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98.88% Complicated Sex Life Of Ben / Chapter 265: Chapter 25: The Air I Breathe ll

Kapitel 265: Chapter 25: The Air I Breathe ll

It was around 7pm when I left Bert and Lynne's place. The sun was long gone and the sky black above me. Kim had offered to keep me company, but I realized that June had some plans of her own for Kim once BJ fell asleep, and told the girls I'd be out of the house until late to let them have their fun without my interference. So with nowhere to go, I sort of meandered around aimlessly enjoying the fresh evening air. I quickly found my way to the Cal Berkeley campus, with its broad walking paths so nostalgically familiar. I wasn't heading anywhere in particular, choosing paths at random and floating along like so much debris left on the ocean currents. I wasn't worried about getting lost or anything – this campus HAD been home for four years, and I knew the place like the back of my hand. No matter where I went, I knew I'd be able to find my way home.

Of course, I wound up heading toward Cheit Hall, the center of the school's Business program. I saw the grassy knoll in front of which Sasha had found a mud puddle and flung a glob of it at me one day, splattering my white polo shirt and part of my face. I'd promptly hauled her over my shoulder, spanking her ass, and we'd ended up tucked inside an empty classroom fucking against the wall.

A little later, I came upon Faculty Glade, and I recognized the tree underneath which I'd spread my foldable nylon picnic blanket for our project team meetings. My relationship with Sasha had unfolded on that picnic blanket, week after week, ultimately ending up with her as my one and only girlfriend, at least for a little while.

Of course, those project team meetings had started with Dawn as my one and only girlfriend, with me content to lay flat on my back with my head in her lap week after week, before everything fell apart.

Those weren't the most pleasant thoughts, so I turned away and kept walking. I looked up at Cheit Hall but didn't approach. I wondered if Viktoriya Isakova still had her same office, the one where I'd fucked her many, many times. Continuing east, I crossed Piedmont and looked over the big football stadium. And turning south, I made my way to Bancroft and eventually to Warring Street.

Automatically, I'd made my way to Tri-Delt Chapter House. Although it occurred to me that I might very well be able to present myself at the front door and find my way into one of the sorority girls' bedrooms, I wasn't particularly tempted to do so. That phase of my life had passed, and most of the girls I'd been close with had graduated and moved on, though not all. Still, I wasn't interested in a casual hookup tonight, so I kept on walking while simultaneously evaluating my options for how to get home.

From here, there were direct routes for saving time and more leisurely paths that would be more visually entertaining. My idle mind started to parallel certain routes with my metaphorical journey through life, and from there started to match them up to my relationships with the various women in my life.

The big wide boulevard, brightly lit and glaringly obvious was my pathway to happiness with Dawn, the long-expected great love of my life.

The smaller side-street that paralleled the big boulevard all the way downtown, a road that would get me to the exact same place only with fewer traffic lights, less scenery, and more stop signs represented a pathway to happiness with DJ, the younger sister of the long-expected great love of my life.

The road further south, the one that started with an evil traffic circle and instantly told me not to try going that way, only to eventually lead to a different brightly lit wide boulevard equally as nice as the first one represented Adrienne.

And then there was the option of heading back home through campus, with its winding pathways and the possibility of getting turned around in the wrong direction instead of the neatly laid-out grid of streets that led directly where I wanted to go like with Dawn, DJ, and Adrienne. Perhaps the best route for me was somewhere up there, even if it wasn't obvious, and without any of the certainty that the first three routes offered.

I could only take one road, of course. There was only one me, and my ultimate destination was clear. Then again, I could start on the Dawn road, then head south to the Adrienne road, and then move up a block to the DJ road, and STILL head up into campus to see what other pathways could be found there. Or perhaps I was just overcomplicating the whole thing and should stop trying to parallel my feelings for the women in my life with the Berkeley streets in front of me.

Jeez, you think? Stop overthinking everything and start fucking walking. It's starting to get COLD.

But the road right in front of me is the Dawn road.

So? You afraid to walk the Dawn road?

Of course I am. We've talked about this already.

It's just a fucking ROAD. Walking on the damn sidewalk won't commit you into a relationship with her or anything like that.

I know, I know.

If you know, then why aren't you walking?

I'm still thinking, alright?

Thinking about what? About how your fear of fucking up your relationship with her is holding you back from loving her the way your heart really wants to? About how this fear is even now holding you back from putting one foot in front of another?

Fine, fine. I'm walking, I'm walking.

Um, you turned left and started walking.


So you deliberately turned away from the glaringly obvious Dawn road right in front of you.

So what? I'm not in any hurry to go anywhere. Besides, it's too early for me to go home. I don't want to fuck up whatever Kim and June have planned together.

Can I vote for going back to the Tri-Delt house?

No. I'm heading for Telegraph. I can window shop or something for a while to kill time.

So you're not running away from Dawn, right?

