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96.52% In HOTD with The Satou System / Chapter 110: Chapter 110 - The Hunt (Part 2)

Kapitel 110: Chapter 110 - The Hunt (Part 2)

Author Note: Sorry for no chapter yesterday, who knew that getting a dental filling done then having your eyes dilated in the same morning wouldn't work out so I know. Next chapter is the end of the line for this series, thank you all so much for following along.



Receiving the information from Clark, he informed me that Zod and Wraith Queen were coming to my world to finish it. Recognizing that it was all or nothing at this point, they decided to do a suicide run on me even if it cost them everything. To increase their chances of success, they had taken hostages from easily subdued worlds to dissuade me from just erasing the ships again. It was a smart move really, but I was really fed up with dealing with them now.

"So who all did they capture?", I asked in case I knew of them.

"Well they captured people from two different worlds that were easily conquered, do the names Isabelle and Geralt mean something to you?", Clark replied with a chuckle.

"Yes...I missed out on on Witcher 4 and 5 in my world!!!", I sniffled trying not to cry, "I spent nearly $2000 upgrading my rig so I could play them in crisp 8k!! I even ordered the Limited Edition versions with bikini character skins for Yennefer, Triss, and Ciri!! Do you know how upset I was that I couldn't play it!!"

"Why haven't you just bought the games in your current world? You could have bought them from your Item Shop after I modified it.", Clark teased me, "Also...I think you were more upset about not getting the collector figures. I know what was on your computer, and in your browser history."

"Hey man, don't you go sifting through that!! I spent years collecting all those photos, figures, and blu-rays...cut me some slack.", I told him, " never occurred to me to buy it now with all the shit going on. That said...once this is over I will have free time to play the games to my hearts content. Oh by the way...does that mean I can bring my collection over?"

"I mean you could, but I think Itami might steal them.", Clark pointed out, "Besides which, you have more important things to worry about. Misery achieved her goal, and you are going to be really busy in less than a year."

Taking a second to process what he was saying, I had to do a double take to make sure I heard him right. Informing me that I had really given it to them the other day, I would be finding out over the course of the next few weeks I had gotten everyone else pregnant. Asking how I managed to do that all of a sudden, he told me to thank Misery for it as she used her magic after we had gone to bed.

'I swear...that woman is sexy as hell, but damn is she going to be the death of me.', I thought with a sigh.

Thanking Clark for the information, I sat back in my seat to reflect on things. Usually I would have rounded up my lovers, and we would take care of this situation...but the situation had changed. With the news of their pregnancies I had to deal with this differently now. I had to send a message to any other people watching that I would crush anyone that came here looking for trouble.

Not only that, dragging the civilians into the fight wasn't going to fly either. After the success of the market opening, people were starting to really relax themselves into this new world. They didn't need to suffer any more conflict after the shit they had gone through, I needed to deal with this alone and humiliate the enemy to the point no one will want to try it themselves.

'I wonder how much it would cost to replace the Moon...', I thought.

Sipping on some tea while I was thinking how to humiliate the two of them, Evelyn and Astrid came over to sit with me. Noticing that I was deep in thought, they asked if something was wrong with me. Telling them about the impending attack that was coming, Evelyn looked worried about things.

"Oh no...what are we going to do?!", Evelyn asked me, "How many of them are coming? Do you have a plan to chase them away?"

"It will be alright, Victor won't let them harm us.", Astrid assured her.

"I know, I really like my coffee shop though. It hasn't been open that long, but I already have memories there.", she replied holding my hand, "I don't want to lose it to them."

"Evelyn, I can get rid of them with a snap of my finger. They are attacking our home, and that isn't going to fly.", I chuckled as I patted her head, "I am just thinking of a way to humiliate them. It needs to be something that will send a message to anyone that may be watching and sizing me up."

"Hmm.", the two women said thinking deeply on it.

Walking over towards us, Faora put her two cents in.

"Make a mockery of Zod.", Faora interjected, "Zod is a prideful man, losing in a fight won't break him. He needs to realize that you are just toying with him to really get under his skin. He looks at others as just bugs beneath his feet, he needs to feel it done to him."

Chuckling at her answer, I was going to tell her that wasn't really an idea till something popped into my mind. Remembering that there was someone in One Piece that could turn people into weak, helpless toys an idea came into my head. Hiding my twisted grin behind Poker Face, I put that aside to ask her about why she was so eager to help now.

