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65% Harry Potter: The Celestial Fox ( English Version) / Chapter 37: •An unexpected event

Kapitel 37: •An unexpected event

[mmm, I guess a mini R18 warning? I don't have much confidence in the scene so I won't highlight it in the title]

About two days passed after the dueling club when another attack occurred again. The students who until now were keeping up with their worries got into a real panic and uproar, luckily, the uproar did not go too far because the teachers managed to reassure them in time, assuring them that they would solve it and keep them protected, in addition, Christmas was coming up, so most of those planning to stay quickly changed their minds and signed up to go home for the holidays. Some were not afraid, but their parents demanded that they return, so the castle would be much lonelier than normal at Christmas this year.

Steve, Mitchell, Trudor, and Padma were among those who would return home. Padma and Steve didn't want to at first, but their parents forced them to come back; Trudor planned to return from the beginning and Mitchell was going on a trip with his family this Christmas, so all of his Ravenclaw friends except Luna would be leaving.

The uproar was due to the fact that another student and a ghost had been petrified, although the fact that another student was petrified was not something new considering the previous one, but the fact that the attacks continued and that one of the victims was a ghost was what scared them, mainly because it was crazy when you considered that they are undead beings, if the monster could attack even a ghost who were basically a soul-encapsulating energy being, they did not have much confidence in survive being just young wizards. Those petrified had been Finch-Fletchley and Sir. Nicholas.

Harry spent those days in a rather difficult situation, first he was found near Mrs. Norris, then everyone discovered that he could speak Parseltongue, the ability that Salazar Slytherin had and to top it off, he was found near the other two bodies of the petrified. Although there were many things that made him look like the culprit, since he had the support of Dumbledore and there was no conclusive evidence that he actually did it, he did not face consequences, but most of the students treated him quite badly, from insults to practical jokes and ridicule, others were only afraid of him and kept away from him. It was interesting that some still dared to attack him when he was under the assumption of controlling a monster.

Extimum couldn't do much to help him, he could only use his influence to advocate a little for him among the students of the Ravenclaw house, in addition to his friends who did not believe that Harry was really responsible for the attacks, because of that, Harry had a better reception from the Ravenclaw students, however, the same could not be said for Gryffindor who was his own home, they were quite good at showing him their coldness, as well as the Hufflepuff students who believed he had taken it out on Finch's comments to him that day, plus Finch had apparently told Harry he was a Muggle-born. The Slytherins were the most varied group on the subject, some did not care, others were afraid, others thought that Harry was not worthy of being the heir or did not believe that he was, others like Draco and Pansy only looked at the situation with fun and there were those who only saw it as a joke, an example of this was Fred and George.


The day before Christmas, Extimum received several packages from different stores. He had asked Bloom to order certain things when she went to Diagon Alley earlier, they were mainly gifts to send everyone at Christmas and some items he needed to start studying Astoria's blood.


December 25, 1992, Christmas.

--Pov Extimum--.

When I open my eyes I wake up with the dark environment of my room, there is only a slight light that crosses through the curtains of the windows, although the environment seems tinged in shadows, but my eyes can still perceive everything clearly, as if the dark ones it was just another color and not the absence of it that threatens to obscure the vision.

Looking up at my chest I see Bloom sleeping soundly, her mouth slightly open with a drop of saliva that threatened to fall, wearing nothing but sheer cyan silk pajamas, giving a great view of her assets in her underwear. I take her gently with both of my hands and put her on my pillow as I get out of bed. She shivered slightly when she lost her main source of heat and if not, it was due to the cold weather that it is currently doing. It's snowing outside, it has been since the last few days.

I stretch my body a bit and head towards the bathroom to take a shower. On the way I stop to look at myself in the mirror for a moment.

My hair has grown a bit, but I still do not see the need to cut it, I have gotten taller this year, I think I have grown about 2 to 3cm, Maybe later I will measure myself to know how much exactly. On the other hand, my appearance has no limitations while I am inside my room. Platinum white hair with a few purple hair lines, just enough to look stylish without looking too weird. There are also big fox ears on my head, they are the same color as my hair except the tips are colored purple. My teeth don't stick out, but they do look pretty sharp when he smiled. Perhaps the most striking thing in the image are the 9 tails that appear behind my back that seem to move slightly as if with a mind of their own, they are completely white silver and like my ears, they have purple colored tips.

After appreciating my image, I go in to take a shower, the tails are quite useful when bathing, it is like having 9 arms that help you from the back, on the other hand, it is also easy to clean them, although I'm not sure I've seen them really dirty before, but I still do it to make sure they are clean.

After taking the bath, I put on casual clothes, normally I should wear a uniform, but since there are no classes and it is vacations, they do not make problems for entering the great hall with common clothes, on the other hand, today, I woke up much later than usual since it was Christmas, so I will not go out to exercise today.

Once ready, I walk out of the bathroom, only to see Bloom still snoring. Bloom is quite lazy when it comes to getting up, almost every day I have to wake her up.

Sometimes I let her sleep, but it's almost 7:30 a.m. already, we'll run out of breakfast if she keeps sleeping, so, gathering a pinch of magic in my fingers, I focus it on my fingertip and throw it in the direction of Bloom, slapping her ass and jumping her awake.

