, merchant carriages, villagers, or simple nomads going to and from the port.
From what Michael had heard, Antomiers was one of Tristain's most important city's, simply because of how much they imported and exported from it. It was in a prime spot to trade with Germania, Gallia, and Albion. And while La Rochelle had more airships with which to trade with the floating country of Albion, it was Antomiers that received more attention due to Tristain's close relationship with Albion...
Of course, this relationship was now in jeopardy due to Albion's civil war, but even then, Tristain still sent supplies to the royal family to support their ally against their internal threat.
The walls of Antomiers themselves look like pale stone, as if trying to mimic marble with lower-quality materials. There were guard towers positioned at various points, and a few cannons peppered sporadically around the edge of both the towers and walls.
There were also two gates standing next to each other, one seeming to be for those exiting the city, and the other for those entering. They both looked heavily regulated, with guards checking almost every carriage coming through either gate.
Michael's hands became slightly clammy as he wondered if they knew of him, and if they'd arrest him if he tried to enter... Not to mention the fact he was literally carrying stolen clothes and jewellery with him.
Michael trotted to the back of the line, behind a carriage carrying what looked to be food produced from nearby villages. He didn't try to strike a conversation with anyone and simply waited for his turn, taking deep breathes and appreciating the salty smell the wind blew in from the ocean.
Soon enough, it was his time. Two guards asked him to get off of Milky's back as two more began searching through his stuff. Funnily enough, they found the clothing and jewellery he'd stolen from the thieves but didn't take any notice of it. Completely disregarding it as if it was worthless in their eyes.
"Erm, what're you searching for? Did something happen?" Michael tentatively asks, wondering if he'd missed something.
The nearby guard shrugs, "Just searching for forbidden magical items... I'm honestly thankful I'm not on the other gate... The rules for those leaving the city are way more annoying to enforce... I mean, who cares if someone wants to bring a foreign fruit with them, right?" the guard jovially says.
He gets slapped on the shoulder by the other however causing him to grimace, "Jerold, you know what we've been told... Those 'foreign fruits' can carry harmful insects, and even be cursed to ruin the vitality of the land." the other guard states with a hiss.
The now named Jerold just shrugs uncaringly, "I don't get what everyone's afraid of. Let's see someone try to sabotage this city!" he gestures at the cannons atop the walls, "They'll get a face full of our iron balls, hahaha-Ouch! Alright!..." he mutters after getting slapped, afterwards looking at Michael and pointing at the city, "Go on through, but please don't ride your horse within the city. We've had enough accidents lately."
Michael quickly nods and leads Milky through after checking that nothing had been stolen by any guards with sticky fingers.
Once through the gate, Michael is greeted by a bustling city, with buildings lining the stone roads and a large marketplace not too far from where he was standing.
He wanted to check out the market to see what was being sold, as well as check on how much it would cost to catch a ship to Germania, but first thing's first, he had to get Milky to a stable. She'd been walking all day, so she deserved some rest at least.
Luckily, there were a few stables nearby the entrance of the city, all at varying qualities so everyone from peasants to nobles could find adequate holdings for their animals... Michael didn't really care too much, so he went with the cheaper options, which ended up costing two silvers for a week stay.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Jack Allen
Faruk Ereng
From what Michael could infer, the currency was made up of three coins... Coppers, Silvers, and Gold. Each was obviously made from their respective metals, though, Michael was unsure if they were pure or not... He doubted it seeing as the gold coins were far harder than one would expect.
One gold was worth one hundred silvers, and one silver was worth one hundred coppers. Comparatively, a loaf of bread was worth around five coppers depending on its quality and size. So the gold coins he'd stolen from the thieves was more than enough to keep him comfortable for now. Additionally, Michael assumed that the clothes and jewellery he had were worth quite a lot.
After dropping Milky off at the stables, Michael hefted his two sacks of goods and ventured into the marketplace, looking around with curiosity. The most prominent and eye-catching things being sold here were actually items exclusive to Germania and Gallia. Germanian silks, dresses, and weapons. And Gallian art, furniture, and a litany of other items from both countries.