"I have had time to think about things...I have come to terms with the fact I was nothing more than a replaceable tool to Zod. Rebuilding our society was never apart of his plans, he just wanted more soldiers so I was just a means to an end.", she told us, "I have you to thank for that...I was fine until you cursed me with free thinking and emotions!! Now I am a wreck...I have cravings for disgusting foods and my emotions are all over the place. One moment I want to wring your fucking throat out, but then the next I want you to treat me like you do the others."

"That's called being pregnant, Victor didn't do that to you.", Astrid corrected her, "Every woman experiences that when they are least to some degree."

"I didn't feel them before!!", Faora refuted, "It's his fault this is happening to me!!"

"It was probably your programming that suppressed it.", I stated, "Now that you are free, you are overwhelmed with hormones."

"Grr!!", she complained before letting out a sigh, "That said...there is a part of me that is thankful to you. Even though somethings I have now I don't like...there are those that I have already grown to enjoy. For example, food actually has a taste now...before it used to all taste the same, but now each item has a distinct flavor."

Telling us about the different things she had been trying in our kitchen, I could see she was actually being genuine about things. She actually really did like the food she was trying, it was like she found a whole other aspect to life that had been missing before. Deciding to give her an olive branch to move past her previous life, I looked her dead in the eyes then asked her my question.

"If I asked you to help me kill Zod, would you do it?", I asked.

Looking at me in shock, she was genuinely caught off guard that I would offer that to her.

"You mean like let me out of these cuffs?", she replied.

"Yes, I want to know if you would kill him.", I stated.

"I would.", she answered without hesitation, "Out of all the emotions I have experienced, rage is the one I have felt the most. Over and over that scene plays out in my mind...he used his child and I as a shield to escape. I look around here, and see that you spoil your wives yet I was left in the cold so he could escape!!"

Seeing the rage in her eyes, I knew she could be trusted for this task. Standing up, I walked over and released her from her cuffs.

"They will be here in a few hours, get ready to fight because I don't think he is going to fight like normal.", I told her.

Nodding her head she asked me for some assistance in preparing for the fight. I had damaged her armor in the last fight so she wanted me to fix it for her.

---Two Hours Later---

Having relayed the information to other settlements around the world, I had the Black Label team raise the barrier over our settlement as a precaution. My family didn't take getting left out of the fight all that well, they fought with me to let them participate but I shut them down. Sealing them up in the house, I wasn't about to let them get into a fight with a Kryptonian...even with the equipment I made them it would dangerous.

"They are here.", Faora said looking up at the sky.

Above the planet a massive portal open through which dozens of ships came pouring out. Watching them descend into our atmosphere, it was like watching Independence Day in real life.

"I am surprise they had so few ships.", I stated.

"Something must have happened...when I was there last we had thousands of ships.", Faora remarked, "Did they encounter another enemy?"

Starting to target enemies with my system, I was looking for anyone that criminal titles on them. I didn't want to kill everyone here because I understood that some people were only doing what they were told because they didn't want to die. By the time I was done marking people, Zod and the Wraith Queen Juniper had come down with some troops. With them no longer on the ship, I jammed their radios and erased the criminals from the ships.

"If you want to live, start freeing the prisoners or you are next.", I telepathically told the remaining crew members.

Making sure they started doing as I asked, I refocused my attention to the enemies at hand.

"I see the human had sympathy for you, and let you live.", Zod chuckled, "He did a splendid job reconstructing you."

"No thanks to you...", Faora growled already wanting to rip his face off.

Just looking at him, Faora's stomach became sick at the thought she had ever followed him. He forced this child on her, and then tossed them aside when it was convenient. Faora knew Victor had a plan to torment him, but she also wanted to beat him to within an inch of his life for making her suffer. Looking at her with confusion as he felt her killing intent, it seems he wasn't prepared for her to be angry with him.

"Faora, stand down and rejoin me at once.", Zod ordered.

"Fuck you! You really don't have any remorse for almost killing me!", Faora seethed as the ground beneath her feet cracked, "I am your slave no longer, and I am going to take that smug face off your head!!"

"So you brainwashed her...", Zod snickered thinking she was my puppet, "No matter, she is replaceable. I have plenty of other options on the ship that would make even better mothers than her."