Bloom: "Kyaaa, ouch, my ass." Bloom jumped up and rubbed her butt while giving me an annoyed look. A look that I found particularly cute on her.

Extimum: "Well, now you are awake, go take a bath now that we have time, otherwise I will cast the quick wash spell on you."

Bloom: "No, I'll go bathe myself." Bloom quickly flew into the bathroom as she spoke.

Extimum: "Well, I'll wait for you in the common room."

On the way to the exit, I take the pendant that I bought in China and I tie it to my pants, since I bought it I have been wearing it, even with the uniform. I haven't had time to really examine it yet and have tried to activate it, but just like the old lady had said, the necklace doesn't work, but it's still a cosmetic item to my liking after I clean and restore it a bit.

--End Pov--.

Leaving his private room, he found a fairly quiet common room and it wasn't just because he was a little late for breakfast, there were really few students among all the houses in all of Hogwarts.

As he walked over to a sofa to wait for Bloom, he noticed that there was already someone sitting in the place.

Luna: "Good morning, Extimum and merry Christmas."

Extimum: "good morning, merry Christmas to you too, haven't you gone to breakfast yet?"

Luna: "Oh, I was waiting for you and Bloom, so I was reading this book while I was waiting for you to come out."

Extimum: "how long have you been there exactly?"

Luna tilted her head slightly as she considered and then answered.

Luna: "I think from 5 am, here is your gift." Luna replied as she took out a wrapped box that was next to the foot of the sofa.

Extimum: 'two hours…'. Extimum was internally surprised that she had gotten up so early to wait for them.

Extimum: "thank you, have you seen my gift?"

Luna: "Yes, it's a very nice hairpin, look, I'm wearing it now." Luna said as she pulled out a cyan bobby pin from her hair.


Extimum had bought two hairpins on his trip to China, one of them he had bought thinking of Hermione, as for the other, he had not had a person in mind, he had simply decided to take some souvenirs and maybe give it to someone else. The hairpin on the moon was precisely the extra hairpin that he had bought.

Luna: "and Bloom?"

Extimum: "oh, she shouldn't be long in coming."

As they spoke, Extimum opened Luna's gift, inside there was a fruit similar to a large red apple, it was only similar because its size was as big as two normal apples in width and height, in addition, its texture did not look like what you would see in a An ordinary apple, its surface was sparkling like crystal, ruby-red in color and instead of the normal thin stick of an apple, it had a thick, pumpkin-like stick.

Extimum: "Where did you get a vintage malus?". Extimum asked curiously as he gave the fruit a thoughtful look.

Luna: "My dad had some saved and since I stayed here this Christmas, he sent me some, so I decided to give you one, also, look, there is another gift under the old malus."

Extimum could sense that Luna was not entirely honest with her words, but she decided to let him go for now and look at the second gift.

An aged malus was a traditional Christmas dessert from the English wizarding community, however, despite being a traditional recipe, it was not something you will find for sale in any store.

The 'vintage malus' was a dessert made from a 'lost malus', which was an apple twice the size of an original, but with some characteristics that made it look quite different, one of them was its glass-like surface and its stem. similar to that of a pumpkin, on the other hand, its interior was soft similar to biting a mango instead of an apple and its taste was like tasting a very sweet apple but with a different touch, it was difficult to explain if you did not taste it, without However, that touch made it always taste different from any other lost malus, there was none that tasted the same as the other by a quite remarkable fraction, which made it quite delicious and unique in each experience for its consumers, unfortunately, there was no many trees of this fruit currently and only bore fruit every 3 years in December.

The 'vintage malus' was a 'lost malus' filled with some other things that was then sealed with magic and left to age for a few days. The filling varied a lot depending on the taste of the person who prepared it, but other sweets, wines, liqueurs, etc. were generally added. Due to the special surface of the lost malus, it would not be damaged over time and could instead be used as a container to age things without decomposing. The 'vintage malus' would later acquire certain peculiarities of its filling, further improving its flavor and making it much more special, of course, since it had already been opened and filled with other things, it could only be aged for a maximum of a month until you have to put it under stasis spells for preservation.

The reason Extimum gave him a thoughtful look was that, the 'vintage malus' was probably the only Christmas present he had received from his family before making friends at Hogwarts. Bob had given it to him once, according to him, it was a gift from his mother, the only gift he had ever received. Even so, Extimum had his doubts about the veracity of Bob's words, on the other hand, he never forgot that gift and he had not had the opportunity to see or taste one after that day.

At the bottom of the box was a detailed rag doll, made of wool, where he and Bloom were.

Extimum: "did you do it?"

Luna: "yes, do you like it?"

Extimum: "yes, thank you". the doll would be nice as an ornament, so I keep it in its expandable bag. Although it was an unusual gift, it did not look creepy or ugly, plus, she had made it herself, so I accept it.

While putting her gift in her bag, Bloom had left the room ready and flew over to them.

Bloom: 'ready, let's go'.

