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41.17% The Omniversal Chat Group / Chapter 7: Heroes United! Pt.1

Kapitel 7: Heroes United! Pt.1

Few minutes ago...

Issei stopped his thrusters as he skidded through the ground before he reached to the Kyuubi woman. He immediately went and broke the chains that restrained her with his bare hands that were enhanced with his Boosts.


Before the Yokai leader could fall to the ground, Issei dashed and quickly grabbed her in a princess carry with elegance, he didn't want anything happen to her in this state. He took a quick look at his surroundings to check where he & Ben came from, after finding the place, he started sprinting towards it, and after reaching to certain distance he jumped as he activated his jetpack while flapping his Dragon wings to fly properly.


The Oppai Dragon ignored the battle behind him that was causing great flashes of light, he could only hope for Ben to come out safely from that battle because joining that battle was a death wish for him. Right now, he had a mission to accomplish and he didn't want to disappoint Ben when he fully believed in him.

Moments later he almost reached the gate they came from, he didn't want to waste tine by trying to open it manually, so he went in for a dropkick to crash through it while letting out a battle cry, "AHHH!!"

He crashed through the gate and the debris rocketed forward. When Issei looked up a bit, he noticed that there were people in front of him, knocked out. It seems that Cao Cao's goons came to apprehend them, but unfortunately they didn't know who they were messing with; The Red Dragon Emperor.

He grinned excitedly behind his mask and shouted, "Let's show these terrorists what we're capable of, Ddraig!"

"[Right on that with you, Partner!]" The Welsh Dragon replied.

"Hey! Isn't that the Sekiryuutei that ran with his tail between his legs?!" A member of the Hero faction mockingly asked. It looks like this guy just courted death.

"H-hey! Who are you calling me a coward?! I'm a fucking Devil for Satan's sake! I'll get vaporized if I ever get too close to it!" Issei blushed out of embarrassment and was fuming a bit, it wasn't his fault he could do nothing against Cao Cao. He wished, he could too become as strong as the other big leagues, if only he hadn't lost his potential at the train...

"Hah! It doesn't change the fact that you still chickened away from fighting with the boss."

"*Kuh... it seems that you're wishing death, looks like papa has to punish you, you little shit! Ddraig!!"

"[Go on, Partner.]"


"Ha ha! look guys, he's too coward to fight us normally, let's go and beat--"

"--Deez nuts."

The thug's eyes jumped out of his eye sockets as he didn't even notice Issei moving and he'd just now heard his voice right beside him. Issei did a mid-air spinning roundhouse kick to the poor guy's head, and sent him crashing straight into a wall without mercy.


"Anybody wants some more...?" Crouching, Issei faced the others, and with glint in hid eyes he menacingly asked the other goons to surrender and also scare them away. Fortunately, it did wonders to scare them off as their legs were shaking, but unfortunately, they didn't surrender as they were determined to reach to their boss. They shakingly activated their Sacred Gears and their Balance Breakers afterwards.

Issei sighed at their persistence, though he couldn't blame them because if he was ever in their situation, he would've also been this persistent. He then heard Ddraig's voice as the latter warned him, "[Be careful, Issei, more than half of these Humans don't seem to have any particular experience with their SG's. I don't know how they managed to obtain their BxB's, but this seems too suspicious on how they managed to gather this many SG users.]"

"So, I should knock them out quickly and make sure so that they don't get too hurt? Got it!" Issei started up his rocket thrusters and unfurled his wings and dashed through the mob of enemies, while carrying the Kyuubi lady in his hands. He knocked back his enemies with his wings to not let them get closer to him, and knocked out everyone that was in front him with one kick to their head.







Issei could be seen cruising through the base of the Hero faction while still holding on to the leader of the Yokai faction, trying to reach the place from where they came from. He grinned and enthusiastically yelled, "This is way easier than I thought, Ddraig!"

