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76.52% In Danmachi with Plasmids / Chapter 226: The Daeva

Kapitel 226: The Daeva






'After eating a simple but heartful dinner with the kids and Maria, Silver, together with Loiju escorted Syr out of Daedalus Street before parting ways, each going to their corner of the city.'

'Syr went back to her home, whenever that was, to enjoy the remainder of her vacation while Loiju did the same.'

'From his own words, he had some things left to be done by tomorrow so he could go back to work.'

'He seemed a bit more motivated than before.'

'Silver was glad he would be able to see his friend again at work, though a bit sad for him too.'

'He had finally become rich, but he could not enjoy the life of one yet…'

'To enjoy life, he had to first understand what life was to him.'

'Perhaps it was a partner, or adventuring, whatever it was he had yet to find it.'

'Although from his tone, Silver noticed that he may have the intent to go back and visit his parents, something he was sure would be beneficial to him, especially considering how much his brother's visit had impacted him.'

'No matter what feelings they had for each other in the past, after 2 decades without seeing each other, everything was already well under the rug.'

'Seeing his kids in person had been kind of a rough wake-up call for him.'

'At most he would be beaten up by them for a while, but after that...'

'There is no one better to guide him than his parents right now.'

"If he can get over that pride of his..." Silver mumbled as he stopped walking

Loiju promised to go back with a wife, but he has none, if he goes back like this then it would be a humiliation...

I wouldn't put it like that, I'm sure they would laugh a little as if he were to explain what he did in these past few years, they wouldn't mind.

At least, that is how I think parents should behave, I have no idea what kind of Elves they are...

Some Elves are so isolated they may not even understand what the Guild is, despite it existing for 1000 years.


'As for what he himself did… Silver turned around.'

'He had yet to figure out the purpose of the Aeshma Familia, and because he didn't want to tension the atmosphere while they were still together, Silver prioritized enjoying his remaining time with everyone rather than seeking answers.'

'Now that everyone had parted ways, this was a great opportunity to seek them out and figure out what was going on.'

'The Aeshma Familia's home wasn't in Daedalus Street, but he decided to start his investigations there, considering they do not exactly operate in the dark, if there were any members of their Familia around, he would be able to find them pretty easily just by asking some questions here and there.'

'Once he was done with this, he planned to go to Babel.'

'At this time, Hestia would be working at Hephaestus' shops, so he wanted to visit her and give her a small surprise.'

'As for what he would do after that… He wasn't sure.'

'He could go back and continue training with others, rush a meeting with Fels, or just focus on recovering his sight.'

'A few more days was everything he needed to retire his bandana and dark glasses.'

'After that would be his arms, and the sooner he did so, the sooner he could push for a higher record in the Dungeon.'

'Though that would have to be left for later.'

"Perhaps I should just take it easy and have a date with her?"

We did eat some sweets two days ago at a coffee shop, trying something new wouldn't be that bad...




/Clap clap…/

'Inside a dark alley somewhere in Daedalus street, 4 men could be seen fighting each other.'

'Though it would be rather extreme to call this fight... It was more of a one-side beatdown.'


"Good, make sure he doesn't wake up." Silver commanded as he pointed at the adventurer on the ground

"Understood." The other adventurer said, his eyes flashing white as he raised his right hand to grasp his 'companion's' neck

"GHA! W-What are y-you doing Riro?!" The man on the ground exclaimed in pain as his neck was violently grasped

'Next to him on the ground, another man stood, unconscious due to a heavy concussion, slowly bleeding out from his broken nose.'

"Sir." Riro spoke in a simple tone as he pulled his 'friend' to Silver

"ARG! What have you done to him?!" The man spoke as he grasped at his neck, trying his best to breathe but having difficulty doing so


'Silver did not reply, merely putting his hand over his face.'



'When the white light receded, the man's eyes turned absent as his gaze unfocused.'

