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100% Dragon Clover / Chapter 5: Chapter 3: The Flawed Royal

Kapitel 5: Chapter 3: The Flawed Royal

Recap: Draku and Asta arrives in the Black Bulls base and was met with a chaotic welcome by the members itself. After they were introduced, one of the members named Magna Swing who is, a fire mage and a fiery delinquent, initiates them both to gain their approval as new members in the squad by passing their Black Bulls Initiation Ceremony. Eventually, both of them were successful in the initiation and got approved by Magna himself, and gave them their own Black Bull robes. Afterwards, they then held a welcoming party for the new members and celebrates the entire night, except for one member, who was hiding from them all and even disgusts them. And that person is soon to be revealed...

The day after his first night in the Black Bulls, Draku, who is only in his boxers now, wakes up in his small quarters that Magna gave to him last night and stoods up from his bed to have momentary stretch for his entire body. Evenutally, he then goes to the mirror to check on himself and then, Draku notices a red mark in his cheek, in which he assumed that it's a kiss mark.

"K-k-kiss mark?! Where did this came from? No way! Is this from...VANESSA?!", Draku blushingly thought and then immediately checks it and hopes that what he assumed was real, results into sadness as it turns out, it's just a large bite mark from a bug and depressingly thought, "Oh. As if Vanessa would do that someone who she just knew that fast."

Afterwards, Draku then prepares himself for the day and suits up in his same outfit and grabs his robe, and gazes at it like it's a trophy.

"Black Bulls, the reigning and defending worst squad in the entire Kingdom, where it's group is filled with questionable misfits, and their captain is a monster with no leash yet, here I am in their squad as their new recruit and came here by my own free will. Good grief. Let's make this disastrous squad great, Draku!", Draku thought.

Eventually, while he was about to leave his quarters, he then sees his reflection in the mirror and was dumbfounded of how fitting the robe to his all-black outfit, and thinks he looked really cool and starts posing in the mirror.

"Amazing! I honestly looked GREAT with the squad's robe! My, my. How many girls would fall for my charming and bad-boyish like appearance?", Draku confidently spoke to himself in the mirror and out of a sudden, he just had a shiver in his spine, as he felt that someone was watching him from the window.

"Shit! W-who's there?!", Draku spoke with slight embarrassment.

Upon glancing at the window, he then sees an anti-bird with bigger eyes, who just stared at him like a human being.

"What the? This anti-bird seems to be just like the ordinary ones but, why do I feel something human inside from this one? Or maybe it's just my imagination. Phew! I thought someone just witnessed me doing silly and embarrassing things. Thank goodness.", Draku relivingly thought.

Afterwards, Draku then exits his quarters and then eventually, became confused and rubs both of his eyes, as he noticed that something's odd.

"'s all wall? But there were like 9 or 12 pillars over here?", Draku curiously thought.

Suddenly, he then sees Magna and Asta running to his direction with energy and fire in their eyes and greets them both.

"Oh! Good morning!", Draku waves at them with a smile.

"Goodmorning, Draku!", Asta greeted.

"Good morning! Well? How's your first night as Black Bull? Pretty cool, right?", Magna smilingly asked.

"I guess.", Draku replied with a fake smile.

"I guess?!", Magna reacted.

"Anyways, you two seemed to be fired up? What's the occassion?", Draku asked.

"Magna-senpai is about to give me a tour guide for our base! You should come too, Draku!", Asta responded.

"He's right! This base is built like a maze so you also need to come with us and explore Black Bulls super cool base, super rookie!", Magna followed.

"Hmmm. Okay.", Draku agreed.

"Yosh! LET'S GO, YOU IDIOTS!", Magna ordered and ran.

"YESSSIR!", Asta responded.

"Hey! Wait for me!", Draku then follows them both and catches up with them, which he then eventually remembers about the mysterious occurrence that happened outside his quarters and asked, "Hey Magna, I was wondering. Last night there were like a bunch of pillars outside my quarters but then, when I woke up, it's just all wall. Why is that?", Draku asked.

"Oh that? Well, there's really no real answer for that but, the base just moves on it's own for whatever reason, that's all I know. But it's alright, you'll get used to it.", Magna answered.

"Oh. I see.", Draku replied.