"[You weren't supposed to say that, dumbass.]" Came the disappointed voice of Ddraig.


"[Ever heard of the Murphy's Law?]"

"Wait, how do you know about that?!"

"[*Hmmm... the Humans have created some pretty interesting concepts.]"

"So? what does it have to do with now?"

"[*Ehem... the saying goes like this: Anything that can go wrong---]"



Suddenly, a huge Dragon that seemingly was made out of swords that were brimming with Holy energy came crashing from the roof and landed right in front of Issei and roared at Issei loud enough to shake the entire temple. It seemed sentient enough even though it wasn't made of flesh and blood; it probably was one of Cao Cao's subordinates' Balance Breaker.

"[---will go wrong...]" Ddraig finished with a deadpan voice.

Before they even had the chance to discuss what should they do, they heard the voices of several people on the Dragon. The first one they heard was that of an energetic girl, "WOW~! I didn't expect riding Stake Victim would be this fun!! Let's do this one more time, please...?"

"*Ugh... no Jeanne, we're not doing this ever again! you almost threw all of us off in air!" Came the rough voice of a buff macho.

"...Indeed Heracles, I am not so feeling well as well. Jeanne-san, this shall be the last time we're riding your Balance Breaker Dragon." Lastly, came the respectful voice of a handsome young man.

"*Hmph! You two are real party poopers! Sieg-kun & Hera-chan!" It seemed that the girl was puffing her cheeks and was upset.

"Enough of this silly talk! Let's go and meet the Sekiryuutei! I really want to fight him."

TAP (times 4)

Four people could be seen as they've dropped from the Dragon, the girl named Jeanne, had a blonde hair and blue eyes while she wore golden armor on top of her gakuran. The macho dude, "Hera-chan", had a well-built body with a shoulder-length gray hair, while he also wore a gakuran under a Greek-inspired armor. And the handsome boy, "Sieg-kun", had white hair & red eyes while he had a priest's robe over his gakuran; he did certainly reminded Issei of someone he wished he didn't know from the beginning. Lastly, there was a dark-skinned young boy with gray-blue hair & purple eyes, like his other comrades, he also had a gakuran but wore a long coat on top of it instead.

"Greetings Sekiryuutei, we're the rest of the Hero faction's core members. My name is Sieg, descendant of the Norse Hero, Siegfried, you may have also heard from as the Chaos-Edge Sieg from the Church's database," Sieg introduced himself. He examined Issei with a cold smirk before he continued introducing the others, "this beautiful lady here is Jeanne, and the tough guy here is Heracles; they're both carriers of the spirits of Jeanne d'Arc and Heracles respectively," He then pointed at the boy, "and this boy here is the wielder of one of the four strongest Longinus, Annihilation Maker, his name is Leonardo."

'Oh great, another Longinus user! why is my luck so shitty this time?!' Issei was sweating buckets because he didn't expect another Longinus user and three possibly strong Sacred Gear users.

'[You've got nothing to blame, other than yourself! I told you guys it'll be dangerous.]' Ddraig said as he was disappointed and nervous about his partner.

"So you're the Sekiryuutei, huh? didn't expect you to be handicapped... Well, there goes my chance of fighting you at full power." Heracles was upset that he couldn't fight the Red Dragon Emperor one on on going all-out.

"We were supposed to get the lady in his arms, you battle freak! Not fight him to the death, although we can rough him up, but the Sekiryuutei is specifically reserved by Cao Cao-taichou." Jeanne revealed a shocking revelation, Cao Cao, that freak wanted to fight him? This is honestly more crazy than what he expected next.

'[It's probably about what you did to that bastard Shalba.]'

Ddraig's right, a while back Issei faced one of the Old Satans, and he wrecked his whole shit with his ultimate form, the Juggernaut Drive, in this form, Issei releases a part of Ddraig's sealed power, but at the cost of his sanity. If he uses it one more time, there's no telling what would happen to him.