"Let go of him before he loses consciousness." Silver commanded after he finished using his powers



'The man fell to the ground, breathing heavily.'

'But he did not complain even as his neck grew purple due to the force applied to it just now.'

'He merely rose and stood next to the other man, shoulder to shoulder as he awaited for commands.'


'Meanwhile, Silver witnessed this sight with a pensive gaze.'

It worked better than I thought.

Creating ice spikes, lightning, burning, or the usual isn't the only way to defeat my opponents, that is obvious.

There are many things I can do, some being more direct than others.

Making the floor slippery, removing the floor, silencing them so they can't communicate or cast magic...

I particularly like reducing gravity, albeit doing so tires me considerably, it's much simpler to just use telekinesis.

Teleporting their weapons to me is also very viable, though I have yet to test that out against a proper opponent.

However, due to the existence of Magic resistance, I can't use these sorts of things on the usual opponents I face.

I'm always fighting above my Level, and because of this, most intricate Plasmids can't really be used.

Control, enrage, to mess with someone's mind and body… It's just resisted.

And other forms of attack such as fire, ice, and the usual, the kinds of simple Plasmids I can maximize its effectiveness are usually... Just brushed aside by my strong opponents.

In this sense, when faced with strong opponents, I lack the means to deal direct damage apart from the gold old brawling method, which isn't bad by any means.

My Plasmids have always been behind in terms of offensive capabilities, albeit currently, with my high magic Stat and my Development Ability that enhances them, I've started to see some of those restrictions loosening.

I don't know if I'm strong enough to blast a Level 4 adventurer's head from the inside out yet, but I should be able to mess with his ability to properly make judgments, like these guys, albeit lighter.

Don't misunderstand, if I try my hardest, I can still create flames strong enough to damage Level 5s and even a Level 6 like Phrine...

If I risk damaging my own body to push my output to higher levels, then I could even...

But then, I would likely end up killing myself.

I like to say "average Level 5" and "average Level 6", but in current times, is there anyone average that can reach these levels?

Even 14 years ago when Hera and Zeus were around...

In any case, more intricate Plasmids tend to fall behind simple and fast to execute Plasmids due to their complexity, and cost.

For example, I couldn't control Prhine like this, even if I tried, she would've just brushed it off without feeling anything.

Not that I would anyway, if I control all of my enemies and have them eliminate themselves, it may count towards raising Exelia, but it wouldn't work towards what I seek.

What's the point of using my powers like that... Though there is also the counterpoint...

If I don't use my powers now, then when?

Though that point is rather weak on its own... As I do whatever I wish with my own powers.

I built them on my own, after all.


Not that these guys are Level 4, they are all Level 2, the kind you see everywhere, I think Daphne would defeat them alone if she was here.

So overall, even if I remove my Skills and Development Abilities, my Higher Level is enough to make my Plasmids function properly.

"Tell me, what are you guys doing here?" He asked coldly as he brushed his thoughts aside

"... Looking for talented people."

"W... What?" Silver blurted out in surprise

'He did not expect that.'

'Furrowing his brows he continued.'

"We… Can leave the reason for later... First, answer me, were you the ones that stole money from the Orphanages?"



"Because we are looking for those that have the courage to stand up."

'Silver's frowned even further.'

"Hum... Explain!"

"Lord Aeshma seeks to create great adventurers with the goal of one day creating the destined Daeva."


'Silver face palmed as he looked at the sky that was barely visible through the complex architecture of Daedalus Street.'

Ah, of course, another God with another 'great' plan... Great.

As if we hadn't enough of those.

It's as if you couldn't have a problem that couldn't be traced back to a God...

"What is the Daeva? How do you... He intends to achieve it?"

'The man shook his head.'

"The methods of Lord Aeshma are beyond the likes of us, we merely carry on his orders."

"According to his own words, the Daeva is the culmination of 'mortality', the one who carries everything that makes them unique, the ultimate one."