Luna: "Hello Bloom, here, I also have a gift for you, I made them myself." Luna said as she took out a small box from her pocket.

Bloom: 'Oh, let me see.' Bloom took a much smaller box from Luna's hands and ripped it open quickly, her action in sharp contrast to the calm and delicate way Extimum had opened her gift, keeping its wrapping intact.

When opening the small box, the contents became clearly visible, there were at least 2 sets of small clothes inside, each garment was quite detailed, showing Luna's great skill with her hands to make clothes of such a small size.

Luna: "I noticed that you didn't seem to have many styles of clothing, so I made these myself following your tastes."

It was true that Bloom did not wear many styles of clothing, but in reality it was because she preferred it that way, Extimum had already gone with her to various stores and bought clothes for her, clothes that she later shrunk to be her size, without However, she curiously only modeled or wore most of her clothes in front of Extimum, leaving the clothes she was usually seen in as her uniform that she always dressed in while outside.

Bloom: 'Wow, they look beautiful.' Bloom flew over to Luna and gave her a hug, although given Bloom's size it was more like her hugging Luna's face.

Bloom really wanted to be able to speak and say thank you herself, but she knew she couldn't, it would be very dangerous if someone saw her speaking.

Extimum could feel Bloom's emotions and discomfort at not being able to express himself, so remembering one of his spells that he had learned recently, he put one of his fingers on Bloom's forehead and another on Luna's forehead.

Extimum: 'Try it now'.

Bloom: 'can you hear me?' Bloom asked tentatively, roughly understanding Extimum's intentions.

Moon: "yes ...". Luna widened her eyes and blinked as she got a vague idea of ​​what had happened as she looked at Extimum and then at his finger that touched her forehead and Bloom's.

Bloom: 'the dresses were very beautiful, thank you.'

Luna just smiled happily and Extimum withdrew her fingers. It was a small gesture, but it had a lot of meaning to Bloom. It was not easy to always have to express himself with signs or gestures when in fact she could speak.

It was a legilimency trick that he had learned recently, although his progress in this art was not nearly as good with his occlumency or his magic, but he still made occasional progress. So projecting the thoughts of Luna and Bloom using himself as an intermediary was not that difficult, besides, since he was connected with Bloom, It didn't require much effort on his part other than simply connecting with Luna. This method was non-invasive, so it would only work if there was physical contact and the people could decide if they wanted to send their thoughts or not.

After that, they all went to the large dining room together for breakfast.


The Great Hall gleamed everywhere. Not only were there a dozen frost-covered Christmas trees and thick streamers of holly and mistletoe crisscrossing the ceiling, but warm, dry, magical snow fell from above. Christmas carols music was also played in the background that some students or teachers sang occasionally.

The great hall was now much emptier, perhaps less than half of each table was actually occupied by students. Extimum hadn't spent last Christmas here, so he really didn't know how many people there used to be on average, but even he thought there should be more. Many people used to stay for multiple reasons: some were orphans or lived in remote areas, others liked to spend Christmas at Hogwarts and others simply had economic family situations or difficult relationships for which they chose to stay, an example of the latter is Harry .

Extimum walked over to where Ron and the others were sitting.

Extimum: "good morning, merry christmas".

Harry: "Merry Christmas".

Ron:" Merry Christmas".

Hermione: "Merry Christmas, Extimum. And who is she?".

Extimum: "Oh, she's Luna, she is a first year".

Hermione, Harry and Ron had seen Luna before with Extimum's other friends, but they thought she was just a passerby and she was close at the time being from the same house, they hadn't thought she was actually a friend and acquaintance, because of this, none of the three knew Luna.

Luna: "Hello."

Hermione seemed to give Luna a more searching look, but nothing more. Luna on the other hand only responded with a smile to Hermione's gaze.

Hermione: "look, here's my gift for you." Hermione diverted her attention from Luna and pulled out a wrapped gift from her bag.

Ron: "oh, here, take mine."

Harry: "Yes, here is mine."

Extimum: "thank you, I'll open them after breakfast."

Extimum received the gifts, but did not open them immediately, he left them on the table to look at after breakfast. He had already delivered his gifts to the others yesterday, sending them with some owls that were in the owlery. He had bribed them with bacon and turkey to send the presents, the other gifts she had left in each other's bedrooms the night before with Bloom's help.

After taking a seat, he began to serve himself his food, because it was the holiday season, most of the food was mainly less healthy food, such as cakes and all kinds of fatty snacks, however, and although in less quantity, the basic foods for breakfast were still scattered among the other foods.

Extimum: "You have some very interesting cakes there." Extimum casually commented while looking at two small chocolate cakes that were further away from the food on the table.

Ron: "oh, they are for you know ...". Ron said suggestively.

Hermione: "yes, we'll have it ready for tonight."

Luna: "What thing?"

Harry: "ah ...".

Extimum: "It's for an experiment they plan to do with potions."

Luna: "Oh". Luna didn't ask more, she could understand that they hardly knew her and it was a matter of a secret nature.


They stayed for quite some time in the large dining room, first they had breakfast while talking about casual topics, then they spent some time getting to know Luna and playing some board games. They were together until the morning hours were almost over and they said goodbye to return to their common rooms.