"Guys, let's stop this bickering and take that Kyuubi from his hands." Sieg said as his mouth twitched a little.

"Hai!" They quickly stopped bickering and faced Issei next.

"No hard feelings Ise-kun~ this is simply an order by taichou!" Jeanne enthusiastically said as she created a hill of Holy swords, ready to lunch them at Issei. Her Scared Gear is Blade Blacksmith, which is the opposite of Kiba's SG that creates Demonic swords, and her BxB is the sub-species BxB Stake Victim Dragon that we just saw now.

"I really wanted to fight you, Sekiryuutei, but I suppose this should suffice enough. Here I come, Red Dragon Emperor! Balance Breaker!!" Heracles shouted as an explosive aura covered him before it turned into missiles that were on his whole body. His SG is Variant Detonation which lets the user to make explosions by contacting with other objects, and his BxB, is Detonation - Mighty Comet that makes numerous missile-like objects on his body that can be discharged.

"I won't go Balance Break, because three of my swords would be enough and I won't be even using their powers," Sieg said with a smirk as a silver arm spurted out from his back and grabbed a sword while he himself grabbed two other from his robe. His SG is a sub-species Twice Critical that generates a Draconic silver arm that can use function just like a normal arm.

There were two swords in his own hands, one of them was a double-edged sword with a slightly curved tip, and golden armaments attached it, while the other was a long sword with a darkish purple blade. Meanwhile, the blade in his silver arm had a much lighter color than the others and it was almost like a broadsword with a much more wider blade and it had a more ornate appearance. He then called their names in the order they were described, "Gram, the Demonic Sword Emperor, Balmung, and Nothung. I hope you'll become a good training dummy for these, Issei Hyoudou..." He then licked his lips in a similar fashion to a person he didn't like to remember.

One thing was sure though, and it was that all of his swords were oozing dangerous amounts of Demonic energy.

Now it was the quiet kid's (aka Leonardo) turn to show off his powers. His shadow extended as many monsters were created; they came in all shapes and sizes, and some of them even were flying ones. Issei couldn't really tell, but his senses were saying that those monsters were created to directly counter him.

'[Your hunch is right, they're definitely made to counter you,]'

'What?! so you're saying that these monsters are made with Holy energy and Anti-Dragon traits?! Is that what the Annihilation Maker's capable of?'

'[No, the Annihilation Maker itself can create anything imaginable as a monster as long as there's sufficient energy for the user. Though, I don't have much information about it other than the basics. Anyways, Issei, these people are not fooling around; be careful]'

'Well, crap.' Issei thought, before he gained a nervous and took a step back as he said, "H-hey guys, no need to be hostile a-about it. We can talk things out, right...?"

"*Lick... I wish we could, Issei, but this simply just a mission; so don't take it to heart." Sieg answered as he licked one of his swords.


"Understandable, have a great day!" Issei said before he booked it with his thrusters while flapping his wings.


(Cue Blue City - GhostFinal)

"Go get him!" Sieg ordered the others, and he himself started sprinting forward.

"With pleasure!!" Heracles thrusted himself forward by using his rockets on his back as jetpack.


"Aye aye, Sieg-kun!" Jeanne rode her BxB Dragon, and gave Sieg a lift by throwing him at Issei.

Leonardo simply nodded as he created Anti-monsters that were just like armed vehicles with machine guns & cannons attached to it. The thrusters on the back of them got ignited as they tried to speed up to Issei.


"WORST FIELD TRIP EVER!!!" Issei desperately yelled as he cruised down the hallway that he came back from. Not gonna lie, this could potentially be his last field trip that he'll go in voluntarily; because a dead person cannot visit a place to begin with.


"Huh?!" Issei took a quick look to his behind and was shocked to see Sieg coming at him mid-air, ready to slash him into pieces with all of his three swords. Issei pulled the Yokai leader closer to him as he let go from one of his arms. From the wrist, the blade of the Holy sword that was gifted to him by the Angels came out. He then struck back with his wrist-blade to deflect Sieg's.