"He wishes to see him in action, to push mortality to its very limits, the birth of the strongest, not a Hero, something more than a Fable, a Legend."

"This is the will of Aeshma."

"When we were younger, we used to be Orphans too, we were selected by him, raised by him, and those that weren't fit to become warriors were left behind long ago."

"To replenish our numbers, we constantly seek out talents, preferably children that have a lot of space for growth."

"Placed together, the best are chosen to carry on, and over time, the elites are chosen to lead the Familia and raise it to greater heights."

'Silver scratched his chin.'


This makes some sense, but at the same time not.

These guys? The best? Honestly, I've seen at least 1000 like them before...

... Perhaps I'm just being arrogant and these guys are actually quite capable.

"Are you guys part of these... 'Elites'?"

'They shook their heads.'

"We are nothing but the weakness of all lambs under Lord Aeshma, our duty is to carry on the simplest of orders, but albeit small, our work is necessary as through many cogs, the machine built by Lord Aeshma may operate..."

"Yeah yeah, I heard that story before..."

Same talk, different places, different times...

"In any case, I imagine this greater plan of yours is the reason why you guys maintained a close relationship with the Orphanages."

"Correct." He replied with a nod

"Orphanages are a great source of manpower, we help them stabilize and grow, to see us in a good light so some of them may eventually join us by their own will."

"While those from the outside scorn their existence, we embrace it, giving them a place to be a group to be part of, to work towards a bigger goal instead of rotting in the streets."

"This talk again... Sigh."

When you have a society that pushes you away, a group dedicated to welcoming the scorned will always proliferate...

No wonder it's so damn effective, it's a timeless rule.

The Aeshma Familia seems to be on the moral high grounds merely from that, as they've been providing help to what is possibly dozens of Orphanages across decades if not centuries without anyone knowing...

Not because they keep it a secret, but because no one cares.

But without knowing the inner workings I can't really tell if they're truly heroes with no capes.

Something smells a bit fishy... Aeshma seeks a warrior that embodies courage... But that doesn't quite fall into his ideals.

He wishes to create the perfect "Hero", but how can he do it?

He's essentially grabbing many children and grooming them into adventurers while he seeks a "promised one".

This is no different from what Hermes is doing, albeit he is much more passive.

"Then... Given the capabilities of your Familia, I imagine you all have no reason to steal at all, as it goes against your ideals, is that right?"

"Lord Aeshma seeks one with the determination of a great warrior like the one that slew the Man eater many days ago, so to lose a bit of reputation to find the worthy one is worth it."

"Lord Aeshma believes he embodies an aspect he has failed to take into account in his divine oracles, as power, talent, beauty, intellect, and so on aren't enough to create the Daeva."

"As such, he is seeking out someone with the will to rebel against even the Divine, to incorporate it into his 'greatest creation'."

"So you all are… Pocking around the place to see if someone with those characteristics appears?"

Incorporate? How do you 'incorporate' in this situation?

Is there some foul magic at play here?

Perhaps I shouldn't take this in a literal sense...

"... Correct."


'Silver became silent as his hand rose to his face once more.'

So... Uh...

Is this because of me?

A God that wishes to create the perfect adventurer has taken me as a model… And has started to bother Orphans as they were the easiest to bully.

All of this in an attempt to fish out a talented one...

Should I be honored? Or revolted at such behavior?

'Silver exhaled loudly.'

No… There is no point in getting angry at a God, that is futility in itself.

Their morals are different, and even if that doesn't affect the weight of their actions, as there are many morally gray Gods out there, the only thing I'll end up doing is creating trouble for those around me.

As whatever happens to the God in question is inconsequential to him as he is eternal.

While the people around me aren't, and that is exactly why Gods are so unbothered by everything.

So... Why kick a rock time and time again? It won't budge and I'll only end up hurting my damn foot...

In some aspects, Aeshame seems similar to Hermes...

