Soon the manager came and hurriedly greeted Yu Sicong,
"Hello, Mr. Yu! I am flattered that you came to visit our store."
Yu Sicong nodded and said,
"The white top in that girl's hand, I want it, pack it for me."
The manager hurriedly agreed and said to the staff,
"Go and bring the same top as her."
The staff's face turned red and she whispered something in the manager's ears.
Since Yu Holea's hearing sense was great heard their conversation.
The staff had said,
"It was Mr. J's personalized design. He ordered to make only one copy of it. He said that a fated person would buy this since it has some special energy."
Special energy.
Meaning it wasn't a coincidence that the white top contains spiritual energy.
So was the store as simple as it looks?
The manager's face turned ugly upon hearing the staff's words and he said to Yu Holea,
Author: To all the lovelies above, thank you so much for your support.ψ(`∇´)ψ. @Tooma and @ Rahab_4183 thank you for the gifts(~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Replies to comment:
@YanYue Umm let's see whether your guess is correct or not *sly* *sly* q(≧▽≦q)q(≧▽≦q)
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