"Draku! Can you believe it? It's our first day as Magic Knights! I'm so happy right now!", Asta happily spoke and had his eyes sparkle with passion.

"You're right. And this is just the beginning of our careers and the first steps of achieving our dreams, Asta!", Draku spoke.

"YES!", Asta replied.

"That's good, rookies! Keep that fiery passion of yours until you two reach your dreams and desire, got?!", Magna fiery spoke.

"Yessir!", Asta and Draku replied.

Suddenly, Draku just thought of Yuno, and shares it to Asta.

"Oh. This is also Yuno's first day in Golden Dawn, right? I wonder if he's doing alright in that noble-royal-filled squad.", Draku asked.

"It's alright. Yuno is the type of guy who is really patient and composed, and a guy you shouldn't underestimate! If either a noble or a royal came to him and tries to do something about him, it won't work! Because Yuno is my RIVAL!", Asta determiningly spoke with a smile.

"You guys...I really hope for your success!", Draku thought.

Eventually, the three then went to explore the entire base, where they first started at their large and spacious cafeteria, where Charmy is currently at and eating.

"This girl must have crazy fast metabolism for her size that's why she's still looks like that.", Draku thought.

Then, the trio went to their base's baths, where they got naked and dives in to their crazy hot water.

"Ouch! The water is too hot!", Draku thought while struggling.

"Oh! Can't take the heat, Draku?", Magna smilingly asked.

"H-honestly, yeah.", Draku replied and Magna laughed.

"What a weakling you are, super rookie! But I admit, I like your honesty. You'll get used to it.", Magna spoke.

"IT'S TOO HOT!!", Asta strugglingly thought.

Afterwards, they then went to the base's female quarters, where they just stopped at their entrance, as Magna stated that their hallway is rigged with Vanessa's traps that are used to repel men from entering.

"I'm glad that Vanessa is thoughtful one and not just a drunkard witch.", Draku thought.

Eventually, they then went to their toilet, where they almost git killed by Yami, who was currently shitting at that time.

"You almost got us killed, you damned wacky glasses!", Draku yells at Magna.

"Wacky glasses?! Mind your mouth! I'm your senior, y'know?!", Magna responded.

"Heh! I'm much more older than you, y'know?.", Draku spoke.

"IT DOSEN'T MATTER, YOU JERK!", Magna intensely replied.

After that, the three thrn went to their underground floor, where they keep Yami's monstrous pets.

"W-WHAT IS THIS?!", Asta and Draku shockingly asked.

"This is Mr. Yami's precious pets! And since you two are our new recruits, you both will be then ones whose going to feed them now!", Magna then laughed.

"SERIOUSLY?!", Asta and Draku nervously asked.

"Don't worry. These guys may look wild but they won't bite!", Magna spoke.

"AS IF WE'RE GOING TO BELIEVE YOU!" Asta and Draku responded.

"Come on now. How about both of you try feeding them now so you'll know.", Magna spoke.

The two then nervously tried feeding them and then suddenly, Asta was almost swallowed by the beasts.

"ASTA!", Draku screamed.

"AHHHHHHH! I THOUGHT THEY WEREN'T GOING TO BITE, MAGNA-SENPAI!!", Asta panickly screamed and made Magna laugh.

Eventually, they then spent the rest of the day just fooling around the base while having fun, before they stopped at the other entrance of their basd when Magna just suddenly ceased moving and the two rookies followed. Then, they spot someone coming in, who is a silver-haired girl with long pigtails and bangs, has purple eyes, sports a white and purple dress, and wears a Black Bull robe.

"A Black Bull robe? And that silver she-", Draku's thought was then interrupted when Magna just spoke to them.

"Hey, newbies. This is your colleague. The other new recruit of the Black Bulls!", Magna spoke.

"Oh! She's my colleague? Hi there! Nice to meet you! My name is Asta and I came from Hage Village! Let's do our best together!", Asta nicely introduces himself and offers to shake hands with her.

Upon doing it, she then simply slaps it away and gave him a cold gaze, which suprised the three of them.

"Don't simply talk to me. I can't even feel a tiny bit of magic from you, you lowly little insect.", she harsly responded.

"Lowly little insect? And your appearance...don't tell me...", Draku thought and slowly starts to get pissed at her.