A shockwave erupted from the clash of their blades, and spirals of Holy & Demonic energies were being released by Issei's and Sieg's swords respectively.

"Ahhh... Ascalon, the same type of sword as Gram; though it's a Holy sword, so I'll get destryoed because I'm a Demonic sword holder. It could've been a nice collection, but it's unfortunate I guess." Sieg said with ecstasy, then with shame afterwards as he still pushed through Issei's sword while sparks were flowing out from their clash.

"You crazy bastard!! get the hell away from me!" Issei shouted as he Boosted three times.


"AHHH!!" He then let out a battle cry as he threw Sieg with the sheer force behind his pushing of his sword.


"WOAH!" Sieg didn't expect this tactic as he got thrown back to the wall. In his mind it seemed that Issei was too desperate so he resorted to cheap tactics.


The armed vehicles were now reaching up to Issei now, they surrounded him as their machine guns were aiming at him. Issei had a morbid face as he was scared of turning into swiss chess by all these weaponry, but Draig to calm him down, "[No need to be scared, Issei. You're the Red Dragon Emperor for pete's sake,]"



"KYAAA!!!" Issei started boosting rapidly as the machine guns started firing at him from all sides. Dodging a bullets were nothing to Issei, but when all of it were being fired from his 360 and were magically empowered? yeah, good luck dodging that.







"AHHHH!!" Unfortunately, he couldn't manage to dodge all of them as some of them managed to crack through his armor and enter his flesh. Let's say, burning from the inside wasn't certainly one of the best feelings in the world. Yet, despite all this pain, he gritted his teeth as he determinately yelled and boosted himself non-stop,








Now that he boosted for enough times, he could dodge them easily now. With angry eyes behind his mask, he shouted, "It's time for payback you crappy toys!!!" Then straight went in for a kick to an Anti-monster vehicle.


The vehicle exploded as Issei's kick landed. Fortunately though, there were protection spells casted on the fox lady so he didn't have to worry about her getting hurt. He then grabbed another vehicle with his tail and swoop it across the ground as the vehicles started tripping over and exploded upon contact due to the force behind Issei's power.

More Anti-monster vehicles started coming towards Issei. He then grinned with a hint of madness and shouted upon seeing them, "ALL RIGHT! COME AT ME!!" He then proceeded to destroy those vehicles to kingdom come.

While Issei was dealing with them, Heracles came close, but didn't get too near as he was seeing through his missile's scope to aim the shot at Issei. He muttered, "Come on, stay steady for a bit!"

"It looks like you need a hand, Hera-chan~!" Jeanne came beside Heracles' side and teasingly said.

"Block his path for me."

"With pleasure!" She swung her sword and created a hill of swords that pushed past both Issei and the vehicles and blocked their path; though, Issei was too focused on destroying them that he didn't notice the hill of swords that went past him.

"Nice! Eat this you lizard!!" He shouted as he discharged both the biggest missiles that were on each of his hands.


"[Issei! Incoming missiles from the back!!]" Draig quickly warned Issei. The latter faced his back and was shocked to see two large, homing missiles come straight at him. He knew these were not normal ones because he remembered seeing them on Heracles' hand, so avoiding them normally wouldn't do much against them. He then turned around and got more shocked as he saw a hill of Holy swords blocking his path. The Oppai Dragon had to come up with a plan, and he'd just came up with a good one.


Instead of turning around, he burst towards the Holy swords by using his jetpack. The missiles were closing in to Issei pretty fast, but Issei wasn't scared anymore so he maintained his distance with the rockets as to get not too far nor too close to each other. As soon as Issei was about to crash to the swords, he made a U-turn to avoid from getting hit by the swords and the rockets, though when he turned, he was almost grazed by the missiles. And as to not to get caught in the vicinity, He flew upwards and crashed through the roof with his kick.



