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40.51% In Danmachi with Plasmids / Chapter 114: Monsters? Not quite...

Kapitel 114: Monsters? Not quite...



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'Silver jumped to the side, barely avoiding the Dragon's charge.'

'Due to its momentum, the Dragon was unable to stop, sliding far and toppling many trees in its path, destroying the earth on its path…'

'He looked at the Dragon as it disappeared from his sight and thought:'

That was fast.

A bit too fast…

"Something's wrong, it's too fast... And violent, green dragons are mostly docile until you invade their territory... And I'm sure I didn't."

They're like the Cadmus, one of the strongest known monsters to the Public, a species of Dragon that remains in place protecting a fountain where even a large bottle of its water can cost up to 10 Million Valis.

A Green Dragon is a match for a decently strong Level 4 adventurer, but if that was all I wouldn't be having difficulties against.

I'm not invincible against all Level 4's but what makes me strong is how all of my stats are equally as strong as each other, different from most people who at most have 1 or 2 priority stats followed by 1 support stat and 2 weaker stats.

If I fight a stronger Level 4 adventurer, then most likely I will be faster than them…

Or be more dexterous, or have more Vitality…

Or my Plasmids will be strong enough to deal with him.

That's how it usually goes.


'As SIlver thought, the sounds coming from the forest became louder and louder...'

A Green Dragon is a very strong monster, one that most established Level 4 adventurers would struggle with… But this one far surpasses that.

Even if we take my current bad condition due to the poison and the weights, I barely even had time to jump away.

It wasn't because I was not fast enough, but just that I barely reacted to it.

'Deeper in the forest...'

'The Dragon slowly turned back, walking back to where he was.'

'Silver took a deeper glance at the creature and immediately realized a few things…'

"Its scales are darker… And they have a certain sheen to them… As if they were metal."

It looks a tad more muscular and lastly, its horns.

They were red, unlike the usual white and gray…

"Without a doubt, this is at the very least, an enhanced species… Now it's up to see if it's actually an irregular…"

It could be a problem if it is, I can always leave, but that would cause other problems...

"Perhaps... Due to its change, it started roaming around?"

Green Dragons can do that, but it's incredibly rare...

When their treasure trees become destroyed or they are looted, but the dragon isn't killed in some strange string of events, they will start to roam since they lost their purpose.

'Silver unconsciously smiled, the thought of fighting an enraging Dragon excited him deeply.'

'An Epic saga would always include a dragon one way or another, and even though this Dragon didn't have wings, it was still a very fearsome existence.'

"An enhanced Green Dragon…"

And when a Level 4 monster becomes stronger…

"It may very well be Level 5… No, it is."


'From within the trees, the massive figure of the Dragon dashed forward, swiping its claws at Silver!'



'He quickly created an ice shield and ducked, but the shield only lasted long enough to protect him from being cut down, barely stopping the might behind the claw.'


'Silver didn't say anything, instead, he focused.'

'His right arm was raised, a disk of light started to form...'



'The Dragon landed on the ground and did a quick spin, lashing out its tail at Silver's chest.'

'He managed to block it with a combination of a wind wall, his arms, and the fact he jumped backward to cushion the impact.'

'But he was still sent flying dozens of meters!'


'Before he was hit, he threw the white disk towards the dragon's face, but it simply closed its eyes, letting its scales repel the disk like a bullet hitting metal.'


'Silver quickly recovered his focus as he flew across the air...'

"I think my arm bones cracked..."

This won't do.


'Silver crashed against a few more trees and eventually fell on the ground, gasping slightly for air.'

'He took out his weights and drank an antidote, it wouldn't work immediately but he already felt better.'

"Enough training for today, time to fight for real." He said as he punched the air next to him, creating a black ripple

"Help me out buddy." He said as he took out his faithful Halberd from his pocket space

'The weapon's runes shone in response to his words, as if ready to take on whatever he was facing.'



'The Green Dragon opened its mouth and a massive fireball made its way to Silver, destroying everything on its path.'


'Like a mirage, he disappeared from his location and reappeared behind one of the Dragon's rear legs, slashing his Halberd towards its tendons!'



'But surprising or perhaps, as expected. The Dragon's scales blocked his Halberd, but not without some damage as several of its scales got cut in half and rendered useless.'

'It felt as if Silver was chopping wood with a blunt ax.'



'The Dragon jumped forward and moved its tail towards Silver, but he once again teleported out of harm's way.'