Extimum returned with Luna to the Ravenclaw common room. Of the students who stayed, there was not one they knew especially and they weren't in the common room either, so the place was a bit desolate.

Extimum: "will you do something else later?"

Luna: "mm, I was thinking of going for a walk there and maybe playing with a little snow, why? Do you have something else in mind?".

Extimum: "well, I don't know if you found it interesting, I was planning to investigate a magic curse, do you want to come?".

Moon: "Sure". Luna didn't even blink and accepted immediately. His quickness made Extimum wonder if he understood what he had asked or if he just wanted to go with him.

Extimum: "Then follow me".

Extimum led the way towards a wall near the stairs, on it there was only a Ravenclaw shield plaque, however, when Extimum approached the vicinity, the wall became translucent, showing the way to a dark room.

Luna: "oh, so this is where the entrance was?". Luna exclaimed when she saw the ordinary wall turn translucent. She already knew that he had a private room, Steve was not exactly the most discreet considering that he collected gossip and information, but, although he knew of its existence, he had never seen Extimum go or leave it.

Upon entering the dark corridor, the torches in the corridor and the room immediately lit up illuminating the place with a cyan white light from the blue fire burning in the torches.

After entering the room, Extimum took out two suitcases from his closet while Luna surveyed the place.

I put both on his desk. Upon opening them, the first contained a vial with Astoria's blood and the second contained a variety of artifacts that he would use to investigate blood.

Luna: "whose blood is it?"

Extimum: " Is from Astoria Greengrass, she's a first-year Slytherin girl."

Luna: "Oh, I think I've seen her in some classes, but I haven't talked to her."

While Extimum was checking other things, Bloom flew to the second suitcase and from it, she took out a kind of microscope with a double viewer that had a rudimentary design.

Bloom seemed to be experienced as she took all kinds of things out of the suitcase and put them in a specific order on the table and organized the settings for each one.

Luna: "have you done it before?"

Extimum: "Oh no, this is the first time I have done it, but Bloom seemed more excited about the idea of ​​investigating and had already looked at all the artifacts before."

After finishing reviewing some notes on the instruments and other things, Extimum took the vial containing the blood in stasis and extracted a sample.

Extimum: "put this in the magi-scopeo". (:v)

Extimum passed the sample to Luna while he put the vial back in the briefcase. After putting it away he walked over to the magi-scope and turned some knobs. Immediately the artifact seemed to exude a little ephemeral vapor and then a light was turned on over the sample.

Extimum: "go ahead, you can watch." Extimum told Luna as he approached one of the viewers to observe.

The magi-scopeo was somewhat similar to its non-magical counterpart, however, although they also allowed the specimen to be focused, its main function was to observe the chains and traces of magic that were hidden at a deep level in the sample, an ability that it was not available in other magical artifacts.

Although there are devices to observe magic, but when speaking of a blood curse, it is not something that is clearly visible even for artifacts made to observe magic, much less for the magical traces of a blood curse that has been around for generations in the lineage, so not just any artifact can be used and one that allows observation with a great level of detail must be used, such as the magi-scopeo.

When looking through the viewfinder of the magi-scopeo, it didn't look like it was looking through a tube, but instead looked more like just looking through a lens. Under the light, the blood sample could now be clearly seen from a close and detailed perspective. The blood was like a sea made up of thousands of red microparticles packed together in different heterogeneous shapes, however, under the magi-scopeo, an occasional dark flicker was seen that simulated a kind of sea beast. It would appear suddenly and try in vain to swallow some of the nearby particles, then dive again and disappear, however, although it could not devour them, if it left them much fainter.

Luna: "looks like a water dragon". Luna commented while observing the event that was unfolding.

This "water dragon" was precisely the "physical" representation of the blood curse that inhabited the lineage. The point was that their appearance patterns were not specific and there was not just one in the entire sample, but many. Its effects were weak on the other particles of the blood, but under careful observation, a clear loss of vitality was noted, one that would consume the vitality of its host, facing a struggle of attrition between the production and natural restoration of vitality and the constant attempt to consume it, on other hand, the "water dragon" did not seem to cause any reaction to the magic contained in the blood at all.

Although the curse was made clearly visible thanks to the magi-scopeo, curing the curse was not as easy as simply eliminating those water dragons. The curse affected an entire bloodline, even if Astoria died, as long as someone held the Greengrass bloodline on him, he would be affected. Since it was a lineage extinction curse, it is likely that the curse would end if they gave up their last name and abandoned the lineage, however that would be too high a price for a wizard and a disgrace to the ancestors.

On the other hand, if the family was left without an heir, the curse would also stop spreading. In the current generation, Daphne is the heir to the family, so when marrying, her husband must take her last name to continue the lineage or in case her partner belonged to a family of equal status and was not willing to giving up his last name would take both names, one married and the other family, but that did not happen very often. That was of course, if you wanted to keep the last name alive, Daphne could still marry normally adopting the last name of her husband and keeping the last name Greengrass as a maiden name, but unless she chose one of her children to bear her family's last name, that would be the end for the Greengrass family.