"I'm Noelle Silva, a member of the royal family in Clover Kingdom.", she introduces herself.

"EH?! YOU'RE A ROYAL?", Asta shockingly spoke.

"Noelle Silva, huh? So you must be related to Nozelle Silva, since you two share the same feats. But, what's a royal doing here in this squad?", Draku thought.

Suddenly, Asta just kneeled to the ground but, Draku immediately grabbed him up.

"Asta, you don't kneel to a person that dosen't deserve any of it.", Draku calmly spoke in a chilling way.

"O-okay.", Asta nervously replied.

Eventually, as Draku stared at Noelle, she then looked away and was caught shakened when he did it.

"Ho? What's the matter, royal? Why can't you gaze at me coldly like you did to Asta, eh?", Draku smirked.

"S-shut up.", Noelle replied with slight nervousness in her tone.

"Hey now, don't be shy. Is it because I'm too handsome for you to handle? Or is it because...yoy knew I'm superior than you?", Draku chillingly spoke with an intense gaze of his scarlet eyes.

"Shut up!", Noelle then suddenly casts a small water magic ball and aims it at Draku, who just stood his ground and smirks at her.

"Seriously? You're a royal and that's all you can do? Ooooh scaaary.", Draku then jokingly pretends to be scared by raising his hands up.

Eventually, Noelle then proceeds to fire her attack at Draku, where he plans to just flick it with his fingers but, it just suddenly turns to the left and hits Magna instead.

"Huh? What was that? She was just this close but...oh...", Draku thought and figured something out about Noelle.

"HEY! WHY DID YOU HIT, MAGNA-SENPAI?!", Asta loudly asked.

"H-hmph! He's on the way, that's why.", Noelle coldly replied.

"EH?!", Asta responded.



"Shut up! My ears are now aching because of your filthy loud mouth.", Noelle coldly answered.

"The audacity of this wench! Just because you're a royal, it dosen't mean you can use your nobility here to be a damned princess in the Black Bulls! And because of that inappropriate act of yours, I WILL BE PUNISHING Y-", Magna was then interrupted when Noelle just suddenly removed her robe and throws it right in front of them.



"Hmph! Not in a million years, you filthy peasants.", Noelle harshly replied.

Suddenly, while she was walking away from them, Noelle then noticed Draku seemed to be sad and attempts to mock him back for mocking her earlier.

"Oh my. You seem to be silent? I wonder what happened? Oh? I see. You were scared when I casted my magic, didn't yo-", Noelle was then interrupted when Draku calmly asked her and gazes at her in a stoic way, "You're a failure, aren't you?"

Upon hearing it, Noelle was then suprised and tried to keep her composure yet, it didn't last long and immediately ran away and Draku spot a tear coming from her eyes.

"HEY! WHY'RE YOU RUNNING AWAY?! YOU STILL HAVEN'T APOLOGIZED TO-", Magna was then interrupted when Draku gestured him to stop.

"Stop it, Magna.", Draku calmly spoke.

"Eh?! What's wrong, Draku?", Asta asked.

"Asta's right! You said last night that you don't like working with nobles because they're shitty? What's with the sudden change of heart, Draku?!", Magna followed.

"That's because...she and I are the same.", Draku softly answered.

"You and her are the same? What do you mean by that?", Asta asked.

"Huh?! The same?! That girl is a royal, Draku! a ROYAL! And the three of us are just peasants, y'know?!", Magna fiery followed.

"Actually, you're wrong, Magna. That's because...I was a noble once.", Draku calmly spoke.

The two then took seconds of silence before they realized what Draku just said and both shockingly reacted to it.


"Yes. And it's not something I would be proud of if you were me.", Draku responded.

"Eh?! What're you talking about, Draku? Being a noble is super cool, y'know?", Asta spoke.

"Dumbasta is right! Nobility is every peasants and commoners' dream to have, y'know? You gotta live in big formal houses, eat high-quality meals, and most of all, anything is easy to buy!", Magna followed.

"Yeah, I agree but, there's no such thing as that in my family.", Draku replied.

"Eh? How so?", Asta asked.