No. I'm walking toward something that will be mildly entertaining.

Window shopping.



What do you want from me?

I want you to admit that you're running away from Dawn ... AGAIN.

I'm not running away from her.

Then why won't you walk on the fucking road?

Okay FINE, FINE. Just to fucking prove to you that it's no big deal. I'm walking on the fucking Dawn road.

Really, dude? You just turned around on a dare from the little voice in your head?

But you just ... just ... Ah, fuckit.

You can't claim the sun is getting to you this time.

I'm not.

And walking on this road doesn't necessarily mean that you want to get back together with Dawn.

Exactly. It's just a road.

A road that ISN'T leading you to Telegraph and all that window shopping, you realize.

Whatever. I'm not going anywhere in particular.

Of course not. You're just a leaf on the wind.

Exactly. Just being carried along by the breeze.

You're debris floating aimlessly on an ocean current.

Totally agree with you.

You have no destination in mind, no particular need to be somewhere specific, just taking things one turn at a time, totally comfortable to wind up ANYWHERE in Berkeley at all.

Absolutely anywhere.

So it's a total coincidence that you've walked right up to the old Berkeley house where you used to live for four years, right?

Total coinci ... Wait, what?

I glanced up, and sure enough, I was standing on the sidewalk right in front of the house where I used to live, the same house where Dawn, Brooke, DJ, and the twins currently lived, although it was sure to be empty with all the girls out on various dates or social gatherings.

Sometimes destiny happens, whether you believe in it or not.

Just then, the front door opened, and a backlit figure stood in the doorway. "Ben? What are you doing here?"

"Dawn?" I replied immediately, recognizing her voice even before she reached to the side and flicked on the porchlight, illuminating her face. Walking forward, I came to the bottom of the steps and stopped there, looking up at her. "I ... uh ... I don't know, exactly."

"It's Valentine's," she said quietly. "Thought we weren't supposed to meet up tonight."

I arched an eyebrow. "Thought you were hitting the town with Dayna tonight."

"Uh," Dawn muttered while glancing back down the hallway. "We actually decided to stay in instead. All three of us."

I blinked. "Three?"

Just then, both Dayna and DJ appeared behind Dawn. DJ looked surprised and chirped, "Ben? What are you doing here?"

But Dayna clapped her hands and did a happy dance, exclaiming, "Ooh, this is AWESOME!" And then she darted across the porch to grab my hands and dragged me inside.

DJ breathlessly peeled her lips off mine and grinned saucily before crossing her arms down her chest to grab the hems of her tank-top and camisole and whip them both up and over her head. Her glorious 34DD tits burst forth, encased in pink satin lace. And with another saucy grin, she cupped both big melons, rubbing them together up and down asymmetrically for my viewing pleasure.

At the same time, Dayna finished unzipping my jeans and reached up to begin tugging them down my hips. "Hop, Ben, hop," she commanded. "Help me out here."

Obediently, I hopped off the couch once, then twice, and finally a third time. Each hop, Dayna managed to drag my jeans down my legs a few inches, until finally she had them bunched up around my knees. I figured the eldest Evans sister would then have no trouble pulling my jeans and boxer shorts down the rest of my legs, but instead she left them right where they were while she grabbed Big Ben in her hands, ducked her head, and slurped him into her mouth.

"Ohhh, fuuuucckkk," I groaned feeling the wet warmth of Dayna's mouth surround my stiff shaft. At the same time, DJ left her bra on but pulled the cups beneath each globe. Without bothering to remove the lacy garment, she leaned forward while grabbing my head with her left hand, mashing my mouth around the nearest nipple and sighing as I automatically suckled at her swollen pink teat.

"Lick them, Ben. Tease my tender titties," DJ crooned in obvious arousal. "Fuck it's been forever since I felt you sucking them!"

"Glmph, glmph, glmph." Dayna didn't say those words or anything, but those were basically the sounds her mouth and throat made as she face-fucked herself on my meat.

"Jeez, Ben. Even when you aren't trying, you still somehow manage to get yourself in the middle of another Evans sister foursome," Dawn drawled from right beside me, playfully tousling my hair.

Pulling off DJ's breast with an air-sucking pop, I turned to my best friend and arched an eyebrow. "It's not a foursome yet. You've still got all your clothes on."

Rolling her eyes, Dawn set down her half-empty wine glass and started unbuttoning her shirt.

"Now don't feel pressured or anything," I told her, a teasing tone in my voice. "If you don't want to join in, you don't have to."

"Shut the fuck up," Dawn shot back with a smirk. "Better yet, DJ ... Smother him again, will ya?"

"Of course!" DJ chirped happily as she grabbed my head with both hands and mashed my nose into her bare cleavage, threatening to suffocate me with her marvelous mounds.