Their difference is that Hermes prefers to watch as the Hero plays in the field he set while Aeshma seeks to mold this person into the Hero like clay?...

"... Urg, I'm getting a headache from this."

Like before, I feel like something is missing.

I lack too much information on Aeshma as a whole.

These guys seem to venerate him... They even seem to hold a bit of fear...

I won't get what I want by asking them any further, I'll only end up contaminating my own string of thoughts.

They also don't seem deserving of me crippling their mind to investigate their memories, and killing them to directly 'read' their mind also seems a tad overkill.

They are really just ordinary adventurers being used by a higher power...

"But when that not the case... Sigh."

'With many emotions surging through his heard, he thought deeply before asking:'

"How much longer do you all plan to do this?"

One day, they'll have provoked all Orphanages, there won't be a point in doing it once they confirm the person they're looking for isn't here.

"For a few more days in the least, we have searched almost all of Daedalus Street, but we have yet to find a fitting candidate…"

"Are there any other groups apart from you 3?"

"None, other groups should be patrolling around other districts, searching for possible candidates there or doing their own tasks."


"... Then, stop doing it here." Silver said after some pondering

"Return all of the money you've stolen discretely, you may continue searching for this 'Talent', however, you are not allowed to directly interfere with the people living here anymore."

Instead of completely restricting their movements, having them follow a set pattern is easier to monitor while also not appearing odd for Aeshma.

Besides, it seems they won't trouble the Orphanage again anytime soon.

They stole from them twice and were about to do it a third time, they wanted results as fast as possible as it hasn't even been a week since Phryne died.

Still, given by some of the kids' reactions, I don't imagine they'll find their target here.

And by the time they finish scouring through the district, I would've finished my own investigations into their Familia.

Before Aeshma even has the time to realize something was wrong, I would've already finished everything on my end.

Unless... He decides to do something crazy.

Gods have their own extraordinary senses, they can feel things, and tell things before they even happen too.

Honestly, they just do what comes to their mind, so I shouldn't take that he'll remain still and wait patiently for me to do my own things.

But it's not like I need to hurry either, as Aeshma isn't doing anything otherworldly.

He is seeking something like many Gods, and his actions so far aren't monstrous, they're against the law, but they're "safe".

Much safer than Freya's that's for sure...

Yet once again, I shouldn't leave the safety of these kids to the morals of thugs.

"... If your Lord asks of your progress, just answer that you found no candidates." Silver said plainly

If they found nothing for close to a week, then nothing will change after a few more days unless fate decides to come by and prank us.

My control over them should still be in effect for many more days to come and even when it wears off, they won't remember this interaction.

This should resolve the problem with these children, however, I may have to seek out the movements of their Familia... Just in case.

I've met and heard of many weird Familias, but apart from a few I know of, I have maintained a certain distance from these 'strange' Gods as I have no interest in getting swept into their bizarre goals.

If the Aeshma Familia leaves the children alone after they're done with their search, then it's fine, though it could be a matter of priorities.

From children to adults, they could just alter their requirements.

Even if not, I would still like to see what they'll do to achieve their goal.

If my previous actions have caused others to suffer like this, even if I'm not to blame for other people's actions, I'll at least not ignore it now that I've come to learn of it.

Besides… This entire matter of the 'Daeva' has irked me.

How exactly does Aeshma plan on creating it? How many years has he done it?

It seems as if it's been a few years at the very least.

What sorts of techniques and research has he conducted in order to create "Mortality Incarnate"?

What kind of goals and ways could a God think of?...

I'm curious, it would be strange to not be.


'After he was done thinking, Silver ordered the two adventurers to grab the collapsed man on the ground before altering his mind as well.'

'After using his Plasmids to make sure they were all under his control and that they wouldn't remember what happened here today, Silver turned around and left Daedalus Street, for good this time.'


/Not long after.../

"...Should I change my appearance again?..." He thought as he entered an alley

The Orphans may have not recognized me, but others will...

