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87.78% In Danmachi with Plasmids / Chapter 261: Investigating Melen Part 1

Kapitel 261: Investigating Melen Part 1

Sorry for the delay, usual updates from now on.

Silver has just arrived at Melen for his joint investigation with the Hermes Familia, let's proceed shall we?







'With a tired expression, Asfi opened the door to the first floor...'



'What am I looking at?' Asfi thought to herself as she looked forward

'In front of her, she saw Aisha being hung in the ceiling via multiple ropes that exuded faint magical signatures, binding and twisting her body all around, though she didn't seem bothered by them that much.'

"Is this even necessary? I wasn't going to eat you… Though, not that I would mind the contrary~."

"It's my first time in this position, you always bring me surprises… I'll keep it in mind, it sounds fun… And good." Aisha said seductively as she tried to free herself from Silver's ropes



'All around her, the members of the Hermes Familia laughed loudly while Vultus crossed his arms in disapproval, seemingly unwilling to intervene at all.' 

'Meanwhile, Hermes could be seen trying to blend in with the background, hiding as he watched everything unfold.'

'He immediately noticed Asfi but played as if she wasn't there, causing her expression to sour.'


You're the God, do something about this!

'Despite looking at him intently, Hermes did not stare back at Asfi, looking away like a child that did something bad, causing her to clap her hands loudly as she tried to calm everyone down.'


"Can't I have a moment of peace and silence?" She complained as she walked into the room



'Everyone immediately calmed down.'


"I apologize on her behalf, she always causes trouble…" Asfi said as she exhaled loudly, taking a step closer to Silver 

"Ha! We're all adults here, you don't need to apologize on my behalf for something that isn't even that big of a deal." Aisha said with a laugh as she looked at Asfi from above


'Asfi didn't have the energy to retort, much less to a woman hanged in the ceiling.'

"Well, all this aside... It's been a while, glad to see you're okay."

"I would do some small talk but uh, you seem tired… As always." Silver said as he raised an eyebrow at her appearance

Her eyes are always sunken… And even with an adventurer's resilience, she's like this…

"Guess who's to blame for this." Asfi said in a tired tone as she crossed her arms


'Hermes hid his face with his hat as he tried to tiptoe his way out of the room.'

"You, stop right there, you ain't going nowhere." Asfi said with a sharp gaze as she looked at Hermes

"A-Asfi-Chan… I was uh… Going to the bathroom…"


'Her stern gaze said it all.'

"Understood." Hermes replied as he sat on a chair with his hands on his knees

"Once again, I apologize a little for what happened." She said as she looked at Silver's stained shirt, already realizing what had transpired while she was in her room

"There's no need for that, I found it fun even, though the ink part wasn't cool." He said with a laugh as he held his shirt

It isn't expensive anyway, it's just some cheap fabric, I have long learned that using anything expensive will only end up biting at my already stretched wallet.

The shop Gareth recommended helped me a bit, I need these cheap shirts in bulk.

"In any case… Looks like there's much to discuss..."

"Here, let me give you a gift before we commence, if you don't mind." Silver said as he touched Asfi's right shoulder, using his Plasmids to wash away her tiredness



This feeling again…

'Feeling her energy come back to her, Asfi couldn't help but marvel at the experience once more.'


"Thank you… Though I still want to rest."

"Haha… I can take away your body's desire to rest, but not your head's, you guys should try to have a healthier schedule." 


'They all gazed at Hermes, causing him to cough loudly.'

"Cough!... It's getting hot in here, isn't it? Hahaha… Umn…"

"... Now that all of this confusion's been resolved, can you let me down? I promise I won't do anything bad… For now~." Aisha said as she looked at Silver



'He snapped his fingers, causing the ropes around Aisha to vanish, and immediately after, she spun in the air, falling on her feet without any problem.'

"Hum… My hair's all messed up now." She said as she touched her head.


'Asfi didn't say much, but she seemed a bit frustrated.'

'Since the situation seemed to have been resolved, Asfi was ready to start the real conversation... But before she could do so, someone spoke first:'

"... Hey, I've seen you do all kinds of things with your Magic, what can't you do?" The male Pallum, Pock asked as he looked at Silver from the side

'The size difference between them was so intense Pock could even play as his child.'