I smiled and started licking, quite pleased with how the night was turning out. Dawn was right: I hadn't been trying to get myself into the middle of another Evans sister foursome, even after Dayna dragged me into the house and planted her own version of the volcanic kiss on me. As drunk as Dayna was, and as horny as she was as well, my mind had still been awash with so many thoughts and feelings and emotions about my relationship with Dawn, and about what the future held for both of us.

So I'd apologetically peeled drunk and horny Dayna off my face, held up a defensive hand palm out toward an equally drunk and horny DJ, and sized up a similarly drunk and horny Dawn, saying, "I think we should talk."

Dayna and DJ both groaned immediately in disappointment, as if I were the police officer at the door telling all the high school kids that the party was over. But I ignored them and focused on Dawn, pleading with her to understand while I rambled on about going for a walk tonight, coming to terms with our 'best friends' relationship, telling Bert and Lynne that I was okay with not being 'in love' with anyone, not even her. I apologized for telling her three nights ago that I indeed wanted to get back together with her, only to tell her the very next night that I'd changed my mind and wanted to remain only friends, only to show up now and confess that I felt like my fears were overriding what would truly be best for both of us and that maybe we SHOULD think about getting back together again.

That was as far as I got before Dawn pressed a finger to my lips to shush me right there in the hallway, and followed her finger up with a deep, soul-searching kiss. It was the kind of kiss that took my breath away, the kind that made the world around us disappear. And when we finally broke for air, I honestly thought she'd say right then and there that she loved me now, would love me forever, and couldn't wait to restart our romantic relationship.

But instead Dawn had said, "I'm horny, and they're horny, and you've literally shown up here at the absolute perfect time. Five more minutes and I would've wound up settling for Dayna's tongue on my clit and DJ wearing a strap-on Ben Junior. Fuck now, okay? I promise we can talk later."

"Wait ... what?" I'd chirped in surprise.

Dawn had quickly kissed me again, this time reaching down to fondle my package. "I love you now," she'd said, "and I'll love you forever. But the three of us have had a long night already talking our brains out about boys and relationships and love, and we'd all really appreciate it if you could just put all that emotional stuff on the back burner for now and give us an Evans Sister Trifecta or something, okay?"

"I call dibs on ass!" Dayna announced immediately.

"Aww, dammit!" DJ complained, shooting her big sister a dirty look.

"What? It's not like you can't still get him to sodomize you if you want."

"I know. I just like the idea of one of you slurping the creampie out of my asshole."

Dayna giggled. "I know. Me too."

"But you beat me to it."

Dayna shrugged. "So make sure he gets a fourth round and take THAT one up your ass. Duh..."

DJ clapped and mimed Dayna's happy dance.

"Come on babe," Dawn crooned seductively, taking me by the hand and leading me into the living room. "Let's do what we do best."

It wasn't until after the Evans Sister Trifecta™ was complete that I finally found out why all three girls had been here in the house alone, drinking wine and complaining about boys in general. Dayna and Dawn had indeed initially made plans to meet up in the city and bond as sisters during National Singles Awareness Day. Dayna had been feeling particularly jealous that Brandi and Jared were so disgustingly happy together, especially since their latest attempt to set Dayna up with one of Jared's friends had just failed so spectacularly. Dayna was in the mood to hit up a nightclub and get some hunky, sweaty guys to rub themselves up against her. She had joked that Dawn could use some of that kind of therapy since I'd shot down little sister's latest attempt to rekindle our romance, but Dawn had immediately insisted that she was serious about remaining devoted to me with or without an equal commitment in return. And furthermore, Dawn claimed no interest in nightclubs or hunky, sweaty guys, so instead the girls had ultimately decided to stay home and talk.

As for DJ, she'd cancelled her evening plans at the last minute when she and her boy toy for the semester, Robi, had gotten into an argument about DJ's commitment level to him. Despite DJ making clear that she was using him for a booty call, the poor sap had fallen in love with her and wanted more from the relationship. I couldn't blame the guy for developing feelings for the gorgeous bombshell blonde, but if I'd been in his shoes I'd have shut my mouth and thanked my stars for the opportunity to fuck one of the hottest babes in the entire school tonight instead of pissing her off and going home alone. When DJ got wind of Dawn and Dayna's plan to stay at home, drink wine, and commiserate, she was quick to sign up.

The girls had talked about Dayna's blind date disaster. The girls had talked about DJ's lovestruck boy toy. And of course, the girls had talked about me. Dawn talked about her love for me, and her fears of losing me again. She'd talked about how great our 'best friends' relationship was going and how she wouldn't jeopardize that for anything, not even for a potential romance. And she'd talked about how she would always need me in her life, how my absence had created a huge void in her heart, and how the intimacy of our current relationship would always matter more to her than anything else.

