1 year later
It was a long year for John, but now it was finally time to return home.
During the long year the Galaxy was mostly peaceful since everybody was rebuilding what was lost. The Citadel was almost completed and would represent the remaining races of the Galaxy and establish Galactic Justice.
John's Federation was still a thing, and the Quarians were still a part of the Federation. Unlike before, when the Quarians were not seen outside their flotilla since they have reclaimed their home world, more Quarians are seen around the Galaxy and even on the Citadel.
The Citadel was even more elegant than before since its overall look was changed, and now it was a little bigger than before and could contain up to 20 million people at once.
The Citadel compared to the Atlas, which was what the giant space station that was built as the Capital of the John's Alliance called, had really become the center of the Galaxy over the Citadel.
The Atlas could contain over 30 million people at once and many races had already come to this station to trade with each other since the Atlas was open to all even if they were not part of the Alliance.
One of the many differences between the Atlas and the Citadel was the security, since there was always a fleet that protected the station and the security on the station called the ASF(Atlas security forces) was very large bigger than C-Sec which was the Citadel security forces.
The ASF had a variety of officers, from Geth to Imperium soldiers to Quarians. Anybody was allowed to join but only those who passed the test could join the ASF which the test was very hard since very few people from other races were able to join.
Once the Citadel is complete, a new council will be chosen to represent the Galaxy. The new additions to the Council were the Systems Alliance and the Imperium.
The Imperium was chosen because it was the most powerful Empire in the Galaxy and with the addition of the Reaper fleet nobody could stop them if John wished to conquer the Galaxy. Not giving the Imperium a seat on the council would be stupid since any Galactic law that they don't like they don't have to follow it and who will stop them from breaking the law or not obeying it, Nobody since the Imperium was just too strong.
John was on Chasca as he was about to take the shuttle to his ship and prepare to leave through the wormhole. With him were Starfire, Thanos and his children, Ronin, and Jane, who wanted to see another Galaxy.
John didn't tell the Galaxy about the Star Wars Galaxy, since he wanted to first return to see if anything had happened while he was away. If everything was good, then he would tell the Races of the Mass Effect Galaxy and allow them to visit the Star Wars Galaxy.
The exception was the Quarians who John had told about the Star Wars Galaxy, and they were excited to be able to see it.
John had taken the shuttle back to his capital ship and had lined up in front of the Wormhole Gate. Behind him were other ships who would follow him through, just in case something happens.
As the ships lined up, John gave a thumbs up to the pilot, telling him to proceed through the Wormhole Gate. The pilot nodded and proceeded forward through the Gate.
John didn't know what would happen when going through the Wormhole Gate, but once they went through nothing really happened except they appeared in the middle of nowhere near a planet that looked familiar.
But Before John could even think of what planet it was, numerous ships had exited out of Hyper space and had surrounded John's ships.
After a couple of seconds the leader of the fleet had contacted the ship asking where they are from and what are they doing here in this space.
John had put his face on the screen, thinking that the captain would know who he was, but it seemed that the Captain didn't know who he was but suddenly some soldiers had noticed, and they had informed the Captain who once he got a closer look noticed who he was and almost shit his pants for not knowing sooner.
The Captain had taken a shuttle over to confirm whether it was true or not and after conforming that it was true he had bowed, apologizing for not knowing sooner.
John told him not to worry about it and asked him some questions about the time since he was gone.
John was gone for 8 Months and in that time frame everything has been peaceful, and the government was able to stay strong with John missing. The Captain explained some more about what he knew before John had him inform his wives, but what he didn't know was that they were already on the way.
Padme was sitting in an office looking at the reports of the Imperium with Layla. She was still surprised at how the Government could keep track of all these numbers that were on the report. She figured it was why they were able to take over the Galaxy, since the Government was so strong and united.
While she was reading over the Report with Layla suddenly Layla had felt a familiar presence, and she knew exactly who this was, so she stood up which surprised Padme and said
"He had returned"
Which Padme immediately understood and asked where. But Layla didn't know where, and only knew that she felt his presence. Moments later a soldier had knocked on the door informing them of the location where a fleet had stopped a strange fleet, and they knew that this was the place where John would be, so they hurried to a shuttle and went to a ship to take them to the location.
Some people had asked for Andromeda so Andromeda will be something that will be mention as the story goes but won't have it's own chapters and will combined as a side story that will be metioned along with other Chapters