"Pock! That's…"

"No, it's fine, I don't mind people asking about my ability." Silver said as he looked at Asfi

Apart from some specific things, I'm fine with revealing some of it.

I'm not someone who can be so easily pushed around anymore, and with the Reputation I've been building, even if an issue arises from my problems, at the very least I think people will try to listen to my side first.

At least, that's the idea.

"To simplify… I think it would be easier to note what I can't do." Silver joked with a smile as he turned to Pock

"Really huh? You're quite confident… Alright, I have an idea."

'He turned to his sister, causing her expression to darken.'

'She knew exactly what he was about to do and she wouldn't forgive him for it!'

"This girl, she can't find a boyfriend due to her personality, and albeit we can't fix that, how about trying to give some more 'humph' into her?" 


'Pot said nothing, but her cold stare said it all as she looked at her brother… This would have consequences.'

'Severe ones.'

'The others knew that too, so they gave him silent prayers...'

"... I don't know what you mean by 'humph', she's pretty as she is."

"Oh my, thank you, you're quite the ladykiller." Pot said with a thin, embarrassed smile as she looked away


'Pot looked at Silver with narrowed eyes, telling him to cut it as he passed his hands across his neck.'

"... Sigh, if you're talking about height, I can easily change that." Silver said as he looked at them

"Wh… You really can?" Pock asked with a surprised look on his face

"I can change everything in a person…" Silver replied as he raised his right hand

"Then make him go bald for me please, at least that in exchange for what he just did to me." Pot said as she interrupted Silver

"Wh… Hey! I'm your brother!"

"Humph, I have no such brother. Do it."

"You heard her, sorry pal." Silver said as he raised his hand in Pock's direction1



'Silver snapped his fingers, and immediately after, all of Pock's hair fell from atop his head.'


'He immediately fell onto his knees, clutching onto his fallen golden hair, unable to say anything as he head began to sparkle.'


'On the side, Keaks started to laugh loudly as he held his belly, almost falling onto the ground as well.'


'The others also tried their best to hold their laughs, but even Asfi had to look away for a moment, else she wouldn't be able to hold it in.'

"You… Since it has come to this… Finish what I started." Pock said as he clutched onto his hair

"I wasn't planning on stopping for nothing."

"Eh?... W-Wait I'm not read…"


'Silver snapped his fingers and a curtain rose around Pot, causing everyone to step back as they waited in anticipation.'

'Asfi looked at him for a moment and he gave her a nod, everything he did was safe.'


'He clapped his hands, indicating he was done with her transformation.'

'And just as he did that…'

"WH-WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Pot exclaimed in fear and absurdity from inside the cloth

"I'm pulling the curtain."

"WAIT! N-Not yet!!"



"Oh my…" Hermes said as he scratched his chin

Isn't this quite good?


'Asfi immediately bonked his head with something she pulled from her robe.'

"Urg! Raise those c-curtains again!" Pot asked as she tried to hide her body

'Standing in the middle of the room, a grown-up Pot now stood, towering over all girls, including Elily, the "Dwarf".'

'Her long blond hair now went all the way to her waist and her bodily proportions had also... Albeit not Aisha's match, still something she would lick her lips over.'

"How unfair, such a feminine body." Elily said as she let out a sigh of disappointment

'Due to her sudden growth spurt, her previous clothes now looked… Rather tight.'

'In a sense, she was no different from Aisha now.'

"I like your style, want some of my clothes? They would fit you well… Aside from the chest area of course." Aisha said with a pensive gaze as she looked at Pot

"FUCK YOU!" Pot exclaimed as she crouched on the ground trying to cover herself


'Pot's about to murder someone.' Many thought at the same time as they saw her face grow red

"HAHAHAHA! T-This is Perfect!" Pock laughed out loud as he looked at his sister


"H-HEY! S-Suicia! Just ask him for it and you can finally graduate from wearing children's..."


'In the back, an Elven girl with a mask on her face snatched a hatchet from the ground, threatening to throw it at Pot with red eyes, only to be stopped by another Elf, one wearing a hat very much like Hermes'.'


"You really want to die Pock..." Falgar mumbled to himself as he shook his head, a bead of sweat falling from his forehead

At this rate, he's going to provoke all of them... He's going to die in his sleep.

'Amidst all, Pock was the only one to laugh… And this obviously caused his sister to turn to him.'