DJ had talked about childhood fantasy Ben, and real-life boyfriend/fiancé Ben, and about the pain she'd gone through after the abortion and eventual breakup. She'd talked about the scars I'd left on her heart, and about her obsessive passion for me making her worse of a person. And she'd talked about how difficult it had been for her to emotionally move on from me, but at the same time she knew how important it was for her to do so.

Dayna had laughed at her two sisters and proclaimed herself glad she'd never fallen in love with me. But she'd talked about how I'd always been there for her in whatever way she needed me, whether it was killing spiders, doing maintenance on the house, or fixing her "personal plumbing" on command, as she put it. Our relationship had perhaps never been very deep, and she thought that maybe the knowledge that I was Brandi's little brother was something that always kept her emotions for me at arm's length, even when she'd become an official girlfriend. But she always knew that I could fuck her pretty little brains out whenever she really wanted me to, and in her drunken horny state she'd audibly wished I could be there to fuck her pretty little brains out right then and there.

I didn't show up outside the house that very instant or anything, but Dayna's comment was still there. DJ had smiled dreamily with a thousand-yard stare, recollecting for the girls a time in the past when I'd fucked her pretty little brains out while we'd been together, and a few other times I'd fucked her pretty little brains out when we weren't together.

So then Dawn had to top that with some moment when I'd fucked HER pretty little brains out, which made Dayna recollect a time when I'd fucked HER pretty little brains out, so then DJ started talking about me fucking all THREE of their pretty little brains out at the same time, and THAT'S when Dawn got some weird fuzzy Link-ish inclination in her pretty little brain to go to the window and look outside.

Silently, Dawn saw me on the sidewalk and left the living room to open the front door. Curious, Dayna and DJ followed her a minute after. DJ had looked surprised and chirped, "Ben? What are you doing here?" Dayna had clapped her hands and did her happy dance, exclaiming, "Ooh, this is AWESOME!" And I'd gotten dragged inside the house peeling Dayna's lips off my face stammering apologies about needing to talk.

Well, the girls had just spent the last half-hour getting super-horny while drunkenly talking about all the times I'd fucked their pretty little brains out, so you'll understand that they were pretty one-track minded about the whole thing. I didn't know any of that yet, of course, but once DJ gave me a supervolcanic kiss on the couch while Dayna started working the zipper of my jeans with Dawn encouraging me to just go with it, I was pretty content to just go with it.

I won't bore you with the details. There was a lot going on in my life, with Dawn and I agreeing to remain friends, but only time would tell how well that held up. June and I were still in our first week introducing Penny to JKE methodology and procedures. She was intelligent and a fast learner, but she also asked a ton of questions. I didn't necessarily mind her asking questions – it was good to know what she did or didn't understand, and good for her to ask first instead of muddling through without really getting it. But the education process was time-consuming, and at the end of the day, it felt like June and I had accomplished very little actual work. Adrienne, Sasha, and I were still working out a new balance of intimacy in our lives. And of course, the twins still needed frequent attention. There's a lot of stuff I still need to tell you. But damn, that Evans Sister Foursome? Me, stuck between three beautiful busty blonde babes (and sisters to boot) who all wanted to fuck my brains out? Man, it was pretty SPECTACULAR. But yeah, I won't bore you with the details. Moving on...


Oh, you want the details? Fine, fine...

I've already explained how we got started: Dayna ordering me to hop my butt off the couch so she could drag my jeans down to my knees while DJ bared her breasts and shoved my face into her cleavage. We pretty much continued that way, the girls taking turns so that Dawn stripped off her top to feed me her boobies while DJ took over cocksucking duties so Dayna could stand up and strip down completely naked. After that, the three blonde sisters teamed up to give me a three-way blowjob, an act that certainly sounded much more appealing than it actually felt, since trying to fit all three of their heads around my dick resulted in a few too many bumped noggins. Still, it's the thought that counts.

Dayna was the first to hop on and go for a ride while DJ stripped off most of the rest of her clothes. I say 'most' because DJ actually didn't remove the lacy pink bra she wore with the cups still shoved down beneath her breasts, she also managed to keep on her shin-length tube socks and red Converse Chuck Taylor All Star shoes, and she even put back on the blue trucker hat she'd been wearing atop her old braided-pigtails hairstyle. In any case, the youngest Evans sister wasn't wearing any panties as she knelt on the couch beside me, sucking my face and playing tonsil hockey while I made two fingers disappear up her sweet bare-shaven snatch.

Dawn, meanwhile, had gone topless but was still fully-clothed from the waist down. She pressed her naked chest against Dayna's back, kissing her sister's neck and reaching around to both fondle the older girl's big tits and strum her sister's clit. Automatically, the pair of us were giving Dayna the Ben and Dawn Experience, manipulating the older girl's trigger spots and erogenous zones to maximize the busty blonde's pleasure and make her creamy cunt clamp down around my column of cock until she convulsed in a clenching climax. And that was just the start.