Alright, this won't take long.

/A few minutes later.../


'Silver saw himself at the base of a large tower...'

"Ah, Babel's Plaza, I visit this place much less than I should've." He said with a smile as he raised his head to look at the sky-high tower

Watching the people go by and exploring the fancy floors of Babel can be quite nice.

It's not expensive for nothing, they have quite an interesting collection of shops up there.

'He looked at a clock hanging on a pole near a fountain, there were many such spots scattered throughout the plaza, so he sat near one as well.'

There's still some time before Hestia gets off her work...


"It's nice."

... Sitting by the water fountain as you wait for your partner to exchange the loot for money...

A shame I never went through this phase, I worked alone at the start, and to this, I remain the same.

I have no need for a Supporter, and the current Hestia Familia is still not good enough to go on an adventure with me.

Ideally, I would like Haruhime to be Level 2 before joining me in the Dungeon, to give me some boosts so I can try... Well, that is something for the far future.

Cassandra also has quite a way to go before she can become a reliable healer.

I'll make her surpass Armid with skill, proficiency, and Level!

/Chatter chatter.../

"Place seems quite busy."

'Silver saw adventurers and workers coming and going from Babel in droves, it felt like he arrived at a convention.'

'All kinds of weapons, all kinds of attires, be it people from the Guild or normal adventurers, they were everywhere...'

'Without him knowing, time seemed to pass rather quickly as he started taking notice of the many exotic sights of Orario, a beauty he never really stopped to enjoy...'


'Amidst his moment of relaxation, he turned his head to look at another tall tower nearby, it was a pretty famous clock tower...'

"... 5:25, quite late."

When did I leave the Haerth Manor?

Was it around... Huh?

'While he looked around, he noticed someone...'

Oh! It's been a while...

'At the edge of his vision, he saw a green-haired Goddess hug a group of adventurers as they left the Dungeon.'

'It was Leto and her Familia!'

"They're full of vitality, they seem a bit hurt but nothing too big."

They visited some time ago before the War game, a shame I wasn't able to talk with them.

By the looks of it they're doing fine, that's good to hear.

'Looking around again, he saw a group of buff men walking into the Dungeon in a coordinated march...'

'The warriors of the Hercules Familia!'

"And they haven't changed a bit... Figures."

Babel is indeed the center of Orario, if you stay here for long enough you'll likely meet with all of the big shots of the world.

I can understand now why some teens hang around the place, they must be looking to take a peek at their idols... Perhaps get an autograph?

Though it's still a bit dangerous to do so, not all adventurers are good people, and I'm sure most parents wouldn't want their children near the brutes that are most adventurers...

Do I have any fans? Ha!... Honestly, it sounds as bad as I think... But...

I wouldn't mind.

'Thinking about this, Silver was about to take a step towards the Plaza when he stopped.'

'He saw someone rather familiar, he watched and watched, frowning, reconsidering, thinking, confirming, and repeating all of those steps in no particular order...'



'He smiled, turning back to enter an Alley... Hestia would have to wait.'

'He had someone to pick up first...'


/Not long after.../


Today I made... No, I lost about...

Uh... The antidote potion... Plus repairing... Food... Bandages... And...

It totals to... About 970 Valis deficit...


'A young girl sat by one of the fountains near the plaza, her fingers up as she made several calculations one after the other in her tiny head.'

'Sometimes, she raised her head and scouted, looking for someone before dropping her head in defeat.'


'But her gaze changed as she saw an adventurer walk by her.'

'And in one swoop, she rose from her seat and approached the boy...'

"E-Excuse me!"






Pretty chonky chapter.

Sorry for the delay, I'll post the other chapter, which is also late, tomorrow morning.

What do you think is going on with Aeshma?

This chapter pretty much ends their business and starts the last arc before another minor time skip.

I think it's about... 4-6 chapters? I don't quite remember.

I hope you all liked it, peace!

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