"Why you!", Faora said almost attacking him in anger.

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I shook my head. In terms of fighting prowess Zod had her beat in a normal fight, the only benefit she really had now was the modifications to her armor and that her mind was no longer restricted from adapting to the situation. What I needed to do was level the playing field a bit for her.

"Follow my lead.", I told her telepathically, "Just trust me, and you will get your chance to beat his face in."

"Haha, you have tamed her.", Zod chuckled trying to get her to react.

"Cut the crap Zod, what do you want?", I asked removing my hand from her shoulder.

"We are here to kill you, or you kill us.", Juniper stated, "Your allies have done a great deal of damage to our fleet so now it's do or die."

Smiling at that, I needed to thank whomever pushed them here so I didn't need to hunt them down. Watching the troops bring forward several prisoners, they all looked pretty beat up.

"So the great General Zod had to stoop to the level of using civilians as shield? I am really disappoint, I expected better from you.", I jabbed, "I didn't think you were this much of a coward."

"In battle, you must do everything you can to ensure victory.", Zod remarked with a smirk.

"Ah, so that's why Faora said I was better in bed.", I chuckled wrapping my arm around her waist.

The look on his face hardened instantly as I went for the pride of every man.

'If you are a prideful man, let me trample on that pride for you. All I need you to do is move away from the prisoners, and it's over.', I thought, "You seem surprised Zod, she said I am four times the man you are down under. What did she call you...oh yeah, it was two pump chump."

Seeing his eyes start to glow red, I knew he only need a little push to move.

"Zod, don't fall for his primitive taunting.", Juniper warned him.

"Yeah, listen to her One Inch Zod. How about I show you how a real man handles a woman?", I said playfully smacking her butt.

Surprisingly Faora let out a soft moan that shocked everyone that knew her, including herself. That gesture was all it took for Zod to move. Lunging at us, I vanished from Faora's side and went for the prisoners. Looking back to find me, it seemed Zod didn't realize how pissed Faora really was at him. Before he knew it, his view turned a shade of red as she sucker punched him hard enough to knock two of his teeth out. Stumbling backwards in disbelief, he looked at her in shock.

"You head is mine!!", she roared as she engaged him in battle.

Delivering a series of powerful blows, she sent him flying off into the mountains to continue their fight there. Leaving me with Juniper, I looked at the soldiers with her and with a wave of my hand they turned to dust. Trying to send a command to the ships above to commence their bombardment, she quickly realized that no one was listening for some reason.

"You should know that most of the soldiers you brought are already gone. The few that remaining are freeing the prisoners.", I stated as my smile darkened, "The moment you stepped foot on my world, you lost this fight."

Reaching for one of the hostages, she watched her hands go flying past her face. Grabbing her by the face I chuckled as I hoisted her off the ground.

"Lets be fair here, the only ones that was of any real threat were the Kryptonians. You are just as fragile as everyone else.", I said with a smirk, "I have a special punishment for you."

In a few moments, she found herself on the ground again. Getting back up she realized that the world around her had grown substantially. Shaking her arm at me, she discovered that she didn't look the same anymore.

"What did you do to me!?", she howled.

"I made you into a toy.", I chuckled with a fiendish smile, "Specifically a dog toy."

Whistling into the settlement, several strays we had rescued came running over with tags wagging. Rolling onto their backs, I gave them a belly rub before picking Juniper up.

"Fetch boy!!", I shouted throwing her into the city.

Chasing after her, she had no time to react before the dogs were on her. Gnawing on her and using her to play tug of war, she screamed for mercy as the dogs carried her off into the settlement.

"Damn that's cold.", Triss laughed as I freed them, "Who are you?"

"Names Victor, nice to meet you.", I said with a smile, 'Damn she is really attractive in person!'

"Where are we exactly?", Yennefer asked.

"Earth, just one without monsters on it.", I told her, "Anyways, I am sure you and everyone on the ships has questions so lets get you situated in the city. Based on angry she was, I don't think it will be long before she is-"

Before I could finish the sentence, Faora slammed into the ground a few feet from us covered in blood. Going to ask her what was wrong, I got my answer when a Doomsday showed up.

"I will kill you all!!", Zod roared.

"I'd like to see you try!", I said pulling the Crucible out, "All of you get back into the city, I got this."

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