By now it should be fairly clear that I really love the Evans sisters. I love their whole family, and while my love for one sister can be very different from my love for another, I do love each of them in their own special way. My bonds with them go way beyond friendship, and in some ways go beyond family. There's a level of comfortability between us, a perfect fit that breeds absolute trust whenever we're with each other. I could practically tell one of them to jump off a bridge and as long as they thought I was serious, they'd probably do it, having faith that I would never intentionally cause them physical harm and believing sight-unseen that I had something to catch them below, and the same would be true for me.

So you'll understand that sex with an Evans sister would not require me to do any convincing or coaxing in order to get her to try something new. Take the same Evans sister and factor in the lowered inhibitions after a night of drinking and she becomes even more open to suggestion. Then put all THREE of them together, factor in their horniness level after spending all night swapping stories about me fucking their pretty little brains out, and raise their competitive ire when you challenge one of them to top the others ... well ... to say the girls were "sexually adventurous" with me that night would be a huge understatement.

Dayna had no sooner finished convulsing in a clenching climax around my column of cock when DJ unceremoniously pushed her big sister off my lap and climbed aboard in her place. I once again found my nose mashed into the youngest Evans sister's cleavage while she frantically humped up and down my skyward-pointed rocket, so primed and ready for takeoff that she blasted off into her climax less than sixty seconds later.

Dawn then growled "My turn" while pushing her little sister off my lap in the other direction, climbing aboard and going for her own bucking bronco ride, holding my head in her hands and plastering my mouth with one volcanic kiss after another until she whimpered and groaned her orgasm straight down my open throat.

Dayna suggested the girls get a blindfold and make me try to guess which one of them I was fucking after that, but I growled immediately, "No blindfolds."

Seconds later, I changed my mind and growled with a toothy grin, "Actually, get three blindfolds! And hey, bring the entire toy box while you're at it!"

The girls looked at each other, shrugged, and DJ went to find the toys. Meanwhile, Dawn had gone still in my lap, resting after the exertion of her first orgasm, so I lifted her off my lap, pushed Dayna into a kneeling position on the couch with her forearms braced against the backrest, and slammed my dick into her cunt from behind.

DJ returned with the toy box while I was still drilling Dayna. In a command voice, I directed her to fix Dayna's blindfold first, and then handcuff her eldest sister's wrists together too. DJ merely smirked while eagerly leaping to her task.

Dawn was next, and my best friend arched a curious eyebrow at me just before DJ slid the blindfold over her sky blue eyes. But Dawn obediently let her little sister do as ordered, especially since I pulled out of Dayna and started fucking her from behind on the couch right beside her big sister.

Finally, DJ put on her own blindfold and let me handcuff her before rotating her around to kneel side-by-side-by-side with her sisters on the couch. But instead of moving in and fucking the youngest Evans sister right away, I went to the toy box and retrieved three of the vibrating Ben Junior dildoes.

DJ's pussy got plugged up right away as I rammed a latex replica of my eight-inch cock into her cunt in one thrust. Seconds later, she squealed when I thumbed it to life. Dayna went next, merely grunting since she perhaps had a better idea of what to expect. And Dawn moaned softly when I pushed hers into place.

With all three girls plugged, the trio of vibrators humming away, I circled around the couch with the real Big Ben leading the way, going first to DJ to grab her head and bring it down toward my crotch, manually opening her jaw wide to feed the hot flesh of throbbing dickhead between her parted pink lips.

The gorgeous college coed groaned around a mouthful of meat, letting me slowly fuck her face while the vibrator continued buzzing in her snatch. But I only stayed with her for a minute before sliding to my right and feeding my dick to Dawn instead. Dayna went after her, then back to DJ, then back to Dayna, and finally back to Dawn. I gave each sister anywhere from a dozen thrusts to only three, switching back and forth at random over different intervals to keep them guessing. Sometimes I would push my pelvis all the way forward, forcing the girls to deep-throat my dick and keep myself buried long enough for them to gag a little and perhaps tear up beneath their blindfolds. Sometimes I held back and let them work my knob with their lips and tongues and even try to jack my shaft with their handcuffed hands.

The view, from my end, was amazing. The row of three blindfolded blonde heads, mouths open as they panted from the vibrators still buzzing in their cunts and each inviting the next invasion from my cock, was a supreme mental high. But mental highs alone would not get me off, and after perhaps ten minutes of this oral service, I decided I wanted to get some more pussy.

Circling back around to the other side of the couch, I retrieved three more Ben Junior dildoes and a bottle of Astroglide before standing myself behind Dawn's swaying butt and pulled out her vibrator. I mentioned before that she had gone topless while remaining fully clothed from the waist down. She'd worn a flowing skirt today and wedge sandals, and although she'd removed her panties so she could ride me on the couch earlier, her skirt and sandals remained. Now, I raised the skirt and tucked its hem into her waistband to give me an unobstructed view of my dick disappearing inch-by-inch into her pretty pussy while she bowed her head and moaned erotically. But as soon as my pelvis was pressed right up against her pale butt cheeks, I turned my attention just fractionally higher to watch inch after inch of lubricated Ben Junior dick disappear through her suddenly stretched sphincter.