All this under the premise that his father, Damián Greengrass would not get another woman who would give birth to another heir.

Of course, renouncing his last name and lineage would not necessarily remove the curse from those affected, but he ensured that he would not pass it on to the descendants if he was a man or heir to the family.


Extimum spent the rest of the afternoon testing various spells, potions and even intervening directly with his magic, but in addition to obtaining data, he did not obtain any results in his attempts to remove the curse. Luna also became interested in the subject the more time she spent observing and contributed some interesting ideas to the experiment, she would have liked to do more, but her current knowledge of magic was very limited, so she mainly suggested ideas for Extimum to try and some others. she tested them herself on another sample.

Bloom had also participated, she controlled all kinds of artifacts that they thought could be useful and acted as an assistant for Extimum and Luna, in addition to testing her own magic on the sample, with her control she obtained some results, but not very satisfactory.

The curse was insidious and cunning, when attacked, but without fatal effects, it consumed the vitality of the blood to recover, on the other hand, it was quite resistant. Extimum had tried to get it out of the blood, freeze it, burn it, cut it, even explode it was not out of the question, all this under a miniature and moderate scale of course, he had even sneakily tried a curse on it to try to counteract it. Luna was the one who mainly took care of using the potions, some of the ones that Extimum had among his list of possible ones and others that Luna suggested and had availability. The effects of pure and direct magic on her were so far the most effective on the list, but in addition to shaking the "water dragon" a lot, it does not cause much.

Some more deadly tests could actually kill the "water dragon", but there was not only one water dragon and the others would hide if it managed to kill just one, that added to the fact that they did not have an appearance pattern made it a very ineffective method, moreover, tthey weren't very safe methods if they were to be applied on Astoria.

To all this, the experiment provided Extimum with a lot of data about the nature, behavior, possible weaknesses and counterproductive acts of the curse; data that Bloom made sure to write down on his mini-notebook.

The experiment lasted until the night, when the main blood sample that had not been greatly affected died, due to the prolonged exposure of the blood to the environment, added to the fact that it was no longer kept in stasis or in the body of its owner, the blood naturally oxidized, slowly dissipating their magical qualities, at the same time, the "water dragons" died immediately due to living on blood and existed only because of it.

Luna: "I did not know that removing a curse could be so difficult, I had only heard that like hexes are basically impossible to heal, but observing it for myself is very different."

They had now finished putting away all the instruments and were finishing dinner on the desk in the room.

Extimum: "well, I already knew that it would not be easy and probably would not achieve anything today, but it was necessary at least to have an idea of ​​what he was dealing with, in addition to observing how he behaves and reacts".

Luna: "You're right, well, we'll see you tomorrow." Luna said goodbye and after getting up from her seat, she left the room.

Extimum: "What time is it, Bloom?"

Bloom: "It's 8:30 pm, do you still want to do something else?"

Extimum: "Ah, I just wanted to go see how Harry and the others fared with their attempt to get information."

Bloom: " * uaaaah * ". Bloom yawned, she was tired after all the hustle and bustle of the day.

Extimum: " If you want, just stay to rest, you have worked a lot today, I will go alone".

Bloom. " Well, don't forget to wake me up later for the night flight. "

Bloom then flew off in the direction of the only bed in the room and after taking off her little shoes, she lay down to sleep on Extimum's pillow.

Extimum just watched her sleep for a while before leaving the room. He went to crying Mytle's bathroom, he didn't know if they had already returned, he only knew that it was the most likely place they could be if they had already finished.


The corridors of the castle were mostly empty and the students he saw around the place were not walking with less than 2 other people for safety.

After crossing some corridors and secret passages, Extimum arrived in front of Myrtle's bathroom.

When entering the bathroom and looking superficially, he found it empty, Myrtle wasn't even there. Observing the place, they had not yet cleaned up the evidence of the preparation of the potion, nor the mess they caused during its consumption, so he cast some spells to clean and remove the residue and then put away the cauldron where they prepared the polyjuice potion. Looking at the time on his watch and considering the scene, it was obvious that they should have finished their investigation by now.

The effects of the polyjuice potion only last one hour after ingestion and taking into account the time and the evidence of its consumption, by now they should have finished the effects and have returned to the bathroom.

Extimum: 'then it only remains to see the infirmary'. Extimum remembered that Hermione was supposed to mistake her target's hair for that of a cat, however, she hadn't paid too much attention to the matter because she thought it would only be something temporary, besides, she had focused so much on her research that there was no time for me to warn him later. He had no recollection of how long the side effects of taking Polyjuice Potion with Animal Hair would last, and he hadn't researched such a potion, aside from remembering its ingredients and preparation, but he guessed it shouldn't be long.

After making sure everything was in order, she left the bathroom and went to the infirmary.


When he got to the infirmary he didn't find Harry and Ron anywhere, but on the other hand, he saw Madame Pomfrey sitting on her desk with an exhausted face.

Pomfrey: "oh, Extimum, you haven't been affected by something too, have you?"

Extimum: "don't worry, I didn't come for medical attention, is Hermione behind that curtain?" Extimum said as he pointed to the only one of the beds that was completely covered by the curtain.