Upon asking, Draku then felt sad, as he eventually remembers his childhood traumas such as getting physically and verbally abused by his family, forbidding his freem to do what he wants and took control of every actions he needs to do. Suddenly, his flashbacks was then interrupted when Magna pats him in the back and apologized.

"Are you alright? We're sorry if we asked too much, Draku.", Magna concerningly spoke.

"I'm okay. Thank you, Magna.", Draku replied.

"Sorry, Draku! We shouldn't have dug deep about your past!", Asta apologized and bows.

Eventually, Draku then pushed Asta's face upwards and responded.

"It's alright, Asta. It's not that much of a big deal anyways. But thank you for that.", Draku then began walking away from Asta and Magna towards his quarters and continued, "See you tomorrow, Asta, Magna."

He then waves at them without looking back and returned to his quarters. As he arrived there, Draku then began tearing up and sat in his bed, trying to forget everything he remembered and then suddenly, someone just knocked at the door and it was Yami.

"Hey, scarlet boy. Mind if we talk a little bit?", Yami asked.

"O-okay, captain.", Draku then wipes his tears out and opens the door for Yami.

"Good evening. Sorry for interrupting your time but, I just want to ask some questions from you.", Yami asked.

"Wh-what is it, captain?", Draku curiously replied.

"You're the exiled noble from House Azrael, aren't you?", Yami calmly asked.

Upon hearing it, Draku was then suprised by it and immediately looked away from Yami.

"W-what's the purpose of this, captain?", Draku asked while struggling to maintain composure.

"Just to clarify some things, brat.", Yami replied.

"Tch! Can you ask me for another time? Why is it now?", Draku thought.

"Come on now. One simple answer won't hurt you, It's just a simple yes or no question, emo rookie. But, you better be honestbwith me or I'll give yiu a certain punishment that you would regret for the rest of your life.", Yami then chillingly gazes at him for a moment before breaking it up and spoke, "And also I'm about to reach my limits down here and Finral is missing so hurry up."

It then took a moment before Draku answered him and softly spoke, "Yes...I'm that guy you're looking for, captain."

"Figures.", Yami replied.

Eventually, Draku then turns his back against Yami and plans to get away through the window, as he thinks that Yami is going to take him back to his ruthless family.

"Now that you've discovered who I really am, what're you planning to do to me, captain?", Draku nervously asked.

Yami then took a moment to smoke his cigarette before answering him and calmly spoke, "What are you deaf? I just told you it's just for clarification."

"Eh? That's it?", Draku reacted.

"What do you expect me to do? Bring you back to your family? Who do you think I am? A lost and found guy? I'm your captain, dumbass. Good grief. You're becoming like that ear-blasting shrimp.", Yami spoke.

"I see. I'm sorry fo that, captain.", Draku then smiled.

Eventually, Yami then walks out from his quarter but, before he went out, he then spoke something to Draku that hits his heart hard.

"And, contemplating your rough past is nonsense. What happened back then has already happened and it's irreversible, so it's just a lingering memory that is really annoying to you and cringe. If you want nothing of it anymore, move on from it. If you can't do it, then surpass your limits, Draku.", Yami calmly spoke.

Upon hearing it, Draku was delighted of it and calmly cried, and then smilingly spoke, "Thank you for your advice, captain."

"Sure.", Yami then exits his quarters and blows another smoke from his cigarette and thought, "Good grief. Young adults really are a pain in the ass. I hope it helped him- Damn it! Speaking of ass, my ass is about to give up! Yami, surpass your limits!", Yami then ran off to search for the toilet.

Meanwhile, Draku then went to his window and opens it, and was met with a cool breeze from the wind and got illuminated by the setting sun. Draku then gazes at it and wiped his tears away with his robe and thought, "Seriously. I literally just started a day here as a member of the Black Bulls yet, I honestly felt like I've been here for years now. Good grief. From now on, I will dedicate my entire heart and soul for this chaotic squad and promise to make Black Bulls...the strongest squad in the entire kingdom!", Draku then touches the bull logo in his robe and delightfully smiled to the moon.

The next day after, Draku had a good night sleep and went to prepare himself for the day when suddenly, he felt a tremendous mana nearby their base.

"What the? I've never felt this powerful mana nearby the base before.", Draku thought.