'He reappeared on top of a tree, trying to have a better look at his surroundings, and it was then that he realized the level of destruction he and the Dragon had caused…'

'From his vantage point, he could see the massive 4m wide, 3m deep, and 20m long trench caused by the Dragon's fireball.

'But that was only the crater itself... All around it, in a 20M radius, all plant life had been carbonized, and even more, was currently on fire.'

'Not only this, but he also saw the destruction he caused due to his previous fights!'

'Massive pits, broken and charred trees all around, some even frozen, some turned into stone, others were covered in spider webs and other substances...'

'He could see small glints of light coming from the ground, those were the Magic stones dropped from some of the monsters whose bodies were overly damaged...'

'The ones that remained that is, as some magic stones were probably destroyed beyond salvaging...'

'Silver also saw the bodies of many more monsters whose magic stones he had yet to remove.'

'For the first time ever since he started adventuring on these floors, he saw the forest burn!'

'This wasn't your usual flora, the plants of the Dungeon were highly resistant to damage, and some were even used to make equipment, a part of which were used to make bow shafts and other wooden equipment for First Class adventurers!'

'Seeing it burn, and the red hot rocks on the ground made Silver understand that he should definitely and never be hit by one of those fire breaths.'


'The Dragon slowly turned its head to look at Silver, successfully pinning down his location after sniffing for a while.'

'Its eyes sharpened, it wasn't intelligent, but it wasn't devoid of a thinking process.'

'Like a cat gazing at a bird in the tree, it was thinking of how to take him down from there.'

"This isn't going to be easy." He said with a half-smile


'His right hand started to transform, and a lightning bolt formed in the middle of his fingers…'

"Let's dance."

'The lightning bolt grew several meters in an instant, it's light was blinding...'



'He threw the lightning bolts, and before it could hit the Dragon, it burst out into a massive flash of light, blinding it!'

'The impact caused by the exposition of the lighting was such that it also pushed the Dragon back!'

'Silver jumped from the tree and teleported, slashing at the Dragon's eyes!'

/A few minutes ago a few Km away from Silver's location…/

'A bizarre group of monsters could be seen moving at high speeds across the labyrinth of caves of the Dungeon…'

'A lizardman with medium metallic gray armor, a hippogryph with a blue scarf, a bull-like creature with a dark helmet and a pair of brown pants, a goblin with a small short sword and a red cloak, a Harpy with a hairpin, and more…'

"I'll ask once again Cliff, is it true that you saw the forest burn?" The lizardman asked the Hippogryph in a serious tone

"Hiieeeg!" Replied the Hippogryph with a strange noise

'In that single bizarre noise, the Hippogriff explained how it was flying in the skies before he saw destruction reigning down in a portion of the forest not so long ago.'

'Not just any kind of destruction, but widespread and continuous destruction, the kind they fear the most...'

"What is going on?..." The Lizardman said in a worried tone

Could it be a very strong adventurer? Or a Green Dragon?

No, Cliff said that it wasn't the fire of a Dragon, instead, he saw many magical abilities, and that indicates that an adventuring party is passing through…

The problem is that for some reason, Cliff mentioned that a large number of monsters were being attracted to the mess and that even he felt his mind cloud for a moment…

'The Lizardman's eyes sharpened for a moment as it thought:'

Could it be those guys?... The ones that have been hunting our kind…

'His eyes seemed to shine red for a moment, but he quickly calmed down as he shook his head.'

No, this isn't like them, they move silently and quietly, and they strike quickly after scouting, making so much noise for no reason is unlike them!

So who is it? Who could be making so much noise in the Dungeon and attracting monsters when the goal is to fight them as efficiently as possible while avoiding unnecessary fights?

An expedition? No, we would've been informed in case a Familia went in one…

"Lyd, we're arriving." Said the small Goblin running in the front, he was holding a pair of binoculars and a compass

'The lizardman nodded, sharpening his eyes once more, it was his duty to make sure no problem ever surfaced near his compatriots.'

'If the forest were to burn enough, 'that' would descend...'


I'll find out soon…

Whether they are here to cause trouble and mayhem…

Or if they are simply a passing group in the middle of a skirmish…

"Let's go!" He said out loud to his group as he accelerated

/Back to the present…/

'It had been a few minutes since his fight with the Dragon began.'

'Silver was struggling to deal damage to it, but the same couldn't be said for the Dragon.'

'The Dragon was faster than him, stronger, its scales could offset plenty of attacks and even resist most of his Plasmids magical abilities.'

