The queen became even more nervous now that she learned of the disappearance of the maid. Who was the maid working for? Who was behind all this? Was it Damon?
He hadn't been around during the hunt since he had to stand in for the king in the town and ensure that things went smoothly with the commoners and unimportant people in the kingdom.
He was yet to return since some issues had kept him busy, and even though what was happening in the palace was very important, making sure that the people outside the palace walls were completely safe and not running wild or feasting on the tiny population of humans in the kingdom, was equally as important.
But was there any reason for him to do something like this? No matter how hard she thought about it, there was no one else within the palace that would dare to go against her apart from Harold. And since it was obvious that it wasn't Harold, Damon was the only other person that came to mind.
What do you think?
Who is behind everything?
Ivan? Damon? Fate?
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