Eventually, he then quickly goes outside and sees his fellow members gazing to the sky, and as Draku glances up, he then sees Noelle getting her mana out of control and created a vast water ball that emits soaring waves to the forest anf their base.

"Wow. So this is how vast a royal's mana can be.", Draku thought.

Eventually, Yami then spots Draku and spoke, "Hey, Draku. Can you do something about this?"

"Eh? I think...", Draku doubtfully replied.

"Sighs...not even the super rookie can do something abou-", Yami was then interrupted by Draku, who then suggested someone he thinks is qualified to do it and spoke, "Asta! With his Anti-Magic, he can save Noelle, captain!"

"Oh right! We have that muscle-headed shrimp, I almost forgot him. Now where is he-", Yami was once again interrupted but this time, it's Asta, who is descending towards at Yami's direction and screaming. He then catches Asta by the robe and spoke, "Speak of the devil. Hey brat, do the job, will ya? Do something about that girl or she'll die."

"YESSIR! WAIT, HOW CAN I GET UP THERE?! I CAN'T FLY, Y'KNOW!', Asta passionately asked.

"Stop muttering.", Yami chillingly spokd and gazes at Asta like he's about to murder him.

"EHHH?!", Asta reacted.

"Asta! With your Anti-Magic, you can possibly erase her mana and save her!", Draku spoke.

"UNDERSTOOD!", Asta passionately replied.

"Yosh.", Yami then used Reinforcement Magic to his body and charges up his throw and spoke, "Right here, right now, you will surpass your limits!"

Upon saying it, Yami then absurdly throws Asta towards Noelle, who then unleashed his Demon Slayer and erased the royal's out of control mana in an INSTANT. Eventually, the two then began falling from the sky and panicked upon descending. Then, Finral used his Spatial Magic to teleport them both to safety and lands on the ground well. Asta then thanked Finral and went towards Noelle and spoke, "Hey you!"

Noelle was then shakened and embarrassed when she heard it.

"I'm going to be called a failure again...", Noell thought.

"That was...", Asta paused.

"Logically, everyone would be mad at you and reprimand you for creating such chaos but...the Black Bulls is different from everyone you knew, Noelle.", Draku smilingly thought.

"SUPER COOL!", Asta passionately complimented.

"Huh?", Noelle suprisingly reacted.

"Your magic is SUPER STRONG, y'know? And, if you could just control your magic, YOU'LL BE AN INVINCIBLE MAGIC KNIGHT, NOELLE!", Asta passionately continued.

Upon hearing it from him, Noelle was humbled and astonished by Asta, who she recalls the first person to acknowledge her.

"Little ins...Asta.", Noelle softly spoke.

"So that explains why you just attacked me yesterday, you flawed royal. Our squad is also flawed too, y'know? You should've told us earlier.", Magna spoke.

Eventually, everyone in the Black Bulls then gathered for her and began complimenting her. Then, Asta would then offer his hand to Noelle and purely spoke, "Let's do our best together, okay?"

It then made Noelle emotionally delighted and took his hand and spoke, "Thank you for taking me in."

Eventually, Draku then came to Noelle and gestures himself to apologize to her.

"I'm really sorry for calling you what I've said yesterday, Noelle. I really am.", Draku calmly spoke.

Noelle then nods at him with a slight smile and Draku continued, "And just like what Asta said to you earlier, if you can just manage and control your magic, I'm definitely sure that everyone will finally give you the respect that you truly deserved. So let's work hard together and achieve our dreams, including you guys too!", Draku determiningly spoke.

"Yes.", Finral smilingly agreed.

"Laa!' Charmy happily reacted and raised her cupcake up.

"Sure!' Luck estatically agreed.

"As long as Marie will benefit from this, I'm in.", Gauche spoke.

"Let's work hard together guys.", Gordon silently spoke.

"Sheesh", Grey spoke.

"Hell yeah!", Magna fiery agreed.

"Okay!", Vanessa smilingly agreed.

"And captain!", Draku then confidently points with a smile at Yami and continued, "I'll make sure this flawed squad will shock the entire kingdom! Mark my words!"

Yami then smiled upon hearing it and spoke, "I look forward into it, Draku."

Eventually, another welcoming party was held just for Noelle and everyone celebrated it with joy.


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