'Fire? ineffective, Ice? Not sharp and durable enough. The stone around them? It was like clay to it.'

'Metal? Too bothersome to use. Poison and Venom? It has a certain effect, but it will take a while. Snares and Traps? Doesn't work, the Dragon has a lot of physical strength...'

'Even when he enhanced his body, he could barely make ends meet and evade the swipe of its claws, the bite of its teeth, and the strikes from its sharp tail.'

'So Silver opted for a long-ranged battle, but his stamina was decreasing as he had to constantly make more distance, something that was hard to do against a mobile, agile, and very destructive Dragon…'

'Thankfully it didn't have wings, winged dragons were something that only appeared deeper in the Dungeon...'

'Worse, Silver started to worry that a Juggernaut may descend soon since the damage caused by the enraged Dragon was spreading heavily after a few of its fire breathes.'

'Not only that, he had already seen several groups of adventures, and although most were fleeing, some did try to approach the fight to understand what was going on, thankfully, they didn't die and were instead repelled by the Dragon's berserk attacks.'

'Thankfully, its attack pattern was simple, but that didn't help much in the face of everything else that was against him.'




'Silver drew another quick breath and a large ice spike rose from the ground, penetrating into a wound on the Dragon's neck.'

'He wasn't done as he closed his hand, shattering the tip of the ice and having several fragments go deeper inside...'

'Blood splattered on the ground, but it wasn't deep enough to cause substantial damage, the Dragon forcibly broke through the ice and slammed its head against Silver, sending him flying.'

'Not only that, one of its horns hit his arm, carving a large injury...'


'But it wasn't without some pain, using the power of the Dragon's head, Silver had his Halberd penetrate into its forehead by using his arm as a sacrifice, although unfortunately, its sharp blade wasn't long enough to fully pierce its skull.'

'As he flew away, he used telekinesis to stabilize himself and fly into the sky to observe the situation.'

'He could see the fire and destruction… Now much worse than before.'

"It's impressive how destructive some of these monsters are, it makes me wonder how much more destructive they'll become..."

With this, I can safely say it's a Level 5 monster, although I think a proper Level 5 adventure wouldn't have that much difficulty against it if they managed to land their hits properly, of course, I don't think they would take it down easily either.

Unless they are a defensive type with high Vitality and protective armor, they would die under one of those breaths...



'Silver hastily moved back to the ground, evading yet another fireball…'



'The fireball crashed against the ceiling of the Dungeon, making several pieces of rock fall and the ceiling tremble slightly…'

"I can win, but this will turn into a battle of attrition, one that will cause massive damage to the surroundings, and worst comes to worst, the Juggernaut will be deployed to kill every single adventurer on this Floor and stabilize the floor."

And that would quickly go from a controlled situation to a disaster of unknown proportions.

The Juggernaut's existence is kept a secret by the Guild, and there are no books that mention it at all.

The problem is that, if someone is affected by this, and I am proven to be the cause of it, I will be more than heavily punished…

"Not something that I want." Silver said as he stared at the tired Dragon

"But this will end soon... Whether I want it or not."

I'm not the only one getting tired.

'After breathing fire several times, the Dragon wasn't as active as before, but it was still very attentive to its surroundings, it wouldn't let Silver do as he wished.'


'Without hesitation, Silver took out a mana potion and chugged it, and immediately after, his Halberd burst in light as several effects were attacked on top of each other.'

'His skin seemed to glow and emit steam as his muscles tensed…'

'The Green Dragon noticed the change, and its claws dug deeper into the ground as it took a more defensive position.'

'Its neck started to glow, it was preparing its strongest fire breath...'

"Get ready scally friend as I'm going all out now."



'Silver teleported to the ground and kicked it with all of his power, rushing forward like a bolt and leaving behind a faint light line as his Halberd cut the air with immense speed.'


'The Dragon roared as it opened its mouth to bite Silver.'

'He slashed his Halberd while the Dragon bit down…'

'Silver smiled, expecting this outcome as he screamed:'



'But the rest of his scream was muffled by a powerful explosion...'





In this chapter, I actually tried to increase the scale of the Mc's power a little.

I know that it can be hard to see how destructive each Level is when there isn't really a definitive answer.

And since it's been a while since we last saw his power, I thought it would be a good time to improve it, I was already going to since he leveled up and all.

I hope it gets clearer as we go on, as I myself sometimes get confused...

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