"So this is how it feels to look at a Pallum huh? Perfect them, I'll show you what you want." She said as she approached Pock while cracking her knuckles 

'With her height not being over 1.80 Cm, she towered over most of the people in the room.'

"... Urg… Can you turn them back before this escalates any further?" Asfi asked as she turned to Silver

"No problem." Silver said as he snapped his fingers again, causing a curtain to cover Pot

"HEY! Just let my fist fall on his face a few times!" Pot protested from within the curtain as she tried to pull them down

"If you keep struggling the curtain will fall." Silver said as he raised his left hand to turn Pock back


'She immediately stopped resisting.'


'Meanwhile, Pock's hair returned to his head in a display straight out of a fairy tale.'

"Ahh, my hair… I never knew how cold the world was without you… I'll treat you well from now on." He said as he touched his head, a tear crossing through his eye


"... Sigh, at least this is over..." Asfi said as she adjusted her glasses

Then now I...

"Hey… Since we're on the topic. Can you turn this table into pure gold?" Keaks asked as he tapped on a wooden table next to him, interrupting Asfi 

"... Why am I not surprised this is the first thing you asked of him?" Asfi asked as her eyelids twitched

"You know me well Captain!"

"... That wasn't a compliment."

"Keaks, you're being ridiculous now, how can he turn wood into gold?" A beastman on the side said as he tapped on the table


"Of course I can." Silver replied quickly as he raised his right hand


"WHHHAT?!" Keaks exclaimed as his eyes almost popped out of his face

'His right hand slowly turned rigid as his skin turned golden, shining.'

'Under their surprised eyes, his hand turned into a solid chunk of gold.'


'With his "Midas touch", Silver tapped the table, and the area he passed his hand across was painted Golden in response.'

'In no time at all, the entire table and even a bit of the ground turned into pure gold, causing Keaks to step back in shock and even a bit of fear.'

"Done." Silver said as he crossed his arms



'Keaks was too fearful to touch the table, and so were many members of the Hermes Familia, they thought they would also turn into gold…'

/Crack... Throw.../

'But to their surprise, Silver just broke a small piece of the table before throwing it onto Keaks' hands.'

"AHHHH! I DON'T WANT TO… Huh? I'm fine?"

"Of course you're fine, my magic isn't some sort of disease, it's all under my control." Silver replied as he shook his head in disappointment

"Ahaha… Of course it is, sorry for that…" Keaks said as sweat fell from his forehead

'He then looked at the golden chunk of "wood" in his hands, taking a bite out of it to confirm his suspicions.'

"This… This is pure gold... A solid chunk of dense gold..." He said as his eyes opened wide

"You're really crazy, aren't you?" He asked as he turned to Silver

"Depends on who's asking, and before you ask, no, I have yet to scam someone, and second, this isn't easy to do."

This gold will turn into wood again after a while, though I can turn it into Gold forever with the correct Plasmid, though I'm not too keen on doing it.

Gold isn't that valuable anyway, I'm still trying to develop a Plasmid that can turn something into Orichalcum or Adamantite.

I'll figure it out eventually once I understand their composition, though I have an inkling that won't be enough.



'The moment he said that, many members of the Hermes Familia approached the table, touching it in curiosity, even the serious-looking Falgar tapped the table in curiosity before returning to his previous position.'


They look like children seeing a new toy.

Looks like we'll be here for a little while…

'In silence at their wonder, Silver could only keep smiling, they would eventually get tired of it… Wouldn't they?'


"... Awww man! Why did you turn that gold back into wood?!" Keaks complained as he stood at the shored of a massive lake with Silver, Hermes, and Asfi next to him

It's the perfect way to make money, if I can have a bar of wood be turned into gold, I can bet anywhere without consequences!

What a life!

"Enough Keaks, let's talk after we're done here." Asfi said as she glanced at Hermes

/Shua... Shuaa!/


"... So this is it huh?" Silver said as he looked at the splashing water in front of him

'Lolog Lake, the largest body of water within the vicinity of Orario.'

'To his far right, he could see Melen's massive Port full to the brim with people moving around the place as they loaded things in and out of boats, some arriving, others leaving into the far sea.'

"What do you want me to do again?" Silver asked as he turned to Hermes

"Nothing much..."





  1. Imaginary Technique, Purple

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