“Because he might have searched you and taken your phone. It’s the same reason I decided I didn’t want to wire you. He’s smart, or he should have been. I think you caught him off-guard and it threw him, although he probably would have checked once he had you in the car.”
“Not that smart, then,” I replied with a brief grin. “But yeah, the phone idea would work as the reason you have a recording of what was said. How are you at disguising yourself?”
“I’m a private investigator. When necessary, being able to become someone else is part of the job.”
“What if he does bring in the cops?”
“We need to find a place that meets all our criteria. Private enough we can’t be overheard, but public enough Seaver or the cops can’t approach without my knowing. It also has to have a way for me to get out of there fast if that happens.”
“You don’t want much, do you?” I said.
He chuckled. “Just the moon.”