"[Now's the time to call for help, Issei!]"

"Right!" Issei nodded as he made a communication magic circle to contact his friends, but he got nervous that couldn't get any signals from them. It seems that all sorts of communication was cut off in the Dimension Lost's BxB. There was also another way to call help, but he wasn't sure whether it'll work or not. This time, he brought his phone and opened the DCG, then started typing hastily.

[Issei: GUYS!! HELP ME!? I'M DYING HERE!!! *crying emoji*]

[Kirito: Isn't Ben there with you?]

[Iseei: He is! He's facing the boss alone where as I'm being gangbanged by all of his goons!!]




[Kirito: Get ready, you two. We're about to experience our first world hopping.]

[Shoto: I'll get ready quickly.


[Quick Mission granted: The members that aren't in DxD shall be freely teleported there to help the other members' problem. Location: Dimension Lost Alternate Temple, have a safe mission, Heroes!

Rewards: Unknown Failure: Unknown Time Limit: Unknown]

[Issei: BE QUICK GUYS!!]

Issei put out his phone and started flying but he was then interrupted by a very "friendly" creature...


Stake Victim was underneath him and was coming in hot!

"KYAAA?!" Issei let out a cry as he activated his thrusters once more and rocketed downwards, to another direction to distract it.



In the midst of his quest with his in-game wife, Kirito immediately left from ALO. The second afterwards, he got a message from her.

[4everLoveU: Kazuto? did something happen to your new friends?]

First off, he questioned himself how in the hell did she knew it? he put it as probably her woman instincts. But that wasn't important now! He quickly typed,

[You: Yes, it's an emergency! gotta go now!]

[4everLoveU: Well, wishing you the best, Kirito-kun *heart emoji*]

Kirito had a smile at that, he sure definitely has a very nice girlfriend/in-game wife. He then got determined as he got up to get ready. Though, he had to check out something first.

"*Hmmm... if this ability of mine can replicate my avatars..." He wondered for a bit before he swiped up his finger. The next moment, a holographic screen appeared before his face and was in awe because he couldn't believe what he was seeing, "No way...!"

The time when SAO got shut down, there was no way to recover his avatar with all of his Dual Blade Sword Skills. But now? they and all of his inventory from SAO were right in front of him. He then checked the Skill section to see something else that was on his mind.

"There..." He saw the Sword Skill that he couldn't use anymore because recreating it was too much, even for him. The Sword Skill that he accidentally unlocked it in fits of rage against that bastard that made that hell-hole. The Sword Skill was,

[The Eclipse]

[The final Sword Skill of the Dual Blade Unique Skill, it consists of 27 consecutive, devastating slashes. First, the user slashes with both swords from the top right to the bottom left, then immediately rebounding to slash from the top left to the bottom right, and so on.]

"I dunno if I should be grateful to you, or loath you until my death, but I won't deny that you were the one that made as strong as I am to this. For all the things that you did, I won't certainly forget this." He said with slight bitter voice, before he grabbed an empty to bag to fool his parents that he would go on a field trip.

"Time to go then!" He said before he went downstairs...

Meanwhile, in ALO...

"*Sigh... why won't Kirito-kun catch a break for once?" Asuna helplessly asked to nobody particular.

In MHA..

After getting Issei's message, the dual haired boy calmly put out his phone and went towards his closet. From there, he grabbed one of his spare Hero suits. He then went outside of his room and started walking towards exit; although, the house was eerily dead silent, though it seemed that Shoto was used to it.

In the dysfunctional family of the Todoroki's, this was the norm for everyday. Everyone was minding their own business and nobody wanted to bother with each other, not because they respected each other, but because of the tension between the members.

The memories of him having a normal family with the rest of them seemed pretty far fetched, he definitely saw some moments after eating that other-worldly soba, but he didn't if they were real or not due to a possibility of them being illusions. Nevertheless, he continued his path.