Pomfrey: "* sigh *, that's right, I didn't ask them what they were doing, but taking a polyjuice potion with hairs from anything other than human always has adverse effects, so now, she will have to stay with some extra things for at least 2 weeks ".

Extimum: "2 weeks? That long?" Extimum was shocked, he thought it would only last a day or two at most, he didn't expect it to be for such a long time.

Pomfrey: "yes, I have already treated her with all kinds of things, so we have been able to remove much of ... the aftermath, but some parts will take at least 2 weeks due to the nature of the parts." Pomfrey didn't want to go into too much detail to respect the privacy of her patients, so she tried to explain everything without saying too much.

Pomfrey: "oh, that's right, what did you need?"

Extimum: "ah, actually, I came to see how Hermione was doing."

Pomfrey: "she should still be awake, if she is willing to see you, there would be no problem with you seeing her."

Extimum nodded and was about to approach when Pomfrey spoke again.

Pomfrey: "Extimum, do you think you could take care of her for a while? I have to go help Professor Dumbledore with something and at this time no one else should come, although, if someone really did come, I think you could offer them basic attentions while I return or notify them of my location, it shouldn't take me too long ".

Pomfrey didn't think that Hermione would refuse because she knew they were both friends, besides, it was only a short time until the attention time was up, so she really didn't think anyone was coming.

Extimum: "sure, leave it to me."

Madame Pomfrey then got up from her chair, grabbed some things from a closet, and left the infirmary.

Extimum walked this time without interruptions towards Hermione's "room", he did not enter directly, but stopped by the curtain.

Extimum: "Hermione?"

Hermione: "E-Extimum?" Hermione asked in surprise and a bit of alarm, her voice sounded especially shrill when she spoke.

Extimum: "Are you okay? Can I come in?"

Hermione: "No!" Hermione screamed when she saw Extimum's shadow reaching for the curtain.

Hermione: "I mean. I'm fine, but I don't want you to come in and see me right now, not how I am now ".

Extimum: "don't you trust me?"

Hermione: "It's not that, it's just that ... Ah, no, don't go in." Hermione lowered her tuno as she rambled on, not finding very good arguments for Extimum not actually coming in, after all Harry and Ron had already seen her and aside from the fact that she wasn't comfortable with others seeing her in her current form, she didn't have a reasonable enough reason not to let him in.

Extimum on the other hand used her hesitation as a confirmation that she didn't have a real problem with her coming in and it was probably that she was just embarrassed. So he opened the curtain and entered.

Hermione immediately hid under her covers when she saw Extimum open the curtain and enter.

The area covered by the curtain was not too big, inside there was only the bed, a nightstand, a chair and a sliding sick table at the end of the bed. There was also a single candle chandelier above the nightstand, offering some illumination to the place.

Extimum took off his coat and left it on the chair, then sat on the bed next to Hermione who was still covered with the sheets and just waited like that, doing nothing else.

She would have to get out at some point, she didn't think she would just stay under the covers. Hermione of course felt the slight tilt on the mattress and knew he was sitting next to her.

And so, it was about 15 seconds before Hermione was finally ready to get out from under the covers.

Hermione: "but don't laugh ...". As she spoke, she slowly lowered the covers that covered her.

The first thing that entered Extimum's vision were brown cat ears that were down. Seeing them unconsciously made him get closer, it was the first time he had seen ears like that on another human from so close. The next thing he saw were yellow cat eyes with sharp pupils.

Because he had gotten closer to take a better look, when Hermione lowered the covers, their eyes met from a fairly close distance, causing Hermione to pull away a bit and end up releasing the sheet, exposing herself totally.

She was currently wearing a long white one-piece pajamas, she had a pair of cat ears the same color as her hair on her head, her eyes were yellow the same as a cat's, her face, although it didn't look too different, but some of her features had become a bit more feline. Since she was wearing long-sleeved pajamas, he did not know if the fur was still covering her body, but he saw some signs that made it likely that she still had certain patches of cat fur on her skin. Other than that, a long cat tail now seemed to prowl near her lower waist area.

They were both silent. Hermione was mainly because she was still expectant about what Extimum thought of her current cat form. It had to be said that Pomfrey had put a lot of effort into giving Hermione all kinds of potions and salves some time ago to remove much of the fur from her body, however, some parts still had it and not to mention her tail and ears.

However, contrary to Hermione's expectations, Extimum said nothing, no, rather, he was closing the distance between them, while keeping his gaze fixed on Hermione, until the distance between them was only a few centimeters and leaving only the eyes of the other would remain in the gaze of each one.

Hermione: "w-what?" Hermione asked a little intimidated to see him approach and his sudden fiery gaze, followed by the intense atmosphere that seemed to be slowly building up.

Extimum shook his head a little, it felt like someone had hit him very hard and left him a bit stunned, although it was not a real blow, he would have felt it if someone approached him. Due to the sudden feeling, his attention was diverted from Hermione and he ignored that he had gotten too close due to his dizziness, however, as he tried to reposition himself and eliminate his stupor, he felt as if he had taken a strong drink of alcohol and a fire came down from his throat to his stomach, the sensation managed to remove part of his stupor, but now it was replaced by a mist, slowing down his thoughts and forcing him to release a slight pressure that made the environment a bit suffocating. This all seemed too long, but it happened in just a few seconds.

