On Coruscant at the Jedi Temple, a few hours before the invasion by the Imperium Master Yoda was battling against Mace and an already corrupted Anakin. Kenobi was fighting alongside Master Yoda and was battling Anakin while Master Yoda deals with Mace. Anakin had believed that Kenobi had betrayed him which is why he fought against Master Yoda and Kenobi
Slowly as the battle progressed Mace began to use more of the Dark side in his battle and began to lose control and become corrupted by the power of the Dark side. Mace was so focused on defeating Master Yoda that he didn't realize that he was being corrupted and began to use more of what the Jedi call the Dark Side of the Force.
Master Yoda could be seen hopping around jumping at Mace while dodging his strikes. Mace would block Yoda and quickly counter with a swing before Yoda could hit the Ground but Master Yoda was too fast for Mace to land a hit and he could only lock blades with Yoda.
Kenobi and Anakin were fighting a little distance away from where Mace and Yoda were fighting and the fight was evenly matched between Anakin and Obi-wan but as time progressed Anakin gained the advantage and began to make Kenobi go on the Defensive.
Although Kenobi was a Master Jedi and strong in the force he was nowhere near Anakin's level and now that Anakin was using the Dark side his power grew so Kenobi wouldn't last that long against Anakin.
All around the Temple, the Army of light was winning the battle against those who supported Master Yoda and some Jedi even switched sides.
As Anakin was pushing back Kenobi Master Yoda and Mace were still clashing but this time Mace and Yoda were evenly matched as Mace was pressuring Yoda by using the Force to throw objects at Yoda then rushing towards him.
Master Yoda had around 800 years of experience in combat so blocking the objects and dealing with Mace was no problem for him but Mace was beginning to grow stronger in the Force since he was slowly being corrupted by the Dark side. Yoda was jumping at Mace using his size and speed to his advantage to pressure Mace into being defensive. Although Mace was an excellent Lightsaber wielder and probably the strongest after Yoda as he didn't have the hundreds of years of experience as Yoda. The battle was looking to be in favor of Yoda as he landed a few hits on Mace but nothing to prevent him from fighting but Mace grew even angrier the more he got hit which resulted in that anger being used and turned into power.
Slowly the battle became and stalemate as Yoda and Mace kept blocking each other's strikes.
The Clone troopers sent to the Jedi Temple by Palpatine were exiting their transports and investigating the Temple and what they found was many dead Jedi bodies and even some Padawans who tried to fight alongside their masters but were killed.
The clones walked past the bodies and as they got closer to the Temple entrance they could see a Jedi dressed in all white standing over another Jedi that they had recently defeated. Once the Jedi dressed in all white saw the clone troopers approaching he walked up to them as well
"This is the Jedi Temple and you not allowed to be here only Jedi," Said the Light Jedi
"We were sent to investigate the Fighting at the Jedi temple by orders of the Chancellor Palpatine," Said the clone trooper.
"The Jedi are currently on a crusade to eliminate the Dark side from the galaxy but some traitors refused to accept the forming of the Army of light and decided to turn against the Order," Said the Army of Light Jedi
The Clone trooper was about to say something until they got an order to arrest all the Jedi in the temple and to stop the fighting.
Palpatine didn't want the Army of light to form as that would disrupt his plans and make the Jedi discover his true identity so he had the clone arrest them and used them to stop the fighting and hoped that they would fight the clones.
The clone troopers point their weapons at Light soldier and ordered him to surrender but instead of surrendering he drew his lightsaber and charged at the clones deflecting any blaster shots. Hearing the commotion other Light Jedi came and joined the battle then sometime later more Clones Showed up and it became an all-out battle between the Army of Light and the clone army in front of the Jedi Temple.
Back in the council chambers, Anakin had succeeded in defeating Kenobi and killing him which now caused it to be a two on one battle between Anakin and Mace versus Yoda. The other Jedi masters were either dead or still engaged in combat and couldn't come to help Master Yoda so he was on his own.
Both Anakin and Mace had started charging at Yoda from both sides to quickly defeat him as if he fell then the other Jedi would be easy to defeat.
Yoda had used the force and pulled Kenobi Lightsaber in his other hand now having two lightsabers he blocked the attack from Kenobi and jumped away to avoid the attack from Anakin but once he jumped away Anakin changed direction and slashed at Master Yoda while he was in the air and grazed his shoulder causing a small wound to appear.
Above Coruscant John's fleet had just jumped into the system and were engaging a Republic fleet defending the Planet. The battle was heavily on John's side as the republic fleet was being destroyed.
But more and more ships were jumping into the system from behind them so John had his fleet blockade the planet while also engaging the Republic fleets that were coming from behind them.
Once in Orbit John had left the command of the fleet to a capable Admiral that he trusted while he boarded a transport along with Maul, Layla, 3 Force Guards, and 4 ECD's and a couple of Mandalorian soldiers. As the transport began to launch 10 fighters and 5 bombers had escorted the transport followed by thousands of more transports that carried soldiers to take over Coruscant.
Back at the Jedi temple Master Yoda was weak from blocking and dodging Anakin and Mace's strikes. Some Jedi had come to help during the fight but would be blocked by the Army of Light Jedi.
Master Yoda was trying to figure out a way to escape the battle so he used the force to grab something large enough in the room and threw it at both Anakin and Mace and used the chance to escape while they evaded the object but Anakin had used his own power to push the object back while Mace ran after Yoda but because of Yoda's size and speed, he was able to jump out of the council room window leaving behind Anakin and Mace.
Once Yoda landed he looked up and saw thousands of transports flying through the sky. Three transports began heading to the location of the Jedi Temple and onboard these transports were John, Layla, 3 Force Guards, and 4 ECD's while the other two transports had Mandolorian warriors.
The three transports landed in front of Yoda unloading all the Mandalorians and John's group. John was looking at Master Yoda who was heavily injured and attempted to heal him but Yoda stopped him.
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