"I... I don't know if my drive for becoming a Hero was real or not, but I definitely remember wanting to become one out of my own volition in a very distant past, not to do it out of spite for that absolute disgrace of a father..." Shoto uttered to himself while he was one step away from the door.

"I hope you'll guide me to become a Hero that you'll be proud of, mom." He muttered lastly before he went out of the house to go to an alley to change into his Hero costume.

However, one thing that Shoto didn't notice, was that his sister Fuyumi, was listening to him and cried a little after listening to her little brother's speech.

"I think I should give this to her for her to listen to it." Another thing to note, she recorded it so that she could give it to her mother for her to listen to it, so that she may get happy; even if it was just a little.

In Black Clover...

Asta was doing nothing particular, unless you count out him exercising in an ultra-hardcore fashion.

"997...998...999...1000...! Nice!! A thousand single finger pushups!! I can totally feel my muscles growing even more!" Yeah, like really hardcore.

"*Phew... now's the time for a ten kilometers run!!!" He then got into a running stance.



Oh my God... please somebody stop this guys before he gets too exhausted.

"*Pant...*pant... I did it!" He cheered as he finished the 10k run in five minutes.

You know what? I'm tired of this bullshit.


Unfortunately, Asta was too in the moment that he didn't notice the door being knocked.

"All right! Time to go and save my new friend!" Asta got up and opened up his scroll to teleport to DxD.

"Go where Asta? it's me, Finral, now open the door." The person behind the door, now named Finral, knocked on the door once more and called for Asta.

At this moment, all three of them had the same screen in front of them,

[Do you wish to start the mission?]


The trio tapped 'Yes'.

[Yes] *Tap

"Hey, Asta, you hearin' me?! open the God-damn door!" Sorry Finral, it seems that your pleas are falling unto deaf ears.

After tapping 'Yes', a rift in the space opened and swallowed them whole.

"That's it! I'm coming in myself if you aren't opening it," Finral angrily said as he entered into Asta's room, only to see nothing.

He blinked once, twice, then thrice. Then pinched his nose as he said to himself, "Did Charmy put something funny in her food this time? I'm starting to think I'm hearing things..."

Back to Issei...

"HAAAA!!" Issei yelled as he crashed into a part of the temple after he was sure enough that he made an acceptable distance between himself and Jeanne. Here's to hoping that maybe he could catch a break;

But we all know that's not gonna happen.


Issei heard of a battle cry of someone familiar and immediately whipped out his Acalon to deflect his foe's swords.


"I didn't expect you to quickly react like that," Sieg said as he this time had a battle frenzy look on his eyes.

"How in the hell are you here?!" Issei asked, he couldn't believe how Sieg managed to get from that side of the temple, to this side in such a short amount of time?

"None of your business!" He answered as he opened up Issei's guard and went for chopping his head off with Balmung.

In response to this, Issei bended backwards and shot up his leg to break Sieg's arm. However, Sieg retaliated by swinging Gram at Issei's leg.


So Issei retracted his leg pretty fast and jumped back, because had he went in for the kick, his leg would've chopped his leg off due it having a very strong Anti-Draconic trait, probably even stronger than Ascalon's by a huge mile.

"Come on, Sekiryuutei! I'm not gonna hurt you~!" Sieg teasingly said with a battle maniac grim as he charged towards Issei with all of his swords ready.

"Yeah, you're right! you battle freak maniac!!" Issei yelled as he got ready and started dodging, blocking, deflecting and parrying Sieg's strikes.




Fortunately for Issei, he was fast enough to avoid Sieg's attacks, but unfortunately, his swordsmanship was abysmal that he could only do so much against a master swordsman like Sieg; even though he trained with Kiba so many times.

"Here I come, Red Dragon Emperor!!!"

Issei heard another battle cry this time, and knew whom it was. He backflipped to avoid getting hit by Heracles' attack. Indeed, it was Heracles, that apparently discarded his BxB to fight CQC and was coming in with a literally 'explosive' superman punch.