The strange feeling that now assailed him had nothing to do with his lineage, he had already made sure to become one with him and have him under his control, that was what made him strange, he could not identify the source of the anomaly that affected him , the only thing that was similar to this situation were ... the previous episodes of spontaneous magic of which he did not know its cause, the magic was clearly his, but it was not him.

At first it was just his mind clouded, as if he was stunned, but then, the situation changed radically, although his mind remained numb, a sudden wild and uncontrolled feeling seemed to run through his body, if before it was like taking a strong drink of alcohol, now it was as if his blood had turned into alcohol itself. Looking up, Hermione was still looking at him waiting for his opinion on his appearance, she did not seem to have noticed the last second situation affecting Extimum.

Extimum: "** Grrg **". Extimum grunted and tried to suppress the sensation that assailed him.

And then there it was, the goal or perhaps just the outlet of whatever it was that was struggling to gain control of his body, Hermione. His current situation was like being an observer, like riding a cart down the slope of a mountain, he could control the direction, but it would not prevent the cart from continuing down the mountain.

And as if he saw the path he would have to travel further down, Extimum even in his numb state knew what he wanted, his oclumency did not seem useful, it did not even seem that he had passed it to reach him. Feelings of savagery, madness, excitement… desire… and lust invaded her mind.

Extimum could only stick to his little sanity which was equally blunted by feelings and try to at least be the headmaster himself.

Moving a little closer to Hermione, he tilted his head and stepped past her to be by her ear and whispered to her.

Extimum: "I also like this Hermione."

Right after he finished his words, one of his hands slid down to Hermione's waist and held her tightly as he pulled her towards him and then bit her on the neck.

** Ahhg! **

Hermione gasped at being bitten, perhaps no longer so surprised that he had bitten her, however, she could still feel how her body seemed to soften at his bite and a tingle running through her body.

However, it was not enough, biting her did not satisfy the unhinged feeling that overwhelmed him, so he stopped biting her and with the hand that held Hermione's waist, he ripped directly her pajamas.

Hermione: "What are you-?" Hermione had her mind a bit dreamy due to the effect of the bite, but when she felt the strong tug followed by feeling the cold air on her now exposed skin, she recovered quickly as she questioned in alarm and confusion, but her protests were only silenced by another bite.

Extimum's eyes raked over Hermione's now naked body. Her tender pale skin, a slender but small figure, the two little white mounds that stood tall on her developing breast. As she shifted her gaze over her body, she could notice some patches of hair that still persisted from her transformation and dropping her gaze a little further down her abdomen to a small bush that hid her pink cave.

Hermione: "Ex-Extimum, stop, stop." Hermione tried to cover her body. She felt weak and could barely offer resistance, furthermore, Extimum's intense gaze on her body made her feel as if it burned her, making her squirm slightly.

But Extimum wouldn't let her, he stopped her hands and then held them above her head. He brought his face closer and breathed close to her neck, inhaled her scent and brushed his lips against her neck and gave her a light kiss, his lips left a path of kisses as he went down, running over her body, while his hands traced her figure, feeling the warmth and softness of her skin.

** mmm ~ **

Hermione could only lie there on the bed helpless, letting out an occasional moan as she felt Extimum's hands roam her body, it seemed as if every drop of strength had drained from her body the moment she was bitten, however, she released an especially shrill moan that brought back a bit of fleeting lucidity when she felt Extimum's hands on her breasts.

Her breasts were small, but soft and he couldn't help but squeeze them a little, shaping them, feeling their texture and consistency. Hermione's moans were beginning to truly turn him on and following the feeling, he brought his mouth to one of her breasts and took a light bite of her nipple, earning a loud cry from Hermione.

** Kyaaahh ~! **

The scream was of pain, but in one last note there seemed to be some pleasure there. Hearing her cry of pain excited him even more, but he didn't bite her again and instead just sucked on her now hard nipple while pinching the other with his other hand.

Their tails slid out of their hiding place and began to slide down Hermione's body, traversing every crevice within reach until they wrapped around her limbs. Extimum also ripped off his shirt and tossed it to the ground, showing off his sculpted chest.

** mmm ~ **

** Ahh ~ **

Sweet moans occasionally came out of Hermione squirming under the constant stimulation.

When he was satisfied with one of her breasts, he changed to the other, however, his other hand did not return to the breast that he had left alone, that place was replaced by one of his tails that now slid along the nipple areola, playing with him to keep him entertained. Meanwhile, her free hand slowly went down, feeling her smooth belly and passing some sections where cat fur still remained, until she reached that brown bush she had seen before.

Hermione didn't consciously react though, but her body still visibly stiffened as Extimum's hand slid further, touching her now damp cave.

Noticing her stiffness, Extimum left her chest and moved closer to her face. Hermione's eyes were misty and narrowed, hiding a great heat in her gaze, her mouth came out with constant moans at the constant teasing she felt from the hands and tails that ran through her body. Extimum lightly kissed her cheek and slid close to her ear.