"Oh, shit," Dawn grunted at the double-penetration, dropping her forehead onto the couch's backrest and alternately tensing up against the unexpected intrusion and forcing herself to relax her ass muscles. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck..."

"What's he doing?" Dayna asked, turning her head blindly.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon enough," Dawn groaned back, her voice strained.

"Sounds like he just started pushing into her ass," DJ replied knowingly.

"Dammit, I called dibs on anal!" Dayna complained.

"You may have called dibs on the anal creampie," Dawn grunted, "but there's still a fat cock being shoved up my ass."

I grinned. What Dawn said was true, technically, but she hadn't given away the surprise. As a reward, I stayed right where I was for a good five minutes, pounding her pussy while hand-pumping the Ben Junior in and out of her ass until she quivered and came, screaming my name as she released.

As soon as she was done, I pulled out of her pussy but left the vibrating Ben Junior still buzzing in Dawn's ass. Moving over to DJ, I yanked the vibrator out from her pussy and quickly replaced it with the real Big Ben. A second later, she grunted from the double-penetration as I started feeding a lubricated Ben Junior into her ass. But once that dildo was fully embedded, I pulled out of her pussy and moved over to finish Dayna as well.

"Ohhh, shitttt..." Dayna groaned when I started fucking her while hand-pumping the Ben Junior in and out of her colon, finally understanding what was going on. But I only fucked her for a minute before pulling out and spending some time in DJ's pussy instead. After that, I went back to Dawn, enjoying the sight of all THREE Evans butts up in the air with buzzing Ben Juniors sticking out of them. And after a minute, I switched again. And then again. And then again.

The view, from my end, was amazing. The row of three blindfolded and handcuffed blonde babes, asses up with the handles of Ben Junior dildoes sprouting like flowers from their stretched sphincters and pretty pink pussies puffy in anticipation of my next penile penetration, was a supreme mental high. But mental highs alone would not get me off, and after perhaps ten minutes of doggy-fucking them one sister after the other, I was ready to blow.

But not before getting my girls off first. Although each of them had gotten a starter climax riding in my lap way in the beginning, only Dawn had orgasmed again since. And I still remembered one of Keira's Golden Rules: Make the girl cum first.

So after re-burying my tool inside DJ's spasming snatch, I reached down to finally unclasp her pink bra and let it fall down her arms, where the lacy fabric wound up trapped against her handcuffed wrists. Then, I leaned over her naked body and grabbed hold of those big swaying 34DD tits, using them to yank her body back against my ramming thrusts. I pounded her pussy and squeezed her big boobs, every now and again wriggling the Ben Junior wedged in her colon or reaching around to caress her clit. And I yanked on her braided pigtails before scooping a forearm around her midsection to trap her against my belly while I carved my cock counterclockwise around the inner walls of her cunt.

Within minutes, I had DJ blindly screaming obscenities that echoed off the living room ceiling. She tossed her head back and forth hard enough to send the trucker hat flying, and soon she came to a riotous climax.

Then it was Dawn's turn. My best friend went off like a firecracker quite easily, after only a couple minutes of dedicated fucking. And finally, it was on to Dayna.

"Please..." my sweetheart ex-girlfriend whimpered as I slowly burrowed my way back into her sodden snatch. She was soaking wet but just short of orgasm, and she shivered beneath my roaming hands as I stroked her spine, squeezed her shoulders, and then grabbed on for the ride.

"AAAAUUGGGH!" Dayna screamed as I slammed my way forward after an agonizingly slow retraction.

"AAAAUUGGGH!" she howled once more after I did it again.

"AAAAUUGGGH! AAAAUUGGGH! AAAAUUGGGH!" she screamed in quick succession as I sped up my thrusts. And then finally we both were off to the races, nothing left to hold back.

"FUCK!" Dayna groaned a minute later in rhythm with my first thrust, followed repetitively by a screamed "ME!" on the second thrust. And the chant continued after that. "FUCK! ME! FUCK! ME! FUCK! ME!"

"Fuck the shit outta her!" DJ hollered to egg me on, and I glanced over to find that she'd sat up on the couch and removed her own blindfold to watch.

"Ooh, I know what you're gonna do," Dawn mused with a knowing smile, as she likewise had removed her blindfold and turned to watch.

"Fuck-me-fuck-me-fuck-me," Dayna chanted repeatedly as I sped up to allegro speed, my thick dick sawing in and out of her stretched snatch. Her cuffed hands were braced against the top of the backrest, her arm muscles taut from the effort of absorbing each impact. Her long blonde hair flew around like a wild mane, and after a moment I reached up to grab hold of it in my left hand like reins, leaving my right hand free to slap her ass cheek over and over and over again.