However, as soon as Michael lays his eyes on an ornate Germanian sword, he facepalms hard, realising that he'd completely forgotten about Derflinger, the legendary sword belonging to the original Gandalfr... It was still in a rundown smithy back in Tristain's capital, waiting for someone to notice how valuable it is.
Compared to the other blades on display, Derflinger beat them all. He was a sentient sword that was able to absorb magic from enemy spells, while also casting magic with the mana it collects. Simply put, he was probably the most powerful weapon in this world. Without it, Saito would have died numerous times, and without its magic absorbing ability, any novice mage would've been able to defeat him, simply by levitating him.
"Urgh... I can't believe I fucking forgot about it!..." he groans, wondering if it'd even still be there if he went to collect it... Not that he'd attempt such a thing any time soon, he was a wanted criminal, and wandering into the enemy's base would end up with him losing his head, Derflinger or not.
He shakes his head, "Whatever, it's fine... I'll just go get it once I'm strong enough... I'll take Riki as my next spirit and sneak inside... Yeah... But, should I even go to Germania then?... How long would it even take me to max out my Shadow Shaman Spirit?"
Michael releases a sigh, unsure of his plan of action now... His original plan of just going to Germania and getting strong enough to eventually leave this world, or at least defeat the ancient dragon was looking more and more foolish. After all, if that Cromwell guy manages to mind control Louise, they'll have an unstoppable Void Mage tearing the countries apart...
Maybe he should refocus his attention? Instead of going to Germania, he could go to Albion and start taking out the rebels... He'd need to avoid that mind-control magic, but staying away from Cromwell should be easy enough.
Michael nods to himself, "I'll need to get stronger before attempting that... Maybe this city has some gangs or thieves that need to be cleaned up?" he murmurs to himself.
Eventually, he decides to do just that, take out whatever criminal elements reside in the city before heading to Albion. But first, he should probably sell his goods and buy some proper equipment.
He wanted a weapon, some armour, and maybe some enchanted items that'd help him out in a pickle.
Michael currently only had forty gold. The cheapest blade on display was a dinky little short sword that cost one hundred and fifty gold, so yeah, his first stop was a market stall selling Jewellery.
The merchant manning it was a fat man with a thin moustache that was curled up at the sides... It looked like something that'd belong on the face of a villain, so Michael knew he had the right spot... After all, only villains could be effective merchants...
The merchant was surprised by the jewellery Michael brings out, at one point actually subtly accusing Michael of stealing them. But, Michael keeps a neutral expression and one hand on his dagger to activate his Gandalfr runes to assist him, firmly denying the merchants suspicion.
"I inherited these from my family... As painful as it is to part from them, I need the gold for other investments." Michael diplomatically states.
With the aid of the runes, maintaining his composure was easy enough, allowing him to negotiate with the merchant... In the end, Michael knew he'd probably been played, but the sizeable bag of gold now hanging at his waist eased his mind.
He'd been given around two hundred gold for all of the jewellery, taking him up to two hundred and forty... Considering this was enough to feed a peasant family for many, many years. Michael was pretty happy with it.
And, after selling off the luxury clothing, that number increased to three hundred and twenty. More than enough to get a 'good' blade and some armour.
However, as Michael was walking towards the nearest weapon shop, he could hear the pitter-patter of small feet behind him... He still had his hand on the handle of his dagger, as the clarity the runes provided him made him far less anxious when walking through the busy city.
This allowed him to pick out the sound of a child quickly headed his way, and since he'd already observed some street urchins cutting the purses of people in the street, he was all too aware of his large pouch of gold...
In a quick motion, he turns and catches the wrist of the would-be pickpocket, just as they were going to use a hidden dagger to cut his purse and empty his pouch. The young boy squirms in response, shouting, "Mister! Let me go!" as Michael holds him.
"You just tried to steal my stuff! You aren't going anywhere til' the guards get here." Michael states, but is somewhat unsure on whether or not to get the guards involved... He was, after all, still a criminal.
Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!
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Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :
Nazlican Erdem
Jack Allen
Faruk Ereng
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