Extimum: "Hermione ~". Extimum whispered close to her ear, sucking in hot air along with her strong desire. A large tent was already pressing hard on his pants. Extimum took a gentle bite on Hermione's earlobe, causing Hermione's body to jerk a bit and let out a louder moan, relaxing her body.

Extimum's hand slid gently across her vagina lips, feeling a slight wetness, he had only begun to explore her pussy when Hermione let out a loud moan and came, wetting Extimum's hand.

Hermione: "** Aaahhhh ~! **… timum…". Hermione moaned loudly and barely muttered Extimum's name. Due to all the stimulation her body had undergone, when Extimum touched her pussy, she couldn't take it anymore and came.

Hermione's gaze was heated, she was completely lost in pleasure, her eyes only reflected strong desire and expectation.

Extimum's breathing became harsh seeing her like this, so with a bit of magic she removed her excess clothing and positioned herself over Hermione.

However, when he was about to go further, the pendant on his pants lit up giving a slight glow from its place on the floor. The glow was just that, light, but when it came into contact with her body, she felt a slight soothing warmth that allowed her to regain some lucidity, but soon after it dimmed and did not come back on.

But regaining a bit of clarity at a time like this did not help, the burning and fire of lust had not disappeared, she had only achieved a bit of clarity that would not last long and would disappear as quickly as the brilliance of the pendant.

He tried to quickly think of something, but there was no solution to dealing with the fire that seemed to have taken over his body, so he just pulled Hermione closer to him and hugged her tightly, feeling her body against his. Her tails also moved to entangle them both and holding them tightly together.

The fleeting lucidity was quickly gone and his mind and body were once again burdened with lust, but his tails did not share the same thought that he was trying to control him with, so they did not release his self-imposed restraint. His nails began to lengthen and his arms to apply more force, pressing Hermione even tighter against him and scratching and digging his nails into her back, leaving slight bleeding wounds.

Hermione. "Ahhg."

Extimum: "Ugh". Extimum felt as if a great tension seemed to build up in his body and he had no way to release it, without more ideas and with his current little wit, he aggressively bit Hermione's shoulder.

Hermione: "Ahhhg ... mmm ~".

Extimum: "Grrr".

It was a hard bite, without consideration, expressing all his frustration and lust. I release all that fire that overwhelmed him through the bite, transmitting a torrent of sensory discharges evenly between him and Hermione.

It was not an entirely wise decision considering the force and violent that was the torrent of emotions and sensations that went through him, but it was either that or lose control completely.

Hermione widened her eyes and yelled, Extimum on the other hand, only growling while still biting Hermione.

It was as if lightning had struck both of them, only instead of frying them with its power, it gave them an overdose of stimulation. Hermione let out another loud moan and came again, falling asleep from exhaustion.

Extimum withdrew his mouth from Hermione's shoulder, there was a bit of blood due to his lack of delicacy, on the other hand, he felt terribly fatigued and dizzy. It was good enough to stay conscious after feeling that barrage of sensations.

Extimum: "'Fermaportus', 'impassivitas' 'messag-'". Extimum stretched one of his fingers through the tangle of him, Hermione and their tails in the direction where the curtains opened and cast two spells and nearly completed a third before losing consciousness.

His intention with both spells was to prevent someone from entering. The first spell should block the entrance and not allow the curtains to be opened, however, the spell was intended for doors, so I was unaware of its usefulness, so the second spell would establish a barrier that would make sure that no one entered. Both spells should give him plenty of time in case he failed to wake up in time.

A few minutes after Extimum fell asleep, Madame Pomfrey returned to the infirmary.

Pomfrey: "Extimum? Is he already gone? But he would not leave the place just like that."

As Pomfrey looked at the infirmary where no sign of Extimum was visible, a piece of paper slipped from behind the curtains in Hermione's "room".

Pomfrey saw it immediately and picked it up.

"Dear Madame Pomfrey ... I have taken care of the place as you have asked, but I had to leave a few moments before you arrived, so ... I left this letter to let you know as I felt that you would not be long in coming back." The letter was a bit slow because it contained Extimum's thoughts in his fatigued state. The spell had actually failed, but the letter had been created in time and since the barrier was not preventing something from coming out, it was able to slip under the curtains by chance.

Pomfrey: "oh, I knew he was a responsible boy and wouldn't leave the infirmary alone for long, well, I'm going to rest too." Since it was late, no more patients would be seen except for an emergency, on the other hand, it was fortunate that he didn't need to check on Hermione again until morning.


Zeroz7 Zeroz7

This was the first R18 scene that I wrote, I don't know if it's because I'm the one who wrote it, but I feel like I am missing something, I reviewed it several times, but I don't think I could get the feeling, but I don't know, when I read my own work I It is difficult for me to give a good opinion sometimes. I think this chapter will be subject to change in the future when I improve my writing.

I hope your honest opinion even if it is bad xd.

oh and this is not the r * pe scene there will be.

on the other hand, this chapter is a new record with 8.4k words :v

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