"Giddy-up, filly! Whoo-eee!" I hollered.

"Fuuuuck Meeee!" Dayna howled as she approached detonation. "I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum, baby, cum!" I cheered with one last spank before rubbing my palm into her reddened cheek. Letting go of her hair and grabbing hold of her hips, I raised my right foot onto the seat cushions for extra leverage and really began to lay down the lumber.

"AAAAUUGGGH!" Dayna howled again, on the last edge of climax. "AAAAUUGGGH! AAAAUUGGGH! Holy AAAAAAUUUUGGGGGHHH!!!"

Dayna's final cry increased an order of magnitude in both volume and intensity, but it wasn't a cry of climax. Actually, in that moment I'd abruptly yanked the Ben Junior out of her ass and swiftly replaced it with real cock, skewering the beautiful busty blonde babe on my bulbous purple rod in a single powerful thrust. Caught by surprise, Dayna threw her head back hard enough to nearly bonk me in the head, but I just managed to flinch away from the impact and bear down with both hands to keep the bucking beauty's butt braced against my pelvis. And as she went wild and crazy beneath me, thrashing limbs and screaming her pretty little head off, I slammed her body down onto the couch and began blasting her bowels full of scalding hot jizz.

"Holy ... hell..." Dayna whimpered beneath me, shaking like a leaf as orgasmic aftershocks sent her limbs twitching even while I continued to cream her colon. Over and over again, my body pulsed while spitting out wad after wad into the darkest depths of her anal chute. Only when my testicles had dried up, with nothing left to give, did I finally collapse, dropping my weight down flush against my lover's back. And only after Dayna found my hands and intertwined her fingers with mine did she finally smile and turn her face to kiss my cheek in satisfied thanks.

"There, you got your dibs on the anal creampie. Happy?" DJ taunted.

"Fuck yeah," Dayna breathed wearily. "But that was only one. We've got at least two more to go."

Dawn giggled a little drunkenly. "Is it too much to ask for a trifecta of trifectas?"

"You mean nine?" DJ whistled.

Wheezing from my own exertion, I raised my eyebrows and looked up at the youngest Evans girl. "Well ... It's worth a try..."

No, we didn't make it to nine, and we didn't even come close. Not that any of us complained. By the end of the night everyone was both completely exhausted and completely satisfied, and we made a few memories I know I'll keep forever.

I'll never forget the sight of the three Evans sisters in 69a on top of the big King-size bed in DJ's room. No, that's not a typo – it's basically a 69, but with one more girl (Dayna) on the very bottom (like always), face-up, with DJ also face-up on top of her but reversed head-to-toe. That way, Dayna could crane her neck up between DJ's spread legs to lick DJ's pussy, even though DJ couldn't return the favor. Instead, DJ could lick Dawn's pussy, who was in the traditional '6' position, while Dawn could both lick DJ's pussy as well or lean even forward to share a kiss with Dayna way down at the bottom.

It wasn't really a viable long-term fucking position, more of an amazing view. But the drunk, horny, happy Evans sisters were up for my suggestion, especially when I finished by blasting DJ's cunt full of cock cream and Dawn had a front row view of watching creamy spunk dribble out from DJ's stretched snatch like a waterfall down to Dayna's waiting mouth.

The girls also got really creative with the Ben Junior dildoes. Apparently Dawn told them about the triple-harness Newton's Cradle thing we'd done with the twins, and the next thing I knew all three Evans girls were sporting fake dicks sprouting from their loins. Of course, Dayna got it into her head that turnabout was fair play, and she started dropping hints about probing MY ass. But that made Big Ben deflate down to Li'l Ben, so DJ put a stop to that.

At first, DJ and Dayna tried a sixty-nine, just sucking on each other's fake dick for fun while Dawn pushed her Ben Junior into Dayna's ass and I pushed the real thing into DJ's butthole.

Then we tried the Newton's Cradle, with Dawn taking her harness back off to sit on my cleaned-up cock, Dayna pushing Ben Junior into Dawn's butthole, and DJ pushing hers into Dayna's ass.

And then Dayna took her harness off as well, straddling my dick in a cowgirl position and bending over. Dawn then fed one side of the new double-ended Ben Junior dildoes into her big sister's ass, held onto the flexible base and turned around to back her own butt onto the other end, and finally sat down on DJ's upthrust Ben Junior harness beneath her.

All of these fun and complex positions were just that: fun. But they were high on entertainment value and light on actual pleasure. So once Dayna started getting antsy in search of another monster orgasm, Dawn and DJ pulled out the double-ended dildoes and moved out of the way so that Dayna could sit up and just go for a ride, letting her head loll around her shoulders while I reached up to palm her big 36DD's and use the springiness of the mattress to thrust up into her cunt. Dayna was just getting close to climax when Dawn and DJ re-entered the picture, Dawn pulling her big sister's head over to suckle on a pretty pink nipple while DJ got a gleam in her eye just before shoving a lubricated Ben Junior vibrator back up Dayna's backdoor.

