"Ah, I am hungry~"
With those words, Zach's mouth opened wide, and a dark maw emerged, a vortex of pure darkness that seemed to consume all light. From Nirn's broken form, a luminous essence began to emerge, slowly but irresistibly drawn toward Zach's yawning abyss.
Nirn's soul, writhing and struggling, was sucked out of his lifeless body. As it approached the precipice of Zach's gaping void, it was devoured entirely, vanishing into the depths of the demonic abyss. A sense of finality hung in the air as Zach absorbed the last vestiges of Nirn's malevolence.
With a simple, dismissive wave of his hand, Zach cast Nirn's lifeless body far into the sky. The broken form arched through the heavens, tumbling end over end, and finally crashed to the ground near the portal to the first hell. The impact was violent, and Nirn's grotesque state left a chilling sight for any who beheld it.
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