"HEY! Watch out where you're attacking next time, got that?!" Sieg rebuked Heracles. He was surely mad that Heracles had to interrupt his sweet fight like that!

"Yeah, yeah, duly noted. Now where's that--!"

"HAA!!" While he was mid-air after his backflip, he went in for a drop kick straight into Heracles' head.

But unfortunately, Heracles' grabbed his leg before it could've hit his face. Issei now had a horrid face that he didn't what would the former do, so he shook his head as this came from his mouth, "Oh no," while the former nodded his head as he replied, "Oh yes!" Before he crunched his legs with pretty destructive explosives as he put large amounts of energy to it.


"AHHH!!!" Issei screamed in pain, he was sure now that his leg may have been broken, but there was no use thinking about it now, when his only goal was to survive now and get the fox lady in his hands back to safety. Before he could think about his next action, he saw himself being thrown around by Heracles straight into the incoming, open jaws of Stake Victim that was ready to chew him off. Oh, he had enough of this bastard, time to take payback from that annoying lizard, shall we?

He spun around a few moments, before he did an upper kick, straight unto its chin with the other leg that wasn't broken and sent him into the sky.


A second later, grumbles could be heard from Issei's behind. He turned back only to see some Anti-monsters charging up to fire at him. 'Oh no, you little shits!!' he angrily said inside as he took each of them down with his boosted Dragon Shots.



"*Pant...*pant...*pant..." He dropped down and was panting like crazy, who else could blame him? he was being chased for maybe hours and was handicapped from fighting at full strength. And his armor was totally in a bad shape, while inside the armor wasn't great as well, with many holes that smoke was coming out of them, and possibly a broken leg; if only he could've been just a bit faster, stronger, more durable, and had more magical energy reserves, if only he could've used [Promotion] without being limited to Rias' permission...

"Surrender now, Ise-kun~ even you know it yourself that you can't stand up anymore." Jeanne said while smirking as she dropped off from her BxB Dragon. She, and the rest of her team were standing in front of Issei, waiting for the Sekiryuutei's answer.


That simple 'No' caused them to get really shocked, "WHAT?!" Does he have a death wish or something? though, they could tell that he was determined to save that woman even if it costed his life, but he could barely even stand up on his feet!

"I... I made a promise to my new friend... that I'll save this woman in my arms, and bring her back to her daughter, even if it costs me my life... Because, I'm a not a one to break his promises; especially to the person that saved me from near death and trusted her saving to me! you go that?! I'll save this woman to prove my worth that I can become the HAREM KING!!!" His voice was gradually becoming louder and louder as he was regaining his energy back, his eyes got determined, he gritted his eyes, then shouted at the top of his lungs for the world to hear.

The Hero faction didn't know whether they should be in awe by his determination, or laugh at his insane last remark, but thing was for sure; they greatly admired his tenacity.

The Oppai Dragon whipped out Ascalon once more, then stomped on the ground and challenged them as a glint went past his eyes, "So come at me!!!"

Before either party could move though, three new voices came to their ears,

"Oh my, have we reached right at the end of the party, Issei?"

"Kirito-san, we should immediately rescue Issei-san, he looks badly injured."

"YAHOO!!! I'M IN A NEW WORLD!! I can't wait to see what powers these new people have!!!"

There was an opened rift behind Issei, as three figures emerged from it, and I can safely say that y'all know who is who, right?

Kirito waved his hand at Issei and normally greeted him, "Yo, Issei. How're you kickin'?"

"You guys really came..." Issei fell on his knees and muttered

Kirito only smirked and said, "Yeah, that right we did..."


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!!! Plz comment to give me your thoughts on it!!!

Im4x_sk1ll Im4x_sk1ll

I was working on this chapter for 12hs straight, because I was having a blast while writing this chapter that I didn't want to stop. I hope you guys enjoyed it as well.

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