Dayna got her monster orgasm, which was great. But the combination of her orgasmically-clenching cunt muscles and the low vibration of the anal dildo that somehow also vibrated against my balls actually set me off, causing me to plug up the eldest Evan's girl's womb full of sperm. That meant Dayna got her anal creampie, and DJ got her vaginal creampie, but then I'd gone and ruined the trifecta by giving Dayna a vaginal creampie, too.

Of course that would not do, and the girls decided to punish me by strapping me to the desk chair and blindfolding me.

Seriously, what's with these girls and blindfolds?

They then took turns sucking on my schlong, sometimes two at a time, or sitting in my lap and riding my rod while the others either kissed me or fed me their boobies, daring me all the while to guess which sister was doing what.

To be honest, I really didn't give a shit which one of them was doing what. I was too happy to let them continue as they were. Big Ben got shoved into pussy after pussy, mouth after mouth, and even cleavage after cleavage once Dayna got it into her head to give me some tit-fucking as well.

And then all of a sudden, everything stopped. Each girl had ridden herself to at least one more climax on my cock, and apparently they all decided that they'd had enough. One minute, Dayna was crooning her latest orgasm into my ear while clutching my shoulders and doing her darndest to suffocate me with her massive mammaries, and the next she had dismounted my dick and walked out the door. I even heard the door shut after she went through. And that left me still blindfolded, hands and legs tied to the desk chair, all fucking alone.

At least, I thought I'd been left alone. Just when Big Ben started to deflate in disappointment, a warm wet mouth surrounded him to breathe him back to life. Strong, supple, and sensitive, my blowjob artiste's touch was instantly familiar: it was my Dawn.

Playful and polished, my best friend tenderly made love to my loins, using her lips, tongue, and hands to caress, suckle, and tease both my cock and my balls. She hoovered me with incredible pressure and tantalized the top of my knob with her tongue. She stroked my shaft with both hands and fondled my testicles with her palm. She ran her lips down both sides of my rod and kissed the tip of my mushroom cap. And after a nice, slow build-up after the brief intermission of Dayna's exit, my Dawn took me deep into her throat and hummed happily in anticipation of my load.

I saw stars in my eyes and inky blackness clouded my vision. But though I briefly lost one of my five senses, I didn't lose consciousness. I was fully aware of the indescribable pleasure that filled my very being at the point of my release, a purity of light and blissful sensation that overwhelmed everything else, leaving nothing to feel but absolute pleasure.

When my vision returned, I still could see nothing but the black inside of my blindfold, but at least I could see the blindfold. Even that was soon removed, and after blinking a few times to clear my eyes, I looked down into the twinkling beauty of Dawn's baby blues. She smiled up at me before daintily scooping up a droplet of cum that had dripped down on her chin. And after licking it up, she gave me a warm grin before ducking down to take one last nuzzling suck on my rapidly deflating cock.

"Gawd damn I love you," I breathed, absolutely in awe of her incredible beauty.

The woman who was perhaps the greatest love of my life giggled musically as she smiled up at me from her knees before the chair, her fingernails scratching my thighs. "I love you, too."

My next words came without a second thought. "Will you marry me?"

Dawn chuckled, as if she were expecting that exact question. Perhaps she had, having sensed it in me before the words had even left my lips. That idea seemed perfectly logical, since I sensed her answer even before she replied.

"Of course not," Dawn stated simply, still with a beautiful smile. "You're the air I breathe. I'm already yours forever, body and soul, and I don't need a wedding band to prove it."

"But I love you."

"And I love you. But again, the answer is 'No, I won't marry you.'"

"You're already committed to me, for all eternity."

"Damn straight."

"We don't need to complicate things with a romantic relationship."

"No, we don't."

"You're happier without the external pressure of being my wife, without parental expectations for uniting our families. The goal ... and fear ... of marrying me consumed Perfect Dawn. But you're not her anymore."

"No, I'm not."

I turned that over in my head, and nodding slowly in understanding, I gave her a wan smile and sighed. "So what do we do now? What's the plan?"

Dawn grinned. "Now I untie you from those bonds, lead you by the hand downstairs to my bedroom, and the two of us make sweet happy love until you at least complete an Evan's Sister Pussy Trifecta by letting me fall asleep with your sperm soaking into my womb, both of us dreaming of the day you finally make me pregnant."

Despite having cum four times already, my dick twitched at the idea of knocking her up. I grinned and leaned forward to kiss her cheek as she moved in closer to untie my wrists. And when she glanced back into my eyes at the kiss, I warmly replied, "Good plan."

She smiled back. "Happy Valentine's Day."

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